January JellyBean mummies

hey ladies., had a crap night last night too. Quinn was cluster feeding from midnight til 4am. uggg. im so tired today. Also having problems with latching. he seems to latch good but he takes abut 10-15 minutes of latching and letting go and re-latching. I dont know why he can't just latch on the first time and stay there. My nipple are so sore and the skin is peelling. I think my daughter stole my lansinoh as i cant find it. Hopei have another tube upstairs somewhere....going to look in a little while.
hey ladies., had a crap night last night too. Quinn was cluster feeding from midnight til 4am. uggg. im so tired today. Also having problems with latching. he seems to latch good but he takes abut 10-15 minutes of latching and letting go and re-latching. I dont know why he can't just latch on the first time and stay there. My nipple are so sore and the skin is peelling. I think my daughter stole my lansinoh as i cant find it. Hopei have another tube upstairs somewhere....going to look in a little while.

wonder why they were all playing up last night, funny eh! hope the feeding gets better
Has anyone driven alone with their babies yet? Im meant to be taking Joe into work on Wed and im a bit scared of driving alone with him incase he cries or is sick. Im a bit worried im becoming a hermit and only going out if someone is with me.. I only go out if i really cant help it, im scared he will cry in public and people will think I cant look after him or stop him crying.. Is this normal??? I dont want to become a ' .........' cant think of the word of someone who doesnt go out

Edit. Agraphobic was the word, I dont think i am though........... When on mat leave i hardly left the house alone for fear of bleeding i think that has got something to do with it
Hi ladies. Thanks for all the support. DH and I just made up without ever talking about it and I woul never leave you all. I agree that I talk to All of you abou things that I would never talk to my close friends about. I is so nice that we are all in this together!

I have also not went out alone with kieran. I may turn into a hermit!
think it normal to feel that way about leaving the house. I was like that with my first. But I'm dying to get out of the house right now. I'm not suppose to drive for another week because of the section but I went out to get coffee while my mom watched the kids. It was great to get out and I had no pain at all so imthinking of going out for some shopping later this afternoon if my mom is up to going with me. I don't want to try lifting my 2 yr old into the car yet so I won't go out by myself if I have to take her with me.
Hey girls! OH is just feeding Holly before we all go out for a walk. She is 1 month old today, cant believe it!! A month ago I was in hosp unconscious when she was born!! :wacko:

Not sure about pain hunny but as for bleeding I was told it would start to ease off and then come back in full again before it gradually went. Sounds like this for you. Mine is still easing off and I was getting a heavy amount and clots for a while, spoke to doc and they said it was fine.

Happy 1 month Holly! Thanks for that Lisa :) No one had ever told me that. It's def gushes and it's old blood :shrug: but just can't understand how there can be so much. I'm seeing my gynae on Thurs and will ask him then.

hey ladies., had a crap night last night too. Quinn was cluster feeding from midnight til 4am. uggg. im so tired today. Also having problems with latching. he seems to latch good but he takes abut 10-15 minutes of latching and letting go and re-latching. I dont know why he can't just latch on the first time and stay there. My nipple are so sore and the skin is peelling. I think my daughter stole my lansinoh as i cant find it. Hopei have another tube upstairs somewhere....going to look in a little while.

I have that problem with Mackenzie on my left breast but thankfully it's not so painful anymore. Hang in there luv.

Has anyone driven alone with their babies yet? Im meant to be taking Joe into work on Wed and im a bit scared of driving alone with him incase he cries or is sick. Im a bit worried im becoming a hermit and only going out if someone is with me.. I only go out if i really cant help it, im scared he will cry in public and people will think I cant look after him or stop him crying.. Is this normal??? I dont want to become a ' .........' cant think of the word of someone who doesnt go out

Edit. Agraphobic was the word, I dont think i am though........... When on mat leave i hardly left the house alone for fear of bleeding i think that has got something to do with it

I'm sure you'll do great and it's normal to have those thoughts. I'm just so glad hubby is still, don't know if I could do it all on my own yet.

mmmmm, now for that chocolate brownies and ice cream that's been calling me from the kitchen.... bye ladies....
Hey ladies! What is it with these men at the moment???? Me and OH had yet another do at 1am this morning when I tried to wake him for a feed :growlmad: he is doing my head in and as a result of having to get up yet again when it wasnt my feed and then staying up for hours sorting things out and sorting holly out between us I am shattered!!!!! I know I'm fortunate that OH can help out at least as i'm not bf but all these rows are just draining me when i have very little energy as it is. I know its all growing pains as we adapt t our new lifestyle, but goddamit i'm exhausted!!!! :hissy:

Lisa I got some of those sock ons that Holly had and they are brilliant,ive just got another pair, there were £6 in Mothercare but I got some off Ebay for £2.60!

I was just thinking as I dressed Holly this morning I wonder if you'd got any! How sad am I??? They're great aren't they!!

Holly has been being sick more lately ad seems to get stomach ache after feeds as she screams and pulls her knees up. Its horrible as there seems to be very little we can do. It also seems to be after MIL feeds her - I dont think shes getting burped enough or right. :nope: Thank god they're off travelling around for a week or there would be bloodshed!!!
Grr just typed a message and it went! Dunno where?!?

Toby is hiccuping and wide awake. I'm hoping he doesn't want to feed for a bit yet but hes starting to whine now! Possibly overtired though as he hasn't been back to sleep since his last feed....:shrugs:

Must go and express some milk! Before he starts really demanding food! xxx

PS what are sock ons?

Lisa - Joe is like that he is very windy, what milk is Holly on? We give him Infacol before feed and he has Gaviscon in the milk but it makes him constipated, most of the time he complains because of wind, all he does is fart, it sounds like firework night in his nappy.

Leanne - Sock ons, the go over the socks to keep them on, they come in loads of different colours and the socks stay on all day. They are £6 in Mothercare but they are on Ebay for £2.60
We had a rough night over here too.... :( i actually cried with the baby! lol...
Evening ladies

Had a lovely day out with Caine and daddy had Alexander. He took a bottle of expressed milk! 3 1/2 oz the little porker! :wohoo: so mummy gets abreak every now and again now. HV said to do it before 4 weeks to get him used to it if I ever want to do it.

I am a stone off pre preg weight and have a very very very saggy belly :nope:

I felt great today got nice clothes on and make up :)

Caine is now draining the dregs of the bottle :lol:

It will get better with feeding everyone./ Alexander does it in ten mins now and my nipples are no longer sore :)
Hello ladies! So sorry to hear all the OHs are acting up. lol (what a difference from a week ago when all the LOs were acting up) I had the same thing last week with OH, if you will remember. Things are much better now though too. I think they feed off of our moods, so when we're tired and upset, they don't know how to handle it.

I agree with everyone about this site- it's a great support group with ladies who are going through similar things. As much as OH thinks he wants to know everything, I don't think he could handle everything we talk about nor do I think he can sympathize and share experiences like we ladies can.

I took a break from latching Madison on for a few days- she just got too fussy every time I put her to breast that feeding time was too traumatic for the both (3) of us, so I've just been feeding her expressed milk from a bottle. Every day I try latching her on at least once- just to at least get my milk flowing a bit better before pumping. I was getting worried though, because she's eating so much because of her growth spurt so we're running out of expressed milk! I found out a trick, though. (well at least it worked this morning, let's see if it works again!) I feed her about an ounce from the bottle so that she's not ravenous and then I put her to breast. She latched on nice and strong without any fussing and/or doing the whole latch and separate and latch and repeat drill. Maybe this can help some of you ladies with the sore nipples from the difficult latching.

Yesterday was a wonderful day! I don't know if I mentioned it before, but OH and I rode a Harley before my pregnancy disallowed me about 4 months ago. Well, I finally got back on the bike again! It was so fun! I love sitting behind Mark with my arms around him, seeing the sights, feeling the wind rush past, smelling all the smells, and having the sunshine on my face. It really re-energized me!
Oh, and by the way- it's not fair that you all aren't posting your after-baby bump progress pictures. Words are all fine and dandy, but a picture is worth 1000 words!
another btw: Jaymeebee is finally back online. Here's her post in the due date thread:

Hi ladies!!!

Wow...lots of updates. I had my baby on January 10 by a rushed induction due to severe hypertension/preclampsia. My own personal hospital stay has been a nightmare, but Peyton is doing extremely well. We were finally sent home today, so we will be leaving the city tomorrow afternoon.

I'll be getting to the updates very soon.

and congrats to all the new mommas

Jaymee XX
Hello ladies! So sorry to hear all the OHs are acting up. lol (what a difference from a week ago when all the LOs were acting up) I had the same thing last week with OH, if you will remember. Things are much better now though too. I think they feed off of our moods, so when we're tired and upset, they don't know how to handle it.

I agree with everyone about this site- it's a great support group with ladies who are going through similar things. As much as OH thinks he wants to know everything, I don't think he could handle everything we talk about nor do I think he can sympathize and share experiences like we ladies can.

I took a break from latching Madison on for a few days- she just got too fussy every time I put her to breast that feeding time was too traumatic for the both (3) of us, so I've just been feeding her expressed milk from a bottle. Every day I try latching her on at least once- just to at least get my milk flowing a bit better before pumping. I was getting worried though, because she's eating so much because of her growth spurt so we're running out of expressed milk! I found out a trick, though. (well at least it worked this morning, let's see if it works again!) I feed her about an ounce from the bottle so that she's not ravenous and then I put her to breast. She latched on nice and strong without any fussing and/or doing the whole latch and separate and latch and repeat drill. Maybe this can help some of you ladies with the sore nipples from the difficult latching.

Yesterday was a wonderful day! I don't know if I mentioned it before, but OH and I rode a Harley before my pregnancy disallowed me about 4 months ago. Well, I finally got back on the bike again! It was so fun! I love sitting behind Mark with my arms around him, seeing the sights, feeling the wind rush past, smelling all the smells, and having the sunshine on my face. It really re-energized me!

Does it hurt to pump with sore nipples? I can't reemmber from when my daughter was born but i have been thinking of starting to pump to store some milk.

Oh, and by the way- it's not fair that you all aren't posting your after-baby bump progress pictures. Words are all fine and dandy, but a picture is worth 1000 words!

I'm not posting pics as I still look about 6 months along and saggy and I dont like it yet. Ill think about it thou. I really have to start doing all the after sugery exercises....ive only been doing 2 of the 5 so far.

And yay Jamiebee......Peyton and Quinn share a birthday!!!!!!!!
pumping with sore nipples hurts me like crazy for the first couple minutes.. then goes away... :shrug:
Hey girls, dont know if any of you can offer any advice, I may post in the baby club. I did mention this briefly in my earlier post and I know Sarah replied (thansk hun!), but just wondered what other advice there may be too. Holly has fed totally fine, vomited on the odd occasion when we've recently upped her feed and its been too much for her. But for the last few days at least once a day (generally around her 5pm/8pm feed) she has been screaming after her feeds and cannot be settled. Its really horrible to watch as I feel so helpless, she cannot be consoled and is thrashing round. We are currently feeding her 4-5oz, depending on how much she wants, and burping her after every oz. Its not every feed though, through the day and night she seems to be fine, its the evening feeds. I just don't know :shrug: Any help would be greatly appreciated as its very upsetting!
My daughter use to do this every night for 3 hours for about 5 weeks. turns out it was due to milk imbalance while BFing but i assume your using formula? I was told amillion things to try and the only one that seemed to help was infant massage of the belly. Do it twice a day....morning and about 1-2 hours before she usually gets upset. Could be gas related. Also if its gas try laying her on her left side a few times a day (but watch her so she dont roll onto her belly and suffocate) Laying on left side help gas move around better.
You could try colic meds too it might help.
Hi ladies. I think I can officially say that BF is getting easier and my nipples look like nipples again!!! I am just so happy that it is getter better :happydance: thanks for everyone's support!!

Kieran has had a fussy day today but has finally setteled now. We are snuggling on the couch.

I will post a belly pic one day but I usually only log on on my iPhone. I never get a chance to get on the laptop where I can upload pics. I have about 9lbs left to lose and I am very excited it's about it! I never thought the weight would fall off so easily. My belly is pretty jiggly still but it is getting so much flatter now.

Congrats to Jaymee!

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