OMG just typed out a massive post and stupid computer deleted it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BREATHE CHERYL BREATHE!!!!

Lets try again...
Thanks for all your reassurance and

for my last post. Dave was exaggerating and she was on her side next to the gap between the pillows, but Im still freaked out!!!
Im sure Jennifer is tryng to give me a heart attack, I woke up this morning to her screaming because she had kicked the covers over her head. We only ever put covers up to her armpits anyway so how she got them so high is a mystery. If she is the right weight tomorrow at clinic she is going into her sleeping bags tomorrow night!
Lovealittle1-I only offer one but thats due to having lots of milk, if Jennifer still seems hungry I offer the second but she can be on one boob for an hour and still not have emptied it. If I offered her two (like a MW told me to do last week) she would never get any hind milk. Do what you feel is best for you and your LO
Hodbert-Jennifer is still like this, Ive had days this week where I have only put her down when Im using the oven or doing a wee!!! Its really stressful but I found when she has days where you cant even eat resigning yourself to the fact that you wont leave the sofa does help. Set yourself up with some good DVDs/TV. your laptop, a blanket, lots of food that doesnt need any preparation and it does feel better. Imho the no prep food is the key one, even if it does mean you eat very unhealthy until Hubby gets back from work, at least you are eating. Hope this helps, sending lots of

as I know how lonely and stressed this makes me feel xx
BF is a nightmare here again, Jennifer has suddenly developed a really weak latch, refuses to tip her head back or open her mouth properly and screams through feeds. She is feeding every hour which doesnt help either!!! I just feel like the worst mother, all I want to do is feed her and she wont let me. She fights me every step of the way

She also choks, coughs and stops breathing at pretty much every feed now and everytime she latches off she empties a mouthful of unswallowed milk on me. I had her checked for tongue tie but Im not convinced theres not something hurting her in her mouth, she also seems to be starting teething as her gums have really thinned out the last few days and look like they are about to split. Needless to say I have been crying about this for the last hour.

Im, so glad I have BF clinic tomorrow.
I still havent written her birth story but I realised today that I dont want to write it (hope this isnt a symptom of depression, due to bipolar Im determined to prove the Drs, MWs and HVs wrong that I will get PND), so if you want to know the gory details youll have to ask me in question form. I dont know why I dont wanna write it out but everytime I sit down to do it I end up doing something else. Maybe Ill dictate it to Dave! Reading this back I feel so mean and like such a bad Mum.
Well Id better go as Jellybean is asleep now and I've used way to many exclimation marks in this post!!!!!!!!!!!!