January JellyBean mummies

Sar I would go docs :)

Naomi glad you had a good day :)

Ineed to think about getting Alex into a routine really. He sort of follows suit every night but I dont put him in bed x
Joe is awake again and just had a 4oz bottle, hopefully he will settle now, we are both tired out

oh good.... I'm not the only one whose baby only takes 4 ounces still, right?

sar, I would go the doctor. That seems like way too long to be bleeding. Dumb question though. In the US I would see my OB-gyn for "female" issues. Since you guys see a midwife, what do you do for problems, birth control, etc.
well we havent had a good day today :( The morning was great, Olly slept for most of it and was pretty chilled out until after lunch, but then he got overtired and would only sleep for 5-10 minutes in the afternoon, screaming the house down inbetween. Even his swing wouldnt work in getting him to sleep. He just wanted me to walk around the house with him. I gave him a bath and bottle at 8 and hes been asleep since then. He was due a bottle at 11, but so far has slept through, must be knackered.
Hi everyone! Had a brilliant day today. My husband and I took Eloise to the cinema for the first time to watch Yogi Bear and she loved it! She got a bit bored after an hour but, was so proud of her being such a good girl. Bryce slept through the whole thing! :D

He is getting into such a good routine! He goes down at 19:00 after his bath and sleeps until 23:00 and then 2:00, or sometimes 4:00 and then up at 7:00. He has a wakeful hour in the morning and a couple before his bath, and is smiling and cooing so much now. Especially when I kiss his cheeks! Lol

Sarah, I would talk to your GP, I thought you were supposed to bleed less after a c section. I only bled for about two weeks. X

well done for getting in to a routine, i feel Joe is slipping out of his :(

Sar I would go docs :)

Naomi glad you had a good day :)

Ineed to think about getting Alex into a routine really. He sort of follows suit every night but I dont put him in bed x

thanks, its kind of settled now! It comes and goes, really irritating.

Joe is awake again and just had a 4oz bottle, hopefully he will settle now, we are both tired out

oh good.... I'm not the only one whose baby only takes 4 ounces still, right?

sar, I would go the doctor. That seems like way too long to be bleeding. Dumb question though. In the US I would see my OB-gyn for "female" issues. Since you guys see a midwife, what do you do for problems, birth control, etc.

4oz is a lot for Joe,he averages between 2-3oz but feeds sort of 3hourly and is a terrible messy feeder, i dont know if its cos of his tongue tie that he had snipped or what. He has appt on Friday with the Paediatrician so I will ask then, he is terrible at feeding at the moment.
We see GP or family planning for women things, well i do anyway, i could probably ask my mw about the bleeding but might aswell see the gp as i had a scan so will get the results of that at the same time, but like i said above it seems to of stopped now!

well we havent had a good day today :( The morning was great, Olly slept for most of it and was pretty chilled out until after lunch, but then he got overtired and would only sleep for 5-10 minutes in the afternoon, screaming the house down inbetween. Even his swing wouldnt work in getting him to sleep. He just wanted me to walk around the house with him. I gave him a bath and bottle at 8 and hes been asleep since then. He was due a bottle at 11, but so far has slept through, must be knackered.

sounds like our day yesterday!! hope you have a better day today!
how long does it take for them to be able to keep the dummy in their mouths themselves
Happy valentines day everyone! Much love to you all!

Sarah my son used to suck his dummy like mad and kept it in unless he wanted feeding but he had it from 2 days old. Fearne rarely has hers, I keep trying but she has to be in the mood. Or overtired. She sucks it plenty then otherwise she spits it straight out! Oh and glad bleeding settled! If it was your period they might be a little unsettled at first :-(

On iPhone so hard to catch up with all posts, I'll try get on laptop later as I had things to reply to when I read it!

We still getting up twice in night here and cluster feeding in the evenings but seems to have calmed marginally at least! Right best get up after my heartshaped toast and tea in bed, need to find my clean nursing bras, got covered in poo at 6am nappy change and just put normal bra on, it's cutting me in two! X
lucky you Jo, happy valentines day all xxx
Hi all

Sorry for not joining you all sooner but I've had a difficult first couple of weeks with Charlie and haven't really had the time or been in the frame of mind to sit and relax until now.

Charlie is a wonderful little man and have managed for the last 4 nights to wake up for feeds and go back down within half an hour so I've managed, with the feeding breaks in between, to get between 6 1/2 to 8 hrs sleep a night! Woo hoo! Bet I've just jinxed it though...
Anyway, glad to be in the mummy section now and I'm sure I'll be on here for advice from you lovely ladies x
Hi all

Sorry for not joining you all sooner but I've had a difficult first couple of weeks with Charlie and haven't really had the time or been in the frame of mind to sit and relax until now.

Charlie is a wonderful little man and have managed for the last 4 nights to wake up for feeds and go back down within half an hour so I've managed, with the feeding breaks in between, to get between 6 1/2 to 8 hrs sleep a night! Woo hoo! Bet I've just jinxed it though...
Anyway, glad to be in the mummy section now and I'm sure I'll be on here for advice from you lovely ladies x

hi shelley, welcome! sorry you had a bad time in the beginning, hope its all ok from now, you are lucky to get a lot of sleep, we seem to be going backwards with sleeping/feeding!
Are you on the front page, when is charlies birthday?
Hi Sar - sorry about the sleeping, hopefully you'll settle soon.

Charlie was born on the 27th Jan, he is on the front page.

I really do hope all is ok now with him, it was touch and go for a few days after his birth as he had real trouble feeding as he's taken in excess placental blood and had severe jaundice which made him too tired to suckle. It was heartbreaking to see him with a feeding tube and a needle and splint in his arm and his little feet were like pin cushions from all of the blood tests for his sugar levels.

He's such a good feeder now though I think he's making up for lost time!

I took him to Church yesterday and the children in Sunday School had made valentines cards for everyone in the congregation. Charlie got 5! He's going to be soooo spoilt but I think I'll be the worst culprit x
aww i know how you feel, Joe was in Special Care for 12 days, glad Charlie is ok now though, bless him
awww at church too
how long does it take for them to be able to keep the dummy in their mouths themselves

Quinn can keep his in his mouth by himself til he falls asleep. but we only use it right now at nights to help with the screaming so hes not on the boob all the time. When hes in his screaming fits he will keep it in until the gas is really bad then he spits it out to scream.

Ive pretty much stopped giving him the colic meds now excpet for a little gripe water now and then, the meds dont seem to really help and i dont want to keep giving them to him if they are not working.

if he is still screming tonight i think im getting a cappacino tomorrow and going to try not drinking milk.

He seems to scream less if other ppl are holding him at night. Pretty sure when i hold him he just wants milk because he knows i have the boobs that feed him. Its soo heart breaking hearing him scream like that every night. I really wish it would stop. But everyone keeps telling me colic only lasts til they are 3 months.....only 2 more months to go! I dont know if i can handle this for 2 more months!!!!!!!!
well we havent had a good day today :( The morning was great, Olly slept for most of it and was pretty chilled out until after lunch, but then he got overtired and would only sleep for 5-10 minutes in the afternoon, screaming the house down inbetween. Even his swing wouldnt work in getting him to sleep. He just wanted me to walk around the house with him. I gave him a bath and bottle at 8 and hes been asleep since then. He was due a bottle at 11, but so far has slept through, must be knackered.

sounds like our day yesterday!! hope you have a better day today!

After all that yesterday, i had to dreamfeed at 12, then he only woke up at 5am and then up for the day at 9am!!! I feel so energised! Ive upped his bottle to 5oz too, so that may have helped. I actually woke up at 4.30 wondering why he hadn't woke for his 3am feed. His nose was all bunged up bless him, i'd like to think he would have slept longer if i hadn't got the Saline spray and bulb on him :dohh: i couldnt really leave him like that though.

He had also wriggled to the top of his crib :wacko: may have to take his teddies out and replace them with the crib bumper. He moved nearly 30cm :shrug:

Happy Valentines day everyone! :kiss:
So far so good today, Chilled out Olly and we are just off food shopping. Then we are having a nice M&S meal later, that £20 valentines meal thing :)
Happy Valentines Day!

Kieran had a very bad evening yday. He had trapped gas and cried for hours. I finally send out DH to get some baby gas relief stuff. His little tummy was rock hard so much that his innie belly button what sticking ou like an outie!! As DH left he recommended putting him on the boob to try to push it through and sure enough by the time DH got home Kieran let out the loudest poop and farts. We never ended up giving him the gas relief but I made the mistake of reading the ingredients. There are so many ingredients that are like 20 letters long and I cannot pronounce. Anyone else worry about all these crazy ingredients?? I also have gripe water and read those ingredients too and also has some crazy ingredients!

I think Kieran has recently become a more effective nurser. The last 3 feedings he has stayed on the first breast for about 20 minutes and when he comes off he is content and not interested in he 2nd breast whereas before he used to feed off both for atleast 15 minutes each. The only problem is where he doesn't take the 2nd side by he time his next feeding comes it is soooo full!

I swapped the vari flow for fast flow and he took 4oz i was well chuffed but he only took 2 just now!
MIL just came round and said she will look after him for the 6weeks i go back to work (last term) then i can hand in my notice in the summer hols, so i dont have to pay back maternity pay! and also she will look after him on tues and thurs whether i'm working or not so thats a relief as i have no family or friends here.
also got the M&S meal deal, we got thai fishcakes, sea bass,chips,choc pud, irish coffee and chocs!
remember the quiz about HOLES??? well i cant find it on here lol but have the answers now
There is a new one, the answers are MUSIC for example the answer to the clue " Parent" would be POP (music)

1) Give a knock .........RAP (music)

2) Start to find out....................

3) Somebody's son at a wedding

4) Puss in torn coat

5) Seen dear complication

6) That chap we hear

7) Charming it's said

8) Old car model............Classic

9) Cowboy film ..............WESTERN (country and western)??

10) Type of rock.................HEAVY

11) Childs play thing.................SWING

12) Month

13) Nothing on musical entertainment

14) Gibralter........ROCK

15) Party of a lovely ode Longfellow wrote

16) Chelsea........BLUES??

17) Everyone in rotten surroundings.....................bALLad

18) Poor paper age

19) Music for starters

20) Some toper at the King's Head

I think these are harder than the HOLES ONE Ill try and find it
Ive got a little quiz thing I picked up from the newsagent and the answers are HOLES, its doing my head in, wonder if you can help.... For example if the clue was BIRD the answer would be PIGEON ..PIGEON HOLE

1 Song.....................Air
2 Do a runner.......................Bolt
3 Look both ways.............................Peep
4 Ask for a lift....................................Thumb
5 Court opener.....................................Wookey
6 A piece of it is easy............................ cake
7 Carry with difficulty........................Lughole
8 Unintersting robe................................Bore
9 Advertise a lot.....................................Plug
10 Projectile............................Bullet
11 Gardens need it.................................. Watering
12 Fastener........................................pin
13 Backhander..........................Bung
14 Magnificence...............................Glory
15 One is pressed...................................Button
16 Multiply.............................................Square
17 Agent......................................Spy?(hole)
18 Game comes back..........................Loop
19 Used with a computer ...................................Mouse (hole)
20 Filthy......................................................Black
Hi all,

Had a lovely weekend at Dave's parents and Jennifer slept all night 12-6 for the first time on saturday night. Last night wasn't great though, she projectile vomited all over the sofa!!! She also decided that dispite the fact that she usually hates her moses basket as her dad had moved the cot into are room she only now wants to sleep in her moses basket!!!

Does anyone else not have their LO in a routine yet??? With Jennifer's suspected reflux she still feeds every hour and sometimes every half hour so its very hard to do anything other than feed, also I wouldn't want her in a seperate room from us in the evening so we generally have her bedtime at the same time as ours. Plus during the day/evening she very rarely sleeps off of us.

Jennifer is in a lot of pain again today and when I went online to book her consultant appointment at the hospital as her paediatric's booking letter has come through, the earliest date theyu have is April :cry: She is asleep on me atm but has been screaming and retching all afternoon :(

Sar35, lovealittle1 and anyone else in the area - How about London for a Southern meet up??????
hi lovealittle yeah london meet sounds fab!
And also i dont have Joe in routine yet and he seems to be slipping out of the one he got himself into!

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