January JellyBean mummies

Right the weight loss needs to start now ladies I am so fat and minging so sick of it :(

Belly is massive and I feel horrible but cant stop eating! Constantly starving :(

Help me :(
lisa im not sure, do you have a temp or anything?
Jade im with you on that, today i have eaten Shreddies for breakfast followed by a creme egg, then for lunch i had a sandwich spread sarnie followed by a bag of crisps and a creme egg. Dinner was a sandwich spread sarnie lol i have about 3 arses and they touch the back of my knees!

I cancelled my appt at the drs tomorrow re bleeding, its black stuff now so think its ending, just never gonna :sex: again lol, i saw a post in the postnatal boards and think its normal and nothing drs can do about it anyway!
I have to have my Rubella jab as when i was first pg they picked up that i wasnt immunised! Had one shot just after Joe was born and was meant to go back to get the other one 4 weeks later but i forgot...oops
And im an Avon rep again, funny someone mentioned it on here yesterday, i used to do it but because of my dodgy pg i gave it up as i was in and out of hospital and all my customers were work so not much point, a rep knocked at my FIL house this morning trying to recruit in their road he said that i might be interested so they came here and said that his whole road is free so im gonna do that road!! Im quite chuffed really
Can I join in please? Elise Grace was born 18th January :) :flower:

:wave: hello you! where have you been hiding? i thought you were already joined, nice to see you x

Can I join in please? Elise Grace was born 18th January :) :flower:

:wave: hello you! where have you been hiding? i thought you were already joined, nice to see you x

Ditto on that, thought you'd been here all along! Hi anyway! :wave:[/QUOTE]

:shrug: I have no idea! I'm so forgetful at the moment! I have lists and notes pinned and stuck everywhere honestly..

If so, I'm joining again :haha:

Has anyone been offered TB jabs? The HV came today and said that they no longer do them at secondary school age. They're offering them to under 5's in higher-risk areas (cities). She said she'd book Elise and Ryan in.
Hey ladies!

Ive not been on much in last 2 days cuz its been aweful. Yesterday Quinn started screaming at 5pm as OH was coming in from work. He kept screaming until i gave him a bath at 9pm and then he slept for an hour and started again and kept going until 3am. I just dont know what to do! I gave him the colic/gas meds at 6pm but it didn't seem to do anything. I was sooo tired today but have had a nap now so feeling a bit better. and no screaming so far today but its only 4:30. Think im giong to go give him the meds now before he starts any screaming.

Dear Lord please let there be no screaming tonight! I really need a break from it all!!!!!!!!
Wish I had an appetite im struggling to eat a meal a day, give me a tonne of chocolte and i'll demolish it :wacko:
My appetite isn't what it used to be (she says after ordering a dominos!), which is goood! i was eatting soo much before Oliver was born, i have 2 stone to lose :( Im actually fighting not to do sit ups to get rid of this belly, but cant because of my csection argh!

Took me nearly an hour to settle Oliver to sleep tonight, he used to be so good at settling down but recently he just wants to either be awake or moan. I ended up accidentally waking him up trying to get the dog from under the bed :dohh:
Hi ladies

Welcome over Lauren kate

sar I have eatenloads. Bread and cheese is the devil for me:(
lisa im not sure, do you have a temp or anything?
Jade im with you on that, today i have eaten Shreddies for breakfast followed by a creme egg, then for lunch i had a sandwich spread sarnie followed by a bag of crisps and a creme egg. Dinner was a sandwich spread sarnie lol i have about 3 arses and they touch the back of my knees!

I cancelled my appt at the drs tomorrow re bleeding, its black stuff now so think its ending, just never gonna :sex: again lol, i saw a post in the postnatal boards and think its normal and nothing drs can do about it anyway!
I have to have my Rubella jab as when i was first pg they picked up that i wasnt immunised! Had one shot just after Joe was born and was meant to go back to get the other one 4 weeks later but i forgot...oops
And im an Avon rep again, funny someone mentioned it on here yesterday, i used to do it but because of my dodgy pg i gave it up as i was in and out of hospital and all my customers were work so not much point, a rep knocked at my FIL house this morning trying to recruit in their road he said that i might be interested so they came here and said that his whole road is free so im gonna do that road!! Im quite chuffed really

No temp so dont think its an infection. OH thinks i'm a hypochondriac (sp?) so never listens to me when I say something hurts!

I did Avon a few years ago, but I'm not really one for knocking on peoples doors so didnt really enjoy it and didnt last too long. Good for you though, its a good way to earn some extra pennies! :thumbup:

Hey ladies!

Ive not been on much in last 2 days cuz its been aweful. Yesterday Quinn started screaming at 5pm as OH was coming in from work. He kept screaming until i gave him a bath at 9pm and then he slept for an hour and started again and kept going until 3am. I just dont know what to do! I gave him the colic/gas meds at 6pm but it didn't seem to do anything. I was sooo tired today but have had a nap now so feeling a bit better. and no screaming so far today but its only 4:30. Think im giong to go give him the meds now before he starts any screaming.

Dear Lord please let there be no screaming tonight! I really need a break from it all!!!!!!!!

So sorry Quinn is having so much trouble, I hope hes better for you tonight. :hugs:

Wish I had an appetite im struggling to eat a meal a day, give me a tonne of chocolte and i'll demolish it :wacko:

I'm exactly the same, barely eating at all. Just had to force 3 spring rolls down my neck and its the only thing i've had since i had a plate of chips last night. However if I had any cadburys in front of me i'd demolish it! :dohh:

Tomorrow it is Sarah, lol. The front page looks great :hugs:

put the kettle on, im on my way :plane:

How did you SA meet up go ladies??? :rofl:

Sarah stood me up :(

Tut tut Sarah! :haha:
Wish I had an appetite im struggling to eat a meal a day, give me a tonne of chocolte and i'll demolish it :wacko:

im the same except for the chocolate. Im not a big chocolate fan. I dont usually eat until dinner unless i happen to think of it around lunch time. im just to busy to think about food and i never feel hungry.

So today iwas going to try to not have my tim hortons cappacino and see if that is whats causeing Quinn to be so gassy. Its now 6:30 and no screaming yet (knock on wood) But im DYING for my cappacino so im going to go out and get a small one instead of a large.

i usually drink probably 2 large ones a day and a pepsi so today i was going to try no cappacino and tomorrow no pepsi but if i dont drink them i get horrible migraines. to the point of being nautious (sp) and throwing up. But maybe its just too much for him so ill try a small and see how that works out. Wish me luck!!!!
Avery was weighed today. 10 pounds 7 ounces with her clothes on. I'm thinking subtract 3-4 ounces for clothes?

Sar, I can't get her to take more than 4ish ounces either. My son was drinking 6 ounces by 6 weeks, so I keep getting nervous.

:hugs: for Mom2B. It will get better. Is there anyone in your family who can maybe give you just one good night's sleep?
Avery was weighed today. 10 pounds 7 ounces with her clothes on. I'm thinking subtract 3-4 ounces for clothes?

Sar, I can't get her to take more than 4ish ounces either. My son was drinking 6 ounces by 6 weeks, so I keep getting nervous.

:hugs: for Mom2B. It will get better. Is there anyone in your family who can maybe give you just one good night's sleep?

NO there really isn't. OH gives me a break in the evening for about a half hour but then he starts getting raelly frustrated...but taht half hour is gold to me! My mom offered to stay the night and let me sleep but with her health I dont really trust her with him. Plus im BFing and only have like 4 portions in the freezer and I need one for the 18th when i got out. Im also afraid if he gets 3 bottles in a row he will refuse to latch on and BF anymore.

I had to take OH step daughter out to lookat a place to live this evening and OH said Quinn was really fussy while i was gone (6:30-7:30pm) but when i came hme i fed him and its now 8:30 and hes asleep. Not sure how long it will last for thou. And im not sure if Quinn was fussy due to gas or hunger as he was suppose to eat at 7 and i didn't make it back til 730. Oh also said he let out some good farts while i was gone so maybe the meds i gave him at 5 are working. His belly still feels really gassy. If i put my hand on his belly, back or even his bum i can feel all the gas bubbles moving around in there. I sure hope hes feeling better tonight thou. Ive just started drinking some of my cappacino now. I got a large but plan to only drink half....or maybe less.

Ok well im off to fold a bunch of laundry if Quinn lets me!
So its now 10:19pm and I last fed Quinn at 7:30. Hes been sleeping since then. Not a peep out of him. The next few hours will be the true test thou as ive drank half a timmies. Sure hope its not the cappacino causing his pain cuz i really really do love them!

but i will survive if i have to not drink them. its not like it would be forever anyways just until his stomach can handle it....i would probably wait until hes 3 months to try it again thou if this is whats causing it.
Let us know how he gets on Laura. My friend who moved to Canada last year raves about timmies I'm sure! Is it a big chain, will they have times in orillia? Least you enjoyed it one last time if it is that ;-) x
Mackenzie, my gorgeous baby girl, slept for 6 hours straight last night - 10:30 to 4:30. What a clever little girl. I hope it's not a one night thing coz if I can just get her to stretch that another 2 hours it would be bliss, lol.

As for Avon, I tried that but just ended up with way too much make up so therefore never made any money :haha:
A bit of a windy day and night yesterday - I don't like to give him gripe water in the day because it is only supposed to be given 6 times a day. Think he will be having some today though! Other than that he seems quite content, even took him to church last night and he slept all through. Going to attempt some breakfast and a bath while he sleeps (hopefully) he has a knack of waking just as I get in the tub!
Lisa am in Warsop so very near Chesterfield and not far from Sheffield :)

Meadow hall meet? :D

Yes please me too!!! I'm nottingham so straight up the m1 for me!! When can we do it????:thumbup:

Leanne tiger in the tree is where you have baby facing away from you with their head on your forearm. Your other arm comes through their legs and your hand can massage their tummy. You should be able to google a picture of it. Also Michael didn't use to like his moses basket but my friend made a nest in it with towels the other day so now he feels really secure. Might be worth a go for Toby if you want to put him back in : )

Thanks hun I'll check it out!

OMG there is so much to catch up on... I think I'm just going to say "Hi" and "Hugs" to all that need it... I feel like I've been away for ages...

We had a bit of a manic and stressful first week and a half but we have finally settled into more of a routine now we have started to get to grips with the feeding.

I had a real nightmare with breastfeeding. She fed for the first 7 days constantly and wouldn't leave my boob, she was constantly rooting trying to improve my supply. The only time she would come off was when she passed out to sleep. The MW's assured me it was normal but at the 7 day appointment she'd lost more weight. (Only 30g but thats got to be loads when you are so little).

My supply, for whatever reason, just doesn't seem to be enough for her. :cry: Expressing brings very minimal amounts. I was constantly in tears about it. Which I know won't have helped the supply but I had no idea as to whether I was satisfying her or not and I was really determined to keep BFing.

After she lost weight again the MW talked to me about Combi FF/BFing. So now I am doing 15 mins on the breast followed by whatever she wants from the formula. The result is a completely different baby.

She has times of being awake without needing anything but a cuddle or a chat, which we never had before. She sleeps for 3/4 hours at a time and settles herself mostly rather than us having to trick her into sleep or her pass out on my boob exhausted from suckling. She does look a bit drugged after the formula but I think its just she is so pleased to have a full stomach! LOL
It also meant I slept for more than 2 hours! And I get to have my sanity back a little. After just a day of this she had put 70g on!

I'm still upset that the BFing hasn't worked out how I planned. I've found it so hard but I gave it everything I could. I just can't do it to the detriment of my little girl. I'm still working on my supply by feeding from the breast first but I'm sure this only will probably only make my supply dip even further until its gone. I'm trying to regularly express too to stimulate some more...

Anyone have any experience in Combi-feeding and whether I'm just facing a losing battle with continuing to part-BF?

Hope everyone is well...should be able to keep up better now Sofia is happier.

Good luck hun just keep expressing. We were combi feeding but I let that slip on the odd day and my supply totally plummeted. I think I may have had the same issue with you re my supply though as Toby was getting very frustarted on my boob like he wasn't getting enough. We are now happily on bottles and I know someone else said it but a happy mum = happy baby and that what the midwives told me when I was getting very stressed about bfing. Hope it goes well for you anyway as I do miss the bfing closeness we had.

Hey ladies!

Ive not been on much in last 2 days cuz its been aweful. Yesterday Quinn started screaming at 5pm as OH was coming in from work. He kept screaming until i gave him a bath at 9pm and then he slept for an hour and started again and kept going until 3am. I just dont know what to do! I gave him the colic/gas meds at 6pm but it didn't seem to do anything. I was sooo tired today but have had a nap now so feeling a bit better. and no screaming so far today but its only 4:30. Think im giong to go give him the meds now before he starts any screaming.

Dear Lord please let there be no screaming tonight! I really need a break from it all!!!!!!!!

Hugs hun!

Wish I had an appetite im struggling to eat a meal a day, give me a tonne of chocolte and i'll demolish it :wacko:

im the same except for the chocolate. Im not a big chocolate fan. I dont usually eat until dinner unless i happen to think of it around lunch time. im just to busy to think about food and i never feel hungry.

So today iwas going to try to not have my tim hortons cappacino and see if that is whats causeing Quinn to be so gassy. Its now 6:30 and no screaming yet (knock on wood) But im DYING for my cappacino so im going to go out and get a small one instead of a large.

i usually drink probably 2 large ones a day and a pepsi so today i was going to try no cappacino and tomorrow no pepsi but if i dont drink them i get horrible migraines. to the point of being nautious (sp) and throwing up. But maybe its just too much for him so ill try a small and see how that works out. Wish me luck!!!!

When I was bfing I found anything with caffeine in really affected Toby. I switched everything to decaf and it seemed to sort the problem out and now I've finished bfing I haven't switched back. I find theres no difference in taste to me. Hope it works out hun.

Hey all!

Good night last night. Toby slept in his moses basket on a pillow that has been in our bed so smells like mummy and daddy with a blanket rolled up down each side of him. We then swaddled him in his snuggle pod and he went down at 11 and slept till 3:30 then went back down after his 4oz at 4:20 and then slept till jacks alarm at 7:10! He had his bottle at 7:30 and then came down with me and we have pottered in the kitchen making up bottles with him in baby bjorn carrier and he is currently passed out on my front and has been for the past hour!! I love the baby bjorn as it means toby is in his fave postion for sleeping ie on my chest and I have my hands free.

We've got baby clinic today so will be finding out how much weight hes put on. I'm guessing hes well over 8lbs now as hes totally out of his tiny baby stuff and some smaller newborn stuff and is starting to break into his 0-1 month wardrobe lol!

I am really up for meeting up with those that can up north!! When can we sort it for? I would love to meet whoever can make it and see the little bubs you've got!!

xxxxx :happydance::happydance::happydance:

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