January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

ali- congratulations on your marriage! how exciting!! hope you enjoy your trip! And yes, we are going to get a little gift from baby for DS. I think it will be really hard for him to comprehend and adjust. might as well start off on a good note with presents.

ally- congratulations on team :blue: !!

pompey- good to hear from you hun! glad that all is going well so far! i've got your date updated on the front.

kittie- congrats on your little boy!! glad to see the :blue: bundles starting to come out!

thorpedo- congratulations on team :pink:!

sunshine- got your date moved hun!

froggy- beautiful bump!

Caz- best of luck hun and come back and update us when baby is here!

mrs.green- awesome news about 2 boys!! congratulations! and a big congrats on the house. what a great year this is for you!

danser- oh hun, i am so so sorry on the loss of your beautiful Maggie. Prayers and good thoughts for your little girl to grow healthy and strong.

Ana- :hugs::hugs::hugs: i wish you all the best

newbie- congrats on team :blue:!! the boys have nearly caught up :) and your DH will be very happy with a boy and not remember he ever wanted him to be a girl. glad your boss took the news well!

angel- cute idea for announcing the gender!

JUST got enough time to read through and catch up the front. DS woke up from nap a second ago so will do my own update later on.
Hubby has finally felt baby kick. After missing it for weeks he has finally felt it move yeahhhhh
I'm so nervous about my anatomy scan and it's still 13 days away. Just not sure what to expect and hoping everything's okay with the baby and she's healthy. Plus I still haven't felt anything that is undeniably the baby (there have been a couple twitches that I attribute to gas until it feels stronger and definite). The phrase "anatomy scan" just sounds so intimidating haha. I'm going to be a nervous mess the whole morning and my appt isn't until 1:30pm. The first time going through this is just scary!
Vrogers - sorry you're so nervous about your scan. Hopefully you can find a way to put it out of your mind until then.
I have a teacher leadership conference this week. LONG DAYS. I'm exhausted. However, today during one of the conferences I think I started to feel baby moving for first time!!! I have a lot of intestinal issues so I am used to odd twinges in my abdomen, but this was a fluttery/twinge/poke combination feeling. And it was consistently in the same place every few minutes for about two hours! I'm thinking it was baby. At least that's what I'm going with. :cloud9:

Newbie - I had to get up this morning for conference and had to be at the school by 6:15am so we could head to the conference (it's a 90 minute drive), and we didn't get home until 5pm. I'm DEAD TIRED. I'm pretty sure that I'll be DEAD when September comes and we're in class all day. So glad that your boss took the news well! I was really worried about my school. My Principal has known since I was 5 weeks along, because I had to have weekly appointments and weekly US and had to leave work early on each of those days so I didn't want her to think I was just a flake (it was my first year in this district). But I was so worried about going back and having to face being gone for 3 months in the beginning of second semester, but she was so great today and already starting to talk bout how to plan for a good sub for those months so I am so very relieved!

Shobbs - that's so exciting! I can't wait to hear about your scan!! I'm so jealous your DH can feel baby kick!! I JUST started to feel some flutters and such today!

vrogers - I'm sorry you're nervous. I'm nervous too, so I understand. Mine is 9 days away, and isn't until 3:30pm (so that Dh can get off early and go)! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's nervous! I only just started to feel twinges today that I am 95% sure are baby, and I'm just a few days ahead of you so it's possible you'll start to feel them soon! :)
Thank you, Angel! Glad to hear I'm not alone. I'm definitely hoping I start feeling her in the next week. Can't wait to hear how your appt goes!
Thank you angel i have a posterior placenta with this baby. With both my boys had anterior placentas so didnt feel them until way past 20 weeks.
I've been super tired the last few days too. I think because I went to see my sister in NY over the weekend and we did a lot of walking and stayed up late, so I didn't get to tank up on sleep the way I usually do during the weekend.

I have a job interview tomorrow that I'm very nervous about. Why I got the bug to apply to new jobs while 4 months pregnant I don't know, but here I am. I'm going to try to suck it in and conceal this belly a bit. I want this job because it's a government position and would be good for me in the long run in terms of stability.
Good luck on the job interview tomorrow, slammer!! Let us know how it goes
Slammer - good luck on your job interview. I've always wanted to land a government job! That would be the life! :)

Angel - so glad your principal was understanding. I'm sure the fall will be very tiring, but at least there will only be 4ish months to go!
That definitely sounds like you were feeling movement.
Just checking in with you all, my 20 week scan is next week, I can't wait!! I can hardly contain my urge to start shopping.

Has anyone else been extremely hungry. I ate a huge burrito yesterday, and then a couple hours later my stomach was growling again.
momtastic I am hungry all the time. It's pretty bad, I try to make most of it healthy.
I'm just getting my appetite back, so I'm not starving but I am surprisingly able to eat at least 2 full meals again which is huge after the two months of just liquids basically so I suspect I'll be hitting the "starving" phase soon!
I'm hungry all the time, it gets annoying and seems like if I don't eat enough I'll wake up starving in the middle of the night. I can say I would rather be hungry more often than the nausea and loss of appetite I had the first 13-14 weeks!

I really think the random twitches I'm feeling are the baby, I moved the Doppler over the area I keep feeling it and heard tons of kicks and whatnot through the Doppler so hopefully it gets stronger now
Just catching up quickly, hope everyones scans go well and good luck on the job interview slammer.

I eat loads! i feel massive and my face feels so round.

My 20 week scan is two weeks today, nervous...
I feel little flutters now and then, but nothing consistent and im not 100% its baby either. I have anterior placenta and i know that means i might not feel stronger movements till later.

Hope everyone is well!

Slammer - Good luck on the job interview!

Momtastic - I find I'm hungry alot but I cant seem to eat as much as I used to so get full quite quickly. Then hungry again an hour or so later.

My scan is 2 weeks tomorrow. I'm not really too nervous baby is moving all the time and quite strong aswel for 18 weeks. I had anterior placenta with my youngest so movmeets were really late. She kicks hard enough for me to feel on the outside but she either goes quiet when OH puts his hand there or he just can't feel it like I can.

Everything else pretty good with me not feeling particularly pregnant to be honest apart from the bump and movement I feel fairly normal :D

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