- Hi and welcome
My af is due 28th too but no way I'll be able to hold out until then to test lol
aley28 - Really hope it's just spotting and not af and you get a bfp today
drjo718 - Good luck for your test results, hope everything else is good news. I have pcos too and had to use clomid to conceive my first but I'm ovulating naturally now some cycles which is amazing. I remember my ultrasound when I was confirmed pcos and saw all the cysts on my ovaries, wasn't a pleasant experience
Leggiero - Omg how frustrating, I'd say yes you have more than likely Od later so are still well in the running for a bfp! How exciting, can't wait to see all the tests, I love it!
adge -
and welcome. A lot of ewcm is a great start, fingers crossed you get your bfp. Good luck!
Ckelly79 - They are awesome symptoms, I had all of those with my DS, especially the cm and vivid dreams, had so much cm in first tri it was awful. Always felt like af had come there was so much. Good luck!
Miss406 - I'm so sorry this is happening, really hope it is just spotting and af stays away. I did definitely see those lines too, especially on the blue dye test. A chemical is when you have an early positive test result and then af still comes on time or maybe a little late but it would still be too early to show a pregnancy on a scan. I really hope this isn't the case for you though
Sorry if I have missed anyone
Emma4g63 - how are you getting on with your opks? Fingers crossed you'ff be officially in the 2ww soon
AFM - Nothing to report, CD8 and found some out if date opks from my first so started using them just for poas sake lol. Will start to use my in date ones from CD11 just be on the safe side. O'd CD17 last cycle, hoping it will maybe be a day or 2 earlier this time so I can start poas sooner