January JellyBean mummies

:hugs: Fraggles. It was good that your mum was there to help out. Everyone needs a break or some help now and then. How long is your mum staying for?

This might sound a tad selfish but is it possible for your mum to take both N & J for say a day and let you sleep. Luke has done this a few times for me when I was shattered. He had both girls downstairs and when Hayley needed a feed he would bring her up so I could feed her and once she had fed Luke took her back downstairs and burped her so I could sleep.

So glad you have got some help, you are superwoman in my eyes as I'm struggling and there is 2 of us. I don't know how you do it with 2 and the age gap between our kids is very similar.

I left an abusive ex so im staying with mum, we've decided to look at booking a holiday as my stress levels are through the roof at the moment.

A holiday sounds like a fantastic idea, just what you need. Im so sorry I didnt realise you were staying with your mum I feel such a fool now :dohh:.

Hope I havent upset or offended you. :hugs: i seem to regularly suffer from foot in mouth disease an awful lot :(
:hugs: Fraggles. It was good that your mum was there to help out. Everyone needs a break or some help now and then. How long is your mum staying for?

This might sound a tad selfish but is it possible for your mum to take both N & J for say a day and let you sleep. Luke has done this a few times for me when I was shattered. He had both girls downstairs and when Hayley needed a feed he would bring her up so I could feed her and once she had fed Luke took her back downstairs and burped her so I could sleep.

So glad you have got some help, you are superwoman in my eyes as I'm struggling and there is 2 of us. I don't know how you do it with 2 and the age gap between our kids is very similar.

I left an abusive ex so im staying with mum, we've decided to look at booking a holiday as my stress levels are through the roof at the moment.

A holiday sounds like a fantastic idea, just what you need. Im so sorry I didnt realise you were staying with your mum I feel such a fool now :dohh:.

Hope I havent upset or offended you. :hugs: i seem to regularly suffer from foot in mouth disease an awful lot :(

No not offended hun was better to stay with family than be homeless. My childrens safety meant more than my home :thumbup:
I think I need to cut back on this greedy girls feedings.
She's 3 wks old and has gained 2lbs but seriously if I give her 2oz of milk she goes crazy afterwards and wouldn't stop screaming until I give her another 2oz. But for her to gain 2lbs and weigh 10lbs already is absolutely crazy.

2 nights in a row i've gotten her to go to sleep around 10pm and she woke up at 4 for a feeding then wakes up again at about 7am.

before she would go to bed around 10, wake up at 1am, 3am, 5am and 7am for feedings and now during the day i try to make her feedings every 3.5 to 4 hours but that doesnt seem to work so well all day lol
I think I need to cut back on this greedy girls feedings.
She's 3 wks old and has gained 2lbs but seriously if I give her 2oz of milk she goes crazy afterwards and wouldn't stop screaming until I give her another 2oz. But for her to gain 2lbs and weigh 10lbs already is absolutely crazy.

2 nights in a row i've gotten her to go to sleep around 10pm and she woke up at 4 for a feeding then wakes up again at about 7am.

before she would go to bed around 10, wake up at 1am, 3am, 5am and 7am for feedings and now during the day i try to make her feedings every 3.5 to 4 hours but that doesnt seem to work so well all day lol

ipretti there is nothing wrong with gaining 2lbs already at 3 weeks old. Hayley was 4 1/2 weeks when I last got her weighed and she is 10lb 7oz's. She dropped to 8lb at 3 days old so she has put more than 2lb on. H/v told me that its a good weight gain and that she was feeding well. I asked if i could be over feeding her and she told me no, feed on demand,baby will take what she wants/needs.

At 3 weeks old they have a growth spurt and im pretty sure all the ladies will agree with me here, all they do is feed feed and feed some more. It settles back down as quickly as it arrived. If you are formula feeding have a look on the tin at how much they recommend for babies age and weight and use it as a guide if baby wants more then give more. You cant have a hungry, distressed baby. At 6 months of age their weight gain slows right down. My first baby was 19lb at 6 months old, shes now 16 months and only weighs 24lb 4oz (8lb in 10 months)
I think I need to cut back on this greedy girls feedings.
She's 3 wks old and has gained 2lbs but seriously if I give her 2oz of milk she goes crazy afterwards and wouldn't stop screaming until I give her another 2oz. But for her to gain 2lbs and weigh 10lbs already is absolutely crazy.

2 nights in a row i've gotten her to go to sleep around 10pm and she woke up at 4 for a feeding then wakes up again at about 7am.

before she would go to bed around 10, wake up at 1am, 3am, 5am and 7am for feedings and now during the day i try to make her feedings every 3.5 to 4 hours but that doesnt seem to work so well all day lol

ipretti there is nothing wrong with gaining 2lbs already at 3 weeks old. Hayley was 4 1/2 weeks when I last got her weighed and she is 10lb 7oz's. She dropped to 8lb at 3 days old so she has put more than 2lb on. H/v told me that its a good weight gain and that she was feeding well. I asked if i could be over feeding her and she told me no, feed on demand,baby will take what she wants/needs.

At 3 weeks old they have a growth spurt and im pretty sure all the ladies will agree with me here, all they do is feed feed and feed some more. It settles back down as quickly as it arrived. If you are formula feeding have a look on the tin at how much they recommend for babies age and weight and use it as a guide if baby wants more then give more. You cant have a hungry, distressed baby. At 6 months of age their weight gain slows right down. My first baby was 19lb at 6 months old, shes now 16 months and only weighs 24lb 4oz (8lb in 10 months)

thanks so much for that response, i feel much better reading that, so thank you
I agree dont worry on weight my eldest is a dinky one at 22lbs at 15 months but if you could see what he eats you would expect him to be twice the size. Jacob is 6 weeks now and the last 3 days he's only going 1-2 hours between feeds (he goes longer at night normally).
Lol Tracey you do make me chuckle! Raining inside! When I was bfing I woke up soaked through a few nights. Its horrible, thought I was sweating but it was only on my boobs lol.

Natasha thanks for the comment about me and my little family. I must have been in a good mood with them both when I changed that lol. But we try our best to be perfect hehehehe but not sure how true it is at all.

Fraggles sending a big hug hun. I agree with Rachael, you single mummies are awesome, and I find it really tough with my OH's help and family support. I think a holiday would be a great idea hun, where were you thinking of going?

Sarah I don't know if I've understood this right but technically isn't Joe about the same stage as toby cos he was due on the first jan and toby on the 3rd right? Well just to make you feel better about feeds, Toby only takes 3-4 oz too and generally goes about 3 hours in the day. I can't remember what you said about night times tho. We get Toby bathed between 6.30-7.30 depending on last feed and whether he is sleeping, then he has a bottle and is generally asleep about 9ish. We put him down in his carrycot downstairs with lights off but we sit and watch tv and then I have been staying up with him to do a dreamfeed about half 10-half 11. Then he can sleep anywhere between 2 nd a half to 5 hours. It seems to vary still.


wow! that is an amazing routine! we dont have one at all yet - anyone else or just me?
We're home, cinema was great and Phoebe fed and slept her way right through! It was just a regular showing but being half term I knew there would be loads of kids so I wasn't worried about her being noisy. If she had really started crying then I would've taken her outside. I know the odeon do the parent and baby showings but my local one doesn't so I'll have to wait til she's older before I can see any grown up films!

And I agree with others about weight - I had one average sized baby, a small one and a chunky one and now they're all pretty average lol. As long as they're in proportion, that's the important part imo
We have a similar routine to Toby with ALex but not a bath every night.,

Caine gained nearly a pound a week for first few weeks but guess what he is 24 pound at nearly 2! And has gained 4 pound this year :lol: which is normal!

Everyone ok? I had a really naughty mardy toddler today! Aqua aerobics tonight yay!
Hi ladies. Things have been going very good lately. I fear that my trip to the UK is going to change everything and mess up Kieran's days and nights. I'm going to get my hair done today and am very nervous to leave Kieran. It is only about 10 minutes away and I should be gone no more than 2 hours so I'm going to feed him right before I go and hopefully he will be a good boy for Daddy an no want to cluster feed while I am away. It needs to be done my hair is terrible I look homeless.
ok ladies - hit me with it. What is the 6 week growth spurt like? Holly is 6 weeks on Thursday and i want to be prepared for the worst. 3 weeks was pretty bad and seemed to go on forever.
Well the pumping seems to be going ok Mia has put on 80 grams in 4 days last week it was 30 grams in 7 days so she is heading in the right direction
Tracey be prepared for fussing none stop, crying for the boob, on off on off, not knowing what they want. Maybe waking more often etc xx
Tracey be prepared for fussing none stop, crying for the boob, on off on off, not knowing what they want. Maybe waking more often etc xx

Ah, we might already be experiencing that but I hadn't noticed as much because she's also sleeping more, especially at night. Though, thinking about it that's not exactly true - she sleeps the same only now she sleeps in the cot as opposed to needing to be held, but only at night; during the day she was ok sleeping in the cot but now she's moving in the pram. So I guess she is being fussy, she has been having a lot of extra feeds in the day when she's awake but when she's asleep she'll still go 3-4 hrs and she fusses a lot wen she's awake but we get about an hour of happy baby a day.

I suppose it hasn't seemed that bad so far because a couple of weeks ago we had a day where she refused to sleep for 12 hrs, starting at 2am and another 48hrs when she wouldn't sleep at all unless bein held. I'm expecting more of the sleeplessness - I can cope with the rest, it's just when I can't get any sleep at all (or very little) that I can't cope.
Well the pumping seems to be going ok Mia has put on 80 grams in 4 days last week it was 30 grams in 7 days so she is heading in the right direction

That's great news hun. Are you feeling more positive now?
Yes thanks I'm feeling a lot better now she has started to put some weight on just hope it continues
Great news abstersmum!!

I got my hair done today-fresh highlights and took off quite a bit of length. Feels great! My hair was far too long for BFing. I was constantly wearing pony tails to keep my hair out of kieran's face. I feels great to have shorter hair again!!
The 6 week growth spurt lasted a few days for us... 2 days were GREAT, she slept ALL day and night, eat, sleep, eat, sleep..... and THEN, next day or 2 were lots of fussing and over-tiredness and wanting to be attached to the breast. Kinda crazy!

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