January JellyBean mummies

Quinn finally settles around midnight. Which is when i go up to bed as well. Tonight i mught try wrapping him and taking him up to bed at 8 or 9. but im so afraid i wont hear him. The baby monitor is in my daughters room so that I can hear her and its down the short hallway. Maybe if he screams louder i will hear him through it?
When i move Quinn to his room im getting a duo babymonitor taht has 2 parts for the kids rooms and 2 parts for the adults. The one we have for Tessa has 2 adult parts and one is in our room and the other is in the basement where our computers are. i was going to put the peice that listens to the child in the hallway so that i can hear both rooms but there is no plug in or near the hallway so i have to spend like $200 on the special 2 room monitor.
Thanks ladies - I think swaddling might be the way to go for Ollie and I will persever with the dummy.
Jo - it varies each night with us. We dont have a routine yet although we will follow the EASY routine soon as we need/want to get Hayley into a routine. This is all alien to us as Phoebe put herself in a routine at 3 weeks old and was sleeping through sort of (feed between 11/11:30 and that was it till 7am.
Sarai does not settle for bed until midnight or 1 AM.... but then again she sleeps in until noon also (that's my fault, because I can't get out of bed either! lol) It's been like this ever since we got home from the hospital. She wakes up now about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, but no problems going back to sleep :happydance:
We had a REALLY long day today and she was soooo tired and fell asleep at 8:45... I dont know what that means for my night.... it will either be horrible or great... either way, I don't think I'll be able to sleep in tomorrow :dohh:
Also - when he wakes up he goes extra wriggley and rubs his face ( sometimes quites "aggressively" ) with his hands - issue is that he won't fall asleep by himself and if he is slightly awake when we put him down he goes through this also and wakes himself back up - is this normal and is there a way to deal with it? I really want to be able to get him to fall asleep in his moses basket as at the mo I am having to hold him till he is fast asleep and if he stirs while I am laying in down it can be back to square 1!!

I can't remember where, but I read somewhere about Newborns reflexes. You know when you have that falling dream where you suddenly feel like you are falling backwards? Newborns get that very easily. I find Freya gets it when I'm lowering her onto her back. Like when I put her in her bed or for a nap on the couch. You can tell when they get the falling sensation because the kinda get a startled and their arms flail out. And then they of course wake up and you're back to rocking, singing, etc... to get them back to sleep. Swaddling is the key to keep them from getting the falling sensation. I'm not sure how it works, but it does. My dd has always hated being swaddled though :(
So I'm being a bad mummy and feeding her to sleep during the night. During the day I might get her down for a 20 minute nap in the swing, but that's it. Thr girl refuses to sleep during the day. She goes to bed at 11 and gets up around 10, with feeds in between of course. Any other times and she fights the sleepy bug.
I bought a crib for next to my bed and although she not grown out of Moses basket I thought she might as well get used to the crib. Wondered how she would settle and she been fine yay!

Fearne often gets the falling feeling too, often when I put her down like you said shlindz. She won't be swaddled tho she hates it!

I'm glad Fearne isn't the only one settling down late. I can't remember when Corey started bedding down earlier but it's been nearer 10 last few nights so we may be creeping in right direction!

When did your LO's first laugh? Corey was about 12 weeks when he started giggling. Fearne laughs in her sleep all the time, never awake so seems really odd when I hear it. Makes me wonder what she dreams about! X
I started being able to put N down at 7.30/8pm after a 7pm feed at about 6 months he used to feed about 12-1 then not again till we got up. Or I could feed at 7ish and cuddle in bed for a few more hours.

Im not one to push for a routine so i'll just go with baby.
Well Quinn stayed awake from 5pm feed...but didnt settle until 11. I changed him, fed him, rocked him, gave him his yuckie after his 8pm feed but he would not go to sleep.....so i didnt get much done last night. In going to try putting him upstairs in bed tonight and see what happens.

I can't remember when Tessa started laughing. But do you babies coo yet? Quinn doesn't yet and i think its weird. When hes awake he just sorta lays there looking around but doesn't coo at all yet. He has not smiled yet either.
Joe has been sick about 3 times today! straight after feeds, so i might up his gaviscon, he has been sleeping on me for about 2 hours!
He went down last night at around 9pm and slept til 3am then back down and up again at 6am!! He is so good bless him

Other news.........WE got the house :happydance: so excited, we move in on the 2nd April, its got 3 toilets and a en suite, everyone will have a bedroom each and a drive and garage, the only downfall is its further from the town and beach but only a 15min walk as opposed to a 5 min walk.
Also, behind the house is open fields and apparently they want to build a housing complex on there but hopefully it will increase childminding business which the new landlady approves of!! Good news all round.
Sorry,not had time to read all the posts hope you are having a nice weekend x
Afternoon! My back is still bad but have OH, Mum and MIL helping. Thought it was better yesterday morning so tided up and made it bad again. Jolene - I pulled it bedning now. I never felt to much pain I was screaming and stuck on the floor upstairs on my own. Managed to crawl downstairs and ring OH to come home from work :( It was like having contractions :nope: Its still bad I cant bend but can sit now at least!

Alex has been cluster feeding and growth spurting, feeding none stop but had him in with me whilst I cant bend and lift. Expressing I can now get about 4 or 5 oz off a boob :thumbup: little porker

How is everyone? My diet has gone to pot being laid on my fat ass!
Alex laughs in his sleeps too. :) I think Caine giggle about 4 months :shrug:

Alex goes to bet between 8 and 10 (in his basket downstairs with us) sleeps usually 4 hours then fusses the rest of the night every 1-2 hours. Caine used to sleep a 6 or 7 hour run when 4 months and go off about 11 till 5 or 6 I timed it to co-incide with us going to bed etc.... he started going to bed early when I went back to work.
Sarah wicked news about the house it sounds perfect!!! Better start packing up ;-)

Jade hope you not laid up too much longer but take it easy or you will make it worse! I'm still getting about 3 and half ounce off just one boob just need to get her to take it from bottle now lol! That's some good expressing jade x
Thanks hun! I not gave Alex a bottle for weeks, I best try him actually soon
We had a pretty good night last night. Freya went down around 11pm with a feed and didn't wake up again until almost 5am. she goes back to sleep pretty quickly, but was up every 1-2 hours after that until finally we just got out of bed at 10am. Normally I can't get her down again until at least 1pm, and that only lasts for about 20 minutes. But would you believe I put her in her swing while I made breakfast and she's fast asleep. I think this growth spurt is wearing her out, I know it's wearing me out! Her almost constant need to feed during the day and evening is doing it's job. There's is definitely a milk increase in my boobs. I haven't pumped in weeks, but I'm tempted to just to see how many ounces she is drinking. I used to pump about 3 ounces per boob when she was 3 weeks old, I'm almost afraid to know now. For those having trouble bottle feeding the Tommee Tippee bottles are fantastic. No nipple confusion. In fact, I think it helped strengthen her latch. Like I said I haven't used them in 3 weeks, so I'm not sure how effective they are now that she's older.

Hope everyone has a good day today!
Shlindz funny you should say that about the tommie tippie bottles the health visitor/breastfeeding support lady said the same thing. The teat is more nipple like than avent. Not tried them as yet, but then I'm in no hurry to get Hayley on a bottle. The way she feeds I'd rather keep her solely on the boob. She won't take a dummy either but that is no great hardship as I'm still trying to get Phoebe's off her and she is 16months old. She has it for bedtime, naps and if upset during the day. I wont let her walk around with it in her mouth.

Pumping wise I used to be able to get 4-5oz's off the left boob until Hayley was 3 weeks old, now I cant get an oz out but that was the plan the h/v had. Hayley can't feed from the left so I was told to 'let the milk go' on that side. I have a severely inverted nipple that after coaxing out with the pump disappears after 5 mins of Hayley feeding and the whole boob was sore. On the right hand side I pump 2ozs off (in about 2-3mins) before every feed and i can then feed for 45mins
Heeellllooooooo thanks for inviting me Sar35 I didnt even know this was here!

I am trying to lose weight too, lost 5lbs in 3 wks - doing weightwatchers 'unofficially' my SIL (to be) bought me a points calculator so I can work out stuff. I have just ordered Davina 'power of 3' fitness dvd too and I plan to do that 3 times a week (I'll let you know how that goes - I'm not very good/motivated with exercise!) Not really put much weight on from pregnancy but I'm getting married next June and want to be more a size 12 before I start trying on any dresses so I'm hoping thats a good incentive!!! (I'm 14 currently)

Anyone else still wearing granny pants? :shhh: :rofl:

I've got so much weight to lose it's untrue. 2 stone preg weight and about another 2 stone from pre-pregnancy. I bought some jeans yesterday at my current size. I ended up bying size 20 and I'm only short. At least it became obvious that they're way too big very soon after putting them on, which I suppose is marginally reassuring because now I only have two dress sizes to get back to my pre-pregnancy size instead of three but Iwant to lose about 4

:hugs: Jade, what is wrong with your back?

That's great Jojo. I'm glad to hear lil Fearne is giving mommy a break.

I just hand expressed 2 oz in under 10min. It works better than my daft hand pump! I'm slooooooooowly building up a supply in the freezer. So far I only have 2 lots frozen. The only thing I'm worried about is that they say your milk changes as your baby's needs change and I only plan on using the milk in about a month :shrug: I suppose it's still better than formula!?

I wrecked my nipples tryin to hand-express after a midwife shouted at me in hospital because I found it so difficult. I've got an electric pump but it's rubbish. Any suggestions about which pumps are best?

:hugs: to the zombie mummys - am feeling your pain

Emily - loving yuor Olly dancing to glee!

Have a nice night Smiffy & Jcoleman :)

Sounds like a lovely day mumtobe2011 - and knowing that they can and do sleep can give us all hope!!

Agree with Mom2b Angelblue - you've done so well to get that far :hugs:

Hope the viewing went well Sar

Hope your LO has a good night Fraggles :hugs:

AFM - Ollie now weighs 11 lb 1.5 oz!! But - would not settle at all yesterday - on us or otherwise - I desperately tried to get him to nap all day and he got gradually more and more overtired - ended in a meltdown in the evening - OH eventually got him to sleep and held him while I got a nap - he slept on OH 9-12 and then I held him till 1am and we got him in his moses basket till 2am - so a good sleep for Ollie in the end it was just a nightmare getting there!! he the slept 2.30 - 4.45 and 5.30 - 7.30 - he's been touch and go today but better this evening thank goodness ( touch wood ). I wish Ollie would take a dummy - we've tried 3 different shapes and he just wants boobs!!! I think he's be easier to manage if he did.

Also - when he wakes up he goes extra wriggley and rubs his face ( sometimes quites "aggressively" ) with his hands - issue is that he won't fall asleep by himself and if he is slightly awake when we put him down he goes through this also and wakes himself back up - is this normal and is there a way to deal with it? I really want to be able to get him to fall asleep in his moses basket as at the mo I am having to hold him till he is fast asleep and if he stirs while I am laying in down it can be back to square 1!!


Agreeing with other mums -swaddling def soun like the way forward. Holly can be a real sod for waking up when she's put down - I've found that if she's swaddled or in a grobag she goes down better because the temp stays the same.

My friend had both her babies in bed at 7pm from day one, I find that bizarre because my newborns have naturally settled at 11pm I guess it could make a bit of difference being bottle not breast fed but 4 hours??? What am I doing wrong?

What time do your little ones settle? X

Somewhere between 11pm and 1am she has a feed and then goes down for between 5-6 hours. She then has a feed and sleeps another 3 or so hours. 7pm sounds like a dream but I'm happy with my 5 hours of sleep - it's a def start.

Jo - it varies each night with us. We dont have a routine yet although we will follow the EASY routine soon as we need/want to get Hayley into a routine. This is all alien to us as Phoebe put herself in a routine at 3 weeks old and was sleeping through sort of (feed between 11/11:30 and that was it till 7am.

I'm trying the EASY routine - bit lax at the moment because haven't finished all the reading. She's started to get really upset when I try to put her down for a nap as soon a she yawns. Think I need a wind down routine first. Any suggestions?

Congrats on house, Sar.
I have mini electric medela breast pump and it's fab I've only had that and a manual before so hard to compare but my friend tried that and tommy tippe electric and said medela was lots more efficient and sister said the same so I can recommend that one x
Tracy - at least you have started reading it. I bought it from e-bay last week it arrived last Saturday and I haven't begun to read it.

Off to the drs tomorrow with my gammy eye. Was walking round tesco with Luke and the girls doing our shop and everyone was staring at me. Hoping this conjunctivitis breaks soon as I'm fed up of bathing eyes. Phoebe has had it twice in as many weeks, Hayley still has it despite a week of drops and I've woken up with a very red, swollen itchy eye that is leaking green goo. It hurts so much no wonder the forks have been so upset with it.
Tracy - at least you have started reading it. I bought it from e-bay last week it arrived last Saturday and I haven't begun to read it.

Off to the drs tomorrow with my gammy eye. Was walking round tesco with Luke and the girls doing our shop and everyone was staring at me. Hoping this conjunctivitis breaks soon as I'm fed up of bathing eyes. Phoebe has had it twice in as many weeks, Hayley still has it despite a week of drops and I've woken up with a very red, swollen itchy eye that is leaking green goo. It hurts so much no wonder the forks have been so upset with it.

I bought the one called 'The baby whisperer solves all your problems' so I'm dipping in and out. So far EASY is literally eat, activity, sleep which allows you time (the y) repeat but at night just do the e and s. Sure there's much more to it than that though.
Hope your eye is better soon Rachael!

I got the medela swing pump too, love love love it! Well worth the money!

I just ate loads pizza and chips. I will never ever be thin!

Anyone else eat like massive portions and always hungry from breastfeeding?

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