January JellyBean mummies

:hugs: mom2b! I had to give up all dairy for LO... no milk, cheese, yogurt, butter... etc... the list goes on FOREVER :wacko: but it REALLY helped with her gas. She still has quite a bit of indigestion and doctor thinks I should probably cut out Soy in my diet too... (if you look on ingredient labels, EVERYTHING has soy! yikes!) Other than that.. I keep her upright after feedings for about 20 minutes and this helped TREMENDOUSLY too. Gripe water every 4-5 hours, sucking on a dummy (it produces a lot of saliva which helps for tummy indigestion), and lots of winding...... even with all this we still have issues, but they are SO much better than they were before.

I understand how frustrating it can be Mom2B, hang in there... it WILL get better! :hugs:
Does anyone else not have their LO in a routine yet??? With Jennifer's suspected reflux she still feeds every hour and sometimes every half hour so its very hard to do anything other than feed, also I wouldn't want her in a seperate room from us in the evening so we generally have her bedtime at the same time as ours. Plus during the day/evening she very rarely sleeps off of us.

Jennifer is in a lot of pain again today and when I went online to book her consultant appointment at the hospital as her paediatric's booking letter has come through, the earliest date theyu have is April :cry: She is asleep on me atm but has been screaming and retching all afternoon :(

We aren't in a routine but one wouldn't work for us as my days are never predictable. I hope Jenn feels better soon and you get an earlier appointment. April??? that's redonculous!

I have a really naughty baby today she cluster feeding, fussing and screaming. She don't want Paul only me. I even tried her with bottle of expressed milk and she hated it only had half an ounce. Can't wait for her to go to sleep, it's getting to me a bit tonight. Don't help when I hear about other babies same age going 3 hours between feeds. Been lucky to get 10 minutes tonight! Infact she like this every evening!

Wish I knew when she will stop it! X

:hugs: Jo :hugs:

Fraggles, what do you mark your Avent freezing cups with?
Aww look at little Sarai - loving the new avatar Natasha. Haven't read back because not been on in a while...soooooo tired. Health visitor just been and Michael is now 9lb 4oz which is nearly a whole pound gain in one week! She was really encouraging too as been feeling a bit down with the adjustment to motherhood. In other news Michael has learned how to fart properly and they don't half whiff! Have a good day everyone, think I'm going to push the pram to the Spar just to get out the house for a little bit.
Jolene im quite naughty and they dont get marked I have a shelf that no one touches and they sit in rows so any milk made in Jan is in the first row, feb in the next row. I did get a pen with my cups but lost it. Ive been trying to figure out what to use before freezer has bigger stocks in there.

Sleep went so well last night I feel somewhat human again. J slept 1-5 then 6-10.30 we have found dentinox colief meds to be working wonders, combined with relax time in his new chair.

Susie great weight gain :happydance:

Right id better get dressed soon
Hey ladies! I did read yesterdays posts but didn't have time to reply. Gosh its a fullt time job this being a mum thing as well as taking care of housework and stuff! Don't quite know how I'm gonna handle it when I go back to work but I'm trying not to think about it.

Toby is being ok at the minute and seems to really prefer sleeping on his side in the day. We put him on his back at night though in his basket. He's still quite restless inhis sleep quite a bit during the day but if I leave him alone he seems to resettle really quick and stay down. Yesterday he went down after his bottle at 11 which he had a baby group. He briefly woke up when we got home and I took the carry cot off the pram frame but by the time I had shut the door, put him down andtook off my coat he was asleep again and stayed that way till nearly 3pm! I didn't know what to do with myself so decided to chill and read my book - I'm not good at daytime sleeping even if Im shattered, usually end up feeling worse! He is still on 4oz bottles and tends to go every 3 hours sometimes 4 now but think I shall be upping it to 5oz soon. Especially for his feed after bathtime cos 2 nights in a row now we have given him extra and only then does he nod off.

Laura I hope things get better for you hunny.:hugs:

Susie awesome weight gain! Bet your really proud. And glad the HV cheered you up, I know your situation is a bit different being a single super mummy but this mummy thing can be amazingly daunting at times. Remember to talk and open up to people especially us!!

Jo I hope Fearne gives you some rest soon. When I was sturggling with feeding soreness I used these tommy tippee CTN sterile breast cooling pads. They have a kind of gel on them and it really helps. You can keep them on all day and wear a normal breast pad over the top in case of leakage. And when you feed you can put them in the fridge to cool them down for when they go back on again. Feels lovely lol!

Fraggles isn't it awesome to have some chunks of sleep!?! I was working out last nioght that whislt toby seems to be sticking to his routine - down at 11-11:30, feed at 4-4:30 and awake for the day around 7-7:30 - I'm not getting much less sleep than when I was at work! But its broken sleep so not as good quality!! But Im not complaining.

Ok ladies who want to meet at M'Hall. Can I suggest a date? Presuming no one has done so already?!? How about Friday 3rd March? I know the beginning of march was suggested and Toby has his jabs the following week so no idea what mood he will be in so not sure we would like to do it that week. Then we would be into the middle of march!

Afternoon Ladies,
Jennifer slept from midnight till 6am again last night but I think that's only due to the fact that we gave her 2.5ml of calpol. She was screaming due to reflux pain and Dave and I couldn't bear not to help any longer. We won't make a habit of it (she's asleep on me atm due to being sick everytime I lay her down) but the gaviscon isn't working and she was trying to be good and go to sleep but she kept having acid rise up into her throat so was screaming and dribbling :( She is such a brave girl to be in this much pain and still be eating so well. After all our breastfeeding issues she is finally getting there, she doesn't latch on how she's meant to but she is getting lots of milk so I've given up worrying, pluds the breastfeeding consultant at clinc is happy with her latch. One thing that helps is for me to breathe in and out slowing, as if I was having slight contraditons. Breathing in through the nose and out through my mouth, this really calms her down if she's getting herself upset or screaming due to pain. Thought I'd mention this as it may hel[p others x

Random question I know but does anyone lknow any shops that do Nanny or Nanna gifts??? All the ones I can find are Grandma :(

Day 1 of Bath Bottle and Bed

:hugs::happydance: Must think about doing this but am still waiting for the sealent on Jrennifer's babybath to dry as it had a plug in it which leaks really badly. Do yuou wash joe's hair when doing the 3 B's?

I have a really naughty baby today she cluster feeding, fussing and screaming. Been lucky to get 10 minutes tonight! Infact she like this every evening!

:hugs::hugs::hug::hugs::hugs:Jennifer is like this all day, she seems to only sleep on me and generally only wants to feed if she's awake. As she's got older though we do have the odd 40 minutes where is will play under her jungle gym, so hang in there it does get better :) Also to add, is it possible that your LO may have reflux??? Jennifer has this and sucking stops the acid coming up into her mouth which is why she feeds little and often. I really do sympathise and if you would like to rant feel free to PM me. I know how frustrating it is only too well xxx

Please send hugs! I really need them.


Does anyone else not have their LO in a routine yet??? With Jennifer's suspected reflux she still feeds every hour and sometimes every half hour so its very hard to do anything other than feed, also I wouldn't want her in a seperate room from us in the evening so we generally have her bedtime at the same time as ours. Plus during the day/evening she very rarely sleeps off of us.

Jennifer is in a lot of pain again today and when I went online to book her consultant appointment at the hospital as her paediatric's booking letter has come through, the earliest date theyu have is April :cry: She is asleep on me atm but has been screaming and retching all afternoon :(

We aren't in a routine but one wouldn't work for us as my days are never predictable. I hope Jenn feels better soon and you get an earlier appointment. April??? that's redonculous!

See that's the same for my hubby and I'd hate for him to never see his little girl, especially as she is a total Daddy's girl (She smiled at him first and still smiles at him A LOT more than she does at me!) because she is always asleep when he is at home. Thank you, I agree know april is taking the mick abit.
Afternoon! Alex was a monkey last night feeding until midnight, over tired (mum had him 2 hours whilst we had meal) but then he slept in cot until 4.30am. Then he fed at 7.30 and then 10am when he projectile vommited all over me. I have been massaging massive bogies out his nose this morning as he has bad snuffles :( They are cleared now tho. He is asleep at the mo so have managed to clean up, watch OBEM and prepare today and tomorrows dinner :wohoo:
Sar how did the routine go!?

I must say Alex used to go to sleep at 8pm but its getting later :dohh: must start getting him off before 9pm. I think i waited until about 4 months with Caine tho for a routine.... I just want to enjoy him at the mo and not put pressure on myself really xx
not bad im gonna stick at it, and ive been feeding him every 3hours and not before and thats going a lot better.
wish he would go longer and take more but hey ho!
That sounds great Jade, well done you. How long has Alex been in his cot? I'm thinking of starting Michael off there tonight even if I end up putting his moses basket in for transition. Is the cot in your room? Mine is in the nursery. My SIL three children have been in their own room since day one and I know the advice is stay with mum's till 6 months but really want my own space back. I think it's because I'm on my own with him. What does anyone else think about putting babies in their nurseries?
I must say I dont force a routine. I tend to go by what baby wants. I think it was at 4 months ish that my first baby started to fall into routine himself. I didnt want a strict routine as we are always off doing things which would make a set routine hard to follow.
Susie J sleeps in his cot at night he seems to prefer it to his basket and settles reallywell in there. I swaddle with a fleece blanket so he feels snug.

When I express and feed him some milk he only takes max 3oz I have found to get a bigger block of sleep at night I need to fit in a few feeds in a shorter space of time so last night we did feeds at 7.30, 9.30, 10.30 and 12. A couple of those were marathon half hour feeds.
That sounds great Jade, well done you. How long has Alex been in his cot? I'm thinking of starting Michael off there tonight even if I end up putting his moses basket in for transition. Is the cot in your room? Mine is in the nursery. My SIL three children have been in their own room since day one and I know the advice is stay with mum's till 6 months but really want my own space back. I think it's because I'm on my own with him. What does anyone else think about putting babies in their nurseries?

I moved tessa into her room at 4 months and will do the same with Quinn. Mostly because we co sleep until then but also becuse I worry they will choke or something and sids. I feel better if they are closer until 4 months.
Hi ladies sorry I've been MIA for the last few days. Been very busy. Have had a quick read through all the posts.

southern meet up gals-I will be in Southampton from feb. 26-mar 21. So if It can work during that time great! Otherwise I understand as everyone is so busy!

As for putting Kieran in his nursey at night - I do not plan to do this till he is at least a year but I think DH has other plans so we will see how it goes. I'm very into attachment parenting but DH seems to follow a bit of AP and a bit of more western beliefs.

We leave for UK in just over a week! So so nervous.

Hope everyone is well!
Hi ladies sorry I've been MIA for the last few days. Been very busy. Have had a quick read through all the posts.

southern meet up gals-I will be in Southampton from feb. 26-mar 21. So if It can work during that time great! Otherwise I understand as everyone is so busy!

As for putting Kieran in his nursey at night - I do not plan to do this till he is at least a year but I think DH has other plans so we will see how it goes. I'm very into attachment parenting but DH seems to follow a bit of AP and a bit of more western beliefs.

We leave for UK in just over a week! So so nervous.

Hope everyone is well!

I kept my son in with me until I had J and i'll do the same again. I wouldnt want to move him out until im past the year mark.
Hey girls, sorry i've been AWOL, as you can imagine we've been mega busy! Hope u r all doing well though. Hows the 3B's going Sarah? Was speaking to a girl today who's daughter is same age as Holly and shes been doing it a while now and her baby sleeps from 9pm-5am. Gonna give it a try when we go back to usa I think.

Whoever mentioned north meet 3rd march is a thursday but you said friday - which day did you mean? I am around from 28th feb - 5th march so if I could come would really love that. It will depend on what we've got arranged though so let me know when you have picked a date.
That sounds great Jade, well done you. How long has Alex been in his cot? I'm thinking of starting Michael off there tonight even if I end up putting his moses basket in for transition. Is the cot in your room? Mine is in the nursery. My SIL three children have been in their own room since day one and I know the advice is stay with mum's till 6 months but really want my own space back. I think it's because I'm on my own with him. What does anyone else think about putting babies in their nurseries?

Not yet for me, I'm thinking at about 3-4 months. OH works shifts and with Olly dropping to one feed a night at the mo, i don't want him to be disturbed. Plus OH can not whisper to save his life!!! :growlmad: Drives me mad because Olly ends up stirring.

Oh and i want to decorate my bedroom :dohh: how selfish of me haha. I have 2 rooms left to decorate since we moved in 2 years ago, my bedroom is next on the list. Thats if i can persuade OH to let me paint it purple!!

It totally up to you though if you feel ready to put him in his room :thumbup:
Joe will stay with us in our room til my daughter moves out or we move house, we dont have the room!
Started BBB at 8pm and he is finally asleep, he is sooooooooooooooo tired, and has been all night, been in a funny mood! Hopefully he will settle tonight! Should get his swing tomorrow too!!
Ollie will be in our room till at least 6 mths :)

He had a good night and good day but since 5pm he's been really restless - hopefully he will chill tonight - fxd!!

remember the quiz about HOLES??? well i cant find it on here lol but have the answers now
There is a new one, the answers are MUSIC for example the answer to the clue " Parent" would be POP (music)

1) Give a knock .........RAP (music)

2) Start to find out....................

3) Somebody's son at a wedding

4) Puss in torn coat

5) Seen dear complication

6) That chap we hear

7) Charming it's said

8) Old car model............Classic

9) Cowboy film ..............WESTERN (country and western)??

10) Type of rock.................HEAVY

11) Childs play thing.................SWING

12) Month

13) Nothing on musical entertainment

14) Gibralter........ROCK

15) Party of a lovely ode Longfellow wrote

16) Chelsea........BLUES??

17) Everyone in rotten surroundings.....................bALLad

18) Poor paper age

19) Music for starters

20) Some toper at the King's Head

I think these are harder than the HOLES ONE Ill try and find it


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