January JellyBean mummies

So much for Bryce sleeping in his cot during the day! He only did it that one day and now I'm back to cuddling him to sleep! :dohh:

He was back to feeding every two hours last night as well. Just when you think you are getting somewhere! :nope:
blessed said:
There are quite a few reflux babies around here huh?

Maybe we should start a survival group for our reflux LO, I know I definately need it today :cry: Seeing Jennifer in pain 24/7 is really starting to get to me.

Thanks Jade! Every evening is the same til 11pm it wears me out! I feel like everyone elses baby goes hours between feeds except so altho bad for you it's nice to know I'm not suffering alone with the naughtiest baby ;-) x

Jennifer still feeds every hour :nope: and in the eve feeds every 20 mins:shrug:

From all I've read tho sounds like best thing you can do is just go with it, baby stops when they are ready! How are you coping with it? You don't seem to whine about it like I do?! X

We can whine at each other :hugs: our LOs can join in!!!!

My first used to feed for 40 minutes and after a burp and nappy change he wanted on again. Think he was 8 weeks when that stopped.

:cry:Jennifer's almost 11 weeks, I think being born 3 weeks early has made a real difference in terms of development.

...and now I'm back to cuddling him to sleep! :dohh:

Jennifer still only sleeps on me or Dave, she has done two nights through but the acid really stops her sleeping even with her head end raised.

I apologise you the whiney replies, I'm just so sick of the reflux now:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Jennifer is such a sad baby she rarely smiles and has to be on me all the time. I love the cuddles but I think we are starting to wind each other up. Plus with feeding hourly we get nothing done. I take her out just to get a break...I feel so mean but its the only way I can put her down in the day.
Aww poor Jennifer and you! My friends LO was like that and miraculously at 12 weeks became a new baby, seems her digestive system settled down and she was happy and feeding normally. Hope your magic week arrives soon! X
Lostunicorn :hugs: how propped up does Jennifer need tp be, we use a memory foam pillow to get some height.

I think being able to moan on here really helps.
Evening ladies! Am a little *shitting it* as I am on no contraception and hope to god BF is 98% proof as claimed! Is it? :argh:
Jade you mad woman! Lol! Didn't you say you would like another? I wouldnt trust bf as contraceptive. My periods came back at 7 weeks last time! Are you going to be our JJ bfp? ;-) x
Lost unicorn, big :hugs: to you and Jennifer.

We've had a good day today, finally conquered the moby wrap lol. And I've sterilised the breast pump, haven't had the chance to use it yet!

And I hope I don't annoy anyone by being too positive, I don't mean to. It's just the way I cope sometimes, by concentrating on the good things and hoping the bad go away lol x x
OMG Jo dont I am shitting it! I dont want to go on pill or use coil so only option is condom :(
:hugs: lost unicorn

Jade-I've read that about BFing but personally I'm not going to trust it! We haven't :sex: yet but when we do we will be back to condoms.
No periods yet jade? Mind you, a pal of mine not had a period in 4 years because she got pg with 2nd then 3rd without ever having a period when LO was 7 months old each time. Sure you will be safe this month but maybe good idea with condoms if you not ready to go down that route just yet ;-) x

Pinkie its nice to hear optimism! It's the best way of thinking xx
Lol Jade! I too have resumed dtd! So nice to have it back in my life, I was terrified it would hurt like hell and tbh it did feel 'different' but in a good way hehehe!

I am now hoping toby is back to his chilled self for a while as today has been good today and had a 11pm feed, was down by half past, went to half 2 then went straight back down and then woke at 6am but I stuck his dummy in and he went another half hour before starting to demand a bottle!

OH did some night feeds at the wknd which was nice! And we are going to try him getting up at 6:30 and giving toby his first bottle of the day then and then sticking him back in bed with me. Means I might get an extra half hour in the morrnings anyway and glad he is now getting a bit more involved as I had a bit of a meltdown on fri night and told him I didn't feel like I was coping and couldn't do it all on my own!

Hugs to all the ladies having to cluster feed!!

I apologise you the whiney replies, I'm just so sick of the reflux now:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Jennifer is such a sad baby she rarely smiles and has to be on me all the time. I love the cuddles but I think we are starting to wind each other up. Plus with feeding hourly we get nothing done. I take her out just to get a break...I feel so mean but its the only way I can put her down in the day.

:hugs: luv. These first 3 months are tough. It takes A LOT to get my LO to smile so don't be too hard on yourself.

Evening ladies! Am a little *shitting it* as I am on no contraception and hope to god BF is 98% proof as claimed! Is it? :argh:

Aww, you'll have all 3 nice and close together! :baby: :baby: :baby: OK, jokes aside, Good Luck! We haven't yet dtd. Mackenzie is a very effective contraceptive for now :haha:
I dont know whether to try and get Morning after pill? Can i get it for free?

I have fished out Micronor doctor gave me when I had Caine and never used..... may try that anyone tried it?
Smiffy It didnt hurt this time, it killed after Caine :dohh:

Alex has slept ALL day which means a fun night for me!
I dont know whether to try and get Morning after pill? Can i get it for free?

I have fished out Micronor doctor gave me when I had Caine and never used..... may try that anyone tried it?

Thanks for the :hugs:
I wouldn't take it if your BF as I'm not sure how long the hormone would stay in your system or if it's safe for LO, maybe ring the Dr.
Jade yes you can get morning after pill free at Boots pharmacy bit not sure about taking it while BFing :shrug:
Holy smokes Sarai slept 6 hours last night!! :yipee: I woke up refreshed, but my boobs were HUGE and in so much pain! lol... They felt like implants gone wrong... She fed when she woke up.. I pumped right after... and then she decided she wanted to eat again. I was scared as I thought I might have pumped out all her milk, but nope, she still got MORE out of them... :dohh: at least i know there's plenty of food in there
Well done one the brilliant boobies hun!!! Sarai has a fab mummy!

Jade I was really expecting pain so was quite surprised really. We are using condoms although yday the first time we didn't go 'all the way' sorry if tmi! But then last night we used a condom for first time in ages - always generally used pull out method hence the pregnancy lol - and it felt well weird!! I think your doing the right thing hun by going to the pharmacy to spare you the worry.

I am sitting downstairs on my own. Baby and bloke are both upstairs asleep. I was half tempted to get in bed myself but knew toby will be awake sometime before 12 (probably) as his last bottle was between half 7 and quart past 8 as he was a bit on off with it. Didn't fancy dropping off and being woke back up again within an hour and hopefully if I go and dreamfeed in about 15mins at half 11 he will sleep for a few hours before next feed then. Hoping he goes straight back down after as it will be sods law if he stays awake. I will not be impressed if that happens. Wish me luck!

Hope everyone has a good night/day and will check with you all tomorrow.


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