January/ February Snowflakes 2024

@littlewitch glad to hear your still pregnant and can go home, even if it is on bed rest. I can't imagine how stressful the past couple days have been.
Just back from the midwife. Was hoping the measurements of his head from the 4d scan weren’t going to be a concern. I did mention it and she said if fundal measurements were fine then they wouldn’t worry too much as the scan place isn’t nhs, but after two of them having a feel and both having a go at measuring my bump they both said he does feel a little bigger then they’d expect at this stage and that I’m measuring 33cm at 31 weeks so I am measuring a couple of weeks ahead. I’m terrified now that something might not be right. I’ve never measured big before in any of my pregnancies. She asked if I’ve ever had GD in previous pregnancies which I haven’t. She said in order to have a growth scan I would need 2 consecutive high growth measurements or if they had concerns about the amniotic fluid. She said she’s not concerned about it but she has put down that she is in order for me to have a growth scan sooner rather than later. Feeling so scared that I may have undiagnosed gd. I don’t want anything bad to happen to him and it also scares he’ll be too big and I’ll need a C-section. That terrifies me so much. I have to wait for a phone call now to book in a growth scan. I hope it’s soon because my anxiety is going crazy with this worry now. I just want him to be healthy :cry:Looks like such a big jump on the chart. I’ve never been above the lines before
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I wanted to let you know, it is very common for a baby's head to measure larger than gestational age. At my ultrasound yesterday, baby's head diameter measured 32w1d. He was only 30w2d. His abdominal circumference also was 32w1d. Femur and arm exactly matched 30w2d.
What matters is that the doctor compares the baby's measurements to a massive database of measurements for whatever gestational age you are.
My high risk doctor said that as long as each separate measurement is less than the 90th percentile for that gestational age, baby is NOT too big.
I am so sorry that ultrasound got you worried.
Please don't worry.
You can't determine how on track, small, or big a baby is using only one measurement.
Combining all measurements and considering the overall picture of the baby's size is what matters. :)
Also, in order to get any imaging done, medical providers have to provide what is called a reason code. They have to provide a justification for ordering the ultrasound. So don't worry about the mention of polyhydramnios either. :)
I think everything is fine with your babe.
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@littlewitch I'm so pleased you got to go home and everything is well with baby. Hope he stays cooking in there for as long as possible so he won’t need a stay on nicu. I just can’t imagine how scary it’s been for you the last few days. I would have completely freaked.
Thanks for the reassurance. I did try not to worry about the 4d scan as she only measured his head and nothing else. The fact my FH measurement has jumped over the 100 centile line this week tho has really concerned me as all my other babies were fine and grew normally. That’s why I’m scared if he really is big already, why? I’ve done nothing different in this pregnancy then any other and after stupidly googling what a bigger baby could mean I’ve just worried myself all the more about gd or something being wrong with him. I’m trying to relax until my growth scan on Monday where we’ll hopefully get a better idea of where he’s at. Hoping all this worry will be for nothing and he’s perfectly healthy in there. I’m so grateful to my midwife for not making me wait another 3 weeks for my next appointment before arranging the growth scan. Just waiting for Monday feels long enough and if there is concerns I may need to be tested for gd then by the time it would have all been organised I would be around 25/26 weeks I would be left untreated
@littlewitch so glad to hear you are home. How's the bed rest going? Do you have people at home that can take over chores and childcare etc? Cant remember how many children you have...
Well ladies it's officially viability day for me!! My ticker is based on my dates but by the hospitals dates Im 24 weeks today!! I can't believe it, I watched you all get to this milestone and it felt so far away it's just crazy to me that I'm here!
Also I made babys windowledge look all cute!

@littlewitch so glad to hear you are home. How's the bed rest going? Do you have people at home that can take over chores and childcare etc? Cant remember how many children you have...
Well ladies it's officially viability day for me!! My ticker is based on my dates but by the hospitals dates Im 24 weeks today!! I can't believe it, I watched you all get to this milestone and it felt so far away it's just crazy to me that I'm here!
Also I made babys windowledge look all cute!

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I had to go back to triage today for a HR 110-150 standing. HR 110-120 sitting. They wanted to test me for pulmonary embolism but I was too terrified of the required testing to pursue it. I don't have shortness of breath or chest pain.
Just some epigastric pressure and the racing heart. I feel like I can not win.
I am hoping there is nothing seriously wrong.
Even more so than two days ago when I was discharged, I am afraid.
Ao sorry you're still having issues :(.
Have you heard of POTS? I'd look to see if you have any other symptoms besides your heart rate, and if so bring it up to your Dr.
I had to go back to triage today for a HR 110-150 standing. HR 110-120 sitting. They wanted to test me for pulmonary embolism but I was too terrified of the required testing to pursue it. I don't have shortness of breath or chest pain.
Just some epigastric pressure and the racing heart. I feel like I can not win.
I am hoping there is nothing seriously wrong.
Even more so than two days ago when I was discharged, I am afraid.

oh hun, I’m sorry your still having problems. What else will be done to monitor you? I hope it’s nothing serious

@Laurabub84 good luck with your scan today

Thank you lovely

Just back from my growth scan. His head and stomach are both measuring right on the top line so he’s definetly measuring big. I have to wait for an appointment to come through now to be tested for gestational diabetes and have another growth scan at 36 weeks and if he’s still measuring big then we’ll discuss delivery options. I’m so scared about it all. None of mine have ever measured big before and it scares me something could be wrong with him. The thought of having to have a caesarean absolutely terrifies me so much. I really don’t want to have go through that. Another 4 weeks of worry about how big he’s growing. I’m worried about everything I’m eating and drinking in case it’s contributing to his size. I can’t wait to reach the end of this pregnancy now. I’m so done with all the worry and I’m so uncomfortable. I knew they were right about him being bigger because I can feel the weight of him and to only be 32 weeks it’s really worrying me because I feel and look full term. I just pray so much he’s healthy and just happening to be a little bigger than my others
@littlewitch oh no, I hope everything is okay and you get the cause of the epigastric pain sorted. I had really bad epigastric pain a couple weeks ago and it was gastritis. My heart rate was high too due to the pain. Hopefully it's nothing serious in your case.

@Laurabub84 I'm glad your getting tested for GD. Fingers crossed he's just going to be a healthy big baby.
@Laurabub84 Sorry you're still worried. It's good they're testing you for GD. In the meantime you can make some simple switches to your diet if you're worried. Reducing carbs, switching to brown/wholemeal and increasing protein are good steps. Hopefully it won't come to it but a csection really isn't that bad. Planned ones are very relaxed and I'd much rather do that then risk an emergency section.
@littlewitch oh no sorry you're back to the hospital. Have you been admitted again? I hops it's nothing serious and you can relax a little soon :hugs:
@Laurabub84 I don't think that after having so many babies a bigger baby should be a problem for you to deliver! Are they saying he is potentially too big or just right at the top of normal? They are all so different after all, I honestly think this one is just your worrying brain taking over!
Thanks ladies. I really hope all is ok and I don’t have gd. It’s terrifying reading it can cause still birth. I have my appointment for Thursday morning but won’t find out the results until a few days later. I hate this fear :cry:
Thanks ladies. I really hope all is ok and I don’t have gd. It’s terrifying reading it can cause still birth. I have my appointment for Thursday morning but won’t find out the results until a few days later. I hate this fear :cry:

Hi Laura,
GD isn't scary, if your blood sugar is controlled. I had GD 2 out of 4 pregnancies and I only needed to check my blood sugar regularly. No insulin needed. Babies were born healthy, full-term and natural vaginal births. No need for a c-section. I always had big babies, around 3.8-4kg and my biggest baby was 55cm long.

If I were you, I would just cut off all sugars, including fruit juice (fruits are fine), and reduce the amount of carbs. Eat more protein and whole foods. And eat nuts / small snacks if you're hungry so your blood sugar doesn't spike after a big meal. The bright side of GD is that I only gained 7kg in my 4th pregnancy and my girl was almost 4kg at birth. I was almost at my pre-pregnancy weight after giving birth!! I hope you get answers soon. I realised too that the way the body processes sugar is a spectrum really. Even when someone doesn't have GD, added sugar / processed sugar can still burden the body in having to break-down and burn the sugars. That's why it's just beneficial overall to maintain as healthy a diet as possible pregnant or not, GD or not.
I was not readmitted, Josephine3. Just in the ER the other night. I will see a cardiologist soon hopefully for a heart monitor and echocardiogram.
I am in bed most of the time these days due to racing heart. Nothing of my nesting is going to get done without help. :(
I am just taking it day by day. Trying not to live in fear, but any heart related issues are terrifying.
Despite all this, baby boy is looking great on monitoring.
I will see high risk OB Friday for an ultrasound and to check on baby and I.

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