January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally nice to hear from hon, that really made me smile Isa saying come here in Urdu. I know what u mean about legging it round with walker lol.. O was exactally the same. Glad your dh is doing ok as well. It sounds like u have a good plan. Interesting you are considering the home schooling option. I looked into doing it last year with my teen. That was mainly due to bullying though.. I thought “ can’t be that hard “ we have been at uni years lol.. when I looked into it I was like .. err maybe not !! haha.. I think it was because it was his GCSEs though.. and his is a Lazy teen ! So I thought the structure would probably be better for him. Thankfully the bullying seems to have sorted itself now fingers crossed 🤞..

O is getting up 5.30 ish , down to one nap most days now. That’s been since starting nursery really. He is really smiley when he gets there which is nice. He actually puts his arms out if they ask him to. There is a lady there the kids call granny jean lol.. she seems to be his fave:) he always give her a big smile which is reassuring..

Vroggers/ glad everything going ok with new baby. O was sucking his cord all the time in his scans , so cute isn’t it :) exciting stuff. I can’t believe u r 30 weeks !
L sounds like she is doing great with her walking :) it’s great that the doc has said that a nurse can entertain L during your section if needed. I’m sure that’s a relief for u and dh X

Well I’m dat in hairdressers with fouls on my head, having some overdue me time. Ds was up in night with sore ear so wasn’t sure it was going to happen but he has gone to mums and is playing there fine. O getting much more confident doing steps, still does about 4/5 at a time , most about 8. He will stretch his arms out to grab what is in front of him and basically let it and grip on😂 is cute. He is getting braver. He is very pleased with his new shoes haha..and actually keeps them on !

I emailed a private hospital this week, I’m considering having boobs done, not much left of them since feeding last two babies, not that there was much to start with lo.
Not sure yet just a thought at the min but something I’ve considered since being 16. Maybe reaching the mid life crisis stage ha..

Anyway hope u have a nice day ladies x
Apple - Yes, my job does require a lot of concentration!
Don’t worry - I’m not judging your typos! I am always posting on my phone in a hurry as well, so I really can’t judge. ;)
That’s interesting you’re considering getting your boobs done! Let us know what you decide! Great job with O taking more steps. I’m glad your ds isn’t being bullied anymore.

Ally - I think that’s great you’re considering homeschooling! I think it’s a great option. I wanted to homeschool for a while, but since having kids, I think it might be too much for me. I know lots of homeschool moms who love it, though!
That’s great you’re looking at working part time. I hope after a year or two of this full time business, I can work part time until the kids are all grown up! It really is so important to be with them lots when they’re so young.

VRogers - that’s great someone can watch L while you have your section. That will make things a lot easier. It would be super stressful to have to sort out an overnight with her being so young.
Yes, definitely sounds like L still needs her 2 naps. :)

AFM - not much up. Just had a long weekend, but DH was sick for 2 out of the 3 days with a stomach flu. Blah! Thankfully, yesterday we had a nice day together. Took the kids to an indoor playground and picked up Take-out on the way home. I’ve been really stressed and tired lately. Needed lots of naps all weekend. We are interviewing daycares and it’s a total headache. Some of them way overcharge!
Apple- we never saw L do that so I didn’t even know it was a thing! It does make sense though.
Yay for getting to go to hairdressers!
I don’t blame you for considering getting your boobs done, pregnancy does quite a change to them!

Literati- sounds like you had a busy weekend. How is the daycare search coming? It is ridiculous how much some of them charge.
This thread has died down so much! It makes me kind of sad. I don't want to lose contact with all my January buddies!

Lite - I hate hate hate interviewing. I never know how to feel about them. I always have horrid luck, too. I still haven't told my current I'm going to be leaving her because I feel bad about it. I know I shouldn't, but I do. She's overall a good lady, but my boys need someone better.

Last weekend I kept them home because O is new to using the potty and I told her her that and that he would need an adult's help. I made sure to say adult to see if she would say anything and she said that she was still using a walker (thought she would be done using it. She had a foot infection) and would take her awhile to get there and if one of the older kids can help him. So I kept them home because it felt like a totally unsafe situation even if there are older kids that can help. I want my children watched by adults not children. Plus I don't want my 3 year old thinking it is okay for ANYONE to help him to the potty. Ugh.. I feel sick about it all still. It was a total mess and my DH had to take work off to stay with them. There was even an argument between us over it all and I had a mental breakdown and then kicked my brother and his family out. They found somewhere safe (at least I hope safe) to go so.. hopefully they get their crap together. After the argument I just knew they had to go. The tension has been so high here.. we needed our home back.

Apple - If I ever care to do something to my breasts it would be a lift in the future :haha: They will definitely be floppy things later.

Vrogers - I keep watching your counter! Exciting!! Decided on her name yet? I was looking at baby girl names today. I really want one some day. I like the name Avery also Saoirse which my DH really likes.. which is an Irish name and not common over here. Although.. it hit the top 1000 on SSA baby list last year. Rank 983 :haha: Probably because of the actor. That's okay.. if it gets common enough maybe I wouldn't mind using it lol

AFM - Work was hell on Tue/Wed. Sorry for my choice of words if it is offending, but it truly was. I want a new job so bad. It took all of me to not put two weeks in and as a nurse I should put 30 days. I feel very very very little appreciation and one of my nurse coworkers makes it complete hell to work with. Doesn't do her job making it REALLY hard to work with and follow. It was such a mess. I was there 3 hours over one day because of her. I came home to my boys asleep. I was so angry that day. Then the next day I was so mentally done that I just couldn't hardly work. I was so depressed. I kept almost crying all day and actually hid in the med room for 15 minutes during a med pass just to cry.

Don't mind me and my pity party.

I'm going to talk to my hubby about trying to move up. That way I can either 1) go to part time or 2) Find another job and do part time there to work around his schedule till our hours work out better

It'll be easier to figure out 2 days vs 3.

Boys are doing well. They got some croup crud, but area already much better. Very short. T got a stomach bug too and woke up throwing up. He stayed out with DH and I guess he threw up a couple of times. Poor buddy. Did okay through it all, though. Both have runny noses still and T has a bit of a cough left. Glad I had a nebulizer to give him when it was real bad.

On my TTC journey. I have no idea if I ovulated or not. Temping hasn't provided any answers. I had a positive OPK and a temp dip on one of those days then a slight rise the next 3 days then a spike then a huge dip today. No idea. Makes me mad. If I ovulated on the dip I'm 5dpo.
Ali- I agree, I’ve noticed it’s slowed down so much and it makes me sad! I will be staying here for as long as even just one other person is here too, no plans on me leaving!
I let dh choose as long as we could do Jean for her middle name (after my dads mom) and he is pretty set on Elizabeth! I was indifferent at first but it has grown on me and seems to go with her sisters name Lillian really well!
Work sounds awful especially having to go over 3 hours and then coming home unable to spend time with your boys. I honestly wouldn’t blame you if you changed jobs. Maybe you could start job hunting now and then put in your notice, if you can’t/don’t want to do part time? It sucks to be miserable at work when you have to be there so often and you would rather be with your family!
I’m no expert at all but that does sound like ovulation to me, with the temp dip and pos OPK. If I remember correctly there is also a secondary estrogen surge that can cause a temp dip, but I don’t remember exactly when? Do you use fertility friend at all? I hope you get it sorted and can know for sure asap!
Vroggers/ yes it was a nice treat. I always go to same place. She used to come to your house but has gone into business with a couple of friends and they have a really nice salon and do hair and beauty now., the place is lush, really pamper you. You can have a choice of fancy coffee ect or wine if u like lol . I got highlights and even decided to have brows waxed. I felt a new woman haha ..,I’m also watching your counter like Ali , it’s going quickly :) I know I say it every time but exiting !! Lol.. how’s L getting on with her walking about ? :)

Ali, wow sounds like u have really had a week of it. Sorry ur job is so rubbish at the min. It’s such a pain when u have a member of staff like that. My step daughter is due to qualify as a paediatric nurse , she has just applied for a children's ward and at the min it’s 1 nurse to 14 children , I think that’s crazy and unsafe. Then another place 10 miles away is 1 nurse to 4 children , such a difference. I hope u do manage to change you job if poss x

I would have kept ds at home like u did in that situation. Sorry about the arguments 🙁 and u have been really good to your brother and his family. maybe it’s what they needed by the sound of it. U need your family time back hon x
With TTC I do think that prob sounds like ovulation, the main and most reliable sign for me was changes down below 😆 i def got more discharge stuff sorry for tmi ha.. I temped every day same time am and the was a def spike around same time. Fingers crossed it happens soon..:)

Well been a chilly but bright weekend here. We went out for a drive today and went to a park. Oh took ds inside a castle which was nice whilst I sat n chilled with O, it wasn’t good for prams. In the park the was a bandstand and ds had it all to himself. He got up and did full rendition of ed Sheehan castle on the hill lol.. was really funny with his air guitar.. he was so dramatic haha.. good video for his 18th 😂 his hair is exactly same colour so that why he is a big fan. He also asked if Chris could come for tea a while back , I thought he meant my brother. He said “ no chris Martin “ deadly serious , massive cold play fan as well lol ..I’m like yeah mummy wishes darling haha ..they come out with some funny stuff at time 😂 I remember my eldest asking Santa for an invisible door lol..
well I’ve got quite a busy week. I’m training for 4 days this week. In Manchester, it’s cost me £500 and work won’t put a penny to it but will expect me to use it as part of my role , it’s a joke really. It’s something I want to do though so will hopefully be worth it.
O getting more confident with his steps every day, still not free walking really , he will just walk to u if u put your arms out to him, I think the most is about 10 steps so far but on his own he will take about 4 then go to his bum. We put him in a swing today and he was cracking up laughing in it .. so cute..
it is definitely getting quiet on here but it’s just down to people getting busy I think. The last good thread I was on faded out which was sad but it wasn’t anywhere near as good as this one or last as long. I’ll keep coming on even if it’s only every few days. I do love catching up with my B&B mummy’s x 😘 u all keep me sane haha.. I love hearing what all our little babies and moms/ mummy’s are up to and we have new little ones on way now and TTC !! Xx

Anyway hope u r all having / had nice weekend , I’ll be on again soon x
Good morning everyone! I haven't logged into BnB in a long time, but was thinking about you all lately and wanted to pop in and see if anyone was still here. :kiss:

Melody is doing so well. She's almost 14 months, (as most of yours are too! :haha: ) and she's running all over the place. She eats really well, so well that the daycare has asked me to provide extra snacks they can keep in their fridge for her so that on days when she eats everything I've packed they have extra just in case. :facepalm: Last weekend she figured out she enjoys closing doors, so she keeps running around closing all the doors (and locking herself into rooms because she can't get back out), and Just this weekend she figured out how to open the front door, so I found her standing on the front porch when DH forgot to lock it! :dohh:

I do wish she would sleep longer. No matter what time she goes to bed, she's up around 6am. BUT she sleeps really well, so bedtime is around 6:30pm for her, and she sleeps straight through until 6am! Phew. 12 hours of beautiful sleep. And, we got her one of those nightlight pillow pets that puts stars on the ceiling so she will sit in the crib and play with it for a little bit and then just lay down, stare at the ceiling and put herself to sleep. No crying or anything. It's so lovely. Makes up for the craziness she puts us through during the day :haha:

How are your Little's doing on talking? M will say "hi" all the time, and says "dada", and "puppies" (thats what we call our dogs). She refuses to say Mama. She can say it, I've heard her make the sounds, but if you try to get her to say it she'll look right at you and say "Dada". Sometimes i Feel like she really should be saying more, but maybe I'm just overthinking it.

Is anyone TTC again? I know that most of you already had at least one before , but M was my first and we've decided to start TTC#2 soon(ish). I'm having my IUD removed the first week of April and then we'll start TTC in May/June-ish.

Apple - so I just read you'er considering getting your boobs done? Wow! That's really interesting. I know a couple family members who have had reductions, but don't know anyone who has done anything else. Would be interested to see how that goes! :)

Ally - Homeschooling is definitely an option as long as you're up for the challenge. :) As a public school teacher I know that schools don't always work for everyone, I also know that sometimes homeschool kids come to us who are well prepared and sometimes we get those kids whose parents tried to homeschool but weren't really up for the teaching portion so they just let the "internet" do it for them and their children are woefully lacking in skills. I encourage parents to look into homeschooling if that's what is best for your family, but to make sure you're up for it. :) I've actually considered it myself if our local community does not pass the bond we're trying to pass to get another building. It's too crowded and I love my district but I'm not sure I want my daughter in the overcrowded elementary.

Vrogers - do I see that you're pregnant and expecting soon?? Congrats!! :happydance: How exciting!! I wish I'd been keeping up sooner!

Ali - Sounds like you're having a rough time with childcare? (If I read your post right). I'm so sorry. It's so hard to find good childcare. We searched for a long time and really had to debate between home care and a center. In the end I went with a certified center, and I really love my daycare, but we were lucky to find them. They do charge quite a bit though.
Angel - So good to hear from you!!!

Oh goodness it's so scary when they can get out!! I really need to put up some safeguards due to my oldest. He doesn't try to go out on his own, but it just takes one time. He did lock me out of the house one day. Not truly, but I was getting the dog inside and I went to walk back in and he bolted me out! Laughing on the other side.

BAH if T would sleep 12 hours I would be a whole new woman! He has been horrid lately. I don't even know what to do. I'm so tired myself that its so so SO hard to break bad habits.

She's right where she should be for speaking. T says Mama, Dada, more, and go. We work on new words, but push it. He tries to say blue and it's cute because he blows lip bubbles trying to do it.

I'm actually TTC at the moment. 8DPO. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I got lucky with both boys and it took only one month. What are my odds to do that again?

Apple - Being a nurse is very frustrating. We want to provide quality care, but the corporations are only in it for the money. We get shorted all the time. They expect us to provide quality care without the means to do so. That's so funny about the Ed Sheeran performance lol.. I love red heads!

Vrogers - I am using FF.. I finally got my cross hairs today and it was on the same day OPK predicted ovulation. I had a high jump today so I'm hoping it means my chart is turning triphastic. Hoping it stays up tomorrow.

I'm semi job hunting. I just have to find something that would work with my husband's schedule or somewhere willing to work with me. It's so hard. I usually just want to break down and cry over it all. My anxiety is so high about going to work tomorrow. I don't know who I work with..
Angel, loverly to hear from u, M sounds like she is doing great. 12 hours .. wow that sounds bliss !! Scary she nearly got out. We have gates everywhere still from ds but if I left it open I’ve no doubt O would be straight to front door. They are so quick !! Ms talking sounds great bless her.

Ali/ I really feel it for u with the job situation. I’ve everything crosses hon that u find something else soon that fits in with hubby. T sounds like he is doing great with his talking bless him :) how’s thibgs going with your brother. I think u said he found somewhere else to live, has that lasted ? Hope things a bit more settled at home for u. I bet it’s nice to get hubby and your boys back to yourself x 8dpo :) I got BFF at 9 :) fx

Well I’ve had a stressful evening !! It was ds first swimming lesson tonight and he had total meltdown as soon as he got in the water. The guy teaching him stayed with him though and managed to get him in the water and pulled him along on a foam snake thing think it’s called a woggle lol.. I asked ds after what made him so sad and he said “ it was cold mummy !! Honestly he is so soft at times lol. After 20 mins I got a smile and a 👍 .. he must have warmed up by that stage haha.. he was very proud of himself so got lots of praise from us for being brave :)
The stressful thing was being there with O, the place was roasting , that much I had to strip him down to his vest, then O decided to have a meltdown just as ds got out and was wrapped in his towel .. then he was cold again !! Ha .it was a nightmare, .it was first time so I’ll be more prepared next time now that I have the place sussed.

O getting more confident with his little steps, takes prob 5/6 now quite often with his little waddle , realy cute. He isn’t really saying anything apart from the awww thing when he gives us a hug. So that’s more a sound haha. But we know what he me means, I think he may be on the verge of mama.. anyway oh has gone to meet his brother for few hours so I’m going to watch walking dead in peace as missed it last night. x then I’m off to bed to watch greys anatomy, so into that at the min! Only justs discovered it haha.. I’m years behind everyone else :)

I’ve got a course later this week and there is bad weather warnings.. just my luck ill get stuck!!

Hope u r all well x
Ah I neee to get on here more often. I'm just popping on. Funny story, dh is currently helping his friend move home. Isa is being really unsettled so currently is in bed sprawled out, taking up my side. I'm lying on dh's side... he's got no room when he gets home(in like 15 mins) ��������
Will try to get on tomorrow N catch up properly cx
Apple- coffee while being pampered sounds sooo lovely! It really is going by so fast, it felt like it dragged so slow with L but now it feels like it’s been five minutes! Thank you for asking about L, she’s walking great now, trying to run but usually ends up stumbling.
Aw the castle sounds like fun! L went from taking several steps to walking everywhere in just a couple weeks so I bet O is walking very very soon!

Angel- so good to hear from you!! Yes, I was a mess when I found out but I’ve had several months for it to sink in and try to get ready haha.
Melody sounds busy! It’s funny how entertained they get by doors. 6am would not be fun for me either but 12 hours straight does sound like a dream! It sounds like melody is doing great on talking, similar to how L is. I overthink everything too especially because I’ve never done this before and it’s easy to compare babies, but they really are all so different just like adults! She sounds like she’s doing great!

Ali- I always loved getting those cross hairs haha made me feel so accomplished. Will you be testing any specific day?
I’m sorry work is so frustrating! I hope you’re able to find something that works with your family’s schedule or do part time, or whatever you need to let off some stress.

Ally- hope you and Isa are doing well!

Afm- I’ve been having some pretty bad pelvic/hip area pain that I didn’t get like this with L. It started a few weeks ago but would usually just be in the evenings after a long day of chasing after L, and now comes earlier in the day and makes it hard to run after L and get on the floor with her. I bought a support belt thing from amazon that should be in tomorrow, hoping it helps! Will definitely bring it up at my appointment Monday too just to be safe. By the evenings when we put L to bed I am definitely more than ready to hop in bed myself!
Other than that, we are hoping the weather is nice this weekend (we keep getting lots of rain) so we can go to dh’s hunting camp. It’ll be nice to bring L’s swing, let her run around and see the cows/bunnies and be outside.
That’s about it here!
getting on to properly catch up, we have had loads of snow!! uni and schools etc all cancelled.

lit- i know, the idea of home schooling sounds so appealing to me, and the one on one with your child but will have to see how things are in a few years. Hopefully it will work out. any updates on a new daycare?

ali- gosh, all sounds so stressful, but like apple said, maybe its what ur brother needed! hopefully you can find a more appropriate job soon. What kind of jobs have u been looking for?

apple- sorry about ds's meltdown during swimming! sounds so stressful, but least you will be prepared for next time. i've not watched greys anatomy or the walking dead haha, i hardly watch stuff. Sounds like Ollie will be walking soon, isa is the same now, he takes a few steps but thats it for now. hows the weather where u are? the beast from the east has been pretty bad here, uni, colleges all shut, we all gettin cabin fever.
i dont think i could ever get my boobs done,but i liked how much bigger and nicer they looked when i was pregnant.

angel- its so so nice to hear from you and great to hear Melody is doing well! Great that she is sleeping well and walking about. Isa isn't walking or talking yet haha, so M sounds like she is right on track!

vrogers- hope the pain eases, just make sure your drinking loads of water and resting when you can. Hunting camp sounds good, hope the rain stays off for u :)

AFM- we've had the most snow i've ever seen in scotland i think, really thick and everything has come to a standstill! The last two days have been snow days, uni and colleges off. Been out for a few walks in it, it;s been lovely, but feel for the people who have to go into work...

Isa is doing more steps now, if u hold ur hands out to him, he takes 2/3 steps to get to you, but thats it haha. i've got appt on tues at dr to get his tongue checked, i am 99% certain he has a tongue tie still, and im worried it's delaying his speech.

Booking my trip to italy next month over the next few days, found some decent priced flights and it;s going to be our first holiday abroad with Isa. Bit worried about how he will be on the plane!

Applied for a job that was advertised at uni, its one to one tutoring with people who have learning difficulties. I really don't have the time for it haha as need to finish thesis but thought why not, lets apply.

i think thats about it for now, will get on again soon.
hope u are all well and i miss the thread being more active, i love hearing everyones updates and baby stories
What a week! I'm so glad it's Friday! Melody's daycare said she was really moody this week, I'm hoping that doesn't carry over into the weekend! :shrug:

I've added a pic of Melody from a couple weeks ago. We went for a walk and she plopped right down in this puddle. :dohh: :haha: She loves water. So I let her play in it. Why not. :shrug: lol.

Ali - Yes, it's so scary when they can get out! It's crazy because she can't reach any of the door handles on the inside doors, but apparently our front door handle is much lower than all the handles on the rest of the doors. :dohh: We're making sure to lock the deadbolt now so she can't get out.

I'm so sorry that T isn't sleeping!! I am very blessed that M sleeps through the night. With some very slow and gentle training she's reached a point where she puts herself to sleep on her own, no fussing, but there are occasionally nights when she wakes up hysterical and inconsolable. Those nights are rough because she'll be up for 1-2 hours, and is inconsolable.

How's the TTC process going? This is the first month TTC? Good luck! Hopefuly you'll be lucky again! I keep wanting to try asap but I also really want to try to make it happen closer to summer so that the next time I go onto maternity leave it isn't so rough going back to work. :dohh:

Apple - Yeah, the 12 hours is pretty nice. The only part that sucks is that no matter what time I put her down, she's up by 6-6:30am. So I can't sleep in late because she won't sleep any later. We tried moving her bedtime a little later to get her to sleep later, and it backfired and she was waking up earlier :dohh: I think I just have an early bird on my hands. So since she only takes 1 nap a day now in the toddler room at the daycare, she goes down around 6:30-7pm to make up for it.

We've got a gate blocking the kitchen but everything else I've left mostly open. M is starting to climb on anything she can, so any gates that have any horizontal slates where she can get a foot hold are no good for us. :dohh: Crazy Monkey Girl!

Your DS's first swimming lesson sounds like it was so stressful! But it sounds like in the end he had a good time with the swimming lesson, so that's good.

I LOVED Grey's Anatomy!! I stopped a couple seasons ago because it was just too different for me, but the first 10 years are great! :happydance:

Vrogers - I can imagine being a mess at the initial BFP. I would have been! Are you excited?

Melody is so busy! We have to keep her occupied, and swap out her toys and take her for regular walks and get out or she gets really cranky and melodramatic.

Is the support belt helping at all for the hip pain? I had some real bad pelvic/hip pain with M, the belt helped some. Some friends suggested chiropractor when I was pregnant and I never did do it, but I think it probably would have helped.


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Hellooo! How are you all doing? I tried to read back as much as I can. I want to try and keep updated here. I do wonder about and miss you all.

So an update on V. She is 14mths next week. She has been walking 4 mths so runs now and is steady.

She still eats anything we give her apart from pancake! She is a very hungry girl.

She still CO sleeps. We just keep her downstairs with us and she falls asleep about 7pm and then we carry her up at 11ish and into bed with us. She doesn't tend to wake up until 3ish for milk but she is so easy ha ha x
I am so lucky she sleeps well.
She still loves her milk.

She says ' mumma, Dad, baby, bear, car, cat, bye bye, hiya, up, bird and nan's
She seems to be learning new words daily.
She is generally easy. Happy to stay home often she is not demanding. She is easily occupied and for her naps I put her on sofa and she goes to sleep while I go and wash up etc. She knows it's naptime and is so hassle free. I can't believe it as all my other 3 had to be rocked lol.

I love homeschooling idea. I keep mine at home with me till 4/5 rather than preschool. Homeschooling is something I'd

So we get married next month. Ahh!
Hi ladies,
Angel/ midnight , thanks for sharing pics x

It’s 2.20 am so I won’t stay on long. Just quick update and I’ll reply to everyone again properly :)

I went to my course last week. Was a bit of a treck with the bad weather but enjoyed it otherwise.
O isn’t very well. He has been being sick for a day and now is really troubled by his top teeth. Hope it passes soon and they cut through quickly he is really unsettled and burning up a lot. Loose poos and sore bum. Having lots of cuddles x
I’ll try and get on again soon just had really busy week 😣
Hi ladies managed to get on again lol.. hope u r all well.

Midnight v sounds like she is doing amazing bless her :) n brill pic of u both 😍
So, nearly wedding time ! Exciting stuff, are you doing the big white one or going for a quieter one. We will get married eventually, keep having babies lol.. no more now though so sure we will start talking soon. Keep us updated :) can’t wait for pics !!
I’ve only taken O swimming a couple of times. My friend teaches turtle tots, I was actually thinking of taking O. Ds just started his but he is 4. I’ve never taken them earlier before but it’s really popular now x

Vroggers/ how u doing hon, hope the pelvic pain has improved. I must admit I got it with ds2/3 and all that helped was rest. Fingers crossed it doesn’t get any worse x hope the belt helps and hope u got good weather for the weekend d !

Angel, M looks a little cutie . I smiled when saw her little feet in the puddle lol.. that is just so all of my boys ! Ha..

With the early mornings, when I wake up if it’s anything to 5 it’s a bonus these days lol.. funny though my mum said exactly same about me when I was a baby, so I’ll blame myself haha.. I’ve just got into habit of watching catch up tv ha..as most of time O goes back to sleep within an hr but I’m then awake as ds decided to get up then 😣..

Ali, hope u r ok hon, how’s the Ttc coming along ? Hope T sleeping a bit better for u x

Ally fingers crossed for the job! That’s sounds really interesting. Hope the snow has settled now for u. We hardly got any. We did get a morning where I had a snowball fight in garden with ds and he made a teeny weeny snowman lol.. it wasn’t even a ft high ha.. but he was pleased with it..

Lit/ hope u r doing ok hon and thing settling down for u. Did u find a daycare yet u r happy with ? N hope the job situation is going ok,

Slammer hope u r well hon x

Well poor little O has really been struggling last few days with these top teeth coming through, burning up, bad tummy , if I didn’t know better I’d say he had a big but he was like this last time and so was ds every time :(

He is getting more confident with his little steps and getting braver but stil goes to his bum if the distance looks anything more than 5 steps lol.. he has been in with me most night as he just settles better. I’m only at work one morning this week. I’ve been seeing some private clients so that’s made it up a bit. We go away for a couple of days on Friday, I’m actually giving ds day off school. We r going to wales so looking forward to that. I’ve also booked a night for early April as it’s ds 5th birthday. We r going to make it a little birthday weekend for him. I’m also thinking of taking him to chill factor, we will c :)

Anyway I’m off to watch a bit of Greys anatomy .. again haha .. night ladies x
Been trying to reply over here and it seems like something always happens to it. You would think I would learn, but nope.

I actually had my first PP period show up. Ran it's typical course of 4 days and done. I'm on CD7. Hoping to ovulate normally and conceive. I want to avoid having another January baby. Rather not have a late December either so we will see if I get pregnant this cycle or not. Hoping to ovulate early and have a late November baby.

T is doing great. He's such a cute little guy and his personality is just the cutest! He loves his big brother too. Kind of funny because when O is sleeping he wants to touch him. He was resting his hand on Os head and we tried to keep him from bothing him by removing him. This resulted in T screaming bloody murder. Put him back he just wants to touch him and is happy as can be. Other times he will trample him.

I hope I can get on soon and catch up. Have this Parents as Teachers lady coming tomorrow. It's a free program to support parents of children 5 and under. Gives them materials and ideas to help stimulate the littles. I will bring all good ideas here!
hey ladies!
angel- what a lovely pic of Melody!

midnight- V sounds like a dream baby, and that is a very sweet picture :) exciting about wedding! have u got honeymoon booked?

apple- fingers crossed O's teeth will come through very soon and he is more settled again! Wales sounds lovely! O and Isa sound like they are at similar walking stage, close but not quite there yet.

ali- please do share any ideas you think might be useful. T sounds adorable :) good luck with TTC, hope you get a november baby haha.

afm- it's international womens day here, (dunno if it's in USA also?)- lovely to know all your lovely mums. Miss the ones who havent updated in ages.

All is good here, Isa is going to sleep really well, on his own in the cot, and it's adorable. Same for his naps. Hes taking more steps, but after a few falls. Nearly there!
He had dr appt yesterday to check his tongue tie, dh took him. Isa didn't let dr get a look in haha and just cried, but she thinks he might do and will refer us to tongue tie clinic. Even if he does have one, i don't think we are gonna get the tongue cut yet as it involves general anaesthetic and he is actually eating fine and babbling away. He might be slow on talking, but we gonna wait to see- he might find a way to over-ride it.
Besides that, i have until 31st may to submit my thesis, v excited it's almost over and looking forward to finding a job and summer time.
anyway, want to keep chatting but best go, isa has been napping for agessssssss- not like him, and i really should do something productive.

speak soon x

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