January/ February Snowflakes 2024

Good luck @littlewitch I really hope it's just a leak that reseals and you're able to carry your little boy for several more weeks. PPROM at 30 weeks is scary!
Just back from the midwife. Was hoping the measurements of his head from the 4d scan weren’t going to be a concern. I did mention it and she said if fundal measurements were fine then they wouldn’t worry too much as the scan place isn’t nhs, but after two of them having a feel and both having a go at measuring my bump they both said he does feel a little bigger then they’d expect at this stage and that I’m measuring 33cm at 31 weeks so I am measuring a couple of weeks ahead. I’m terrified now that something might not be right. I’ve never measured big before in any of my pregnancies. She asked if I’ve ever had GD in previous pregnancies which I haven’t. She said in order to have a growth scan I would need 2 consecutive high growth measurements or if they had concerns about the amniotic fluid. She said she’s not concerned about it but she has put down that she is in order for me to have a growth scan sooner rather than later. Feeling so scared that I may have undiagnosed gd. I don’t want anything bad to happen to him and it also scares he’ll be too big and I’ll need a C-section. That terrifies me so much. I have to wait for a phone call now to book in a growth scan. I hope it’s soon because my anxiety is going crazy with this worry now. I just want him to be healthy :cry:Looks like such a big jump on the chart. I’ve never been above the lines before
@Laurabub84 what @salamander91 said

Is your midwife going to test you for GD?
If baby *is* big due to uncontrolled GD as opposed to just genetics, then it's certainly not too late to treat the diabetes and mitigate problems with baby's health. Big babies on their own are not typically problematic (they can lead to higher instances of shoulder dystocia, but many many women who have had both big babies - 10+lbs and small babies - under 7lbs - have said their big babies came out much easier.

The biggest/most likely problem with gestational diabetes are due to it being uncontrolled throughout the third trimester - if you can get it diagnosed and under control now, then all of those risks will be mitigated to a large extent.
Has anyone else had vagina pain? :blush: every time I stand up/walk around today I feel bruised like someone's kicked me down there or something
@Laurabub84 what @salamander91 said

Is your midwife going to test you for GD?
If baby *is* big due to uncontrolled GD as opposed to just genetics, then it's certainly not too late to treat the diabetes and mitigate problems with baby's health. Big babies on their own are not typically problematic (they can lead to higher instances of shoulder dystocia, but many many women who have had both big babies - 10+lbs and small babies - under 7lbs - have said their big babies came out much easier.

The biggest/most likely problem with gestational diabetes are due to it being uncontrolled throughout the third trimester - if you can get it diagnosed and under control now, then all of those risks will be mitigated to a large extent.

I think I have to wait and see what his measurements are at the growth scan. They didn’t call me today but logging on to my patient portal there is an appointment for an ultrasound Monday morning. Assuming they’ll call me about it tomorrow. Reading my notes from today she’s noted down that the scan is to check for Polyhydramnios. I’ve never heard of this but googling has me worried as it could indicate something being wrong with him. She told me she wasn’t concerned about the fluid but now I’m scared she’s not saying so because of my anxiety and that I’ll worry about it so she didn’t tell me until they know. My minds running wild now, I’m just so worried for him. I’m breathless nearly all the time which I did mention at my last appointment but she said it’s just normal in pregnancy. I know this being my 6th but this has been too frequent and bad enough I’m sometimes seeing spots in my eyes while standing up. His movements are already really uncomfortable and I’m aching all the time. Been feeling pretty miserable to be honest because I don’t usually feel this way until nearer the end. The fear of a caesarean absolute terrifies me and I'm worried in case they’ll push for one if he keeps measuring weeks ahead. This pregnancy’s been so different to all my others but I just though it’s because I’ve been so anxious all the way through because of my previous miscarriage. I’m so worried for him I just want him to be completely healthy. I’m not coping well with the uncertainty. I just can’t wait for him to be here so I can see for myself he’s ok.

Has anyone else had vagina pain? :blush: every time I stand up/walk around today I feel bruised like someone's kicked me down there or something

yes hun I’ve been having this for weeks now. My pubic bone can feel bruised and it spreads down the tops of my thighs. It’s not pleasant is it
I think I have to wait and see what his measurements are at the growth scan. They didn’t call me today but logging on to my patient portal there is an appointment for an ultrasound Monday morning. Assuming they’ll call me about it tomorrow. Reading my notes from today she’s noted down that the scan is to check for Polyhydramnios. I’ve never heard of this but googling has me worried as it could indicate something being wrong with him. She told me she wasn’t concerned about the fluid but now I’m scared she’s not saying so because of my anxiety and that I’ll worry about it so she didn’t tell me until they know. My minds running wild now, I’m just so worried for him. I’m breathless nearly all the time which I did mention at my last appointment but she said it’s just normal in pregnancy. I know this being my 6th but this has been too frequent and bad enough I’m sometimes seeing spots in my eyes while standing up. His movements are already really uncomfortable and I’m aching all the time. Been feeling pretty miserable to be honest because I don’t usually feel this way until nearer the end. The fear of a caesarean absolute terrifies me and I'm worried in case they’ll push for one if he keeps measuring weeks ahead. This pregnancy’s been so different to all my others but I just though it’s because I’ve been so anxious all the way through because of my previous miscarriage. I’m so worried for him I just want him to be completely healthy. I’m not coping well with the uncertainty. I just can’t wait for him to be here so I can see for myself he’s ok.

yes hun I’ve been having this for weeks now. My pubic bone can feel bruised and it spreads down the tops of my thighs. It’s not pleasant is it

Remember that in your words, your midwife said she could only order a growth scan after two appointments where your fundal height measured large, or if there were concerns. It seems to me the most likely scenario is that she recognized your anxiety and wanted to get you a scan sooner than later so she would have needed to put down a reason for the scan theat would meet the criteria. Polyhydraminos is excess fluid, which does have a higher chance of being associated with other issues, but *very* commonly is a stand alone issue. But as you said, the midwife told you she didnt have any concerns about that and just had to put it down as a reason.
I'm glad your appointment is for Monday already so you don't have to wait too long for some answers.

In the meantime, glucometers aren't terribly expensive if you want to pick one up with 50 test strips and start testing your blood sugar at home - fasting and 2 hours after meals for a week will give you a good idea of whether or not diabetes is a concern. If you're getting high readings then you can bring it up with your midwife for official testing and get it treated, and if all your readings are normal then you can be fairly confident that your baby isn't big due to uncontrolled gestational diabetes
@Laurabub84 I agree with everything that @NDH said lol... I did wonder why you said you had to measure big twice but she was still getting you a scan after one measurement. You just need to breathe and relax I'm sure all will be well!!
I'm cross that I have to have growth scans cos of this papp-a thing.. Still haven't had any more info on it but I have the mw on weds so I'm definitely going to be asking more about it.
Im actually getting less vagina type pain now, I think he might have moved his butt outta there :haha: and be laying more transverse for now!
Oh also to add I've not had anymore braxton hicks since Monday thankfully which is a relief to me, wasn't a fan at all.
Thinking of you @littlewitch hope you are doing OK x
@Laurabub84 I agree with @NDH it seemed like your midwife was putting down another reason to just study and earlier ultrasound because you were anxious. If it is GD you still have time to get it under control.

@salamander91 yes, I have SPD again and everytime I stand or walk I feel bruised down around the vagina in my front middle pelvic bone. My baby seems to still be moving positions frequently but its worse on days the head seems to be properly head down and lower.
I think I have to wait and see what his measurements are at the growth scan. They didn’t call me today but logging on to my patient portal there is an appointment for an ultrasound Monday morning. Assuming they’ll call me about it tomorrow. Reading my notes from today she’s noted down that the scan is to check for Polyhydramnios. I’ve never heard of this but googling has me worried as it could indicate something being wrong with him. She told me she wasn’t concerned about the fluid but now I’m scared she’s not saying so because of my anxiety and that I’ll worry about it so she didn’t tell me until they know. My minds running wild now, I’m just so worried for him. I’m breathless nearly all the time which I did mention at my last appointment but she said it’s just normal in pregnancy. I know this being my 6th but this has been too frequent and bad enough I’m sometimes seeing spots in my eyes while standing up. His movements are already really uncomfortable and I’m aching all the time. Been feeling pretty miserable to be honest because I don’t usually feel this way until nearer the end. The fear of a caesarean absolute terrifies me and I'm worried in case they’ll push for one if he keeps measuring weeks ahead. This pregnancy’s been so different to all my others but I just though it’s because I’ve been so anxious all the way through because of my previous miscarriage. I’m so worried for him I just want him to be completely healthy. I’m not coping well with the uncertainty. I just can’t wait for him to be here so I can see for myself he’s ok.

yes hun I’ve been having this for weeks now. My pubic bone can feel bruised and it spreads down the tops of my thighs. It’s not pleasant is it
I would not worry at all about measuring 2 cm ahead. My OB has said many times that many women often measure 1-2 cm above or below their baby's gestational age. For example, at my 28 week OB appointment, I measured only 26 cm fundal height, yet on ultrasound, baby was measuring exactly on dates.
Oh also to add I've not had anymore braxton hicks since Monday thankfully which is a relief to me, wasn't a fan at all.
Thinking of you @littlewitch hope you are doing OK x
They redid tests to check for ruptured membranes earlier today and both are now negative. Seems that perhaps the OB resident who obtained the first swab may have either incorrectly collected the specimen, mislabeled it, or contaminated it in some way.
This means that my water did NOT break,!!
I had to wait for nearly 2 full days in hospital worried sick until they repeated the tests.
Now the current issue is that last night, I had painful contractions for 6 hours. So I have just spent the last 12 hours on a Magnesium Sulfate drip to stop the contractions.
My OB says if I do have frequent or painful contractions throughout the night, I can likely go home tomorrow. Part of me is scared they will ramp back up.
Wish me luck.
Will update you all again tomorrow
Remember that in your words, your midwife said she could only order a growth scan after two appointments where your fundal height measured large, or if there were concerns. It seems to me the most likely scenario is that she recognized your anxiety and wanted to get you a scan sooner than later so she would have needed to put down a reason for the scan theat would meet the criteria. Polyhydraminos is excess fluid, which does have a higher chance of being associated with other issues, but *very* commonly is a stand alone issue. But as you said, the midwife told you she didnt have any concerns about that and just had to put it down as a reason.
I'm glad your appointment is for Monday already so you don't have to wait too long for some answers.

In the meantime, glucometers aren't terribly expensive if you want to pick one up with 50 test strips and start testing your blood sugar at home - fasting and 2 hours after meals for a week will give you a good idea of whether or not diabetes is a concern. If you're getting high readings then you can bring it up with your midwife for official testing and get it treated, and if all your readings are normal then you can be fairly confident that your baby isn't big due to uncontrolled gestational diabetes

I’m completely ignorant about blood monitoring and diabetes. I wouldn’t have a clue what I’m doing with it all so I’m really hoping it isn’t that. Will just have to see what they say Monday. I was thinking that I was pushed back a couple of days at my 12 weeks scan but I know 100% when ovulated so I would be 32 weeks tomorrow by my dates which would mean I’ve only measured one week ahead. She’s worried me tho by saying he actually feels bigger than he should. My biggest baby was 7lbs 13oz at 4 days over due but then my son came at 37+5 weeks and was 7lbs 3oz so if he’d have gone full term I think he would have been a bigger baby. Maybe because I’m used to having girls they’ve tended to be smaller and I may produce bigger boys. Their dad is tall so I guess that could contribute. Trying not to worry at the moment. I’m just worried in case it means somethings not right. I overthink everything, my mind will just run wild and worry’s over every little thing. I just need to know he’s ok in there

They redid tests to check for ruptured membranes earlier today and both are now negative. Seems that perhaps the OB resident who obtained the first swab may have either incorrectly collected the specimen, mislabeled it, or contaminated it in some way.
This means that my water did NOT break,!!
I had to wait for nearly 2 full days in hospital worried sick until they repeated the tests.
Now the current issue is that last night, I had painful contractions for 6 hours. So I have just spent the last 12 hours on a Magnesium Sulfate drip to stop the contractions.
My OB says if I do have frequent or painful contractions throughout the night, I can likely go home tomorrow. Part of me is scared they will ramp back up.
Wish me luck.
Will update you all again tomorrow

What a relief it wasn’t your waters. I’m sorry you were put through that fear unnecessarily. I hope the contractions stop completely and they can keep baby in as long as possible. I can’t imagine how stressful it all is. Thinking of you hun
Baby is head down at the scan today so guess that's why I've had such an increase in pelvic pressure. He is also chunking up as expected :lol: they're estimating 2200g. Since my scan two weeks ago his HC and Femur have only increased by about a week but his AC has grown by 4 weeks! I have another appointment in two weeks and I'll hopefully get my section date then.
They redid tests to check for ruptured membranes earlier today and both are now negative. Seems that perhaps the OB resident who obtained the first swab may have either incorrectly collected the specimen, mislabeled it, or contaminated it in some way.
This means that my water did NOT break,!!
I had to wait for nearly 2 full days in hospital worried sick until they repeated the tests.
Now the current issue is that last night, I had painful contractions for 6 hours. So I have just spent the last 12 hours on a Magnesium Sulfate drip to stop the contractions.
My OB says if I do have frequent or painful contractions throughout the night, I can likely go home tomorrow. Part of me is scared they will ramp back up.
Wish me luck.
Will update you all again tomorrow

Glad it wasn't your waters! Fingers crossed for no more contractions
Oh so glad it wasn't your waters @littlewitch. Hope the contractions calm down for you I can't imagine how scary it is!!
I feel like things are really happening got everyone now.. I just read back my own post about braxton hicks and had a 'omg I'm having a baby!!' moment... Sounds crazy but it's only just becoming real to me... I've actually gotta give birth again arrghh...
@littlewitch so glad it wasn't your waters. Hopefully your contractions have stopped and you get to got to go home by now.

@salamander91 it's great your baby is head down, I know what you mean about the pelvic pressure. It's no fun. My baby has been moving between head down and transverse and head down is definitely causing worse SPD pain.

My car battery died while picking my daughter up from school so had to walk home tonight. The pelvic pain is rough. At least I have tomorrow off work so I can hopefully get a new battery and get my car back home.
Only 4 slightly painful contractions today and some mild cramping. Cervix is closed. Waters intact. Baby heart rate and response to irritability and contractions was monitored without issue. His little heart seems to be doing fine.
He had an ultrasound today. Measuring 3lb6oz at 30w3d. Amniotic fluid index was the best he has ever had at 14.
I am going to be on bedrest the rest of this journey likely.
Any normal activity; chores, walking, working about the house has been causing irritability in the last week.
So now, I just go from bed to bathroom and sometimes mill about my room very very briefly.
Both OB and high risk will see me this upcoming week.
I am just so grateful to be home and still be pregnant. :)
One day at a time.
My goal is 35 weeks. That way he gets to come with me after delivery. At my hospital, any earlier is an automatic NICU stay.
Love to you all.
I am glad all of you and your babies are well. The last few days have been so scary. Would not wish it on anyone.

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