January JellyBean mummies

Gosh you lot can talk!! Had about 6 pages to read lol.

Toby is sleeping but could wake up anytime for a bottle. We've been to baby and mum group this morning and he dropped off as we left at half 12 and has been asleep ever since.

Evevryone seems to be getting some kind of routine going even if they're not trying to it seems to me from readion your messages. Go jellybeans! Toby tends to go down about 8-8:30 then I wake him for a dreamfeed about 11 and then he tends to go till 2:30-3 then back down till 6:30-7. Although last night I fed him at 10:50pm and he woke at 2:20 and then slept till 7:30! His daddy had to be up at 5:30 to drive to london for meeting this morning too and I thought he would wake up but he didn't, so I was very pleased.

Congrats sarah thats awesome news. When do you move or is it too soon to know that yet?

Jade I really hope you get sorted soon hun.

I haven't weighed myself for a few weeks but I was 12 and a half stone last time I checked and that was just before I stopped bfing at 4 weeks. So not sure what I will be now, I'm thinking more cos I love going out with the pram and stopping in a coffee shop for a latte and a cake! Maybe I should start replacing it with skinny coffees and granola bars lol! I was just under 12 stone pre preg cos I was on weight watchers and I wanna start that again I think but I am intrigued by the Closer diet I think Emily mentioned?!!?

We are trying to organise a christening for Toby in the summer and its a nightmare trying to coordinate everyones diaries and find a date he grandparents, godparents to be and family and friends can do. Obvioslu most important is us and immediate adults but still its crazy! Anyone else thinking of christening or a naming ceremony??

I just wanna say as well to all you bfing ladies you are doing an amazing job! I am totally in awe of you as some of the cluster feeds you talk about and make it through evry day would have me broken! So well done to all of you and your super boobies!!


I'm not religious and OH believes in God but was very down on him pre-birth because he felt he'd been let down etc (I tried to explain that if there is a God and you believe in him then you can't blame him for things that go wrong in your life but he was pretty bitter) but since Holly has been born he's been feeling a little happier and more grateful for what he's got. In fact I asked him if he wanted Holly christened (I'm not Christened and like I said, I'm not religious but I'm not an atheist - agnostic at best - so I'm not against a Christening). I think he's still thinking about it but we might have a naing ceremony. I know hi grandmas and my grandma would like her to be christened and I know 'to please grandparents' isn't really a good reason to have a baby Christened but they want it for the right reasons (so she'll have God's blessing and to save her soul etc - I think that's why people are Christened, right? Like I say, I don't know.) and I don't think it can hurt her at all and, as an agnostic, I have to consider the possibility that they're right since I'm not at all certain either way. If that makes sense. OH isn't making a decision at the moment but I don't want it to be something he wishes we had done and regrets not doing.
I know some of the ladies on here have quite strong faith. If it doesn't offend you, could you please explain to me why babies are Christened? - I'm not being pedantic or sarcastic, I've only ever been to church for carol services at xmas with school so I honestly don't know. Are there any other ladies in a similar position?
We are trying to organise a christening for Toby in the summer and its a nightmare trying to coordinate everyones diaries and find a date he grandparents, godparents to be and family and friends can do. Obvioslu most important is us and immediate adults but still its crazy! Anyone else thinking of christening or a naming ceremony??

Leanne Ive been thinking about Hayley's christening. We have chosen our god-parents and they are over the moon to be asked and have accepted. We know where we want to get Hayley christened and even the reception afterwards we just dont know when. It will probably come down to the price of the ferry/flights for Luke's mum and stepdad as they live in France. Phoebe was 8 months old when she got christened but thats because her god-father was at uni in Italy for 5 months. Hopefully Hayley will be christened way before then.
I really want to have Jennifer christened. I am christened and was bought up a christian and was confirmed at 18. Have lapsed the last few years though and moved from my home church, due to this the new vicar will not christen her even though we were married here :(

Little Mrs, Your thoughts on christening or the reasons for it are pretty much spot on, in the Bible Jesus says that we should worship as children do with an open heart and without an agenda and that all children should be allowed to come to him. As a lapsed believer I want to give Jennifer the opportunity to do this, I hope this helps x
To get married in a church here you also need to be christened dont you?

I think i will be getting b oth kids christened together when a bit older :shrug:
I want fearne's christening in the summer, I was thinking June. I had Corey christened when he was 3 months it was the hottest day we ever had it was 35 degrees and we had a BBQ and garden party and put the huge pool up it was a lot of fun. Doubt we would be that lucky again! X
I didn't get Abby christened till she was 7 as the vicar at our nearest church wouldn't do it because me and Terry were not married
OMG I am watching 'The worst place to be a ..... midewife' on Iplayer from last night :nope: shocking! Did anyone see it? :(
Thanks for all the replies about christenings.

Tracey I am not religious either but me and oh are both christened and I like the idea that Toby follows suit with his mummy and daddy. Plus I also think it pleases his great grandma no end who goes to the church we are thinking of having it at. We have asked our chosen adults already too and I know it is traditional to have 2 men and a woman for a boy but we're going with 2 of each lol.

Jo we also want to do it in summer. We're thinking august but like I said its proving tricky to coordinate everyone grrr.

Sarah thats great I bet your really excited!!

Thanks for all the replies about christenings.

Tracey I am not religious either but me and oh are both christened and I like the idea that Toby follows suit with his mummy and daddy. Plus I also think it pleases his great grandma no end who goes to the church we are thinking of having it at. We have asked our chosen adults already too and I know it is traditional to have 2 men and a woman for a boy but we're going with 2 of each lol.

Jo we also want to do it in summer. We're thinking august but like I said its proving tricky to coordinate everyone grrr.

Sarah thats great I bet your really excited!!


I'm quite torn about it. My parents didn't have me Christened and at the time it was unusual not to be Christened (I know this because all the other kids at infant school said 'we can call you anything we want because you're not Christened' when we discussed who had been Christened in infant school). I wasn't Christened because my mum is Christian but doesn't believe in 'organised' religion so doesn't go to church and my dad is the same as me - doesn't know one way of the other - and it was decided that we'd all choose for ourselves when we got old enough. Which is a nice thought but if you're never exposed to any religion at all then you're very unlikely to have faith. I agree with the idea of Holly being able to choose for herself but at the same time I've always felt a little... jealous, I guess, of people who have faith and I don't want Holly to miss out. Does any of this make sense?
Yes hun it does! I went to a catholic primary school and although I'm christened I'm not catholic. It just so happened that when my parents were looking for a nursery place for me that was the one that was available and they weren't so strict then about your faith. So I felt left out at school xx
I think it's more the belief that there is someone watching over you that I wanted. I never had that and I always kind of wished I had. What lost unicorn said about giving her the OPPORTUNITY to experience it. I don't know,it definitely requires further thought for us I think.
Dear me my little cluster feeder is back, was doing so well this week but probably the legendary 6 week growth spurt kicking in. The only thing is she's taking so much milk she's vomiting back big amounts on slightest movement then feeding again. Think her tum just overloaded. Very tired tonight too, could do with a good 35 hour stretch lol x
Hello :hi:

So ive failed with my diet this week, not lost anything :dohh: So im going to restart tomorrow with my closer diet. I say tomorrow because i accidentally purchased a pink glittery Krispy Kreme at Tesco :haha: I couldnt believe it was pink and glittery so it kind of jumped into the trolley. So i decided to start the diet properly tomorrow, then ended up having a McDonalds for tea. Such a bad bad girl!!

I started my new job today, well its not really new and its not really a job.. yet. Basically going to be working at my dads accountancy company looking after the IT side of things. They are getting a new 'paperless' system put in, so i was nosing at what this dude was doing and answering any questions for him. I was supposed to be in work from 12-3 but he was an hour late so it was 12-4. Olly behaved brilliantly for his daddy, i phoned up once and i got moaned at because daddy was trying to teach Olly to say 'iya' :dohh: He copies sounds but only by accident, OH now thinks he will be a baby genius by talking at 8 weeks. It was the first time i had left Olly and it was actually okay, it was nice having my own space for a few hours. He is now fast asleep in his big boy cot!!! The first time he has slept in his own room!! Mummy and daddy are having cuddles so we will move him back in with us when we go to bed :thumbup: He looks soo cute in his bed. Its so tempting just to leave him in there for the night but ive always said that i wouldnt move him until he was 3 months and i want to stick to it. Everything else i have said i would do has gone out of the window. Plus he has a lovely crib which my friend lent us so i want to get our use out of it.
My diet is going pants too hun!

My boobs just lately are feeling full loads..... and hurting. Also which is strange for Alex - he not had a pooh since Sat evening :shock:
Hello :hi:

So ive failed with my diet this week, not lost anything :dohh: So im going to restart tomorrow with my closer diet. I say tomorrow because i accidentally purchased a pink glittery Krispy Kreme at Tesco :haha: I couldnt believe it was pink and glittery so it kind of jumped into the trolley. So i decided to start the diet properly tomorrow, then ended up having a McDonalds for tea. Such a bad bad girl!!

I started my new job today, well its not really new and its not really a job.. yet. Basically going to be working at my dads accountancy company looking after the IT side of things. They are getting a new 'paperless' system put in, so i was nosing at what this dude was doing and answering any questions for him. I was supposed to be in work from 12-3 but he was an hour late so it was 12-4. Olly behaved brilliantly for his daddy, i phoned up once and i got moaned at because daddy was trying to teach Olly to say 'iya' :dohh: He copies sounds but only by accident, OH now thinks he will be a baby genius by talking at 8 weeks. It was the first time i had left Olly and it was actually okay, it was nice having my own space for a few hours. He is now fast asleep in his big boy cot!!! The first time he has slept in his own room!! Mummy and daddy are having cuddles so we will move him back in with us when we go to bed :thumbup: He looks soo cute in his bed. Its so tempting just to leave him in there for the night but ive always said that i wouldnt move him until he was 3 months and i want to stick to it. Everything else i have said i would do has gone out of the window. Plus he has a lovely crib which my friend lent us so i want to get our use out of it.

thats funny! i get things that just jump into my trolley too! I look about 6months pregnant again, im so fat, but cant get into the right frame of mind to do anything about it, my friend who is a ww leader will be living opposite me when we move so hopefully she can help me, and i can go for long walks with Joe (maybe) as i can do that now along the seafront but i dont!

Anyone elses baby DOESN'T like the car? Joe cries nearly all the time he is in the car and I dont know why!
He slept til 4.30am and he is sleeping on me again now, he keeps trying to bury his head into my clothes bless him its very sweet but dangerous I must try and do more skin to skin with him
With you on the feeding Jo, feels like Hayley was permanently attached last night. I normally have to pump 2ozs off before I attach her to prevent her being sick from the pressure the milk first comes out with but as she was off on all evening I didn't feel the need to. Luke's mum phoned for a catch up and he casually mentioned that Hayley had been sick after a few feeds, she asked Luke if I had been pumping before feeds. He told her no, not tonight and she replied with well what do you expect then of course the baby is going to be sick. He explained that she was feeding every 30mins and that my boobs didn't have chance to 'fill up' again. So it was my fault Hayley was sick. His mum asked why I was feeding her every 30 minutes and he said Hayley is having her 6 week growth spurt. His mum then went on to say that im over-feeding her and making a rod for my own back constantly feeding and cuddling her. I should apparently let her cry it out and stick to feeding her no often than 2 hours. Can safely say I'm rather pissed off with her right now. I know my baby and I know when she is hungry. I'm not going to sit there and let her scream her lungs out for hours at a time.
What a twit she is! My Monster in law told me I'd have to put Fearne on a bottle because she was feeding too much. They don't move along with the times and the new research that gives us guidelines on what's normal and best. It's just ignorance hun, just swear under your breath and ignore her! How else can your milk increase to grow with your baby?

I went to bed with a princess and woke up with a spotty dotty, don't know why I don't use any new products or stuff in her bath?? Just have to leave the camera in a drawer for a few days lol x
Oh no poor Fearne. Hope the spots go as quick as they came. Hope it's not making her irritable. Loved the 'monster in law' bit think I will be using it for mine. We're going over to France in June for 10 days think I'm going to need to work on my patience and tolerance levels for then. I can handle a couple of days but 10, I think I'll be pulling my hair out. She was here for 2 weeks when Hayley was born (arrived before hand and went when Hayley was 9 days old) I was that tired her busy body routine didn't get to me but the telling me how to raise MY children pissed me off. Her answer to everything is let them cry it out. 20 minutes of crying helps their lungs grow and gives them exercise. Grrrr I'm angry just typing this, it's sunny outside phoebs is at nursery and Hayley has just fed and fallen asleep I should be happy and making the most of the sunny weather not getting wound up and pissed off.

On a good note our wedding might be being brought forward to this year. We had planned on Aruba in November 2012 but after pricing the holiday/wedding up for our families/guests it's going to be to expensive. So we have discussed and our now looking into a registery office/church wedding this year with a very small family reception afterwards to keep costs down. I'm seeing my maid of honour later this month (lives in Swindon) so will have a good chat and no doubt start getting some ideas. I can't wait I'm so excited
Ah I love weddings! We got married in Mauritius with only Corey, my best friend and her husband and little daughter. We had a huge party when we got home and I wouldn't have changed it for the world. My wedding day I spent with my new husband, son and best friends instead of mingling with lots of guests and family I don't like, it was totally perfect!

Do what you and your hubby want to do it's your wedding day after all! It cost us about £4500 all inclusive for 2 weeks including wedding, flowers photos and honeymoon! Keep us updated. Weddings are nearly as exciting as new babies!

Oh I just depressed myself then, not only have I already got married, I have also finished having children, now what have I got to get excited about?! Ha ha x

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