January JellyBean mummies

Mom 2B - I think we're in the reflux club, I'm off to Dr today at the same time as their 3rd lot of immunisations. They drink the 1st 90ml really well and then they cry and fuss for the rest, but are routing around like their starving. Their not sick, but might bring back a little with wind, so could be silent reflux. I dont think its colic because they're not screaming for hours after which is more typical of colic, and its meant to build up in the day and be worse at night, whereas this is every feed. Have you tried a few different colic products? HV said you have to give at least a week of using them and different ones work for different babies. I'll let you know how we get on today, hoping to get some Gaviscon.

The girls have been smiling properly for a couple of weeks now, its amazing, I can actually make them smile I love it, and they are starting to coo a little every so often - but these 2 are the oldest jellybeans!

Anyone FF - (if there is anyone!) are you going to go to hungry milk before weaning?

When is everyone going to start weaning? I went to a weaning session at my local childrens centre on mon and I'm quite excited about it now! I dont think mine are ready yet but getting there, I'll be looking out for signs over the next few weeks, techinically they are 4 months now, but with the whole actual/corrected age I want to wait a bit longer I think until I am sure they are def ready. Doesnt help I've got one bigger/hungrier than the other - think she'll be ready before her sister, but I want to wean them at the same time. But then the feeding will hopefully improve when the reflux is sorted.
Sorry Jo but we joined the sleeping through club last night. Hayley fed at 10pm was in bed asleep by 10:45 and then woke at 6am for a feed.

Would say the 7 hours sleep was nice but I woke at 2am with a very full and sore leaking boob. Hayley was fast asleep so I decided to pump it off and freeze it. Rather shocked myself with just how much I got out. I managed to fill a 4oz bottle in 6 minutes and then re-filled the bottle again in another 10 or so minutes. No wonder the little piglet is piling the weight on.

What is everyone upto today? We have a busy day planned, got our booby group (breast feeding support group) at 10:30-12:00 and then at 1:30 we have baby massage
Sooo jealous Fraggles :sulk:

:hugs: Laura

I am gonna venture out today after 6 days inside :( need to burn off some fat! :dohh:
hi angel, i think our babies have the same adjusted age! i FF and havent thought about weaning or hungry baby milk, he is not a very hungry baby and struggles to finish 4oz, he has gaviscon in his milk too so that thickens it up
I Wonder how Jaymeebee is doing with her LO? Anyone in contact with her?
I was supposed to be at baby massage but had to cancel cos of my back :nope: gutted, will try next week or wait for next course.

I weaned Caine at about 5 months and half i think Angelblue. I bet your girls will prob be ready later if they are small etc...? They should be able to sit up freely, showing signs like watching you eat and making a grab for food etc.... and waking through the night if they are used to sleeping through xx
Jade do they need to be sitting up unaided at 4 months? or sitting in a bouncy chair thingy, we are going to baby massage today, hope your back gets better soon, its been ages hasnt it!
Oh I just depressed myself then, not only have I already got married, I have also finished having children, now what have I got to get excited about?! Ha ha x

New house?? Renew vows?? Lol!

Hey ladies! I know most of u will have seen on fb, but Holly slept from 11pm - 6am last night, a woohoo!! :happydance: we then went back to sleep at 7am and just woke up at 10.30! Lovely! It will all go topsy turvy next week when we fly back to cali and the 8 hr time diff, but at least i know she can do it.

She is so full of a cold at the mo, bless her. Reaally snuffly and coughing. Its not nice when theres really so little u can do, i'm just giving her calpol. Shes still such a happy lil soul tho. I just hope it clears for plane on saturday.

Jus been reading ur posts about christenings, Even thoughh neither John or I go to church and netiehr do our parents, we were married in a church and will be getting Holly christened. Its more me than John who wants it and I suppose its very hypocrytical of me, but to me its a tradition that I've always wanted for my children. A day for everyone to celebrate their birth (i realise there's birthdays for this, but to me this is extra-special!) and to acknowledge the special people in the babies lives - the godparents. But its not for everyone and a lot of people may disagree with us having one. Its up to you at the end of the day. Holly will probably be one of the latest jbs to be christened though as we have to wait until we move home in sept, and have prob decided to have it on her birthday in december to give us time to organise it and we just thought as noone was there when she was born we might as well. Kills two birds with one stone too!

Lisa you summed up my thoughts about christening there exactly!

Sounds like a lovely idea Lisa. The idea about having Holly christened on her birthday will make her 1st birthday extra special. Bet your counting down the days/weeks till you move back over here. If I don't 'see' you before Saturday have a safe flight back to Cali, hope Holly is as good as she was on the way over. Hope Holly gets better soon and her cold clears for Saturday.

It's not hypercritical to have Holly christened, Luke isn't religious and neither is his family. Luke believes there is something there but he isn't sure on what it is. I come from a very religious family and i would be 'shot' if we didn't christen our children. It's bad enough that we werent married when we had the girls and alot of my family don't agree with what we did although my parents understand why we haven't waited. The sooner we have our family the quicker I get the hysterectomy i asked for at 21.

I don't go to church as I don't feel the need to go. In my eyes (don't want to offend the religious members of our group) you don't have to go to church to be a christian. With religion I won't and don't want it forced on our girls. If they want to go to church or have questions I am more than happy to try and answer them and I will take them to church if this is what they want. i want them to make their own decisions about religion and whatever they choose i will support them. I don't feel comfortable sat in a church and i don't want the girls to feel like that and potentially sway their decision.

Sorry ladies that was a bit heavy for a lunchtime :blush:

And you too Rachael!

Loved sarahs facebook post this morning about breast milk ice-cream don't think I would like to try it but I will confess I have tasted my own has anyone else or am I just weird

I tried mine and so did oh but only a drop off my finger. Very sweet stuff. And did you see that the ice cream was served with a rusk??

OMG how did i miss Joe was 3 months old, i thought it was tomorrow as its wed Bad mum alert...........
Thanks Susie.. He is still only taking 3oz, sometimes more, i suppose its getting better though, think he has had another growth spurt too

Happy 3 months Joe! Your not a bad mum sarah, I'm confused be my ticker with Toby's age on as he will be 8 wks on friday going by the day he was born.

I dont think anyone answerd my questinos a while back so im asking again. Do you babies coo and smile yet? Quinn does not yet and Im wondering if i should be concerned

Toby smiles but not really to anything specific we do yet, just when he feels like it. And he is starting to make noises now. He shouted out when I left him alone for a minute to get a drink the other day. Really sounded like a big 'OY'!!

Michael has just started giving me more smiles this week, mostly at breakfast time. I have to work quite hard for them at other times and he has begun to make noises some of the time he is awake. His Dad wants him circumcised because he thinks it looks better and I think it is culturally quite Nigerian because they still hold to some Old Testament practices. His Dad won't eat pork either. He sees him a few times a week but I don't want Michael to go through the pain really and as I carried him, gave birth and raise him I think I'll stick to my guns on that one.

Go susie!!

Some really interesting points about christenings. I am a christian and go to church but don't do religion or what I like to call churchianity which can be a little man made and caught up in tradition. Nothing much offends me really as people are free to have their own opinions and make decisions about what they see as true or the right thing to do. Michael won't be christened because we do something different at our church called a dedication. It's where you as a parent commit to bringing up the child as a christian and the church family welcome him into the community and promise to help watch over him. The child then makes their own decisions and can be baptised as an adult later - the one where the dunk you under water! Pictures of mine on FB in album called oldies if anyone is interested.

A more contentious issue for me is circumcision - his Dad wants it and I really don't unless for medical reasons!

We do the same exact thing... baby dedication or baby blessing as some say. I personally dont believe in infant baptism, but that's not a matter of debate, just my own beliefs. I think we will have Sarai's baby dedication when she is 3 months! :happydance:

On a down note.... I went to the hospital last night and found out I have mastitis! :wacko: It's horrible ladies, just horrible. So I'm on antibiotics for the next few days :nope: How will these antibiotics affect baby??

Really interesting points on religion girls. I am very interested in other peoples beliefs having not been brought up with any religious inclination myself. Like I said my parents had me christened as a baby and I went to a religious school till the age of 11. I made the decision at 11 to not go on to the religious secondary school and go to the school nearer home. So I made my choice and its something I would like Toby to do too.

Hugs about the mastitis natasha!!

Sarai started cooing and smiling starting maybe a week and a half to 2 weeks ago. She doesnt do it often and would much rather be her grumpy self. LOL No real laughs yet

Lol at grumpy babies!!

Morning all, well had an impromtu trip to the seaside with the kids yesterday. Both were worn out by the time we got home and I managed to get J fed and in his cot by 11pm :happydance: then he woke for a feed at 5.15am :wohoo: I think im going to count that as sleeping through the night (makes up for all the previous bad nights!)

Great news hun and much needed from the sounds of your other posts!!

Mom 2B - I think we're in the reflux club, I'm off to Dr today at the same time as their 3rd lot of immunisations. They drink the 1st 90ml really well and then they cry and fuss for the rest, but are routing around like their starving. Their not sick, but might bring back a little with wind, so could be silent reflux. I dont think its colic because they're not screaming for hours after which is more typical of colic, and its meant to build up in the day and be worse at night, whereas this is every feed. Have you tried a few different colic products? HV said you have to give at least a week of using them and different ones work for different babies. I'll let you know how we get on today, hoping to get some Gaviscon.

The girls have been smiling properly for a couple of weeks now, its amazing, I can actually make them smile I love it, and they are starting to coo a little every so often - but these 2 are the oldest jellybeans!

Anyone FF - (if there is anyone!) are you going to go to hungry milk before weaning?

When is everyone going to start weaning? I went to a weaning session at my local childrens centre on mon and I'm quite excited about it now! I dont think mine are ready yet but getting there, I'll be looking out for signs over the next few weeks, techinically they are 4 months now, but with the whole actual/corrected age I want to wait a bit longer I think until I am sure they are def ready. Doesnt help I've got one bigger/hungrier than the other - think she'll be ready before her sister, but I want to wean them at the same time. But then the feeding will hopefully improve when the reflux is sorted.

I FF hun your not alone! I am in awe of these super boobies in the JBs lol! You did well for 8 wks too, I managed 4 and now Toby loves his bottle! I haven't had this confirmed but a friend told me that her HV had told her not to use hungry baby milk as they just bulk it up with a thickener that takes longer to digest?!?! Does anyone know if this is true? I don't wanna offend anyone thinking of using or already using it!! Seem to have a habit putting my foot in it lately!!

Right replies done, gonna post my update separate!
Hugs jade!! Has there been any improvement?

Hi everyone! Well we are getting some good sleeping from Toby too. Monday night he went down at 11:30 and didn't wake till 4:30! Then last night I was so tired after being out all day tht I didn't wake him for a dreamfeed so he fed at 7:30 and then went down at half 8. Then he didn't wake up till 1:30!! Thats 6 hours between feeds! Then he went straight back down and woke at 6:30.

I didn't get much sleep tho, some of you might have seen on fb that I appear to have a tummy bug with TMI both ends causing me grief. Started at 4am and am still in bed now. Tummy is churning and really cramping - ouch. OH has had to take the morning off work to take care of toby and great grandma is filling in this afternoon which I am a little worried about as she spent the whole of her last visit poking him and saying 'hello' over and over in a high pitched voice. Ah well.

On the plus side it does mean I am staying in bed all day and getting some much needed rest.

haha i know what you mean Leanne, when Joe smiles at OH when he says 'Hello Joe' in a high pitched voice he will say it over and over again, 'Who's a pretty boy then' He doesnt realise that Joe will smile no matter what you say to him as long as you are talking to him.
Hope you get through the day ok lol
Get well soon
The one day I have got all day free to chat and you lot are off being busy! Typical!!!

What are you all up to? Ive seen some of your have got booby groups and baby massage! Anyone else want to share? I'm bored of laying in bed and missing my little man but still don't feel well when I stand up yet.

I had Bryce's check up and injections today. Both ended up in tears. :cry: I hate it so much.
massage was excellent Joe kept flirting/smiling at the 9week old girl next to him! He was so good, got totally naked, i think he thoght he was gonna get a bath love him!
I met a new friend who also might be my first childminding customer!
:hugs: to both you and Byrce Naomi. The jabs are awful but needed, wish there was another way to protect them from the illnesses and diseases.

Hayley has her 6 week check on Monday and her 1st jabs on the 16th

Booby group went well, Hayley slept all the way through it I'm beginning to wonder if someone has given her a sleeping tablet :p I'm beginning to dread tonight as I think she's going to have me up all night. All she has done since going to bed last night is sleep. It made baby massage interesting as all she wanted to do was feed.

Glad you and Joe enjoyed your session Sarah
We went for a visit at my moms house today and I dyed her hair for her. Also tried out my new moby wrap that I made last night once Quinn stopped his screaming (which was 11pm instead of 12) I LOVE MY WRAP! I walked around with him for about 30 minutes and it was great. His head was all snug against me instead of bobbing all around and he fell asleep in it. I just hope it works tonight when hes all upset and stuff.

wish me luck and ill post some pics on facebook of Quinn in the wrap.
Well done Laura, it sounds great. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics.
Had the girls 3rd lot of jabs today it was horrible they cried loads! Had to give them some calpol this afternoon they were so grizzly.

They are now both on gaviscon too so lets hope that sorts them out, will take a few days apparently though
I had Bryce's check up and injections today. Both ended up in tears. :cry: I hate it so much.

Oliver had his too :cry: He kept pulling tongues and smiling at the doctor :dohh: Then the nasty doctor made him cry :( He had a cry but after his dummy and a cuddle he fell fast asleep.
Glad you got the gaviscon....hope it helps!
Hugs to the mommas of babies who got shots. Im not looking forward to it. I know i cried more than Tessa did for hers.
Thanks Ladies, yes felt great this morning., Been on a long shop/walk for Caine's party stuff and its a bit achy now but getting there! Off to Tob y carvery tomorrow mmmm so a steady day :) OH back at work.....
Alex had the biggest poonami I have ever seen just now! Jeeeeeeeeeez pooh everywhere bless him, bet he felt good after that :haha: down his legs to ankles up his back :sick:
I need an early night!
Sar I think at 4 months for weaning they need to be sturdy and sit up straight if you know what I mean??? Not like a newborn slouching down so they can choke.... I think most babies can do that at 4 months. I think Caine sat alone at about 5 1/2 or 6 months.... cant remember!

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