OMG there is so much to catch up on... I think I'm just going to say "Hi" and "Hugs" to all that need it... I feel like I've been away for ages...
We had a bit of a manic and stressful first week and a half but we have finally settled into more of a routine now we have started to get to grips with the feeding.
I had a real nightmare with breastfeeding. She fed for the first 7 days constantly and wouldn't leave my boob, she was constantly rooting trying to improve my supply. The only time she would come off was when she passed out to sleep. The MW's assured me it was normal but at the 7 day appointment she'd lost more weight. (Only 30g but thats got to be loads when you are so little).
My supply, for whatever reason, just doesn't seem to be enough for her.

Expressing brings very minimal amounts. I was constantly in tears about it. Which I know won't have helped the supply but I had no idea as to whether I was satisfying her or not and I was really determined to keep BFing.
After she lost weight again the MW talked to me about Combi FF/BFing. So now I am doing 15 mins on the breast followed by whatever she wants from the formula. The result is a completely different baby.
She has times of being awake without needing anything but a cuddle or a chat, which we never had before. She sleeps for 3/4 hours at a time and settles herself mostly rather than us having to trick her into sleep or her pass out on my boob exhausted from suckling. She does look a bit drugged after the formula but I think its just she is so pleased to have a full stomach! LOL
It also meant I slept for more than 2 hours! And I get to have my sanity back a little. After just a day of this she had put 70g on!
I'm still upset that the BFing hasn't worked out how I planned. I've found it so hard but I gave it everything I could. I just can't do it to the detriment of my little girl. I'm still working on my supply by feeding from the breast first but I'm sure this only will probably only make my supply dip even further until its gone. I'm trying to regularly express too to stimulate some more...
Anyone have any experience in Combi-feeding and whether I'm just facing a losing battle with continuing to part-BF?
Hope everyone is well...should be able to keep up better now Sofia is happier.