Joe is awake again and just had a 4oz bottle, hopefully he will settle now, we are both tired out
Hi everyone! Had a brilliant day today. My husband and I took Eloise to the cinema for the first time to watch Yogi Bear and she loved it! She got a bit bored after an hour but, was so proud of her being such a good girl. Bryce slept through the whole thing!
He is getting into such a good routine! He goes down at 19:00 after his bath and sleeps until 23:00 and then 2:00, or sometimes 4:00 and then up at 7:00. He has a wakeful hour in the morning and a couple before his bath, and is smiling and cooing so much now. Especially when I kiss his cheeks! Lol
Sarah, I would talk to your GP, I thought you were supposed to bleed less after a c section. I only bled for about two weeks. X
Sar I would go docs
Naomi glad you had a good day
Ineed to think about getting Alex into a routine really. He sort of follows suit every night but I dont put him in bed x
Joe is awake again and just had a 4oz bottle, hopefully he will settle now, we are both tired out
oh good.... I'm not the only one whose baby only takes 4 ounces still, right?
sar, I would go the doctor. That seems like way too long to be bleeding. Dumb question though. In the US I would see my OB-gyn for "female" issues. Since you guys see a midwife, what do you do for problems, birth control, etc.
well we havent had a good day todayThe morning was great, Olly slept for most of it and was pretty chilled out until after lunch, but then he got overtired and would only sleep for 5-10 minutes in the afternoon, screaming the house down inbetween. Even his swing wouldnt work in getting him to sleep. He just wanted me to walk around the house with him. I gave him a bath and bottle at 8 and hes been asleep since then. He was due a bottle at 11, but so far has slept through, must be knackered.
Hi all
Sorry for not joining you all sooner but I've had a difficult first couple of weeks with Charlie and haven't really had the time or been in the frame of mind to sit and relax until now.
Charlie is a wonderful little man and have managed for the last 4 nights to wake up for feeds and go back down within half an hour so I've managed, with the feeding breaks in between, to get between 6 1/2 to 8 hrs sleep a night! Woo hoo! Bet I've just jinxed it though...
Anyway, glad to be in the mummy section now and I'm sure I'll be on here for advice from you lovely ladies x
how long does it take for them to be able to keep the dummy in their mouths themselves
well we havent had a good day todayThe morning was great, Olly slept for most of it and was pretty chilled out until after lunch, but then he got overtired and would only sleep for 5-10 minutes in the afternoon, screaming the house down inbetween. Even his swing wouldnt work in getting him to sleep. He just wanted me to walk around the house with him. I gave him a bath and bottle at 8 and hes been asleep since then. He was due a bottle at 11, but so far has slept through, must be knackered.
sounds like our day yesterday!! hope you have a better day today!
Ive got a little quiz thing I picked up from the newsagent and the answers are HOLES, its doing my head in, wonder if you can help.... For example if the clue was BIRD the answer would be PIGEON ..PIGEON HOLE
1 Song.....................Air
2 Do a runner.......................Bolt
3 Look both ways.............................Peep
4 Ask for a lift....................................Thumb
5 Court opener.....................................Wookey
6 A piece of it is easy............................ cake
7 Carry with difficulty........................Lughole
8 Unintersting robe................................Bore
9 Advertise a lot.....................................Plug
10 Projectile............................Bullet
11 Gardens need it.................................. Watering
13 Backhander..........................Bung
14 Magnificence...............................Glory
15 One is pressed...................................Button
16 Multiply.............................................Square
17 Agent......................................Spy?(hole)
18 Game comes back..........................Loop
19 Used with a computer ...................................Mouse (hole)
20 Filthy......................................................Black