January JellyBean mummies

Well ladies I decided to have my glass of milk this morning and now Quinn has been right upset for the last hour and a half. Its weird that only 1 glass of chocolate milk can do this too him. I only ever drink 1 glass a day...maybe two but not often. Its really killing me not having my milk in the mornings but im sure now that is what the problem is. Im off to try to calm him down without being a pacifier as my nipples are killing me from the last hour of it.
Jo-jo: Try using a pacifier yet? She might just be comfort sucking. If the constant feeding is hurting you it will help give yor nips a chance to breathe/heal.


Thanks Laura I keep trying her with a dummy she only ever takes it at random times like doing school run on a morning while in sling she just gags on it and spits it out most of the time but I'll keep trying! Thankfully she has a good latch and I don't get sore just really fed up! Hoping it magically disappears one day!

Can't wait to see your photos x
Jo it does get better hun! xx I know how frustrating it is tho, Alex does it most nights.

Catherine bet you are so exicted! :)

Thanks Jade! Every evening is the same til 11pm it wears me out! I feel like everyone elses baby goes hours between feeds except so altho bad for you it's nice to know I'm not suffering alone with the naughtiest baby ;-) x
Jo it does get better hun! xx I know how frustrating it is tho, Alex does it most nights.

Catherine bet you are so exicted! :)

Thanks Jade! Every evening is the same til 11pm it wears me out! I feel like everyone elses baby goes hours between feeds except so altho bad for you it's nice to know I'm not suffering alone with the naughtiest baby ;-) x

lol! I know the feeling! My LO just started going 3 hours at night this week! She's still going every 2 hours during the day (sometimes even shorter than that) :wacko: and she's one of the oldest here!
He takes 6oz every four hours today and one stint of five hours. Hoping this happens tonight. Have you tried giving Joe 2oz burping him then giving another 2?

wow susie im really envious! Joe is nearly 3 months old and last night @ 1am took between 3-4oz. then at 4 he took 2oz! tried burping between feeding him, he is up now happy as larry!

edit to say he started crying and sucking his hand so ive just given him another bottle........he drank 1oz and is now asleep! how can he do this he is 12lb. im going to keep record of how much he drinks over the whole day, can we compare all ff mummies?
He takes 6oz every four hours today and one stint of five hours. Hoping this happens tonight. Have you tried giving Joe 2oz burping him then giving another 2?

wow susie im really envious! Joe is nearly 3 months old and last night @ 1am took between 3-4oz. then at 4 he took 2oz! tried burping between feeding him, he is up now happy as larry!

edit to say he started crying and sucking his hand so ive just given him another bottle........he drank 1oz and is now asleep! how can he do this he is 12lb. im going to keep record of how much he drinks over the whole day, can we compare all ff mummies?

yes i am replying to myself :haha: After writing it down on here then writing what he has had on a piece of paper I have decided that im feeding him too often and he isnt really hungry, maybe I should just offer a dummy? How do you know if they are hungry or just need a dummy? He asleep in his crib now.
So now i've messed up the feeds for the day as I dont know when he is due again now :dohh:
With him been formula fed sar you could offer him water if he's fussing and give him milk every 3-4 hours. If he's hungry he won't be consoled with a dummy or water. My son rarely drank large amounts tho and I used to worry loads but don't get too hung up on how many ounces as long as he's happy and gaining your doing fine. He once drank no milk at all for 3 weeks and had only water and yoghurts I thought he would be ill but he was his usual happy self (he was about 7 months tho then not this young) I just mean to say not all babies need big amounts to grow x
Maybe joes just thirsty sometimes Sarah?

Jo, phoebes exactly the same Hun. She cluster feeds for 3/4 hours every evening, has done practically every evening since a few days old. She won't take a dummy either! The last two nights though she's slept 6 hours yay! I'll probably get used to it and then she'll hit another growth spurt knowing my luck lol
Jo, Hayley doesn't have long breaks between feeds either. She will go 2, 3 hours during the day if I'm lucky and then between 6&7 she starts demanding the boob anything between 30 minutes and an hour and a half for 30-45 mins at a time, so she is pretty much permanently attached from then till after midnight where she will go 2 hours in between feeds. I'm hoping that this is down to the 6 week growth spurt (even though she is only 4 1/2 weeks). She did this for a few days from 10-14 days then again at 3 weeks. I was paranoid that it was down to a low milk supply so I spent last feed in the night on google but according to a few sites it sounds like a growth spurt.

Hope you have a better day today Jo :hugs:
Pinkie that's Fearne exactly our longest stretch at night has been 5 hours so far but it's crept up from 4. So Phoebe is great at night too! Have you tried her with expressed milk yet? Think I'm going to try Fearne with ebm in bottle again today, I wondered if she had that at her first feed around that time she might relax a bit??? From all I've read tho sounds like best thing you can do is just go with it, baby stops when they are ready! How are you coping with it? You don't seem to whine about it like I do?! X
Jo, Hayley doesn't have long breaks between feeds either. She will go 2, 3 hours during the day if I'm lucky and then between 6&7 she starts demanding the boob anything between 30 minutes and an hour and a half for 30-45 mins at a time, so she is pretty much permanently attached from then till after midnight where she will go 2 hours in between feeds. I'm hoping that this is down to the 6 week growth spurt (even though she is only 4 1/2 weeks). She did this for a few days from 10-14 days then again at 3 weeks. I was paranoid that it was down to a low milk supply so I spent last feed in the night on google but according to a few sites it sounds like a growth spurt.

Hope you have a better day today Jo :hugs:

Thanks Hun! I got Corey at home today - half term (shudders at the thought) she will no doubt be poked and disturbed a thousand times and be upset and tired all day. Keep thinking newness will wear off soon and I know he loves her and just wants to cuddle her but I'm so fed up of yelling for him to let her sleep! I'm baking some buns with him when she naps, then walk with pram, then maybe go play with some pals! I need all the luck I can get ;-) x
He takes 6oz every four hours today and one stint of five hours. Hoping this happens tonight. Have you tried giving Joe 2oz burping him then giving another 2?

wow susie im really envious! Joe is nearly 3 months old and last night @ 1am took between 3-4oz. then at 4 he took 2oz! tried burping between feeding him, he is up now happy as larry!

edit to say he started crying and sucking his hand so ive just given him another bottle........he drank 1oz and is now asleep! how can he do this he is 12lb. im going to keep record of how much he drinks over the whole day, can we compare all ff mummies?

That sounds a good idea, i will start writing them down. Oliver isnt interested in his 9am bottle, Sophie Ellis Bextor is more interesting apparently :haha:

On Saturday night Olly went to bed at 8pm then woke up at 4.30am and 8am. Thats 8 1/2 hours. Last night he went to bed at 8 again and woke up at 3, and thats only because the dog started barking and woke him up :growlmad: So thats 7 hours last night :happydance: Then he woke up at 6 and then 9 :cloud9: Not sure whats happened with my son but i like it. I keep thinking that it wont last long.
Aww at Oliver!

Jo, I'm too disorganised to have managed to express yet : blush: I really should've tried Phoebe with a bottle by now too, left it too late with charley and she refused to use one! I don't actually mind the evening feeds too much but I think it's cos Phoebe is my last baby and I don't want her to get big lol. I hope your day goes well, cooking buns sounds good! My biggest challenge will probably be getting my teenager out of bed before lunchtime
Morning all, well feeding was interesting yesterday it was hourly from morning to lunch then 2 feeds were spaced by 2 hour gaps then back to hourly feeds until midnight. Thankfully slept 1-7.30 so thats good. Ive never changed so many wet nappies before :haha: So glad I got 2 hours in bed in the afternoon, pity mum woke me up to say Jacob needed feeding i'd got 4 bottles expressed in the fridge :dohh: she gave him a bottle while I sorted out my pumping.
I cant decide how much to have stocked in freezer. I think ive got about 30oz in there at the moment.
My boobs are slowly feeling a bit better although they hurt in the cold still. Ive got my HV coming this week to do the postnatal am I depressed questionnaire.

Jo how long does Fearne feed for when cluster feeding and what gap is inbetween feeds? Our houry feeds yesterday was feed 10-15mins nappy change and burps then it left all of 15 minutes and we started again :dohh: it was draining to say the least.
Fraggles she literally feeds 10-15 comes off or falls asleep wether I cuddle her or put her down she cries roots and wants to go straight back on within 5 mins. Maybe between 6 and 11 she may have 30 mins off while I shower or she snoozes. X
My first used to feed for 40 minutes and after a burp and nappy change he wanted on again. Think he was 8 weeks when that stopped.
Sorry ladies did not get the pictures scanned as I had a rough night. I wanted to see if Quinns screaming was really from the milk or not....It is. I had a glass yesterday norning and he was screaming for 4 hours last night. It was awefull and my nips were killing me. I gave him formula last night as that seems to help with the gas and cramps better than my milk. I gave it to him at 11:30 and he slept through until 7am. It was nice but man did my boobs hurt. I did end up pumping one and getting 3oz thou. Well Tessa is screaming she is done eating so i must go.

Oh and no more milk for me for sure!!!!! LOL
Jo have you tried doing compressions while feeding Fearne? Means she'd get nmore milk rather than sucking for suckings sake.
yes i am replying to myself :haha: After writing it down on here then writing what he has had on a piece of paper I have decided that im feeding him too often and he isnt really hungry, maybe I should just offer a dummy? How do you know if they are hungry or just need a dummy? He asleep in his crib now.
So now i've messed up the feeds for the day as I dont know when he is due again now :dohh:

Jolene i remember you saying you had a problem with evening cluster feeds. Does it just one day not happen? Since HV said it was likely colic and I giving a dose of dentinox in the evening she isn't attacking me whilst she's feeding anymore but she is still feeding for 4 solid hours every evening. I just want to be sure there is an end to it and I can cope!

Hope you and Mackenzie are doing ok! And everyone else too! X

Hi Jojo :) Yeah we were cluster feeding every evening until I eventually forced the dummy. I had to dip it into gripe water ever time but it still wasn't easy coz she would gag when I put it in. I would just allow her to spit it out and just keep popping it back in until she got used to the taste. She still pulls her face when I put it in the first time. Mackenzie still has her fussy times in the evenings from 7-10:30 but at least she's not constantly feeding anymore.

Sar, Joe will make it very clear if he is hungry and you're trying to give him a dummy :haha:
yes i am replying to myself :haha: After writing it down on here then writing what he has had on a piece of paper I have decided that im feeding him too often and he isnt really hungry, maybe I should just offer a dummy? How do you know if they are hungry or just need a dummy? He asleep in his crib now.
So now i've messed up the feeds for the day as I dont know when he is due again now :dohh:

i sometimes stick my little finger in his mouth to see if he is hungry, if he is he will chomp like mad. Or he routes for his bottle.

I just got back from the baby clinic, Oliver is now 10lbs13! :happydance:my little chubster!

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