January JellyBean mummies

wow susie im really envious! Joe is nearly 3 months old and last night @ 1am took between 3-4oz. then at 4 he took 2oz! tried burping between feeding him, he is up now happy as larry!

edit to say he started crying and sucking his hand so ive just given him another bottle........he drank 1oz and is now asleep! how can he do this he is 12lb. im going to keep record of how much he drinks over the whole day, can we compare all ff mummies?

Avery eats about 4 ounces every 3.5 to 4 hours. If I feed her too early, say 2.5 hours, she'll only eat 2 1/2 to 3 ounces maybe.

Have you tried a different bottle style yet? Maybe he'll eat better with a different nipple or faster flow.
Ok so I am officially hanging up the super woman cape and saying I actually can't cope on my own at the moment. I am going to stay with some friends for a bit to have some support even though Michael is a really good baby. Please tell me I'm not a failure as a Mum ladies....

Susie - you are still and will always be my hero. You deserve help, we all need it, you are an amazing mummy.
Hiya again, ladies. Had Holly weighed today. 9lb 9oz. 9oz gain in 10 days. yay. At the moment she's been quite settled but we're approaching 6 weeks on Thursday so I'm expecting a bit of a change soon. She's had a cold so she's been a bit clingy too.

Couple of bizarre questions - she's been feeding plenty and had some foul gas but she hasn't had a proper dirty nappy since yesterday morning. I'm starting to worry a bit.

Also, do anyone elses boobs ache terribly? My nipples are very tender but they're not cracked any more or bruised at all bt it really hurts when she first latches on. Once she's finished feeding my breasts really hurt for about half an hour afterwards and they hurt if any pressure is put on them. It's definitely not thrush. Very confused.

Glad to see that a lot of the babies are starting to get a routine now - hoping to join you there soon.
Tracy do you feel ok, are your boobs hot or lumpy? Maybe blocked ducts, mastitis is painful and causes infection so dont think its that.....? :hugs:
Some bf babies pooh 6 times a day some do it once a week and anything is normal from what i have read xx
lol smiffy - i like how your description says "me, OH, and Toby = perfect" too cute!
Well I started leaking today. I feel my milk let down before Quinn even stirs to eat and only my left boob leaks. It is the one that produces the most milk too. The right still has not leaked but im wearing pads on both just in case. I was hoping I wouldn't leak as this is the first time and hes 6 weeks already. I was feeling really lucky after hearing some of you ladies talking about the leaking.
Ooo, you were lucky Mom2B! I was leaking right away... the left breast is always worse.. blah! You've just made some more for his 6 weeks growth spurt :) sounds like things are going well!
I didn't leak for first couple of weeks and thought something was wrong as was leaky right away last time. You may find they both get going and get leakier now one is, that's what has happened to me!

Well I had a total melt down last night was just so tired and J wouldn't sleep. Then my other son was poorly. My mum took them both for a few hours in the night as I was so upset.
Well I had a total melt down last night was just so tired and J wouldn't sleep. Then my other son was poorly. My mum took them both for a few hours in the night as I was so upset.

:hugs: how do you feel now?
i was the same last night, so tired and had a really bad headache i ended up putting him in the buggy just so it was quiet.
OH came home and was indirectly moaning as there was no food as i didnt go shopping again! Doing it today! I said i was tired so he said so was he(thanks for understanding) Anyway after doing Avon books and bathing Joe i sat up there for about an hour while getting Joe to sleep, came back down and he is on playstation oblivious to dirty bottles etc, so i wash and sterelise bottles then go to bed! my head was killing, ive got no-one to ask for help, last time i texted sil and mil they were busy so i wont ask again! They have never offered to take him, even for an hour or so!
they literally live over the road too and dont pop in!
Just to add OH did the 4am feed which was nice, but i get a running commentry on it, shall i do this, he has only taken this, wheres the changing mat etc so didnt sleep through that. My daughter helps out too, she is coming shopping with me today.
So yesterday over 24hours Joe had 560mls which is about 19oz and that was 8 feeds (3hourly)
:hugs: Fraggles. It was good that your mum was there to help out. Everyone needs a break or some help now and then. How long is your mum staying for?

This might sound a tad selfish but is it possible for your mum to take both N & J for say a day and let you sleep. Luke has done this a few times for me when I was shattered. He had both girls downstairs and when Hayley needed a feed he would bring her up so I could feed her and once she had fed Luke took her back downstairs and burped her so I could sleep.

So glad you have got some help, you are superwoman in my eyes as I'm struggling and there is 2 of us. I don't know how you do it with 2 and the age gap between our kids is very similar.
:hugs: Fraggles. It was good that your mum was there to help out. Everyone needs a break or some help now and then. How long is your mum staying for?

This might sound a tad selfish but is it possible for your mum to take both N & J for say a day and let you sleep. Luke has done this a few times for me when I was shattered. He had both girls downstairs and when Hayley needed a feed he would bring her up so I could feed her and once she had fed Luke took her back downstairs and burped her so I could sleep.

So glad you have got some help, you are superwoman in my eyes as I'm struggling and there is 2 of us. I don't know how you do it with 2 and the age gap between our kids is very similar.

I left an abusive ex so im staying with mum, we've decided to look at booking a holiday as my stress levels are through the roof at the moment.
Well I started leaking today. I feel my milk let down before Quinn even stirs to eat and only my left boob leaks. It is the one that produces the most milk too. The right still has not leaked but im wearing pads on both just in case. I was hoping I wouldn't leak as this is the first time and hes 6 weeks already. I was feeling really lucky after hearing some of you ladies talking about the leaking.

I've been pouring from both breasts - went out to watch a comedian the other night and had to take extra pads with me and then woke up in the night pouring. The first time it happened I wasn't wearing a bra and I sat up in bed and thought it was raining inside. Lol - I'm bright as a button.

:hugs: to the ladies who have had bad nights.
Lol Tracey you do make me chuckle! Raining inside! When I was bfing I woke up soaked through a few nights. Its horrible, thought I was sweating but it was only on my boobs lol.

Natasha thanks for the comment about me and my little family. I must have been in a good mood with them both when I changed that lol. But we try our best to be perfect hehehehe but not sure how true it is at all.

Fraggles sending a big hug hun. I agree with Rachael, you single mummies are awesome, and I find it really tough with my OH's help and family support. I think a holiday would be a great idea hun, where were you thinking of going?

Sarah I don't know if I've understood this right but technically isn't Joe about the same stage as toby cos he was due on the first jan and toby on the 3rd right? Well just to make you feel better about feeds, Toby only takes 3-4 oz too and generally goes about 3 hours in the day. I can't remember what you said about night times tho. We get Toby bathed between 6.30-7.30 depending on last feed and whether he is sleeping, then he has a bottle and is generally asleep about 9ish. We put him down in his carrycot downstairs with lights off but we sit and watch tv and then I have been staying up with him to do a dreamfeed about half 10-half 11. Then he can sleep anywhere between 2 nd a half to 5 hours. It seems to vary still.

Sending :hugs: fraggles x x

We're off to the cinema today, hope Phoebe behaves! We had another good night, this little lady likes her sleep! Getting close to 6 weeks now tho lol
Holiday anywhere would be good. Not sorted passports yet so cant go abroad. Think J is gowing through a growth spurt suddenly is cheaper newborn stuff is too small he's grown 2cm in 2 weeks and he's doubled his feeding time.

Treated myself to a didymos last night (second hand so not too expensive)
Erm whats a didymos?? Lol sorry if I'm being dumb!

I'm confused with this baby in the cinema thing, so do they just go in with you? How do you do it?? xx
hi smiffy, yeah he is, we have to go by his due date not the date he was born! Really hard to do though especially as he is a big boy! Went shopping OMG £250 later!!! but glad its done now
Hope you are ok Fraggles :( :hugs:

I got the Morning after pill at docs. Thank goodness!

Feel really fat and horrible, going for a long walk today!
I also would like to know about the cinema. Ive never seenanyone bring a baby in with them. I should call and ask if its ok here cuz we have some free passes and I could use a night out.

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