Some really interesting points about christenings. I am a christian and go to church but don't do religion or what I like to call churchianity which can be a little man made and caught up in tradition. Nothing much offends me really as people are free to have their own opinions and make decisions about what they see as true or the right thing to do. Michael won't be christened because we do something different at our church called a dedication. It's where you as a parent commit to bringing up the child as a christian and the church family welcome him into the community and promise to help watch over him. The child then makes their own decisions and can be baptised as an adult later - the one where the dunk you under water! Pictures of mine on FB in album called oldies if anyone is interested.
Loved sarahs facebook post this morning about breast milk ice-cream don't think I would like to try it but I will confess I have tasted my own has anyone else or am I just weird
I agree with a lot of your points. I spent a lot of last weekend crying because the church I grew up in won't Christen Jennifer because we are out of area and I don't currently attend Church. Surely a Church should want to help me bring a child to God and give her the opportunnity to believe if she wants!!! Sometimes organised religon really shoots itself in the foot!
Some really interesting points about christenings. I am a christian and go to church but don't do religion or what I like to call churchianity which can be a little man made and caught up in tradition. Nothing much offends me really as people are free to have their own opinions and make decisions about what they see as true or the right thing to do. Michael won't be christened because we do something different at our church called a dedication. It's where you as a parent commit to bringing up the child as a christian and the church family welcome him into the community and promise to help watch over him. The child then makes their own decisions and can be baptised as an adult later - the one where the dunk you under water! Pictures of mine on FB in album called oldies if anyone is interested.
A more contentious issue for me is circumcision - his Dad wants it and I really don't unless for medical reasons!
What a twit she is! My Monster in law told me I'd have to put Fearne on a bottle because she was feeding too much. They don't move along with the times and the new research that gives us guidelines on what's normal and best. It's just ignorance hun, just swear under your breath and ignore her! How else can your milk increase to grow with your baby?
I went to bed with a princess and woke up with a spotty dotty, don't know why I don't use any new products or stuff in her bath?? Just have to leave the camera in a drawer for a few days lol x
I dont think anyone answerd my questinos a while back so im asking again. Do you babies coo and smile yet? Quinn does not yet and Im wondering if i should be concerned
I agree with a lot of your points. I spent a lot of last weekend crying because the church I grew up in won't Christen Jennifer because we are out of area and I don't currently attend Church. Surely a Church should want to help me bring a child to God and give her the opportunnity to believe if she wants!!! Sometimes organised religon really shoots itself in the foot!
Hun, my church won't just christen a child for the sake of it being done. I think it's important for the parents to understand why they are christening their child - we have to go for 1-2 classes just to remind us what we'll be doing by having our LO's christened and the promise we'll be making on the day. I hope that helped??!! If not, just ignore, lol. I don't want to offend anyone and wouldn't want this thread to turn into a religion squabble. You ladies all mean so much to me.
Ah Laura was Quinn in the colic or reflux brigade? Is no medicines working? He will naturally start improving by 12 weeks which might seem way off but I'm sure your feeling the same about them growing so quick! You do right getting away from it for a bit, constant crying his hard and you need to feel able to cope with it so a tiny timeout at times is needed! Your doing fab you really are! X
*sigh* I know I'm just dissapointedI had attended the Church for over 20 years, was confirmed, married and worked there. My brother's funeral was held there. I know God is not a building but this Church holds a lot of memories and significance for my faith and I wanted Jennifer to be part of that. I agree that a child shouldn't be christened for the sake of it but I have many reasons for doing so and the vicar wouldn't even let me explain.
Just wanted to explain that there were reasons (was feeding earlier so couldn't type too much) but thank you for your comment I really appriciate it and value your friendship tooI'm very sensitive about this atm so I'm sorry if this has come across as being rude or out of order it isn't meant to x