January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Oh and forgot to mention , I went to see my eldest son today and when I go there he and his girlfriend had for another puppy !! That’s 2 labradoodles ! My poor house haha. ( they live in my house ) I don’t mind really. I’d rather labradoodles than a baby just yet ha , they wanted a friend for the one they have got. They take such good care of her. The puppy is a little boy and he is such a cutie I’ll try and post pics ! X
ali- so sorry about your FIL. What a shame. Your boss sounds horrible, how insensitive. Makes sense to leave, start looking at other jobs and hopefully they might have better shifts as well? Sorry about the family friend as well, good riddance. Agree with apple, try and get ten mins to yourself. You have a lot going on! Keep us updated on the 6 week appt and when you get it.

vrogers- its amazing E sleeps such long stretches, gosh! Hope it continues.
I'm sure you'll find a solution to the naps. Defo agree about 18 months, its such a nice fun age. Isa is also so curious and happiest when outside looking at stuff and taking in the sights. Everytime he sees a fence, he goes to the gap and throws leaves in it, because he thinks there are animals there haha.

apple- its hotter down south than here, but we have a fan on in the room, and I just put isa in pjs and a vest, and a light blanket and hes been sleeping like a dream. If it's really warm, i put a fan on and that keeps the room cool.
Interview is next wed, so still have some time.
Glad u had a nice chilled birthday with oh and that things seem calm just now.
Ah that is a shame about O being a bit aggressive, maybe just stuff he picks up from other kids in nursery? Isa is opposite, he normally gets hit by another kid at the park etc and he runs away upset lol. England out the world cup!! hubby was gutted lol.
Cute about the puppies!

AFM- Isa fab, just happy boy, sleeping well and enjoying the outdoors and sunshine. I have to take him out every day.
DH has his best pal over visiting, hes a really nice, sweet guy. Bought isa some nice clothes and dh and him are off canoeing for two nights. Mum and dad have taken isa out for the day, so right now i am alone!!!!! watching the footy and doing some bits of work on my laptop. Will miss DH though, miss him already haha (how lame am I).
I think that's about it really.
Catch up soon ladies x
Apple- I’m glad your oh realizes how serious you are and that you have a plan going. He needs to know that he can either stand beside you and work on himself or he can walk away.
Ohhh yes the throwing! L has gotten to where she will throw little tantrums and just look for things to throw. I try sooo hard not to laugh but never succeed. We haven’t gotten to a scratching phase, I’m sure that is frustrating when he doesn’t listen!
How sweet that your son and his gf got another puppy, I would love to see pics!

Ally- oh my goodness that’s so cute about Isa throwing leaves in fence gaps! I love seeing them do things like that.
Yay for alone time, enjoy!! Not lame at all, I would miss my dh too.

Afm- L had her 18 mo appointment Thursday morning, dh ended up taking her and I stayed home with baby since I didn’t want to wake her and then feed her in the doc office. L is 23-24 pounds (I don’t remember the exact number) and quite tall. Dh had to take an autism screening for her which she passed, and she also got her last vaccinations until 4 years old!
Went to target today with my mom and we got a new fisher price play mat for E, this race car rug with cars for L, and my mom also gave me this busy board she made for L, so L was super excited with her new toys, she kept throwing her hands over her mouth and gasping. It’s so cute, I recently taught her when we hear dh’s loud diesel truck pull up, we take turns gasping and I tell her “daddy’s home” and she just looks at me like OMG and then runs to greet him. This age really is the best and I can’t wait till E is this age! She’ll be 3 months next week which means she won’t be a newborn anymore. It has flown by!! I’ve said this before but so ready for her to be able to interact more with L, my heart will explode watching them play (until they start fighting over toys haha).
Ally/ good luck with the interview. Isa sounds like he is doing great, glad he is enjoying the sunshine :)
It’s nice that your DH had a fiend visiting, good for you havingvsome alone time !:) I always have great plans for if I have any time to myself and I nornmally end up watching soaps ha ..

Glad L likes her new toys. Cute that she runs excited when daddy is home. Must def be a thing at this age as O is just the same with his daddy at the moment, actually to the point I get jealous sometimes haha he is all daddy cuddles.
I can’t believe Eis 3 Months already ! Crazy where time goes. I know the feeling of not being able to wait for them to interact ect , now O is at that stage they drive me bonkers 😂😂always arguing and having meltdowns haha .. maybe it’s a boy thing ! lol ..,

I’ve had a chilled few days , can’t remember if I’ve already said but oh is going for a new job, out of management and more patient care again, it’s a step down , less money a bit less stress, I’ve told him things need to change ect ect .. we will c ?? I think this is his attempt at trying to start this. We have been better this week than in a long time but time will tell.

O is doing great, both boys super daddy’s boys at the min ! I’ve been having some issues with my teen. I’ve actually got him to see a therapist which fingers crossed seems to be gpkngvteally well. I’ve ha 3 positive emails sent this week for improvement in effort. His school report was terrible, so hard to motivate him but I’ve had a long chat about the reality of if he doesn’t step it up now and how he is going to struggle to get in college ect..It’s hard as the therapist is costing me £45 a week and it’s looking like I might need to get private tutors on top of that now which will prob work out £50 a week and I’m not getting any support from his dad. 😣not financially anyway .. annoying !

Ds if In his last week of reception this week, quite a contrast from the teen. Really loverly report , I cried when I read it. He got a loverly letter from his teacher wishing him well. My baby all grown up ! 😓..,

Back on my eating healthy plan this week, 1st time since op really. Been walking today don’t think I dare do anything else at the min.

Hope all other ladies doing ok,
Hi everyone, so sorry I haven't posted much. I miss this group.

Been super busy with my FIL passing. I haven't had time to set up an appointment and haven't even been in state most of the last month.

Going to go in and see about getting scheduled today. This hospital runs differently than the last one I was at. So I have to go get labs then they will schedule.
Good luck with it Ali ,been thinking if you hun, don’t worry if you can’t get on u have loads on at he min x take care 🤗
vrogers- sounds like girls are doing well :) cannot believe E is nearly 3 months old!! its actually flying by. So cute how she greets her dad! apple, says the same of O. But i have to say, Isa isn't the same. When i get home from uni, i get a tight hug from him and massive smiles. He never seems too fussed when dh gets home haha. Mummy's boy!!

apple- great oh is applying for a new job, fingers crossed it'll make a positive difference to your relationship and family life. I think paycuts are worth it if it means a healthier family and life. So cute about ds's report, bless him.

ali- thinking of u, take care.

afm- Well i had an interview on Wednesday, it was ok. I don't think it went that well, but hard to judge. Anyway, i felt a bit stressed when i got back home, thinking what other jobs could i apply for, that are part time. There are not many of them in university settings. Then i got this email, from one of my collegues at uni. They said they are looking for part time teaching assistants, 20 hours a week starting sept and asked if i wanted it! I said yes. It's just perfect, it's in the uni i am in now and doing stuff i already do and working with people i already know and work well with.
Not going to be a big wage or anything, but will do some other little bits to bump it up. Really chuffed.
Funny story. I looked at my photos on my phone earlier and isa had taken a bunch of selfies on it, so funny.
anyway off to make a lasagna while isa is napping. take care ladies x
Well done on the new job Ally x
Very brief . We are l wiped out with a stomach bug. I’m the worst at the min can’t stop being sick n no energy 😔please b gone tomorrow xx this is no fun !!
Ali- hope you are doing well and feeling good and that any crappy symptoms are staying away!

Ally- aw that’s sweet how Isa greets you! Yay congrats on the new job! It may not be much but it is something and it will add up, so awesome!!
That’s funny about Isa taking selfies, guess they start younger nowadays haha! Also lasagna is one of my fav meals, yum.

Apple- ugh I hope you are feeling better by now, any sickness while taking care of little ones is even more miserable.

Afm- sorry it’s been a little bit, the girls have my hands sooo full! L is obsessed with playing with curtains- in the living room she climbs into dh’s chair and pulls on them, as well as in her crib (we’re going to be moving her crib for that reason). Well today the living room ones finally had enough and while I was on phone with dh about how to make dinner in the crock pot I heard a loud bang and she managed to pull them down. And E is at the stage where she is more interested in the world so she gets distracted while eating. It’s cute because she will unlatch and just smile and chat away to me, but then I’m like okay finish eating!
I am also finding it hard to get the baby to take decent naps during the week. She looooves falling asleep while eating which works on weekends, evenings and during Ls nap time but she needs deeper sleep so I’ve got to start getting her to nap on her own! It’s prob the biggest struggle with 2 right now.
On a happy note, the bff I have mentioned a few times who is pregnant has a c-section scheduled for next week! I am sooo excited for her and trying to calm her down because she’s hit that “get this baby out...but I’m not ready!” stage.
The weather is killing me, it gets into the 100s (the “feels like” is usually 110 Fahrenheit or so) it’s just not possible to take a 3 month old and toddler out there. Sooo freaking ready for October when baby will be old enough for outside swing and L can run around without dying of heat stroke! Hate summer so much.
:wave: Hi all. I have tried to log on a couple times in the last few weeks but, honestly, this pregnancy sucks. I had very little MS or other early pregnancy symptoms with Melody, but this time my MS and exhaustion are off the charts. I’m only just finally able to function without excessive nausea but I am definitely exhausted. And, I’m huge. Seriously, I’m as big right now at 12 weeks as I was with M at 22 weeks! It’s insane. I’m terrified as to how huge I’ll be at the end! :haha:

At Melody’s 18 month well check they went ahead and referred us to speech evaluation. We had an initial intake done and while she’s not in the “worry” zone, she is borderline in speech, although all of the other areas that they look at (gross motor, fine motor, and social/emotional) are at or way above normal. They decided to go ahead and refer her for evaluation just to be sure. The lady in charge of the evaluations is also the mom of one of my students from last year (awkward) so she kept talking about how as a teacher I know how important early intervention is and so they want to go ahead and do the full evaluation just in case and even if she doesn’t qualify now (since she’s borderline) she’ll already be in the system so that if at 2 she needs services we won’t have to do it again. :shrug: I think she was only really pushing to go ahead with the eval because I work for the school district and I’m the one who had said I had concerns about the speech, even though after she showed me the initial scores I said I was okay with waiting and reevaluating at 2 if she hadn’t improved. But whatever. My insurance covers most of the evaluation cost, if not all of it, so I’m not worried. And she’s right, I’m a big supporter of early intervention if there is a problem. I’ve seen what happens to kids who need early help but don’t get it until too late and how it can affect all areas of their lives. But of course, the week after they did the initial, she started using 2 sentence phrases and added more words (both of which were areas that scored lowed on the initial eval but now would score at normal). So I’m positive she’ll score at “normal” next time.

Right now all she wants to do is play outside. And it’s HOT. I mean, it’s only low 90s, which is cool compared to when I lived in the south, but when I’m pregnant it feels so much worse. And she doesn’t want to stay in the shade. :nope: At least 3-4 times a day she asks to go outside. And if I say no she has a complete and utter melt down tantrum, including throwing herself backward onto the floor sobbing. :wacko:

Right now I feel like a bad mom because I’m utilizing the YouTube app on the Xbox to play “Dave and Ava” and “Little Baby Bum” nursery rhymes. She loves htem, and it gives me about 30-40 minutes where I can rest and lay down without having to chase her. I’m not a fan of over utilizing the tv, but pregnancy is making this so hard! :cry:

Apple – I’m sorry to hear about the way your OH is treating you. I agree with the others, this sounds abusive. I hope that things get better for you, but if they don’t then I would consider leaving, even if just temporarily. In the end you know your situation the best. I’ve been in a terribly abusive situation before. I stayed because it was just the mental abusive and I justified that sometimes he was so sweet and helpful, and I was able to justify all the bad times. Then he started hitting me (it took a few years to get to that point, I was sure it would never happen) and then I still stayed. :shrug: I eventually got out, but it took friends forcing me out.

Ali – Congrats on the pregnancy! And I’m so sorry about your job. Ugh your boss sounds like a complete @$$. I’m so sorry.

Vrogers – I feel the same about M – constantly changing every day! She also loves outside, and it’s so warm that I really hate going outside, but she constantly is running to the door and saying “outside” in her super cute voice, and I just can’t say no :dohh: Yesterday we ended up outside 4 different times, and by the end of the day I was so exhausted (from the heat) I was barely able to function. Blah. I cannot wait until it cools down some.

Ally – the new job at Uni sounds great! Good luck with that !!
Hi ladies,

apple- hope u and boys are feeling better from sickness bug, sounds horrible!

vrogers- Oh nooo about the curtains, can't help but laugh though. Toddlers get up to so much mischief! Everything fascinates them! Hope you manage to sort the naps. Hope the weather gets cooler quick!

Angel- so sorry about the exhaustion and MS. It's tough going, especially with a toddler about and the heat! Keep us updated on speech eval. I'm a little worried about Isa's. Dr told me to wait until hes nearer 2, and then maybe they will assess him. I'll give him a few more months. I'm bad with the screen sometimes, but if i really need to do something, i'll play nursery rhymes and he'll be occupied for a while i tidy or cook.

AFM- Everything is good. I'm really loving this age, just so much fun. Isa is sooo curious, loves outside, climbing onto things. Still sleeping through the night as well, it's been great. If he does wake, it's very brief and he goes straight back to sleep.
Off on hols on saturday, lots to do before then.
I just realised as well that i think i am the only one (out of us who post regularly) that hasn't had a second child/ or is pregnant. Ali and Angel are pregnant, Vrogers has had second, apple has 4 boys and lit has 2.
I'm the only one with 1 and not planning another one anytime soon haha. Well i do want one more, i just dunno when the best time is. I don't want to leave a big gap, neither does DH. Maybe end of next year can start trying. I always said I would like to have 2 kids before i'm 30, im 28 just now so lets see... haha.
Ally - Enjoy this age! They grow too fast. I like the gab between my first two. This will be a little different since T will be a bit younger than O was when T was born. I still think it will be a good gap.

Angel - I honestly think she's just fine! I understand why they have "standards", but not every child that falls outside of it or that may be borderline means there is an issue. O didn't talk much till after T was born. He's a jabber jaw now. Not people shouldn't explore it, but they don't individualize it often and that can be frustrating.

O wasn't even talking as much as Melody is! T isn't even there yet. He's talking and using more words but as for combining words.. he says like Mom back or cup back.

Don't feel bad about using YouTube. I get it that is should be limited.. but if it's a part of your life (watching TV) then it surly is going to be part of their life. O learned A LOT from TV. I know he could have learned from us and activities and I tried. Honestly he had no interest. I couldn't get him to do activities he didn't want to do, but he would watch educational kid videos and learn. T has been more open to hands on activities, but he gets TV time as well.

Vrogers - Life of two children! Sounds like they're getting along great, though. You just do what is best for you all! I need to work on sleep over here, as well. Seems like there is always something that makes it super difficult for me to stick to it. I hate being tired. E sound so cute! T is similar.. with the blinds. I still need to replace a few since they have cords. Cords make me too nervous and I put them out of reach.

Apple - I hope you are all feeling better!

AFM - Well I had my first appointment. It was just an intake appointment. Chose a doctor and got blood work done. They took like half my blood I swear! Way more than the place before did. Which is fine. They're testing more areas which I don't mind.

Next Tuesday I have my first ultrasound so I will definitely update then! Will be the dating one as well so I will see if I'm ahead or behind. I'm expecting ahead since I got such an early positive.

Still job searching. Actually waiting to hear from a sister facility. I won't have to do weekends, but will have to do one night a week. Going to push for a set schedule, because of that. Need to hurry, because I can't go without a job for too much longer.

T has a rash going on. Mostly on legs and arms but on his hands, feet, abdomen, and face as well. Doctor says it's viral.. probably is, but it's weird. He kind of itches at it now and then but for the most part ignores it. I think it has him cranky and tired, though. He napped 4 hours one day then went to bed 3 hours later. No other symptoms.

I'm feeling tired and nauseated. It's constant. Eating helps, but it comes right back. Not eating makes it horrible.

Anyone else having an issue with biting and hitting? T is a violent little guy. Such a different parenting experience compared to O.
The last couple days I've suddenly started to feel great again! It's crazy how quickly that can change. The last couple days I've started to workout again. I'm doing a program called LIIFT4, it combines weights and cardio. Since I was doing weights and cardio before pregnancy, doctor says it's safe as long as I listen to my body. It felt really good to be exercising again.

Did I mention how huge I am right now?!

Ally - I'll keep you all updated about the speech. My doctor is very big on early evaluation and intervention, which is why they started the eval at 18 months. They also gave us a few tips, like when we read stories instead of saying "Where's the duck" we point to various pictures and ask Melody what they are, or what sound it makes. I feel like that seemed to help, because shortly after that she started to name things more when she's walking around or we're outside. :shrug: might help with Isa.

That's great that Isa's sleeping through the night. Such a lovely feeling!!

Honestly, I'm a little worried about being pregnant and having another kid this soon... if I wasn't already 33 I probably would have waited another year or so, but I didn't know how long it would take this second time and didn't want to get too close to 35. I'm actually really sort of terrified about having an infant when M will be barely 2 years old. I know that with them close together that will be nice for them to play, but I also know that if M was a little older then I wouldn't feel as overwhelmed. Pregnancy + toddler is exhausting!

Ali - first scan sounds so exciting! definitely keep us updated. I think they took a ton of vials of blood at my intake too! Sorry about the rash! That's weird that it doesn't bother him, but nice if it's not making him too cranky.

I don't have issues with biting, but hitting, yes. M has trouble expressing her emotions and when she's frustrated she has a tendency to hit. She also throws tantrums that would make a 2-3 year old proud :dohh: example: If she asks to go outside and I say "no not right now" she will start crying/yelling, throw herself backwards (seated) onto her bum on the floor, and then from there throw herself backwards so she's laying on the floor. I have to just walk away when she does that and she usually stops when she realizes we aren't paying attention. DH of course wants to "make it better" and hug/console her and that just makes it worse. I'm trying to work on it but I don't know what to do about the hitting. It isn't even necessarily hard, she just gets this look on her face and slaps my leg. :shrug: I think part of it is coming from daycare. They did tell me she was picking up some bad habits from a couple older kids in her class who don't have good emotional control. :dohh:
Angel - Honestly.. they just instinctively do it I think. O NEVER hits or bites or whatever.. T isn't in daycare.. so it's just coming from him.

He can hit pretty hard. The child has some serious force behind him. I just interrupt it and tell him no. Remind him only gentle touches. Which sometimes gets a smile out of him and he runs his finger down my face.

It is from him not knowing how to handle his emotions. I'm hoping since it seems to come from that as he matures he learns to control his anger a bit more. The child has the worst temper.

I get you on the pregnancy + toddler being exhausting.. add in a very hyper active almost 4 year old. Oh boy.. they tend to get away with more than I should allow. As long as they're safe and not hurting anything.. I'm like.. have at it :haha:
I just put a 3T outfit on T and it fit really well.. why?!?! He's a big boy.. ugh.. they grow too quick! He use to be so little! He LOVES food and we literally have to cut him off. He will get a hold of packages and rip them open and just eat whatever lol I need to buy baby locks for the pantry.

Meanwhile.. O can grab 2T shorts and other than being a bit short they fit well :haha: DH has made the mistake of putting him in 2T.. then one other time O put on a pair himself.
Sorry I’m a bit behind ladies I was wiped out for couple of days 😣.. I’ll read through properly later and reply to all, I did try and post a brief update yesterday but looking back it’s not posted !! So annoying when that happens x
Angel- I’m sorry the MS and exhaustion has gotten you! It’s bad enough for a first pregnancy but when you have a toddler to chase after, on top of summer heat. It’s good you were able to get M into speech evaluation! She sounds like she is doing great though.
Also don’t feel bad about the tv time. I did the same thing when pregnant, and probably even more now that it’s so hot outside and I have another baby! You are in survival mode and M will remember how you love her, not that you’ve had to use extra tv time. I hope you start feeling better as you go into second tri!
I was worried about two under two, we are slowly adjusting to the crazy and even though the second was (very) unplanned, she is definitely fitting into a gap I didn’t know there was and I am so glad she’s here! I look forward to when they interact more and play together, and hope that they grow closer as they get older! You will do great, the anticipation is the worst in my opinion, then baby comes along and you figure it out like you did the first time around. It’s easier in lots of ways because you know that the newborn stage (or any stage) doesn’t last forever. Sorry for the rambling, I am giving you advice you didn’t even ask for!

Ally- it really is amazing how much toddlers can get into!
I wonder how many of the whole group (including people who don’t come on anymore) have gotten pregnant again. I’m in an April 2018 group on another site and there are already people talking about having more/thinking they are pregnant, while I’m still too exhausted haha. Sounds like you have a good timeline in your head though.

Ali- glad my kid isn’t the only one messing with blinds! They are so curious about EVERYTHING at this age.
Yay for an ultrasound appt! Can’t wait to hear where you are exactly.
Good luck on the job searching, I hope the sister facility ends up working out!
I hope the sickness doesn’t get too bad!
L hasn’t started biting but she does occasionally hit. We’ve mostly had trouble with her throwing things when she’s upset. We’ve tried to redirect/ignore, but I’m not sure if there’s a better way. They have so many emotions and don’t know what to do with them. L isn’t in daycare either so it is definitely instinctual!

Apple- I hope you’re doing well, along with your oh and your boys!
Sorry just another quick update ladies, I’m really struggling to get on here recently. I think it’s with the boys being off school.

Ally, glad I are having lots of fun with Isa. I love this age as well. They are such characters, into everything. So a second before you are 30 :) would be nice for Isa to have a sibling.. a good age as well. At the moment O is a little monkey with his big bro. Keeps pulling his hair ! 😂 Ds just takes it bless him although I do think it’s starting to try his patience as he pushed him back the other day. 😣which is understandable.,

Ali Look forward to reading about the scan. Your boys sound as full on as mine haha..I’d rather them be that way than sat in a corner., I’ve been through it already with my eldest two and they are really close now.
Good luck on the job hunting ! X

Vroggers / I agree with you about the tv time. U have to do what u need to do to keep sane. Def survival mode.. you sound like you are doing g great won the girls..it took me ages to get into a proper routine with my two youngest, and that still changes all the time:)

Angel/ i do admire you getting back to your exercise although even the way you describe what you are doing makes me feel tired 😂😂 I really need to start thinking about doing something again. I’m around seven week post my gall bladder op now and only just this week started to feel a bit more myself.
I wouldn’t be worrying too much about speech, O says about three words but points to everting he wants. He has started making this load shout/ screech sound when he points if he wants something, I’ve even nicknamed the nose “ like a peacock “ lol as it’s so high pitch and so annoying ha.. we have taken his soother from him in the day and we are getting him some flash cards with pics on. I did this with Ds and he picked words up quite quickly from the cards. The books sound a good idea..

We are off today for a couple of days away. Going to a place called Beverly , don’t know if u know of it Ally? :) then planning to go to York on way back. Things ok here at the moment. Boys doing well. Have a bit of hitting and hair pulling going on here also with O. I’ve started putting him in his playpen for a little while if he really doesn’t stop when asked. I have to for ds sake..

Not heard from lit for a while, hope u r doing well hon and girls ok x
Baby is doing great! Heart rate of 168 and measuring right on track!! We're over the moon!


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Aww Ali.. amazing pic 😍👍👍great heartbeat as well.. congrats hun xx exciting 😘

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