January JellyBean mummies

Disney - my excuse for not posting a pic is because the light bulbs have blown in our bedroom and thats the only place with a full mirror! I will get some more bulbs today or tomorrow! ...................also I have this strange swelling on my tummy which looks weird, and i also look about 6months pregnant and feel it :shrug: but i will do one x
lol. excuses excuses ladies! It's not fair I'm the only one.

as for pumping with sore nipples- yes, it can be sore to do, but it's easier with a pump to find the right amount of suction and the proper angle so that it minimizes the pain. It does eventually get better, though.

Today was OH's birthday. He worked most of the day, but a couple of friends came home afterwards and we had burritos and watched Sons of Anarchy (great show, by the way, albeit a bit graphic). Madison latched on all day today while daddy was gone, which she hasn't done since she was about 2 days old. I'm pretty encouraged about it, as I hadn't latched her on for a few days and was worried she might not take to the breast anymore. I'm so proud of her... she's getting so nice and chubby and is really starting to get a personality. She'll be 2 weeks old in a matter of about 7 hours. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown. I'd better try and get some sleep since she's sleeping right now, but I'll see you all in the morning. Sweet dreams ladies!
ok BFing mommies......do your babies burp well? Quinn hardly burps and i try every time he unlatches. I dont remember having this problem with my girl. All day yesterday (its 4am here now) he only burped once! Should i be concerned? Will he end up getting realy gassy because of it? he does toot almost every feed and poop....is that enough?
Hodbert: Silly question i'm sure but is it wind? Jennifer had this really bad for two weeks when she was 4-5 weeks old. She would arch her back, thrash her arms, bring her knees to her chest, scratch her face, contort her face in pain and scream a lot!!!:cry: Another thing it could be is silent reflux, the HV told me that babies can have it even if they aren't sick and that it feels like indigestion. She said to sit Jennifer up for 20 mins after a feed and if she seemed happier this could be the cause of her crying.

In actual fact her wind issues are caused by her poor latch on the breast due to my very fact flow (I have sprayed her in the face 3 times this week - i'm like a hosepipe!!!), however sitting her up after a feed does seem to calm her. Hope this helps. Also if you don't mind me asking how are you feeling generally as I remember you saying you felt down a few weeks ago:hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxx

Jaymeebee Congratulations xxxxx:happydance::happydance::happydance:

All is good here, (I took Jennifer to rhymetime yesterday and we go to a breastfeeding clinic/mum's social group on a Thursday. Plus BF is getting easier and I'm enjoying her so much:happydance:) except the sleeping thing. Jennifer is still in her inutero sleep pattern which means she is wide awake from midnight until about 2am, last night I laid her on my chest to send her to sleep as I was very awake, I remember looking at my watch and thinking I'd put her in her basket in 5 mins. 3 hours later I was woken by Dave (OH) telling me that he had put her in her basket as he had woken up to find her with her head between the gap in our pillows!!!!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: I had fallen asleep and she must have rolled, pushed herself up me and fallen over my shoulder. Jennifer is fine but I can't begin to describe how awful I feel today.:nope: What if something had happened to her? Why didn't my mummy instinct kick in and wake me up? She could have sooo easily suffocated:cry::cry: I cried for an hour straight this morning and couldn't bring myself to pick her up at first, I was so petrified I was going to hurt her. I just feel like the worst Mum in the world and thast its a miracle that she is ok :cry::cry::cry: From now on she will have to stay in her basket or I will have to walk around will her, I can't believe how mobile she is for a month old!!!!! A lump catches in my throat everytime I think about it, I am just so grateful she is unhurt.

Still no birth story, will try and attempt it today if I feel less shocked later xxxx

ETA Mum2be No Jennifer takes ages to burp but I have found that burping her everytime she unlatches or starts to fuss and look uncomfortable works best xxx
ok BFing mommies......do your babies burp well? Quinn hardly burps and i try every time he unlatches. I dont remember having this problem with my girl. All day yesterday (its 4am here now) he only burped once! Should i be concerned? Will he end up getting realy gassy because of it? he does toot almost every feed and poop....is that enough?

My LO doesn't burp much either. I give her the usual firm pats on the back, and rock her forward and back (bending her in half almost) to try to move the air, but no avail. She also does poot every time she eats While she eats, though. I also find if I lie her on her tummy on my chest for a while and then put her back up in a sitting position, she burps... but that's a while after she's eaten. I don't think that BF babies get as much gas.

Hodbert: Silly question i'm sure but is it wind? Jennifer had this really bad for two weeks when she was 4-5 weeks old. She would arch her back, thrash her arms, bring her knees to her chest, scratch her face, contort her face in pain and scream a lot!!!:cry: Another thing it could be is silent reflux, the HV told me that babies can have it even if they aren't sick and that it feels like indigestion. She said to sit Jennifer up for 20 mins after a feed and if she seemed happier this could be the cause of her crying.

In actual fact her wind issues are caused by her poor latch on the breast due to my very fact flow (I have sprayed her in the face 3 times this week - i'm like a hosepipe!!!), however sitting her up after a feed does seem to calm her. Hope this helps. Also if you don't mind me asking how are you feeling generally as I remember you saying you felt down a few weeks ago:hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxx

Jaymeebee Congratulations xxxxx:happydance::happydance::happydance:

All is good here, (I took Jennifer to rhymetime yesterday and we go to a breastfeeding clinic/mum's social group on a Thursday. Plus BF is getting easier and I'm enjoying her so much:happydance:) except the sleeping thing. Jennifer is still in her inutero sleep pattern which means she is wide awake from midnight until about 2am, last night I laid her on my chest to send her to sleep as I was very awake, I remember looking at my watch and thinking I'd put her in her basket in 5 mins. 3 hours later I was woken by Dave (OH) telling me that he had put her in her basket as he had woken up to find her with her head between the gap in our pillows!!!!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: I had fallen asleep and she must have rolled, pushed herself up me and fallen over my shoulder. Jennifer is fine but I can't begin to describe how awful I feel today.:nope: What if something had happened to her? Why didn't my mummy instinct kick in and wake me up? She could have sooo easily suffocated:cry::cry: I cried for an hour straight this morning and couldn't bring myself to pick her up at first, I was so petrified I was going to hurt her. I just feel like the worst Mum in the world and thast its a miracle that she is ok :cry::cry::cry: From now on she will have to stay in her basket or I will have to walk around will her, I can't believe how mobile she is for a month old!!!!! A lump catches in my throat everytime I think about it, I am just so grateful she is unhurt.

Still no birth story, will try and attempt it today if I feel less shocked later xxxx

ETA Mum2be No Jennifer takes ages to burp but I have found that burping her everytime she unlatches or starts to fuss and look uncomfortable works best xxx

Aw, sweetie!!!!!!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::flower: Don't you fret too much. Your little princess is unhurt. I'm sure if she was in real danger, your mommy instincts would have intervened. I just about cried when I read your post. Don't feel like a bad mum, please! Be proud that she's so strong she can move like that... just take extra precautions next time. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Today I'm going to take my LO out. I don't feel as scared anymore to do anything with her (reckless??? :blush:) even take her on the bus. I figure if I take the right precautions and make sure she's warm, it'll all be ok. I just can't stay cooped up in these four walls anymore and Disneyland sounds great. All my Co-workers have been dying to see her and I've missed them terribly as well. I figured I'd do a little 2 week celebration for her as she's 2 weeks and 1 hour old as of right now!
Lostunicorn, you definitely don't sound like a bad mother. A bad mother wouldn't beat herself up over something like this. You're doing a great job. The extreme fatigue at this stage can overpower any mommy instinct you think you might need right now. I know you're still going to feel bad no matter what anyone says so I'm just going to send you lotsa :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
AWWW hun dont feel bad, i am sure we have all done it/will do it, i know i have xxx
Hodbert: Silly question i'm sure but is it wind? Jennifer had this really bad for two weeks when she was 4-5 weeks old. She would arch her back, thrash her arms, bring her knees to her chest, scratch her face, contort her face in pain and scream a lot!!!:cry: Another thing it could be is silent reflux, the HV told me that babies can have it even if they aren't sick and that it feels like indigestion. She said to sit Jennifer up for 20 mins after a feed and if she seemed happier this could be the cause of her crying.

In actual fact her wind issues are caused by her poor latch on the breast due to my very fact flow (I have sprayed her in the face 3 times this week - i'm like a hosepipe!!!), however sitting her up after a feed does seem to calm her. Hope this helps. Also if you don't mind me asking how are you feeling generally as I remember you saying you felt down a few weeks ago:hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxx

Jaymeebee Congratulations xxxxx:happydance::happydance::happydance:

All is good here, (I took Jennifer to rhymetime yesterday and we go to a breastfeeding clinic/mum's social group on a Thursday. Plus BF is getting easier and I'm enjoying her so much:happydance:) except the sleeping thing. Jennifer is still in her inutero sleep pattern which means she is wide awake from midnight until about 2am, last night I laid her on my chest to send her to sleep as I was very awake, I remember looking at my watch and thinking I'd put her in her basket in 5 mins. 3 hours later I was woken by Dave (OH) telling me that he had put her in her basket as he had woken up to find her with her head between the gap in our pillows!!!!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: I had fallen asleep and she must have rolled, pushed herself up me and fallen over my shoulder. Jennifer is fine but I can't begin to describe how awful I feel today.:nope: What if something had happened to her? Why didn't my mummy instinct kick in and wake me up? She could have sooo easily suffocated:cry::cry: I cried for an hour straight this morning and couldn't bring myself to pick her up at first, I was so petrified I was going to hurt her. I just feel like the worst Mum in the world and thast its a miracle that she is ok :cry::cry::cry: From now on she will have to stay in her basket or I will have to walk around will her, I can't believe how mobile she is for a month old!!!!! A lump catches in my throat everytime I think about it, I am just so grateful she is unhurt.

Still no birth story, will try and attempt it today if I feel less shocked later xxxx

ETA Mum2be No Jennifer takes ages to burp but I have found that burping her everytime she unlatches or starts to fuss and look uncomfortable works best xxx

Lost I think it is trapped wind in her tummy, but I am burping her loads and it doesnt seem to stop it happening. She thgrashes around for a while and eventually trumps and then is ok!

And no thinking you are a bad mummy! These things happen and you've learnt from it, nobody can blame you for being exhausted. It was an accident and everything is fine, don't beat yourself up about it :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hodbert - definitely sounds like tummy pain/gas.... have you tried gripe water?? My LO has gas even though she is breastfed (I finally figured out the trick to get a really good burp out of her though! yay!) but when she seems unsettled I'll give her a bit of gripe water and it works really well! It is recommended starting at 2 weeks old...

I only recommend this brand of gripe water as others are known to have alcohol in them! crazyness.... (this one is all natural)

I've been told its also great for really bad hiccups! If you are stateside (which I think you are) you can find it at CVS or Walgreens :)
Well we went to drs today. He now weights 5lbs 5oz. Yay! I asked dr...well 2 drs....about the burping. One said to burp burp burp him and use gripe water if hes fussy (which he is not) the other said as long as im trying and hes not fussy dont worry too much. he does toot plenty so hes passing gas just from the other end...lol

The reason we seen 2 drs is taht my little man is being circumsized tomorrow so we had a physical and stuff with that dr and then we seen his regular dr for his 1 week check up. All is good. The circ dr commented and said my little man has a tiny penis! and he must get that from daddy (glad OH was not there to hear it! lol as hes not small at all) I told that dr well everything about him is small so yes he has a small penis too! LOL He also said that Quinn would need to be circ'd anyways as his foreskin is very tight so im not feeling that bad about choosing to have it done because he would need it anyways.

I made OH take tomorrow off work to go with me as im sure if i hear my little man cry i will cry and i want him there for support. He was really good about taking the time off so im hapyp bout that.

I guess tahts it really.
Hi everyone! So nice to join you all in mummies thread yay! Thought I'd never make it! Baby Fearne is so gorgeous although a lot chunkier than I thought she would be lol!

Been feeding for 2 hours now and every time I put her down she's crying! Feeling very tired now so she gonna have to just stay in there!

Whoever updates the front page thanks for adding me already! Congrats to any new arrivals ive missed xx
Gosh we've had a bad night :wacko: J woke at 11.30 for a feed he fed one side burped nappy change we went up to bed and fed other side burped. Then started the crying oh by it went on until 2am we walked we cuddled we did everything he took a few small feeds between 12-2 then zonked out at 2.15 tired is an understatement now.
Not sure what was wrong as he normally settles so well.

Welcome to the thread Jo cant wait to see pictures
Welcome Jo, Fraggles i hope you get some rest today.
Ive done my photos but cant find the camera lead!!
I look about 6months pregnant still.

Ive got a little quiz thing I picked up from the newsagent and the answers are HOLES, its doing my head in, wonder if you can help.... For example if the clue was BIRD the answer would be PIGEON ..PIGEON HOLE

1 Song.....................
2 Do a runner.......................
3 Look both ways.............................Eye
4 Ask for a lift....................................
5 Court opener.....................................
6 A piece of it is easy............................ We thought cake
7 Carry with difficulty........................Lughole
8 Unintersting robe................................Cubby
9 Advertise a lot.....................................
10 Projectile............................
11 Gardens need it.................................. Watering
12 Fastener........................................Key
13 Backhander..........................
14 Magnificence...............................
15 One is pressed...................................Button
16 Multiply.............................................
17 Agent......................................Spy?(hole)
18 Game comes back..........................
19 Used with a computer ...................................Mouse (hole)
20 Filthy......................................................Mud

and what I thought might be there but couldnt find clue was pot hole and black hole, cant think of any others.............maybe ass hole lol
Welcome Jo and baby Fearne :hugs: So glad you're joining us. I can't wait to see your little bubs Jo.

Sarah, now I'm not going to get anything done. Your list is going to drive me crazy! I think #11 is watering hole and isn't #15 button hole, perhaps #12 is key hole? although I don't know if that works. I agree though, ass hole should fit in somewhere, but where, lol...
Welcome Jo and baby Fearne :hugs: So glad you're joining us. I can't wait to see your little bubs Jo.

Sarah, now I'm not going to get anything done. Your list is going to drive me crazy! I think #11 is watering hole and isn't #15 button hole, perhaps #12 is key hole? although I don't know if that works. I agree though, ass hole should fit in somewhere, but where, lol...

:haha: thanks, its annoying isnt it, Can you think of anymore holes?
got Joes 6 week check today (although he is 7weeks now) and im taking him to my work today, first time driving alone with him!
3. eyehole
8. cubbyhole
20. mudhole

gosh thats a hard puzzle might have to get my thinking cap on now.My guesses probably way off the mark.
3. eyehole
8. cubbyhole
20. mudhole

gosh thats a hard puzzle might have to get my thinking cap on now.My guesses probably way off the mark.

thanks i'll put them in :thumbup:

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