Gosh you lot can talk!! Had about 6 pages to read lol.
Toby is sleeping but could wake up anytime for a bottle. We've been to baby and mum group this morning and he dropped off as we left at half 12 and has been asleep ever since.
Evevryone seems to be getting some kind of routine going even if they're not trying to it seems to me from readion your messages. Go jellybeans! Toby tends to go down about 8-8:30 then I wake him for a dreamfeed about 11 and then he tends to go till 2:30-3 then back down till 6:30-7. Although last night I fed him at 10:50pm and he woke at 2:20 and then slept till 7:30! His daddy had to be up at 5:30 to drive to london for meeting this morning too and I thought he would wake up but he didn't, so I was very pleased.
Congrats sarah thats awesome news. When do you move or is it too soon to know that yet?
Jade I really hope you get sorted soon hun.
I haven't weighed myself for a few weeks but I was 12 and a half stone last time I checked and that was just before I stopped bfing at 4 weeks. So not sure what I will be now, I'm thinking more cos I love going out with the pram and stopping in a coffee shop for a latte and a cake! Maybe I should start replacing it with skinny coffees and granola bars lol! I was just under 12 stone pre preg cos I was on weight watchers and I wanna start that again I think but I am intrigued by the Closer diet I think Emily mentioned?!!?
We are trying to organise a christening for Toby in the summer and its a nightmare trying to coordinate everyones diaries and find a date he grandparents, godparents to be and family and friends can do. Obvioslu most important is us and immediate adults but still its crazy! Anyone else thinking of christening or a naming ceremony??
I just wanna say as well to all you bfing ladies you are doing an amazing job! I am totally in awe of you as some of the cluster feeds you talk about and make it through evry day would have me broken! So well done to all of you and your super boobies!!
We are trying to organise a christening for Toby in the summer and its a nightmare trying to coordinate everyones diaries and find a date he grandparents, godparents to be and family and friends can do. Obvioslu most important is us and immediate adults but still its crazy! Anyone else thinking of christening or a naming ceremony??
Thanks for all the replies about christenings.
Tracey I am not religious either but me and oh are both christened and I like the idea that Toby follows suit with his mummy and daddy. Plus I also think it pleases his great grandma no end who goes to the church we are thinking of having it at. We have asked our chosen adults already too and I know it is traditional to have 2 men and a woman for a boy but we're going with 2 of each lol.
Jo we also want to do it in summer. We're thinking august but like I said its proving tricky to coordinate everyone grrr.
Sarah thats great I bet your really excited!!
So ive failed with my diet this week, not lost anythingSo im going to restart tomorrow with my closer diet. I say tomorrow because i accidentally purchased a pink glittery Krispy Kreme at Tesco
I couldnt believe it was pink and glittery so it kind of jumped into the trolley. So i decided to start the diet properly tomorrow, then ended up having a McDonalds for tea. Such a bad bad girl!!
I started my new job today, well its not really new and its not really a job.. yet. Basically going to be working at my dads accountancy company looking after the IT side of things. They are getting a new 'paperless' system put in, so i was nosing at what this dude was doing and answering any questions for him. I was supposed to be in work from 12-3 but he was an hour late so it was 12-4. Olly behaved brilliantly for his daddy, i phoned up once and i got moaned at because daddy was trying to teach Olly to say 'iya'He copies sounds but only by accident, OH now thinks he will be a baby genius by talking at 8 weeks. It was the first time i had left Olly and it was actually okay, it was nice having my own space for a few hours. He is now fast asleep in his big boy cot!!! The first time he has slept in his own room!! Mummy and daddy are having cuddles so we will move him back in with us when we go to bed
He looks soo cute in his bed. Its so tempting just to leave him in there for the night but ive always said that i wouldnt move him until he was 3 months and i want to stick to it. Everything else i have said i would do has gone out of the window. Plus he has a lovely crib which my friend lent us so i want to get our use out of it.