Fraggles. It was good that your mum was there to help out. Everyone needs a break or some help now and then. How long is your mum staying for?
This might sound a tad selfish but is it possible for your mum to take both N & J for say a day and let you sleep. Luke has done this a few times for me when I was shattered. He had both girls downstairs and when Hayley needed a feed he would bring her up so I could feed her and once she had fed Luke took her back downstairs and burped her so I could sleep.
So glad you have got some help, you are superwoman in my eyes as I'm struggling and there is 2 of us. I don't know how you do it with 2 and the age gap between our kids is very similar.
I left an abusive ex so im staying with mum, we've decided to look at booking a holiday as my stress levels are through the roof at the moment.
A holiday sounds like a fantastic idea, just what you need. Im so sorry I didnt realise you were staying with your mum I feel such a fool now

Hope I havent upset or offended you.