January JellyBean mummies

Good to hear from you ipretti you not had it easy but your doing so well regardless and she is very cute! Not long til you can go see your husband! I'm sure being together again will make things instantly better! I know a few babies fail hearing test after birth due to wet ears, try not to worry she showing good signs that your noticing!

Nice to have you back! Take care xx
so glad you came on to update us iPretty. I was a little worried after 2 weeks and not seeing you but it all sounds good with the hearing. Sorry your missing hubby and glad you get to go see him soon!

And wow Cianna is quite a cute little chubby thing isn;'t she!!!! LOL love the pics.
Sounds like my night that sar! Still can't wake up this morning!

Jade did alex settle ok? X

He only woke at midnight and about 5 am but was in next to me :dohh: wouldnt settle in his cot andI was knackered. I only got about 5 hours last night as Caine was up early. Knackered now but want to watch all last nights TV! Am tempted to pig out on choccie too! :(

Alex is out for the count now after his bath :)

Morning ladies. Keep going Laura, we are all thinking of you and little Quinn with his sore tummy. Have you tried massaging his belly straight after a feed? I found sitting Michael up to burp, then massage and finally putting him over my shoulder helps with his pains along with gripe water.

Michael did well in his own room last night, put his moses basket in his cot as he still needs to feel snuggled with the little nest he has in there. He slept like normal and woke every 2 & 1/2 to 3 hours for food. I could hear him on the monitor which was fine and I feel like I have so much more to give him now he is not with me 24/7. I took him in with me at 5.30 for a special mummy snuggle as he was doing his cute awake phase and knew he wouldn't have settled back in his basket. We slept together till 8. The only trouble I have is getting back to sleep between feeds. I tend to get blocks of 1 and 1/2 hours which isn't the best. He is asleep on the sofa now so think I'll go take my bath - can't wait for the bleeding to stop!

Sounds like he is doing great :)

ive been doing belly massage like 5 times a day. it helps him pass some gas but obviously not all of it cuz he still just screams. he hates when i do it when he is already screaming too. He only seems to pass gas from the massage during the morning and afternoon hours when i do it. It does't seem to help much at night when hes already screaming.

Im taking him to the DR tonight so hope he can offer something to me.


:hugs: Laura.

I have my 6 week appt. Booked for next Wednesday so I will be 8 weeks pp already!! I'm just most interested in inquiring about a VBAC. How I'm already thinking abou having another is crazy I know!!!

Kieran has been having more and more bad days. It's basically if he is not sleeping or eaton he is fussing. It is rare I can just put him down to do anything and even holding him doesn't help unless I am rocking and bouncing him. Yesterday it took me well over 2 hours to get him to fall asleep for a nap - he just fussed the whole time. I really hate to take him anywhere because all he does is fuss. It is so hard to stay cooped up home all the time. Are all babies this difficult??

He will get better hun :hugs: xx
Caine was terrible and wouldnt sleep anywhere but my bed, screamed in his buggy and the car when you stopped moving :dohh: he is good now x

Hey Ladies.

First off let me apologize for not being around since my LO was born.
Second let me say thank you to those who sent me messages checking up on me.. I appreciate it!!!

Let me TRY to update you all, sorry if it's long I'll try to keep it short.

So I had my Daughter Cianna (SEA ON NA) Alicia January 28th, weighing 8lbs even after 25 long hours of labor. She failed her hearing test and hubby and I were so scared and worried. I went home the following day and things were great despite the hearing issue. A few days later I had it extremely bad, I would look at Cianna and just start crying, I didn't eat for 2 days, she wasn't latching on for breast feeding and I was just a mess. I felt horrible looking at this beautiful baby and knowing that she may not be able to hear anything.

Well the next day I started to feel better, still worried but I had to shake myself from the way I was feeling because I didn't want to become depressed. Hubby stayed in Atlanta with me for a little over a week then HE had to leave for NY to work. I was fine all the way to the airport but the moment he opened up the back door to kiss Cianna goodbye I broke down crying. I couldn't move I just had tears flowing down my face. Since we fly for free and on standby I waited at another spot in the airport until he gave me the OKAY to leave (meaning he's actually on the plane) at that spot I cried and cried some more.

From the airport i went over to my parents house whom I adore and of course they were estatic to have Cianna staying with them. Every single day I turn the camera on my laptop on so that Hubby can see his daughter and just talk to her, so she can remember his voice. Now I'm leaving my parents house on Friday because it seems like Cianna has about 15 mothers and 8 fathers none of which is myself and hubby. And they have her so spoiled already so now when she cries she actually screams bloody murder.

The breast feeding has gotten a bit better but still not great, I TRY to breast feed her twice a day and the rest of the day she gets bottle fed, she is super greedy and it's ALL in her face (the weight)

Anyway I have not scheduled her hearing test due to some insurance issues. My jobs insurance actually took care of my delivery but I also have medicaid and I'm waiting on medicaid to send me a letter or a new card with HER info on it so that I can make the appointment because apparently I can't make the appointment unless I have some reference code which is associated with the insurance. Her hearing has since seem to improve, I now find myself being more quiet when she's asleep because it seems like she now hears when the door slams or when my cell phone rings. So I have high hopes that she is not deaf and that it was indeed the fluids.

Her 2nd doctors appointment is March 1st and March 6th is her 1st plane ride, we have to go to NY to spend time with Daddy, I am missing him so much and he is missing his daughter severly.

This little girl wakes up every 2/3 hours at night for a feeding by the time I fall back to sleep she is up again, so sleep has become my best friend whenever she's down. She's a night owl and I'm not lol.

Anyway this is long enough, thank you for reading, and thank you ladies of BNB for caring, I truly LOVE this site and you ladies as well.

Here are some pics of my chunky baby lol.

The first and last picture is from yesterday and valentines.

Lovely pics :hugs:

I hope Quinns doctors appointment goes well Laura and that they can give something to help his little tummy.

Olly is being a bit wingy this afternoon. He had an okay sleep last night, he was quite unsettled though and was winging on and off from 4am - 5am then he had his bottle. We paid a visit to my old childminder today, she looked after me from 6 months until i was 11 years old, so she was like my second mum. All she kept saying was "my baby has had a baby!!" i was her first child that she looked after. Her daughter was there with her 6 month old baby, she was born 11 weeks premature and was very ill for a while. She's called Lilly and is a little cutie! (perfect girlfriend material of Olly :haha:) She is about the same size as Olly but is slightly lighter, it was so strange seeing them together and knowing that shes 4 1/2 months older than him. I think we will be going back soon, Olly was eying up all the toys!!! haha

Awww :cloud9:
Hi iprettii! Glad to have you back! Take it one day at a time hun, its amazing this mummy lark isn't it?! Can sometimes make you feel so amazingly good and other amazingly bad hehe!

Hey everyone!

Just a quick one, I have read your updates and hope everyone has a good night tonight or day if your in other parts of the world! I regretted not wakign toby for his 11om feed last night. He went down at 9 and I was so tired I went up to bed at 10 and let him wake when he was ready. Which was half one then he woke again at half 5 and after that feed he wouldn't go down again so came in with me but wouldnt stop siggling and grunting in kind of a light sleep till alarm at 7am! Felt shattered earlier but have perked up as the days gone on! Making sure he has his last feed tonight tho I had got used to the one wake up so 2 did me in!!

We're off otu for tea tonight so Toby has been bathed and just having a bottle with daddy. Then were going to harvester.

I did say the 3rd lisa but if 4th is a friday I don't ming which day!

Not sure if I updated after my formula post......It did not work. He slept for 2 hours then was back at it. but I took Quinn to bed with me at midnight and he was miraculously cured.....AGAIN! I dont know what it is but once we are in bed he is fine. So far today he has been feeling great. I know its not nice to say and im not entirely sure if i mean it BUT......i kinda hope he starts screaming again before we go to the doctors tonight. It always seems when i take kids to the dr they act fine and the dr thinks im making it up. BUT IM NOT!!!!!!

Am i a horrible mom for saying i want him to scream tonght? I just dont want the dr to think im crazy and making things up. Do your kids act all perfect and fine when you bring them to the dr for a problem? Or is it just me?
Hello Ladies, I'm back!!!

For those of you who are on facebook I realise it's probably a matter of minutes since you actually last heard from me.

I don't really have any excuses except that I can't access b&b through my phone easily and I'm very rarely able to get on the computer because my daughter is the clingiest little girl ever.

My little girl was born on January 13th after a 40 hr labour and an emergency c-section. Her name is Holly Pennyson Scott and she is bloomin gorgeous!

I'm afraid I haven't read back at everyone's posts but I'm going to try and keep up from now on. Sorry I've been rubbish. How is everyone doing?
lovealittle1 - it's like you're talking about my baby! She has no patterns at all and when she falls asleep she starts to scream the second she's put down. Last week my husband was ill and so slept in the spare room, Holly had been fussing and refusing to sleep (except when held/walked) all day and then at night would only sleep at all when she was being held. I was falling asleep holding her and whenever I put her down she'd start screaming. About half 5 I looked at her when she started screaming and for a second I just thought that I hated her! It was a split second and I immediately broke down and phoned my mum who came and sat with Holly for a few hours so I could sleep. However, she had to pretty much prize her out of my grip because I was inconsolable, rocking backwards and forwards and sobbing because I was convinced that something awful was going to happen to my baby because I wasn't appreciating her properly. Since then things have got better because I've given in a bit, instead of trying to do it all myself. I felt like it was a matter of pride that I didn't accept any help at all but I just couldn't. Now I've accepted that I'm coping a lot better. Still tired though. Lol.

P.S. Please don't judge me too harshly that I slipped, I'm trying to make up for it.
I spent the first few nights swearing at Fearne, Paul kept telling me to stop swearing at my daughter but I was that tired and fed up I swore at him too then threatened to drip milk on him and latch her to his nipple while he was asleep! Not my proudest moment lol!

I know how you feel with a clingy baby, I can barely put her down, my sling has been a god send and I just bought a swing today in hopes she will let me do stuff during the day, housework driving me nuts! Have you got any tools?

Good to see you back here Tracy x
:hugs: LittleMrs :hugs: I think those kinds of things happen more often than people care to admit. My daughter is very needy as well and its SO tough... but we will get through it!

iprettii- your little girl is gorgeous!! Glad to hear things are getting better for you :)
You see, this is why I should have been back sooner -you ladies make me see things as they actually are, instead of getting myself convinced that it only happens to me and I'm the crappest mum ever. The clinginess is also why I haven't been able to come on - I can't reach the keyboard over the top of Holly.

Thank you for being understanding and making me feel better.

Well, we've had a good couple of days but Holly is refusing to go into the cot tonight so we're in for a long night. Luckily, tomorrow OH is off work (because we're going to see Russell Howard at Sheff arena tomorrow night) so we can take shifts sleeping and sitting up. Not ideal but, hey, at least we both get some sleep.

I've started keeping a baby log of the times that Holly sleeps, feeds and has changes - is anyone else doing this? I'm trying to catch up because lots of mums seem to be putting routines into place and have specific ways of getting the routines down and I was so worried about the birth and stuff that I feel I'm playing catch-up with the parenting. I'm on it though. I have ordered a wrap thing off e-bay so that I can strap Holly nice and close to me but still get housework done, hopefully this will also free me up to read some parenting books and maybe I can start setting a routine too. At the moment I'm feeling lucky if I have time to brush my teeth.

Ladies who have two or more or who are doing it without the help of a partner plus many extra family members - you are amazing and I take my hat off to you!
Bad bad bad day!! Kieran will just not stop crying and won't sleep. He'll doze off for a few minutes and then wake himself up with a jolt and scream again. This had been going on since 9 this morning -almost 12 hours now!! He's normally had 3 naps by now and he still hadn't slept! Im at my wits end :cry: :cry:
lovealittle1 - it's like you're talking about my baby! She has no patterns at all and when she falls asleep she starts to scream the second she's put down. Last week my husband was ill and so slept in the spare room, Holly had been fussing and refusing to sleep (except when held/walked) all day and then at night would only sleep at all when she was being held. I was falling asleep holding her and whenever I put her down she'd start screaming. About half 5 I looked at her when she started screaming and for a second I just thought that I hated her! It was a split second and I immediately broke down and phoned my mum who came and sat with Holly for a few hours so I could sleep. However, she had to pretty much prize her out of my grip because I was inconsolable, rocking backwards and forwards and sobbing because I was convinced that something awful was going to happen to my baby because I wasn't appreciating her properly. Since then things have got better because I've given in a bit, instead of trying to do it all myself. I felt like it was a matter of pride that I didn't accept any help at all but I just couldn't. Now I've accepted that I'm coping a lot better. Still tired though. Lol.

P.S. Please don't judge me too harshly that I slipped, I'm trying to make up for it.

Not sure if you have read any of my posts yet but Quinn is colicky...it sucks....it sucks BAD!!!! Anyways I was willing to sell him for a nickle the other day because he was screaming for so long and i had a headache and just wanted it to stop.
I dont think i really would have sold him...lol but i was just that fed up at the time that I told a friend she could have him for 5 cents!!!! I hope this helps. your not a crap mum and your not the only one who has thought they hated their child-even for a second.

Bad bad bad day!! Kieran will just not stop crying and won't sleep. He'll doze off for a few minutes and then wake himself up with a jolt and scream again. This had been going on since 9 this morning -almost 12 hours now!! He's normally had 3 naps by now and he still hadn't slept! Im at my wits end :cry: :cry:

I TOTALLY know how you feel right now. Huge hugs!!!!!

Now on to my update....

Took Quinn to the Dr and he agreed that the colic meds and gripe water are crap adn dont work.....it works for minor gas problems but not bad ones. he also said that Quinn probably has acid reflux (aka heart burn) Dr could give him some form of zantax but he doesn't think its bad enough to give meds yet. If he starts screaming all day more often then he will give the meds.

so now im giong to research acid reflux and things that will help it. i know that having him sit up for 20 minutes after eating will help so i did that after this last feeding.......and im probably gonig to jinx myself but.....its 9:30pm right now and there has been NO screaming yet and hes sleeping. Cross your fingers and pray that tonight is giong to be a good night for us....PLEASE!!!!!!
Bad bad bad day!! Kieran will just not stop crying and won't sleep. He'll doze off for a few minutes and then wake himself up with a jolt and scream again. This had been going on since 9 this morning -almost 12 hours now!! He's normally had 3 naps by now and he still hadn't slept! Im at my wits end :cry: :cry:

We've had the same EXACT kind of day.... Sarai woke up around 10:30 and has YET to have a decent nap today... she's probably slept no more than 1 hour and a half throughout the day :wacko: poor thing is over tired and I just know it will be a rough night....I'm hoping she's so exhausted that she sleeps straight through! but.... thats wishful thinking. lol
it must of been a day for it yesterday as Joe was the same now he is snoozing happily in my bed!
We have also been having some bad days! What the heck is happening to our lovely usually calm babies/!?!

Ok I was gonna ask for advice cos Toby has been wanting to stay awake at night and hes nopt really sleeping well in the day and wants feeding every 2 hours when he was going 4 between feeds. Can the 6 week growth spurt affect them this much cos last night I was rwady to sleep anywhere but in my bed next to my incredibly grumpy baby. Luckily he doesn't scream and I feel for you ladies with babies that do this but I can't sleep cos when he is restless he growls and grunts and every noise he makes I'm on high alert. He wouldn't even settle next to me in bed and it has been like this for 2 nights and days now!

Anyone had this before with previous babies round the 6 wk mark?? I know some of you have said the 6 wk spurt is a biggy!

I'll join in on the bad evening, it started at 2pm and only time Jacob didnt cry was when attached to boob so thats where he pretty much stayed until 1.30am :sleep:
I spent the first few nights swearing at Fearne, Paul kept telling me to stop swearing at my daughter but I was that tired and fed up I swore at him too then threatened to drip milk on him and latch her to his nipple while he was asleep! Not my proudest moment lol!

I know how you feel with a clingy baby, I can barely put her down, my sling has been a god send and I just bought a swing today in hopes she will let me do stuff during the day, housework driving me nuts! Have you got any tools?

Good to see you back here Tracy x

Yep I agree Tracey and Jo, I have been through this too especially the first week thinking what have I done :nope:
Its stress and sleep deprivation plus hormones! Not good for a new mummy xx :hugs:
Hi everyone, looks like :hugs: are needed x x x

It's been chaos here lol, looking forward to having my kids off for halfterm next week! I'm debating whether to brave a trip to london or not, kids want to go to the imperial war museum (again lol) but haven't decided if it's a good idea yet!

There seems to be lots of sleepless babies right now, hope they remember what night-times are for soon (or learn!) Phoebe had a few bad nights, after falling asleep earlier and sleeping through her usual cluster feeding time and then wanting to feed all night instead :( Had a better night last night though, slept from 11pm to nearly 4am and only woke because she was wet I think.

LittleMrs - welcome! Our babies are birthday buddies lol x x
well can you believe that after a crappy day yesterday Joe has decided to sleep the morning away, only waking for a feed then straight back to sleep! Its bliss, so quiet!
Taking him to get Avon books after my Rubella injection then to see the inlaws.

I havent told you yet!!!!
After Joe was born the midwife came back in to see us as she requested that she would be my midwife again the next day (which was nice) She was lovely and talked about what happened etc, when she left we gave each other a hug and i said i would never forget her :blush: Well I sent her a xmas card with my email address on it and after numerous emails and I added her on FB, we are meeting for coffee on Monday :happydance: bless, i wonder if i'll feel embarrassed seeing her again knowing what she's seen of me :blush: :haha: peering into me saying " I dont think its your waters i think its urine" :rofl: as i was pissing myself apparently... I still think it was my waters... Im really looking forward to seeing her

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