January JellyBean mummies

Hey ladies! I know most of u will have seen on fb, but Holly slept from 11pm - 6am last night, a woohoo!! :happydance: we then went back to sleep at 7am and just woke up at 10.30! Lovely! It will all go topsy turvy next week when we fly back to cali and the 8 hr time diff, but at least i know she can do it.

She is so full of a cold at the mo, bless her. Reaally snuffly and coughing. Its not nice when theres really so little u can do, i'm just giving her calpol. Shes still such a happy lil soul tho. I just hope it clears for plane on saturday.

Jus been reading ur posts about christenings, Even thoughh neither John or I go to church and netiehr do our parents, we were married in a church and will be getting Holly christened. Its more me than John who wants it and I suppose its very hypocrytical of me, but to me its a tradition that I've always wanted for my children. A day for everyone to celebrate their birth (i realise there's birthdays for this, but to me this is extra-special!) and to acknowledge the special people in the babies lives - the godparents. But its not for everyone and a lot of people may disagree with us having one. Its up to you at the end of the day. Holly will probably be one of the latest jbs to be christened though as we have to wait until we move home in sept, and have prob decided to have it on her birthday in december to give us time to organise it and we just thought as noone was there when she was born we might as well. Kills two birds with one stone too!
Sounds like a lovely idea Lisa. The idea about having Holly christened on her birthday will make her 1st birthday extra special. Bet your counting down the days/weeks till you move back over here. If I don't 'see' you before Saturday have a safe flight back to Cali, hope Holly is as good as she was on the way over. Hope Holly gets better soon and her cold clears for Saturday.

It's not hypercritical to have Holly christened, Luke isn't religious and neither is his family. Luke believes there is something there but he isn't sure on what it is. I come from a very religious family and i would be 'shot' if we didn't christen our children. It's bad enough that we werent married when we had the girls and alot of my family don't agree with what we did although my parents understand why we haven't waited. The sooner we have our family the quicker I get the hysterectomy i asked for at 21.

I don't go to church as I don't feel the need to go. In my eyes (don't want to offend the religious members of our group) you don't have to go to church to be a christian. With religion I won't and don't want it forced on our girls. If they want to go to church or have questions I am more than happy to try and answer them and I will take them to church if this is what they want. i want them to make their own decisions about religion and whatever they choose i will support them. I don't feel comfortable sat in a church and i don't want the girls to feel like that and potentially sway their decision.

Sorry ladies that was a bit heavy for a lunchtime :blush:
Hi Everyone

Sar - Ollie is a fan of burying his head - we call him the parent worryer :)

Mom2be2011 - sorry your MIL is being a pain - they don't know when to shutup do they!! I agree about the christening - I guess it's whoever has the strongest belief - if it's important to one party then what's the harm. My OH is v against religion so we're not having Ollie christened - if he makes that choice later on we'll support him - I was christened and confirmed but am more laissez faire these days...

JoJo - Ollie has gone v spotty - apparently it's normal and just down to hormones - he is v v v spotty!! my friend's a HV and she said all you can do is wash them in cold boiled water if they are looking angry and hot - if they look like they are getting infected then the dr may be able to give and antibiotic cream...

wow Hodbert - that's fab sleep - v jealous - I think Ollie's sleep is still back to front - we keep it all dark and quiet at night but he just isn't switching :nope:

Here's a question - are babies needing a lot of sunlight at this age? I have only been out 2 or 3 times a week since he was over 2 weeks old ( my spd is still hurting me :( so it's hard to walk too far ) and when I do take him out he is all wrapped up so not much sun hits him really - could I be giving him a vitamin d deficiency????

On the plue side - I am starting him on a dummy and have found one he likes- it's really looking promising!! On the downside - he was sick over me and everything in the vicinity today - arrrrgghh!!

My diet is going pants too hun!

My boobs just lately are feeling full loads..... and hurting. Also which is strange for Alex - he not had a pooh since Sat evening :shock:

Apparently babies can go up to a week if breastfed

he keeps trying to bury his head into my clothes bless him its very sweet but dangerous I must try and do more skin to skin with him

Holly does that too- it's dangerous? Is that because of of suffocation? Sorry to be thick (again).

Luke's mum phoned for a catch up and he casually mentioned that Hayley had been sick after a few feeds, she asked Luke if I had been pumping before feeds. He told her no, not tonight and she replied with well what do you expect then of course the baby is going to be sick. He explained that she was feeding every 30mins and that my boobs didn't have chance to 'fill up' again. So it was my fault Hayley was sick. His mum asked why I was feeding her every 30 minutes and he said Hayley is having her 6 week growth spurt. His mum then went on to say that im over-feeding her and making a rod for my own back constantly feeding and cuddling her. I should apparently let her cry it out and stick to feeding her no often than 2 hours. Can safely say I'm rather pissed off with her right now. I know my baby and I know when she is hungry. I'm not going to sit there and let her scream her lungs out for hours at a time.

Yeah it's some kind of structured 70s/80s thing - I've heard loadsa mums of people in their mid 20s - mid 30s say it. Of course, it's crap, we're learning more all the time about babies and parenting etc, just like with everything else. People used to think the world was flat but we dont still think that - silly lady. You're awesome - she sucks, making you feel bad.

I went to bed with a princess and woke up with a spotty dotty, don't know why I don't use any new products or stuff in her bath?? Just have to leave the camera in a drawer for a few days lol x[/QUOTE]

Holly keeps getting spots - midwife says they'll fade before 8 weeks. Some days she's fine, others she's covered.

On a good note our wedding might be being brought forward to this year. We had planned on Aruba in November 2012 but after pricing the holiday/wedding up for our families/guests it's going to be to expensive. So we have discussed and our now looking into a registery office/church wedding this year with a very small family reception afterwards to keep costs down. I'm seeing my maid of honour later this month (lives in Swindon) so will have a good chat and no doubt start getting some ideas. I can't wait I'm so excited

We got married at Gretna Green at a hotel that's like a little compound with its own chapel - it was awesome. There were 24 people including us and it cost a couple of thousand. It got expensive because we had a huge reception at home on halloween for our families and friends. Photos on my facebook if you want a look - it was unusual but cheap.
Hi guys, have been reading but not had time to post. Really like all the chattering we do on here though. Michael was so good last night he slept four hours, then three, then another three so I got some chunks of sleep too. Not so impressed with the Pampers supposedly 12 hour nappy though. We had an entire strip change, bath and bedding change this morning as he was soaked through. I get some lovely smiles off him at breakfast time though. HV came today and he was 11lb 1oz - the boy sure knows how to eat. Is Joe taking any more yet Sarah? Happy 3 months to him too x

Some really interesting points about christenings. I am a christian and go to church but don't do religion or what I like to call churchianity which can be a little man made and caught up in tradition. Nothing much offends me really as people are free to have their own opinions and make decisions about what they see as true or the right thing to do. Michael won't be christened because we do something different at our church called a dedication. It's where you as a parent commit to bringing up the child as a christian and the church family welcome him into the community and promise to help watch over him. The child then makes their own decisions and can be baptised as an adult later - the one where the dunk you under water! Pictures of mine on FB in album called oldies if anyone is interested.

A more contentious issue for me is circumcision - his Dad wants it and I really don't unless for medical reasons!
Loved sarahs facebook post this morning about breast milk ice-cream don't think I would like to try it but I will confess I have tasted my own has anyone else or am I just weird
OMG how did i miss Joe was 3 months old, i thought it was tomorrow as its wed Bad mum alert...........
Thanks Susie.. He is still only taking 3oz, sometimes more, i suppose its getting better though, think he has had another growth spurt too
Susie are you a Jehovah's witness all my family are apart from my mum, I agree on the circumcision I think there's no need if it's not medical
Some really interesting points about christenings. I am a christian and go to church but don't do religion or what I like to call churchianity which can be a little man made and caught up in tradition. Nothing much offends me really as people are free to have their own opinions and make decisions about what they see as true or the right thing to do. Michael won't be christened because we do something different at our church called a dedication. It's where you as a parent commit to bringing up the child as a christian and the church family welcome him into the community and promise to help watch over him. The child then makes their own decisions and can be baptised as an adult later - the one where the dunk you under water! Pictures of mine on FB in album called oldies if anyone is interested.

A more contentious issue for me is circumcision - his Dad wants it and I really don't unless for medical reasons!

Agreed on a lot of points - that's why we never went to church. Whenever we asked about why we didn't go (usually when other people in our family did) she always said that God is everywhere and you don't need to go to church to worship him, just live your life in a good way and treat the world and all people with respect. I know it's probably not a popular view or it sounds like a cop-out but that's just how we were raised. Thank you for your tolerance of my questions - I've never really had to think about my faith (or lack thereof) and how it could effect others before and now I feel I have some big decisions to make for my daughter.

I'm with you on the circumcision. Is there a reason that his daddy wants it? It also depends how much his dad is going to be involved in raising him. I know some parents have it done because the dad has it done and therefore it makes it easier for potty training and teaching the little one to clean themselves etc if he has the same as daddy. Other than medical or religious reasons I'm not really for it - I just wouldn't want to have had it done if I was a boy. I'd say leave it until he can decide himself but I think it's more dangerous if it's later (this could be some kind of urban legend - anyone know?).

Loved sarahs facebook post this morning about breast milk ice-cream don't think I would like to try it but I will confess I have tasted my own has anyone else or am I just weird

I haven't - what does it taste like? I imagine it must be quite sweet because Holly is always dribbling it all over my hands and they're sticky afterwards.
hi littleMrs yeah i think it can be dangerous cos of suffocation especially if he starts moving to snuggle into the sheet or side of crib or something
It tastes like sweet milk but I have heard everyones tastes different
I say tomorrow because i accidentally purchased a pink glittery Krispy Kreme at Tesco :haha: I couldnt believe it was pink and glittery so it kind of jumped into the trolley. So i decided to start the diet properly tomorrow, then ended up having a McDonalds for tea. Such a bad bad girl!!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Krispy Kreme and MaccyD's:happydance: I only like the original ring and apple doughnuts but enjoy looking at all the pretty jam filled ones. A bag of pic and mix maybe have jumped into Jennifer's pram today:dohh: Diet starts next season :rofl:

My boobs just lately are feeling full loads..... and hurting. Also which is strange for Alex - he not had a pooh since Sat evening :shock:
Maybe Alex is going throgh a growth spurt, Jennifer hadn't pood for a week and then did a MASSIVE one a mummy group this morning, lucky I had a change of clothes for her:dohh:

With you on the feeding Jo, feels like Hayley was permanently attached last night.
As was Jennifer, think she gets her groth spurts for both her actual and adjusted age!!!

Ah I love weddings! Oh I just depressed myself then, not only have I already got married, I have also finished having children, now what have I got to get excited about?! Ha ha x
You could always renew your vows :winkwink:

Holly will probably be one of the latest jbs to be christened though as we have to wait until we move home in sept, and have prob decided to have it on her birthday in december to give us time to organise it and we just thought as noone was there when she was born we might as well. Kills two birds with one stone too!
I think that sounds lovely...Christenings are so exciting.

I don't go to church as I don't feel the need to go. In my eyes (don't want to offend the religious members of our group) you don't have to go to church to be a christian. With religion I won't and don't want it forced on our girls. If they want to go to church or have questions I am more than happy to try and answer them and I will take them to church if this is what they want. i want them to make their own decisions about religion and whatever they choose i will support them. I don't feel comfortable sat in a church and i don't want the girls to feel like that and potentially sway their decision.

Sorry ladies that was a bit heavy for a lunchtime :blush:

I agree with a lot of your points. I spent a lot of last weekend crying because the church I grew up in won't Christen Jennifer because we are out of area and I don't currently attend Church. Surely a Church should want to help me bring a child to God and give her the opportunnity to believe if she wants!!! Sometimes organised religon really shoots itself in the foot!

Loved sarahs facebook post this morning about breast milk ice-cream don't think I would like to try it but I will confess I have tasted my own has anyone else or am I just weird

I haven't - what does it taste like? I imagine it must be quite sweet because Holly is always dribbling it all over my hands and they're sticky afterwards.

I haven't either but agree that it goes sticky like a melted ice lolly!!!!
Loved sarahs facebook post this morning about breast milk ice-cream don't think I would like to try it but I will confess I have tasted my own has anyone else or am I just weird

I tasted mine with Tessa but not with quinn. I will be trying it thou to see if it tastes the same as hers did...sweet...very sweet

i got Quinn circumsized but he needed it as his foreskin was really tight.

I dont think anyone answerd my questinos a while back so im asking again. Do you babies coo and smile yet? Quinn does not yet and Im wondering if i should be concerned
Mia coos and has just started to smile in the last few days but not often
Bryce starting cooing about two weeks ago. I wouldn't worry about Quinn, he is still very young, I'm sure he will get there in his own time.

I ordered the Winnie the pooh dream show for bryce in the end and it's on special offer on tesco's website which was handy! Also ordered his blind today and I'm so tempted to get some new covers and bumper for his cot as I want his nursery in blue now! Lol

I have put my order in for a couple of weeks time for some organic fruit and veg with riverford too, as I want to start pureeing and freezing some ready for weaning as it takes so long to do it, so want to get a head start this time! I have a feeling he will need to be weaned at four months like Eloise did as he is so big.

I had him weighed yesterday and he is just over 14lbs!!
Fearne coo's occasionally and we get a few smiles, no where near as many as we did with Corey but each have their own little personality even this young. I wouldn't worry he still very little and he was early x
Michael has just started giving me more smiles this week, mostly at breakfast time. I have to work quite hard for them at other times and he has begun to make noises some of the time he is awake. His Dad wants him circumcised because he thinks it looks better and I think it is culturally quite Nigerian because they still hold to some Old Testament practices. His Dad won't eat pork either. He sees him a few times a week but I don't want Michael to go through the pain really and as I carried him, gave birth and raise him I think I'll stick to my guns on that one.

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