January/ February Snowflakes 2024

At least you have the Doppler for assurance since you can't feel any movement yet.
@Laurabub84 I might be wrong but I thought lightening crotch was more towards the end when babys head starts to engage but I could be wrong.
I totally freaked myself out last night after stretching a bit funny in bed I had a shooting pain and some mild cramps but then loads of gurgling sounds and popping sensations in my belly like i often get befire af. Really had me worried but no cramps today and no bleeding so hopefully all is well. Did scare me though. It's taken so long to conceive this baby I feel like I'd be too old to do it again if anything went wrong. I'm already thinking this will for sure be my last because of my age and how scared I am of something happening to me and leaving my kids behind. It's a real fear of mine.
@Laurabub84 I might be wrong but I thought lightening crotch was more towards the end when babys head starts to engage but I could be wrong.
I totally freaked myself out last night after stretching a bit funny in bed I had a shooting pain and some mild cramps but then loads of gurgling sounds and popping sensations in my belly like i often get befire af. Really had me worried but no cramps today and no bleeding so hopefully all is well. Did scare me though. It's taken so long to conceive this baby I feel like I'd be too old to do it again if anything went wrong. I'm already thinking this will for sure be my last because of my age and how scared I am of something happening to me and leaving my kids behind. It's a real fear of mine.

I have no idea lol. I’ve never experienced it before.
I’m the same with anxiety. I’ve always been an over thinker and worrier but didn’t really suffer anxiety and panic attacks until I fell pregnant with my first. Ever since then I’ve had it dreadful. I think that was the trigger. That fear of something happening to me and leaving the kids behind or worse something happening to them. If something happened with this pregnancy i don’t think I could do it again. I’ll be 40 next year and dh is 43 now. This is 100% our last. I’ve felt insanely anxious over this pregnancy. Even now I can’t relax and keep scaring myself. I have no problem with this pregnancy going quick because I just want baby here safely. I’m so content this time with this being the last one and I didn’t feel that with the others apart from the mmc. I felt content that one being my last baby but it wasn’t meant to be. I know I couldn’t put myself through another pregnancy now. When we first started trying I wanted to enjoy every second of it being my last but I just can’t after the miscarriage. It’s tainted it so much. I always worried the first 12 weeks and would relax after the first scan. That hasn’t happened this time. Still feel like I’m walking on eggshells and am so grateful for every week that passes and I’m still hearing baby’s heartbeat in there. Really need to start feeling these movements because I think I could relax a lot more then. I thought I’d be feeling them by now. My next scan can’t come soon enough
I'm also feeling the 'this is definitely my last' pregnancy feeling. I never felt that way before. I'm not sad over it either, I think it's happened just at the right time, I'm 37 now and it just feels like my last x
Baby boy has been really active today. I even managed to feel a couple of kicks on the outside :cloud9:

I’ve been feeling some kicks with my hand the last few days. It’s amazing isn’t it. Feels like I’ve been waiting for these kicks forever. It’s such a relief to not have to use my Doppler now. Now it’s finally starting to feel real :cloud9:

My anatomy scan is 2 weeks today. I can’t wait to find out the gender and to know if everything is healthy. I’m on iron tablets now as my bloods came back that I’m low which sucks. I hate taking iron tablets as they always give me stomach aches. Luckily I only have to take 1 a day as apposed to 3 a day that I had to take with my son so I’m hoping they won’t affect me as much. We had a day out at he zoo yesterday and I got really hot as we were queuing up for the train ride and felt like I was going to pass out. Brought on a big panic attack. Pains in my chest, felt like I was going to be sick and I got flashing lights in my eyes. Felt so close to fainting it was horrible. Had another panic when dh and I went shopping today too. They just came out of nowhere. My midwife keeps asking if I need referring to the midwives that deal with anxiety but I’ve been refusing because they put pressure on me to take medication and I’m just not comfortable doing that while I’m pregnant. I don’t want to risk my baby’s health. I don’t know how I’m going to manage them if they keep happening. It’s been a long time since I’ve had episodes this bad. I’m hoping it’s just a combination of low iron and the heat that’s causing it and that when the weather cools again it will help. I will mention it when I next see her but my next midwife appointment isn’t until October now. I’m not sure if I do or don’t see her when I have my scan. I was told I have to ask about the whooping cough jab at the scan but I don’t think it will a midwife that will be giving it. Will have to see how things go and if they keep happening I’ll have to contact them myself I guess. Hate having anxiety
I’ve been feeling some kicks with my hand the last few days. It’s amazing isn’t it. Feels like I’ve been waiting for these kicks forever. It’s such a relief to not have to use my Doppler now. Now it’s finally starting to feel real :cloud9:

My anatomy scan is 2 weeks today. I can’t wait to find out the gender and to know if everything is healthy. I’m on iron tablets now as my bloods came back that I’m low which sucks. I hate taking iron tablets as they always give me stomach aches. Luckily I only have to take 1 a day as apposed to 3 a day that I had to take with my son so I’m hoping they won’t affect me as much. We had a day out at he zoo yesterday and I got really hot as we were queuing up for the train ride and felt like I was going to pass out. Brought on a big panic attack. Pains in my chest, felt like I was going to be sick and I got flashing lights in my eyes. Felt so close to fainting it was horrible. Had another panic when dh and I went shopping today too. They just came out of nowhere. My midwife keeps asking if I need referring to the midwives that deal with anxiety but I’ve been refusing because they put pressure on me to take medication and I’m just not comfortable doing that while I’m pregnant. I don’t want to risk my baby’s health. I don’t know how I’m going to manage them if they keep happening. It’s been a long time since I’ve had episodes this bad. I’m hoping it’s just a combination of low iron and the heat that’s causing it and that when the weather cools again it will help. I will mention it when I next see her but my next midwife appointment isn’t until October now. I’m not sure if I do or don’t see her when I have my scan. I was told I have to ask about the whooping cough jab at the scan but I don’t think it will a midwife that will be giving it. Will have to see how things go and if they keep happening I’ll have to contact them myself I guess. Hate having anxiety

Lemon balm tea helps me with anxiety. I usually do a combo or lemon balm and peppermint. I also am sometimes bad at staying hydrated. I find that if I stay hydrated and fed with good food, everything in life feels much more doable. Anxiety seems to flare up for me if I am not taking care of my body. So maybe see if there are ways you can support your physical health. :)
And try the lemon balm tea. :)
@Laurabub84 it's such a relief. I've barely used my doppler the past couple of weeks apart from the odd time he's had a quiet day.

I'm sorry you're struggling so much. It's hardly a surprise you're having anxiety issues after your loss and them leaving you so long wondering if baby has a stomach problem. Hopefully the 20 week scan will be reassuring and help your anxiety. I don't have any experience with panic attacks but maybe the midwives can offer you some coping techniques as opposed to medicines?

I'm on one iron tablet at the minute but my bloods hadn't changed after 2 weeks. I have to have them checked again next week and if they haven't changed I'm not sure what they'll do.
Do you have any feelings if it's a boy or girl? I had a dream the week of my 16 week scan that it was a boy so I was convinced lol
Interesting that lemon balm helps your anxiety - I have added lemon balm to my NORA tea (some with spearmint and some with lemon balm) just for the taste, I didn't know it could also have a therapeutic benefit

I'm also taking reishi Decoctions for my mood/anxiety, and I felt a huge benefit to my anxiety when I started a methylated b complex.

I still spent the first almost half of my pregnancy feeling super anxious - but didn't really feel anxious until it started to lift. It was presenting as distancing and avoidance, not my usual anxiety symptoms.

I'm sorry you are struggling so much with anxiety still @Laurabub84 :hugs: it's such a thief of joy. I really hope that now you are feeling baby moving from the outside it will help your anxiety levels enough that you can start to cherish your last pregnancy. I'm really trying to take it all in, knowing this is the last time for me too. It's so bittersweet knowing this is the last time.
@Laurabub84 that's so great you are suddenly feeling so much movement! Yay! So pleased for you!
I bet the anxiety attacks are mainly due to the heat, do you suffer with them usually? It's not fun feeling faint I'm always fanning myself with something when out and about. What week were you when you had the missed miscarriage? I'm guessing you are past that time now? @littlewitch you have such a cute lil bump seriously I'm bigger than you already, it's ridiculous. I mean I was clearly heavier to start with and I must just not have good muscle tone. I will take a pic soon to show you ladies!

I had a minor freak out yesterday I had some orangey cm in wiping and it did panic me a bit. I had a bm that was just like a pre period one too and some cramps later in the day... Nothing today though and no more tinged cm. Although I haven't really checked for it I don't want to irritate anything. I have my scan next week at 11+2 so hopefully that will be reassuring.
Someone mentioned whooping cough vaccine I wasn't sure if it was still being offered in the UK? It wasn't a thing witb my last 2 and I don't think I'd want it this time, I never have the flu one either..
@josephine3 I had some spotting in the first trimester too it's scary! For me I think it was related to sex and thrush #-o hope you don't get anymore.

I've had the whooping cough vaccine with my last two and will definitely be getting it again. I had no side effects with the vaccine and I'd rather offer the baby some protection when they're first born. I have the flu vaccine every year anyway because I'm diabetic.
@josephine3 I had some tan spotting at 9 weeks this time, most likely due to an irritated cervix. Had spotting in the first trimester in every pregnancy so far.
Thank for the advice ladies. I do suffer anxiety and panic attacks anyway. If I get too hot or breathless it tends to trigger an instant panic in me because I come over feeling like I’m going to faint. Get flashing lights in my eyes, feel sick, pains in my chest and pins and needles in my tongue. Despite how many time I’ve had it it still scares me every time. Guessing as my bumps getting bigger it’s squishing things up in there making me feel breathless, and with the stifling heat making me feel like I have no air it’s something I’m going to keep getting while it’s hot. I had this a lot when pregnant with my first. Was always having to sit down on the floor in public spaces. So embarrassing. I remember with one of my pregnancy’s I had to sit on some steps in a store because I came over faint and a passer by panicked I was in labour and kept asking if needed an ambulance. It was mortifying. So I always have the silly worry of embarrassing myself when it happens. I will mention it to the midwife if it does keep happening but I really don’t want to be pushed into taking medication for it while pregnant. I worry taking paracetamol let alone anything like that.

@salamander91 I’m not really having any vibes about babies gender. After 5 girls I tend to automatically think girl and I have found I’ve been trying to think of girls names and not boys. I think I’ll be just as shocked as I was with my son if they say boy. Now I have him tho I’m not at all swayed to either sex. I just want them healthy. Although I guess for my boy to not be completely outnumbered by girls it would be nice for him to have a brother but I just think the odds are it’s a little girl. Also dh missed out on being there when I found out we were finally getting a boy because of covid. We’ll never have that moment back but if this one’s a boy it could recreate it a little maybe. For him at least. I’m so excited to find out so we can start baby shopping. Gonna need to get that done so we can focus on Xmas. Two of my babies have come at 38 weeks and my son came at 37+5 weeks. I’ll be 38 weeks on Christmas Eve so there’s a chance baby could come over Christmas so we’re gonna need to be prepared just in case.

@NDH i keep waiting for those feelings to start for me. At the moment I’m still feeling so content with this being my last pregnancy. I think I’ll always have some broodiness because I love babies, but I don’t think I could put myself through another pregnancy because this time I’ve just felt scared the whole way through. Even tho I’m now feeling baby, any niggle or pain instantly terrifies me. Usually I’m wanting to make the most of it all and don’t want it to pass me by but this time I just want to get to the end and have them here safe. It’s a relief to not feel sad about it all. I did with my son and I knew I didn’t feel done. This time and with the mmc are the first times I’ve felt happy this being the last time.

@josephine3 I'm sorry you had some spotting. It’s always so scary to see any bleeding in pregnancy. I remember having some the weekend before my 12 week scan with my son. It only lasted the Sunday and my scan was the Wednesday and obviously everything was perfectly fine with him. It could be an irritated cervix that caused it.
My midwife brought up the whooping cough vaccine. I always have that and the flu jab. I’m hoping they will do it at the scan. They’ve never before, I’ve always had to book in with my gp surgery to have it done so it would be nice to get it done with while I’m at the hospital for my scan. They did mention it with my son about having it at my anatomy scan but because of covid they weren’t doing there because they wanted people in and out as quickly as possible. The only one I’m doubtful about having is the covid jab. I’m just scared incase it does anything bad to baby. I really don’t know what to do about it because it would be nice to know baby has some protection against it, especially being born in the winter, but it’s still not been out long enough for me to be comfortable having it whilst pregnant because if it did cause something to be wrong with baby I’d never forgive myself. I know the midwives will recommend it tho, I just don’t know what to do. I don’t personally know any women who have had it in pregnancy to ask if all was ok with it.
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@Laurabub84 oh I definitely won't be having the covid one. Ive not had it for myself at all either. I doubt I will get the others, my kids never have the flu spray thingy either. They did both have all their 'normal' baby ones though x
@NDH where do you stand on pregnancy vaccines?
I've not noticed anymore spotting, can't be irritated cervix as nothing has been anywhere near it lol
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I've never had any kind of spotting befire in pregnsncy though so it was weird for me

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