Laura - nipple blanching? My left nipple in particular is often almost totally white at the tip, which I would call blanching. What are these spasms then? I'll have to look it up.
That is exactly what blanching have vasospasm too! i first heard about it on Dr Jack Newmans site ( I was having LOTS of different problems when BFing my daughter so I read everything on his site and thats where I found it. My lactation consultant had never heard of it but my midwife (who I didn't see after 28 weeks becuase i was transfered to a high risk specialist when Tessa stopped growing) knew all about it. No one ive talked to about BFing around here has ever heard of it so i guess its not that common.
Hurts like HE LL!!!!!! I had it for about the first 5 months of Bf with Tessa and just thought it was normal because i had no pain when feeding and the LC said it must not be from BFing if it did't hurt while feeding. It only hurt when i first latched her on and after she was done. Read up on it and hope you get things figured out. I feel your pain.....literally!!!!
Thank you, Laura, helps to have a name for it.
And we've hit 6 weeks growth spurt. Think it's been coming on for a few days - she's been sleeping a lot more than normal, wanting a lot of food in the day and getting whiny towards the evening. Today she's been ultra fussy and constant feeding - I'm a little worried that she's not getting enough food. Would anyone recommend giving her a bottle so she's full enough to sleep? Or would this prevent her from being able to stimulate more milk production? I just don't feel like she's had a good feed all day because I haven't really felt that I've filled up properly so that she can. Feels like she's just sucking on empty boobs so no wonder the poor kid is angry and frustrated.
Also, my midwife ruled out thrush for me because Holly's mouth is clear but my boobs are killing me and my nipples when she latches on but they're not split or cracked. My boobs are aching really deep inside after feeds and my nipples are ultra sensitive - like they're really really cold. Anyone else getting this?
Susie - really glad you're feeling better and getting lots of advice from your friend. Don't rush home - take your time.xx
Word for word could have written this about the growth spurt, not feeling full and feeling like she's feeding on empty boobs. I was even wondering about topping her up with EBM but I have held off and she has eventually settled off to there's a fun evening in store for us![]()
We had a very interesting night - baby in the middle of a growth spurt and then several hours of blackout to top it off. Holly really enjoyed that!
Sorry not been on - Ollie has had some fussy days and nights - just shattered!!
So was wondering - what do you ladies do activity-wise with your LO?
We are doing tummy time, singing nursery rhymes, playing music and playing with him on his matt - also have little rattles that go on his hands and feet...
When I try to play with Holly she cries really quickly. She plays on her mat happily for up to half an hour but then starts screaming for no reason. We play with her on the mat, play classical music (which she really likes, especially when she seems stressed out), we read to her and sing and we also dance around with her, she also has a panda rattle that we jig around and puppet show with. Most of the dancing is soothing to be honest. She doesnt have much interest in most of her toys at the moment - she likes to talk and listen to music but ignores most of the toys. We've got some soft books but she cries after a short while because she prefers eye contact. Getting worried about her lack of interest in the toys.