January JellyBean mummies

Happy Birthday Rachael x Michael treated his Mummy to 4 hours sleep last night, it was half three when he woke up not 1 or 2. Yay for sleeping babies. Naomi Ill get Michael to send Bryce some daytime sleepy dust as he sleep about 21 hours out of 24 - wondering if he'll ever get to waken up during the day!
Thanks for the birthday wishes girls :) I got treated to a lie in till 8:30 after Hayley finished her feed at 7. Luke got up and sorted Phoebe out and has taken her to nursery. Before they left Phoebe gave me my cards and Luke had chosen the most gorgeous card from the girls and the message he wrote from the girls made me cry. Phoebe then gave me my present and Luke and the girls have bought me the most gorgeous necklace and locket. The locket is a heart shape and it says special mum on the front with a flower on it. Feeling very loved right now.

Jo - Hayley has made up for the 6 hour straight lol she has fed 2 hourly since so I still got my 2 wake ups although that 6 hour sleep stretch was very much appreciated. Think she was exhausted bless her as we had our 1st baby massage session yesterday and she didn't sleep between feeds in the evening.
Hi Ladies :wave: Just jumping on to say hello again. Tried to catch up with all the posts but gave up - u ladies have been too chatty!! :haha: Did the Northern meet-up ever get arranged?

John went back to California today, but Holly and I are staying for another 10 days :( hated saying goodbye, its def the longest we've been apart :cry:

Holly has finally returned to sleeping 6 hours thru the night, just about in time for us going back to cali time :dohh: !!

Anyway, hope u r all ok :hugs:
mORNING! Happy birthday Rachael!

Little baby boy has his jabs today :(
Happy birthday Rachel I'm sat feeding and trying to help Abby with her homework on mythical creatures.
Need lots of fingers crossed for a 4 bed house we can posssible rent provided the rent isnt too much more than we are paying now, its a friend of a friend but hopefully we will know by the end of the week, it means childminding is safe and Joe gets his own room and maybe I can have another baby :haha:

Fingers crossed!!

My fingers are crossed for you too Sarah!

Hayley did slightly better with sleeping last night. She finished a feed at 10:30 and because I was so tired and falling asleep feeding luke took Hayley, burped her and put her down for the night. I woke up with a start at 4:30 realised she hadn't had a feed and got out of bed to check on her. She was awake just staring at the ceiling, as soon as she saw me she got upset, started licking her lips and poking her Tongue out. Fed her and was back in bed just after 5.(

That's adorable!!! Hope you're having an awesome day Rach! Sounds good so far :)

Little baby boy has his jabs today :(

:hugs: Jade. I know we usually take it worse than they do!

Mackenzie is 8 weeks today. I can't believe how the time has flown. Everyday gets easier and I'm enjoying her so much right now. She often falls asleep on her own in her moses basket or on my bed. When she gets tired, I lie her down close to where I'm busy and when I look again she's sleeping :) My son would never do that! She is smiling a lot more now too but mostly at my hubby. When she sees me she then starts to moan!!??
I think toby moans whe he sees me when oh is around too Jolene! I think its cos he sees me all day and associates me with food!


I think Toby has started to make a linkg between having a bath and food. It just seems that because his nighttime bath is usually before a bottle that he realises its coming whether he is hungry or not and starts to whinge for food even if he had food recently. I notice it when I sometimes bath him in the morning. If he isn't due a feed, say its only been an hour since a bottle, he still crys like hes hungry the little tinker. And last night he wanted feeding at half 5 which was only 2 hours since his last bottle and I wanted to get him bathed and changed ready so we could go out for tea when his daddy got home. So I took him in the bath about half 6 and when we got out he cried for food and then took another 2 oz on top of the 4 he had had an hour ago!! This boy is like a bottomless pit!!

We're off to baby clinic this afternoon to be weighed and then off to the library as I have 2 books to take back that I got out in toby's name when we went and got his free bookstart pack. Anyone have any idea whether they charge for overdue kids books? I know they usually do for adult ones! Its lovely and sunny out so we're going to walk.

Jade hope alexander and you are ok!! Toby's jabs are coming up soon and I am so not looking forward to it! Have you got the calpol ready??

Lisa, glad your having fun in the uk. Hugs for hubby leaving. We never made a decision about whether to meet up at the beginning of march. So northern ladies who are up for meeting up shall we sort it out???

happy birthday rachael
hope you are ok lisa
Jade i hope alex gets on ok
Leanne im interesed to see how much Toby weighs too

and :wave: to everyone else
Jabs cancelled as he has a cold so booked again for when he is 10 weeks!
Hi ladies...my quote button is not working for some reason and the only thing i can remember from all these posts is Susie saying she got a good stretchof sleep. yay for you!!!

had an aweful evening last night and not sure why. I had no milk but Quinn was screaming for a few hours. I tried to give him a bath and feed him so that he would sleep but it didnt work. I wonder if this is the start of our 6wk growth spurt. I sure hope not. He has been eating more often during the day for the past 2 days....every 2 hours instead of 3. I was hoping i wouldn't have the fussiness of it thou. but we will see tonight how things go.
:hugs: L:aura

Alex jabs cancelled as he hasa little cold so they said best now to do
Legs are killing, lots of walking and shopping. I took the kids and they were good as gold. HV called me she as spoken to the drs and they think ive got vasospasms think I need to go down the surgery :wacko:

Shopping was hectic as loads of kids everywhere. Jacob slept well last night missed his 1.30am feed so he went 11-6 slept 12-6
Legs are killing, lots of walking and shopping. I took the kids and they were good as gold. HV called me she as spoken to the drs and they think ive got vasospasms think I need to go down the surgery :wacko:

Shopping was hectic as loads of kids everywhere. Jacob slept well last night missed his 1.30am feed so he went 11-6 slept 12-6

what do you mean by go down the surgery?
And we've hit 6 weeks growth spurt. Think it's been coming on for a few days - she's been sleeping a lot more than normal, wanting a lot of food in the day and getting whiny towards the evening. Today she's been ultra fussy and constant feeding - I'm a little worried that she's not getting enough food. Would anyone recommend giving her a bottle so she's full enough to sleep? Or would this prevent her from being able to stimulate more milk production? I just don't feel like she's had a good feed all day because I haven't really felt that I've filled up properly so that she can. Feels like she's just sucking on empty boobs so no wonder the poor kid is angry and frustrated.
Also, my midwife ruled out thrush for me because Holly's mouth is clear but my boobs are killing me and my nipples when she latches on but they're not split or cracked. My boobs are aching really deep inside after feeds and my nipples are ultra sensitive - like they're really really cold. Anyone else getting this?
Susie - really glad you're feeling better and getting lots of advice from your friend. Don't rush home - take your time.xx

Word for word could have written this about the growth spurt, not feeling full and feeling like she's feeding on empty boobs. I was even wondering about topping her up with EBM but I have held off and she has eventually settled off to sleep..bet there's a fun evening in store for us:thumbup:
Sorry not been on - Ollie has had some fussy days and nights - just shattered!!

So was wondering - what do you ladies do activity-wise with your LO?

We are doing tummy time, singing nursery rhymes, playing music and playing with him on his matt - also have little rattles that go on his hands and feet...

i have been diong tummy time and playing with toys. I hold them up for him to look at and shake the rattle ones one day and the next day i rub them in his hands so he can feel them....as he cant hold them yet. ive also been singing and might start reading books soon too. I also have to bring up his play mat from the basement and clean it up.
Legs are killing, lots of walking and shopping. I took the kids and they were good as gold. HV called me she as spoken to the drs and they think ive got vasospasms think I need to go down the surgery :wacko:

Shopping was hectic as loads of kids everywhere. Jacob slept well last night missed his 1.30am feed so he went 11-6 slept 12-6

what do you mean by go down the surgery?

we call the doctors office a surgery, bit of an old fashioned name for it now, just meant needed to go see dr at the medical practice :kiss:
Well Michael is bathed, fed and asleep in bed by 7:45 tonight, going to wake him at 10 to feed again and hope I get a good block of sleep then. He is four weeks tomorrow so lets hope I can start to get him trained : ) I've been really moody today - one minute I'm happy, the next I'm angry and then I was utterly depressed. Just don't know what is wrong with me.....went out to buy a bath seat for the boy at Asda and took a walk to get my mood to lift. Anyone else get like this?
Legs are killing, lots of walking and shopping. I took the kids and they were good as gold. HV called me she as spoken to the drs and they think ive got vasospasms think I need to go down the surgery :wacko:

Shopping was hectic as loads of kids everywhere. Jacob slept well last night missed his 1.30am feed so he went 11-6 slept 12-6

it sounds a bit like my day

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