January JellyBean mummies

Thanks Sar, I am still at my friends and feeling better every day. Hoping to in back home at the end of next week when I have recovered a bit and feel more confident about coping alone
wow, joe just slept for 2 hours in his crib upstairs!! Just took 3oz too!!! he has been a bit of a pickle at night times, hope its not the way of things to come
And we've hit 6 weeks growth spurt. Think it's been coming on for a few days - she's been sleeping a lot more than normal, wanting a lot of food in the day and getting whiny towards the evening. Today she's been ultra fussy and constant feeding - I'm a little worried that she's not getting enough food. Would anyone recommend giving her a bottle so she's full enough to sleep? Or would this prevent her from being able to stimulate more milk production? I just don't feel like she's had a good feed all day because I haven't really felt that I've filled up properly so that she can. Feels like she's just sucking on empty boobs so no wonder the poor kid is angry and frustrated.
Also, my midwife ruled out thrush for me because Holly's mouth is clear but my boobs are killing me and my nipples when she latches on but they're not split or cracked. My boobs are aching really deep inside after feeds and my nipples are ultra sensitive - like they're really really cold. Anyone else getting this?
Susie - really glad you're feeling better and getting lots of advice from your friend. Don't rush home - take your time.xx
Well done Joe! Can you now please have a word with Bryce and tell him how to sleep during the day! Lol

I managed to finish the huge ironing pile tonight! Feeling quite pleased with myself now! He he just wish I could have time to tackle the housework as it really does need a good spring clean! It is disgusting. :(

I have just bought Bryce some new clothes off of e bay as he is growing so quickly! He has almost grown out of his Moses basket already which I'm really upset about as I don't think he is ready to go in his own room just yet. :(
And we've hit 6 weeks growth spurt. Think it's been coming on for a few days - she's been sleeping a lot more than normal, wanting a lot of food in the day and getting whiny towards the evening. Today she's been ultra fussy and constant feeding - I'm a little worried that she's not getting enough food. Would anyone recommend giving her a bottle so she's full enough to sleep? Or would this prevent her from being able to stimulate more milk production? I just don't feel like she's had a good feed all day because I haven't really felt that I've filled up properly so that she can. Feels like she's just sucking on empty boobs so no wonder the poor kid is angry and frustrated.
Also, my midwife ruled out thrush for me because Holly's mouth is clear but my boobs are killing me and my nipples when she latches on but they're not split or cracked. My boobs are aching really deep inside after feeds and my nipples are ultra sensitive - like they're really really cold. Anyone else getting this?
Susie - really glad you're feeling better and getting lots of advice from your friend. Don't rush home - take your time.xx

My boobs feel like that alot. My nips are not cracked either but they are very pink. I know Quinn has not been latching on properly so we have been working on that. I also have "vasospasm" in my nipples and it hurts soooo bad. I get a burning pain when he unlatches (which is usally by him ripping my nipple out of his mouth unless he fell asleep then he nicly lets go) and my nipple will turn white. it lasts about 2 minutes then my nipple goes back to normal colour and it throbs. This happens to me about every 5-7 minutes for a half hour.

I had this with my daughter too and it will go away slowly once we correct his latch and get him to stop pulling off my nipple.

Check to see if your having vasospasms. keep your boob out for about 10 minutes after she is off and watch your nipple. or when the pain starts pull your boob out and look at it. Mine mostly happens when my boob is put back into my bra and taking it out usually makes it go away faster....which is weird because everythign ive read says covering it up will make it (the blanching of the nipple and burning pain) go away faster...guess my boobs are backwards!!! LOL

Hope yor pain goes away but definaly make sure you are latching correctly as this is the main cause of nipple pain.
oh and giving her one bottle to make sure shes full and let you get some sleep will not screw up your milk production. You might be engorged by the next feeding if you dont pump thou.
Littlemrs, I know exactly how you feel hun :hugs:

Naomi, I think I'm going to have to put phoebe in her cot soon too. She keeps wriggling up her basket til her heads touching the top!

I'm dreading tomorrow if phoebes like this again cos we've got a really busy day and are going to be in and out all day. Not ideal with a baby who just wants to feed all day :dohh:
And we've hit 6 weeks growth spurt. Think it's been coming on for a few days - she's been sleeping a lot more than normal, wanting a lot of food in the day and getting whiny towards the evening. Today she's been ultra fussy and constant feeding - I'm a little worried that she's not getting enough food. Would anyone recommend giving her a bottle so she's full enough to sleep? Or would this prevent her from being able to stimulate more milk production? I just don't feel like she's had a good feed all day because I haven't really felt that I've filled up properly so that she can. Feels like she's just sucking on empty boobs so no wonder the poor kid is angry and frustrated.
Also, my midwife ruled out thrush for me because Holly's mouth is clear but my boobs are killing me and my nipples when she latches on but they're not split or cracked. My boobs are aching really deep inside after feeds and my nipples are ultra sensitive - like they're really really cold. Anyone else getting this?
Susie - really glad you're feeling better and getting lots of advice from your friend. Don't rush home - take your time.xx

Dont top up hun it cold mess with supply.(just my opinion i know the odd bottle wont hurt but I find giving a bottle of ebm is better) It's amazing how babies get the milk out and all that suckling will stimulate more milk. I get sore I find cold weather makes it worse so hot waters bottles!
Laura - nipple blanching? My left nipple in particular is often almost totally white at the tip, which I would call blanching. What are these spasms then? I'll have to look it up.
Empty boobs produce milk faster and higher calorie, full boobs have a higher proportion of watery milk to quench thirst and produce less milk as they know they are full. It's annoying but just let her suck her way thru it!

Ah Naomi how old is bryce now? Corey was 12 weeks when he outgrew basket but as Fearne so much bigger I expect it will be sooner so I've bought a crib to fit next to my bed. By 6 months she will be in cot in her own room! The first night the worst til you realise they fine isn't it?

Sounds like there are some sore boobies around tonight! I been lucky not to get much soreness even at first! Hope they ease off ladies x
Ah thats interesting about the white nipples! Mine were doing this too when I was breastfeeding and I had the same pain as your describing Tracey. The deep ache I seemed to associate with my milk coming back in after a big feed, particularly during the 3 wk growth spurt. And I sympathise with the nipple pain, its one of the reasons I couldn't cope with bfing anymore. Made me feel guilty as it seems quite a selfish reason to give up but I just wasn't handling the whole demand thing well. Looking back it seems like I gave up just when he was having his 3 wk spurt from what I've read of others experiences on here, which would explain a lot and maybe I should have persevered but hey ho, we're happy as we are.

Off to weigh in tomorrow. Missed last week cos I was at my mums house so I will be interested to know how much he has put on over 2 wks! And part of that time was spent feeding like mad in his 6 wk spurt. He was 8lb 9oz 2 wks ago so I'm guessing he might be around the 9lb 7oz mark! We shall see if I'm close tomorrow!

Been out for tea tonight. Making it a regular thing on wednesdays as it breaks the week up nicely. I get toby bathed and bottled for when his daddy gets home and then out we go. He usually falls asleep in the car on the way there but tonight he didn't as he had a bottle before and after his bath - bit strange for him. Soon as we sat down in the pub, with all the noise going on he dropped off and has been asleep ever since!! Hope this bodes well for tonight. Gonna do a dreamfeed around 11 and I'm hoping he goes straight back down!

Sending wishes for a good night for everyone! Behave little jellybeans xxxxx
I just posted some pics of Toby in a baby club thread that have been taken recently. Been meaning to for ages. If you wanna see them heres the link https://www.babyandbump.com/baby-club/545631-post-your-pics-your-gorgeous-one-month-olds-d.html#post9334878

Jo, it's not my boobies that get sore but my arms don't half ache by the time she goes down in her basket!

Sounds like you had a lovely evening Leanne
Leanne, as long as you an Toby are happy then you're doing the right thing. I totally understand what you mean about the guilt - I wanted to swap to bottle feeding inthe first 2-3 days because she wasn't latching on and one of the midwives made me feel awful about it - like I was a terrible woman because i couldn't get it right - so I told her I'd had enough and wanted to bottle feed instead ad she made me feel like I'd slapped Holly. I think forcing people into breastfeeding with guilt is the worst thing that anyone can do. It's going ok now but I spent hours in tears at the beginning. Gr at the evil lady.
Laura - nipple blanching? My left nipple in particular is often almost totally white at the tip, which I would call blanching. What are these spasms then? I'll have to look it up.

That is exactly what blanching is....you have vasospasm too! i first heard about it on Dr Jack Newmans site (https://www.nbci.ca/index.php?optio...auds-phenomenon&catid=5:information&Itemid=17) I was having LOTS of different problems when BFing my daughter so I read everything on his site and thats where I found it. My lactation consultant had never heard of it but my midwife (who I didn't see after 28 weeks becuase i was transfered to a high risk specialist when Tessa stopped growing) knew all about it. No one ive talked to about BFing around here has ever heard of it so i guess its not that common.

Hurts like HE LL!!!!!! I had it for about the first 5 months of Bf with Tessa and just thought it was normal because i had no pain when feeding and the LC said it must not be from BFing if it did't hurt while feeding. It only hurt when i first latched her on and after she was done. Read up on it and hope you get things figured out. I feel your pain.....literally!!!!
Leanne I get that weird pain/sensation when Jacob is due a feed mine a strong letdown. Roll on summer as my boobs feel better when its warm.

Off out today soset alarm to get up and pump :acko: feels crazy when both kids in bed asleep.
Fraggles have a lovely day out today. Are you going with N & J or you having time for yourself? Either way enjoy it :hugs:

Hayley did slightly better with sleeping last night. She finished a feed at 10:30 and because I was so tired and falling asleep feeding luke took Hayley, burped her and put her down for the night. I woke up with a start at 4:30 realised she hadn't had a feed and got out of bed to check on her. She was awake just staring at the ceiling, as soon as she saw me she got upset, started licking her lips and poking her Tongue out. Fed her and was back in bed just after 5. Woke at 6:30 when Phoebe came storming in our room, she woke Hayley who then decided it was breakfast time. So Im sat here feeding whilst Luke and Phoebe are at the side of me snoring.

Hope everyone got some sleep last night and have a lovely day today. Phoebe is at nursery and ive got a friend from the hockey club coming round at 11 to meet Hayley and then we are off out to lunch as its my birthday today. I'm getting old now, 28 today :(
Happy birthday Rachael wow Hayley did well last night, must have been your birthday treat!

We had our usual bed at 11, feed at 3.20 and again at 5, she still asleep now at 8.15 but Corey isn't of course! Was supposed to go cinema this morning. Best get up and see if he behaving enough x
Fraggles hope you have a good day

Happy birthday Rachael x x

Jo hope the cinema trip goes well!

We're off to the library first, my girls are helping at a guides display this morning

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