January JellyBean mummies

Laura - nipple blanching? My left nipple in particular is often almost totally white at the tip, which I would call blanching. What are these spasms then? I'll have to look it up.

That is exactly what blanching is....you have vasospasm too! i first heard about it on Dr Jack Newmans site (https://www.nbci.ca/index.php?optio...auds-phenomenon&catid=5:information&Itemid=17) I was having LOTS of different problems when BFing my daughter so I read everything on his site and thats where I found it. My lactation consultant had never heard of it but my midwife (who I didn't see after 28 weeks becuase i was transfered to a high risk specialist when Tessa stopped growing) knew all about it. No one ive talked to about BFing around here has ever heard of it so i guess its not that common.

Hurts like HE LL!!!!!! I had it for about the first 5 months of Bf with Tessa and just thought it was normal because i had no pain when feeding and the LC said it must not be from BFing if it did't hurt while feeding. It only hurt when i first latched her on and after she was done. Read up on it and hope you get things figured out. I feel your pain.....literally!!!!

Thank you, Laura, helps to have a name for it.

And we've hit 6 weeks growth spurt. Think it's been coming on for a few days - she's been sleeping a lot more than normal, wanting a lot of food in the day and getting whiny towards the evening. Today she's been ultra fussy and constant feeding - I'm a little worried that she's not getting enough food. Would anyone recommend giving her a bottle so she's full enough to sleep? Or would this prevent her from being able to stimulate more milk production? I just don't feel like she's had a good feed all day because I haven't really felt that I've filled up properly so that she can. Feels like she's just sucking on empty boobs so no wonder the poor kid is angry and frustrated.
Also, my midwife ruled out thrush for me because Holly's mouth is clear but my boobs are killing me and my nipples when she latches on but they're not split or cracked. My boobs are aching really deep inside after feeds and my nipples are ultra sensitive - like they're really really cold. Anyone else getting this?
Susie - really glad you're feeling better and getting lots of advice from your friend. Don't rush home - take your time.xx

Word for word could have written this about the growth spurt, not feeling full and feeling like she's feeding on empty boobs. I was even wondering about topping her up with EBM but I have held off and she has eventually settled off to sleep..bet there's a fun evening in store for us:thumbup:

We had a very interesting night - baby in the middle of a growth spurt and then several hours of blackout to top it off. Holly really enjoyed that!

Sorry not been on - Ollie has had some fussy days and nights - just shattered!!

So was wondering - what do you ladies do activity-wise with your LO?

We are doing tummy time, singing nursery rhymes, playing music and playing with him on his matt - also have little rattles that go on his hands and feet...


When I try to play with Holly she cries really quickly. She plays on her mat happily for up to half an hour but then starts screaming for no reason. We play with her on the mat, play classical music (which she really likes, especially when she seems stressed out), we read to her and sing and we also dance around with her, she also has a panda rattle that we jig around and puppet show with. Most of the dancing is soothing to be honest. She doesnt have much interest in most of her toys at the moment - she likes to talk and listen to music but ignores most of the toys. We've got some soft books but she cries after a short while because she prefers eye contact. Getting worried about her lack of interest in the toys.
joe has only recently started to take an interest in toys this last week or so and he is nearly 3 months
Looking at the net it looks like I've got vasospasms caused by Reynaud's phenomenon. Best get myself to the Drs in the morn then. Lol
Well, the guide display thing went well but the day went downhill once we'd had a naughty breakfast in macdonalds. Phoebe wanted to be fed every hour or so but I had to get new school shoes for my daughters so she's now been fed in pretty much every shoe shop in town lol. Shoes are now sorted though so job done. Came home for lunch and to dump the shopping before majorettes. Also left the buggy at home cos I was fed up with it and put Phoebe in the sling instead which was a lot easier. Now I'm feeding phoebe ready for bed soon, the other 3 are in bed and I'm knackered!

Sending vibes for lots of lovely sleeping babies tonight x x
I'm sat in the dark living room waiting for 11 to do a feed! O the joys of being a mummy to a little one.

Toby now weighs 9lb 8oz!! He's put just under a whole pound on in 2 weeks! Sticking to the 9th centile which is good. The HV was pleased. I asked her about all the times he seems to be sick after his feeds as he seems to do it loads. She said as long as he doesn't require a whole outfit change each time then its ok. Said hes probably just overfeeding and they would only be worried if he was throwing back the whole feed and wasn't gaining weight which he quite clearly is hehe!

Toby is starting to really enjoy his play gym. He can spend up to 30 mins listening to the tunes and playing and cooing to the sounds. We've got the fisher price rainforest lights and sounds one and he absolutely loves it. He doesn't show any interest in the toys yet but he is starting to kick at them and hit them a little bit. He likes dancing around too - really likes Rihanna and Plan B lol!! I listened to the radio a lot whilst pregnant so maybe he remembers?!?!

Bugger hes waking up!!

:hi: Hi ladies :)

Sorry i've not been on for a couple of days. Had a rough time at home with OH, I don't understand men i really don't :( Anyway on a good note, hes started pulling his weight, ive had 2 lie-ins so far and hes done all the washing and hoovered the house. Oh and he took me shopping to buy some clothes. I was on the edge of just walking out and leaving him the other day. Just hope he carries this on. MIL says i need to start giving him a list of things he needs to do, make sure he does it and stop letting him walk over me.

Oliver is doing well, although he has been a bit sicky today :( He keeps playing with his bottle and chewing it where the teeth are coming through. Hes also been a bit clingy, crying until i pick him up for a cuddle then he will just snuggle into my shoulder and stop crying. Cute but annoying when you are trying to put make-up on! haha. He's been good during the night, going to bed at 8pm then waking up at 3am, then 6/7am.

Starting my diet on Monday, going to try and get some exercise in too, depending on how my tummy copes with it. :happydance:

Legs are killing, lots of walking and shopping. I took the kids and they were good as gold. HV called me she as spoken to the drs and they think ive got vasospasms think I need to go down the surgery :wacko:

Shopping was hectic as loads of kids everywhere. Jacob slept well last night missed his 1.30am feed so he went 11-6 slept 12-6

what do you mean by go down the surgery?

we call the doctors office a surgery, bit of an old fashioned name for it now, just meant needed to go see dr at the medical practice :kiss:

OK LOL iwas thinking surgery? if there is a surgery to make this go away and stay away....SIGN ME UP!!!! LOL

Well Michael is bathed, fed and asleep in bed by 7:45 tonight, going to wake him at 10 to feed again and hope I get a good block of sleep then. He is four weeks tomorrow so lets hope I can start to get him trained : ) I've been really moody today - one minute I'm happy, the next I'm angry and then I was utterly depressed. Just don't know what is wrong with me.....went out to buy a bath seat for the boy at Asda and took a walk to get my mood to lift. Anyone else get like this?

I was like that today Susie. I was fine all morning then when I had to go out TEssa wouldn't get in the car as quickly as i would have liked and I kinda snapped at her for no good reason. Its not like we had to be on time or anything. Then i felt horrible for it and cried. I went and got my mom and took kids to playgroup and had some adult time and that really helped.

joe has only recently started to take an interest in toys this last week or so and he is nearly 3 months

Ya Quinns not interested at all but it makes me feel better knowing we are "playing" and Tessa likes it too!

Looking at the net it looks like I've got vasospasms caused by Reynaud's phenomenon. Best get myself to the Drs in the morn then. Lol

Other than fixing the latch or thrush their isn't much a DR can do for it. But let me know if they suggest anything else to help as im dying here!!!!!
Of all the days for AF to arrive it has to be today on my birthday. Very pissed off and annoyed as I'm exclusively BF and I thought this delayed AF. With Phoebe it was 3-4 months before they returned and i only fed her for 3 weeks.

Can hand on heart say I haven't missed them as I am in so much pain. I know from Phoebe the first one hurts like hell but this is stupid. My belly and lower back are throbbing and I feel so sick and fat. Now AF has arrived I will be pushing for contraception at my 6 week postnatal check next Thursday as I really don't want another baby. Not that there is any chance of that right now as dtd is the last thing on my mind.

Thank you once again ladies for all the lovely messages both on here and facebook. Ive had a lovely day and have just enjoyed a dominos with Luke
Sarai loves her playmat (playgym? :shrug: ) but thats about it! and I think she really just likes the lights on it (they flash!) she likes to have a little conversation, but thats only sometimes.. and only with women LOL... The toys she could care less about. She doesn't even like her bouncer seat!
:hi: Hi ladies :)

Sorry i've not been on for a couple of days. Had a rough time at home with OH, I don't understand men i really don't :( Anyway on a good note, hes started pulling his weight, ive had 2 lie-ins so far and hes done all the washing and hoovered the house. Oh and he took me shopping to buy some clothes. I was on the edge of just walking out and leaving him the other day. Just hope he carries this on. MIL says i need to start giving him a list of things he needs to do, make sure he does it and stop letting him walk over me.

Oliver is doing well, although he has been a bit sicky today :( He keeps playing with his bottle and chewing it where the teeth are coming through. Hes also been a bit clingy, crying until i pick him up for a cuddle then he will just snuggle into my shoulder and stop crying. Cute but annoying when you are trying to put make-up on! haha. He's been good during the night, going to bed at 8pm then waking up at 3am, then 6/7am.

Starting my diet on Monday, going to try and get some exercise in too, depending on how my tummy copes with it. :happydance:


glad he is pulling his weigh now, Oliver sounds so cute when he is snuggled up! Im gonna try and lose weight too, we should start up something, dont know what thought lol. good luck
I'm in on the weight loss club! Lol I seriously need to lose a stone! Maybe we should do weight loss update once a week on here to see how we do and get sine encouragement and tips e.t.c :) x

Naughty bryce was back to feeding every two hours last night. Grrr! I thinknits because he didn't sleep too well during the day.

I'm going to buy a black out blind
For his room and a light show for his cot and see if that helps. Has anybody else got a light show that they can recommend?
I too have a stone to lose Naomi! I'm in on the weight loss too! I have an holiday booked for in 9 weeks and I want to fit in my clothes nicely!

Be careful of blackout blind as in - I wouldn't put him down for daytime naps in there, my friend did that and her kids won't sleep anywhere but there which made her visits and outings not easy with screaming over tired girls.

I almost got only one wake up, infact I may say it was because doubt I'll get back to sleep now! She woke at 03:40 then just now at 6:50 she done good, go Fearne x
I'm in on the weight loss club! Lol I seriously need to lose a stone! Maybe we should do weight loss update once a week on here to see how we do and get sine encouragement and tips e.t.c :) x

Naughty bryce was back to feeding every two hours last night. Grrr! I thinknits because he didn't sleep too well during the day.

I'm going to buy a black out blind
For his room and a light show for his cot and see if that helps. Has anybody else got a light show that they can recommend?

Hi, we've got the Fisher Price fishy one, it projects fish and stars on the ceiling, has a night light undernearth and plays about 5 different songs and has a remote control, the only down side is although the songs play for a while they turn themselves off after a bit, and you have to go and turn it back on, but its not too bad as you do get quite a long time.
Im thinking of joining Slimming World as id like to lose about 3 stone

I too have a stone to lose Naomi! I'm in on the weight loss too! I have an holiday booked for in 9 weeks and I want to fit in my clothes nicely!

Be careful of blackout blind as in - I wouldn't put him down for daytime naps in there, my friend did that and her kids won't sleep anywhere but there which made her visits and outings not easy with screaming over tired girls.

I almost got only one wake up, infact I may say it was because doubt I'll get back to sleep now! She woke at 03:40 then just now at 6:50 she done good, go Fearne x

Wow thats a good girl Fearne.
Joe went up at about 9pm woke at 3am then again at 5.30 had feed went back down til 8.30am wow i was amazed, considering i couldnt sleep last night til whey past midnight!
Have a good day all
I'm in on the weight loss club! Lol I seriously need to lose a stone! Maybe we should do weight loss update once a week on here to see how we do and get sine encouragement and tips e.t.c :) x

Naughty bryce was back to feeding every two hours last night. Grrr! I thinknits because he didn't sleep too well during the day.

I'm going to buy a black out blind
For his room and a light show for his cot and see if that helps. Has anybody else got a light show that they can recommend?

I got a winnie the pooh light show they ahve them in tesco both my boys loved it. Also vtech do a mobile which glows different colours thats good too.
Jacob has changed his sleep pattern las few days we are now feeding for a logn time at 9 and 11pm like upto 40 minute feeds then wind and he was asleep for 12 and next woke at 5am for a feed then back down at 5.30 to 8.30
I'm in on the weight loss club! Lol I seriously need to lose a stone! Maybe we should do weight loss update once a week on here to see how we do and get sine encouragement and tips e.t.c :) x

Naughty bryce was back to feeding every two hours last night. Grrr! I thinknits because he didn't sleep too well during the day.

I'm going to buy a black out blind
For his room and a light show for his cot and see if that helps. Has anybody else got a light show that they can recommend?

I got a winnie the pooh light show they ahve them in tesco both my boys loved it. Also vtech do a mobile which glows different colours thats good too.

Thats the one im looking at getting for Oliver, he loves looking at lights and colours. May get one today :happydance: If i can get OH to take me to Ikea, there is a toys r us next door :thumbup:

I think we should do a weekly weigh in every Friday, just before the weekend and if we've done well then let ourselves have a small treat :haha: I have 2 stone to lose. 1 stone is from the weight i put on during pregnancy. Ive joined Closer Diets, it costs £22 i think. I started using it before i found out Oliver was on the way and loved the menus. They let you use convenience foods which is great when you have a baby to look after :) Plus its all food OH likes, he doesnt need to lose weight, if anything he needs to put weight on! So i will just add extra chips and salad to his :haha:
I'm in on the weight loss club! Lol I seriously need to lose a stone! Maybe we should do weight loss update once a week on here to see how we do and get sine encouragement and tips e.t.c :) x

Naughty bryce was back to feeding every two hours last night. Grrr! I thinknits because he didn't sleep too well during the day.

I'm going to buy a black out blind
For his room and a light show for his cot and see if that helps. Has anybody else got a light show that they can recommend?

I got a winnie the pooh light show they ahve them in tesco both my boys loved it. Also vtech do a mobile which glows different colours thats good too.

Thats the one im looking at getting for Oliver, he loves looking at lights and colours. May get one today :happydance: If i can get OH to take me to Ikea, there is a toys r us next door :thumbup:

I think we should do a weekly weigh in every Friday, just before the weekend and if we've done well then let ourselves have a small treat :haha: I have 2 stone to lose. 1 stone is from the weight i put on during pregnancy. Ive joined Closer Diets, it costs £22 i think. I started using it before i found out Oliver was on the way and loved the menus. They let you use convenience foods which is great when you have a baby to look after :) Plus its all food OH likes, he doesnt need to lose weight, if anything he needs to put weight on! So i will just add extra chips and salad to his :haha:

is that the closer magazine? and what do you get for £22? Is that just to join or is there a weekly fee?
I'm in on the weight loss club! Lol I seriously need to lose a stone! Maybe we should do weight loss update once a week on here to see how we do and get sine encouragement and tips e.t.c :) x

Naughty bryce was back to feeding every two hours last night. Grrr! I thinknits because he didn't sleep too well during the day.

I'm going to buy a black out blind
For his room and a light show for his cot and see if that helps. Has anybody else got a light show that they can recommend?

I got a winnie the pooh light show they ahve them in tesco both my boys loved it. Also vtech do a mobile which glows different colours thats good too.

Thats the one im looking at getting for Oliver, he loves looking at lights and colours. May get one today :happydance: If i can get OH to take me to Ikea, there is a toys r us next door :thumbup:

I think we should do a weekly weigh in every Friday, just before the weekend and if we've done well then let ourselves have a small treat :haha: I have 2 stone to lose. 1 stone is from the weight i put on during pregnancy. Ive joined Closer Diets, it costs £22 i think. I started using it before i found out Oliver was on the way and loved the menus. They let you use convenience foods which is great when you have a baby to look after :) Plus its all food OH likes, he doesnt need to lose weight, if anything he needs to put weight on! So i will just add extra chips and salad to his :haha:

is that the closer magazine? and what do you get for £22? Is that just to join or is there a weekly fee?

Yeah. Its for 8 weeks. You can join for a longer period but it will cost more. They create a personalised menu plan and shopping list. If you dont like the meals that they have chosen for you then you can change it (i change most of mine) They allow 420cals each for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. and a snack. You can also track your progress, write a diary etc. There are forums too.
Heres an example of one of my daily menus
* Toast with hot chocolate
* 2 slices of wholemeal bread
* 2 tsps of reduced fat olive spread
* 1 tsp of reduced sugar jam or marmalade
* 1 orange
* 1 banana
* 1 low calorie hot chocolate drink (sachet)
* Turkey salad sandwich
* 2 slices of wholemeal bread
* 1 level tbs of light mayonnaise
* 3 ozs of wafer thin turkey
* 1 serving of mixed salad leaves
* 1 pot of low fat yoghurt (125ml or 5 fl oz)
* 1 orange
* Birdseye beef burgers with oven chips
* 1 Birdseye original & best beef burger
* 1 serving of mixed salad leaves
* 1 tomato
* 3 tsp of low fat salad dressing
* 1 burger bun
* 5 ozs of reduced fat oven chips
Snack (140 cals)
* Go Ahead caramel crunch bar
* 1 Go Ahead caramel Crunch bar
* 1 serving of semi-skimmed milk (100ml or 4fl oz)

Only thing is, im sure i eat less than that each day :wacko: Will give it a go though. I dont usually eat fruit and veg so atleast i will get my 5 a day.
Heeellllooooooo thanks for inviting me Sar35 I didnt even know this was here!

I am trying to lose weight too, lost 5lbs in 3 wks - doing weightwatchers 'unofficially' my SIL (to be) bought me a points calculator so I can work out stuff. I have just ordered Davina 'power of 3' fitness dvd too and I plan to do that 3 times a week (I'll let you know how that goes - I'm not very good/motivated with exercise!) Not really put much weight on from pregnancy but I'm getting married next June and want to be more a size 12 before I start trying on any dresses so I'm hoping thats a good incentive!!! (I'm 14 currently)

Anyone else still wearing granny pants? :shhh: :rofl:
Heeellllooooooo thanks for inviting me Sar35 I didnt even know this was here!

I am trying to lose weight too, lost 5lbs in 3 wks - doing weightwatchers 'unofficially' my SIL (to be) bought me a points calculator so I can work out stuff. I have just ordered Davina 'power of 3' fitness dvd too and I plan to do that 3 times a week (I'll let you know how that goes - I'm not very good/motivated with exercise!) Not really put much weight on from pregnancy but I'm getting married next June and want to be more a size 12 before I start trying on any dresses so I'm hoping thats a good incentive!!! (I'm 14 currently)

Anyone else still wearing granny pants? :shhh: :rofl:

your welcome, i saw your post in the baby club, you seem to have such a great routine, How on earth do you manage to get to do a dvd too?
your babies are gorgeous, whats their names?
ps im loving the granny pants, dont think i can go back to g strings just yet!!!

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