January JellyBean mummies

Yes let it be me please.....I'm still waiting. Beccy lost her plug around Tuesday and we have heard nothing from her today....could be she I'm thinking
Thanks ladies, am gonna try a few things over the next week, but I have already tried some things and it doesnt seem to be working.,

Am so stressed out :nope:
Hello Ladies! Sorry I've been away for so long... I'll get to why at the end.

Laura, has your doctor checked for pertussis? Also, that mucus that he spit up sounds like when my brother was younger and had asthma- it was when he got it really bad that he would spit up exactly what you described.

For you ladies feeling down on yourselves because of what you did/ failed to do... don't worry!!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: You're doing great I'm sure. We all get the baby blues now and then, especially when we're extra tired. It's a daunting task realizing that a little person is depending their whole life on the decisions we make for them right now.

As for breast-feeding, I agree with Blessed- as long as the LO is getting the breast milk, I still consider it ebfing... and that's what's most important for the baby. As for me, I have her latch on 1 or 2 times a day, but I pump frequently so that it's quick to feed her with the bottle and I don't have to worry about extremely sore nipples each day. Pumping is the greatest, since OH loves bonding with her by feeding her and it's nice to share feeding duties while knowing my LO is getting proper nutrition- plus, I can monitor how much she's eating.

As for the fussy baby's mummies, Madison is quite fussy as of late, too, but I have a little routine I do which eventually calms her down. When she starts fussing, I check to see if she's hungry first, even if she's just eaten because maybe she's burped or passed gas or dirtied her diaper, making more room in her stomach to eat more. If she refuses food, I change her diaper if there's anything in it. Then I sit her on my lap and burp her. Then I (while half-sitting myself with my knees raised) sit her facing me on my lap with her head up by my knees- this is a good position to help her pass gas or dirty her diaper. Then I try laying her down on her right side. Then I lay her down on her left side. Then I'll lay her on my chest with her tummy down. If all that has failed, I try from the top again, but rarely do I have to do that. If at any point in that whole cycle she burps, passes gas, or dirties her diaper and is still fussy, I start the cycle from the top. I know it sounds tedious, but I find it covers all the bases. You might also try swaddling, but my Madison won't tolerate it anymore.

Sarah, I totally agree with you that showers are such luxuries lately! It's a bit embarrassing, but I seem to only get one every other day at most!

For any other big things I've forgotten to respond to, I apologize... Still seem to have baby brain and I'm trying to rush and type while Madison is still sleeping.

Ok, so I don't know if I'd typed this before or not, but my milk production was really strong at the beginning, which resulted in a surplus of milk in our fridge. Since we have a very small fridge and an even tinier freezer (which doesn't really keep things frozen anyways), I started feeding Madison with the extras and got lazy in my pumping. This resulted in a quick depletion not only of the storage in the fridge, but a mass decrease in the amount of milk my breasts were producing. I was really worried, as my milk in the fridge ran out and I was fighting to keep up with the feedings by having Madison latch on or pumping every feeding for her as she got hungry. So, the last few days, I have taken a nursing vacation- basically, I have been pumping EVERY time my milk let down, in an attempt to get my milk production up. It's been working wonderfully. I have probably 15 oz surplus in the fridge right now, and another 3 oz ready for her right now when she wakes up and gets hungry. Thank goodness!!! I really really really didn't want to have to resort to formula!

Ok, well, I've been typing for a while now and I'm sure this post is long enough... plus I've not eaten my breakfast yet, but I had to read over 30 pages total today between the pg thread and this one just to catch up!

I'll try to be on here more often, but I can't make any promises.

btw, I STILL have yet to see any of you ladies' after-baby bumps! I'm not posting any more until you all do!
Laura, has your doctor checked for pertussis? Also, that mucus that he spit up sounds like when my brother was younger and had asthma- it was when he got it really bad that he would spit up exactly what you described

The Dr at the hospital didn't check for anything just had a listen to his chest and checked out his head and neck and legs. Im giong to google that now though. As for the asthma....thats what im worried about with the cough and now that you said the mucous is what your brother was like im goig to be keeing an eye on this cough and google asthma too as i dont know much about it. Thanks for the post!!!!! Gald BF supply is better adn hope you can latch better soon and continue with Bfing.
have a breast feeding question ladies, bit ashamed as should know the answer myself but i dont.

Fearne is 4 days old today and breast feeds like crazy, my milk has definately come in and so far my nipples arent too sore or anything she is such a pro and latches on perfect. Its just now I'm a bit puzzled why I'm not leaking milk?? Corey was a terrible feeder and didn't feed half as often as Fearne but certainly by day 4 I was wearing breast shells because my breasts were leaking about an ounce of milk out of each side whilst he fed off the other, I can feel milk filling up in them but worried its not enough, why am I not leaking?? is that why she is on constantly or is it because she is on constantly that I don't have much to leak out? x
Sorry im not commenting on all your posts ladies. Im to tired but wanted to share my experience of last nght.

So 2 days ago Quinn started having this cough. A barking kind of cough. It started to get worse last night so I googled when to take baby to Dr and Babys cough and stuff like that. Everything I read about a barking sounding cough said it was croup. I was planning on running the hot shower and bringing him in the bathroom to clear things out today but after his feed at midnight He threw up this yellow foamy stuff and really freaked me out. I rushed to the hospital worried about him. It was not breastmilk he threw up.
The Dr said he very highly doubts its croup. he has hardly seem croup in babies under a year and only seem one case of it with a baby under 6 months and has NEVER heard of a case of croup in a 12 day old baby. He did however agree the cough sounded croup like. The vomit was probably a mix of mucous and bile so he said not to worry about it.
Dr said there is one thing he could think of that causes a croup sounding cough, but its not croup. I can't remember the medical term he used but basically the esophogus (sp?) kind of moves or something and causes a little swelling of the vocal cords which causes the barking cough. He said its not something to worry about unless babys chest is caving in while breathing....which quinns is not. He said this condition will fix its self over time. But if he seems to get worse bring him back.

I was so worried taht he was really sick and it turns out to be northing. I feel better for taking him to the hospital thou. We got home around 3am adn Quinn wanted to feed on and off for 2-3 hours so ive not had much sleep. and everytime he coughed it woke me up. Still sounds very scarry but i know hes ok.
sorry this ended up being a longer post than what i planned!

It sounds really scary hun, Glad he is okay :hugs::hugs:

Hello Ladies! Sorry I've been away for so long... I'll get to why at the end.

Laura, has your doctor checked for pertussis? Also, that mucus that he spit up sounds like when my brother was younger and had asthma- it was when he got it really bad that he would spit up exactly what you described.

For you ladies feeling down on yourselves because of what you did/ failed to do... don't worry!!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: You're doing great I'm sure. We all get the baby blues now and then, especially when we're extra tired. It's a daunting task realizing that a little person is depending their whole life on the decisions we make for them right now.

As for breast-feeding, I agree with Blessed- as long as the LO is getting the breast milk, I still consider it ebfing... and that's what's most important for the baby. As for me, I have her latch on 1 or 2 times a day, but I pump frequently so that it's quick to feed her with the bottle and I don't have to worry about extremely sore nipples each day. Pumping is the greatest, since OH loves bonding with her by feeding her and it's nice to share feeding duties while knowing my LO is getting proper nutrition- plus, I can monitor how much she's eating.

As for the fussy baby's mummies, Madison is quite fussy as of late, too, but I have a little routine I do which eventually calms her down. When she starts fussing, I check to see if she's hungry first, even if she's just eaten because maybe she's burped or passed gas or dirtied her diaper, making more room in her stomach to eat more. If she refuses food, I change her diaper if there's anything in it. Then I sit her on my lap and burp her. Then I (while half-sitting myself with my knees raised) sit her facing me on my lap with her head up by my knees- this is a good position to help her pass gas or dirty her diaper. Then I try laying her down on her right side. Then I lay her down on her left side. Then I'll lay her on my chest with her tummy down. If all that has failed, I try from the top again, but rarely do I have to do that. If at any point in that whole cycle she burps, passes gas, or dirties her diaper and is still fussy, I start the cycle from the top. I know it sounds tedious, but I find it covers all the bases. You might also try swaddling, but my Madison won't tolerate it anymore.

Sarah, I totally agree with you that showers are such luxuries lately! It's a bit embarrassing, but I seem to only get one every other day at most!

For any other big things I've forgotten to respond to, I apologize... Still seem to have baby brain and I'm trying to rush and type while Madison is still sleeping.

Ok, so I don't know if I'd typed this before or not, but my milk production was really strong at the beginning, which resulted in a surplus of milk in our fridge. Since we have a very small fridge and an even tinier freezer (which doesn't really keep things frozen anyways), I started feeding Madison with the extras and got lazy in my pumping. This resulted in a quick depletion not only of the storage in the fridge, but a mass decrease in the amount of milk my breasts were producing. I was really worried, as my milk in the fridge ran out and I was fighting to keep up with the feedings by having Madison latch on or pumping every feeding for her as she got hungry. So, the last few days, I have taken a nursing vacation- basically, I have been pumping EVERY time my milk let down, in an attempt to get my milk production up. It's been working wonderfully. I have probably 15 oz surplus in the fridge right now, and another 3 oz ready for her right now when she wakes up and gets hungry. Thank goodness!!! I really really really didn't want to have to resort to formula!

Ok, well, I've been typing for a while now and I'm sure this post is long enough... plus I've not eaten my breakfast yet, but I had to read over 30 pages total today between the pg thread and this one just to catch up!

I'll try to be on here more often, but I can't make any promises.

btw, I STILL have yet to see any of you ladies' after-baby bumps! I'm not posting any more until you all do!

Go on then i will be brave, this is mine at 3 weeks and 1 day, still loose skin and my stretchmarks are horrendous they are like scars, come on everyone join in too lol :flower: ........


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I wouldnt worry Jo as long as Fearne has plenty of wet and soiled nappies :shrug: I only started leaking about a week ago x
Luckstarr yes you do look fab! I'm secretly pleased how my tum going down but only day 4 and not that brave. Got a stone in weight still to lose to be pre preg weight!! X
Luckystarr you look fab xx

Thanks Hun, I look better from the side it hides my stretch marks lol, I will only have to be seen from the side in my swimming cosi, I don't know what to do with the loose skin, might try swimming when I finish bleeding x x
Luckstarr yes you do look fab! I'm secretly pleased how my tum going down but only day 4 and not that brave. Got a stone in weight still to lose to be pre preg weight!! X

Thanks Hun I lost a stone by the end of the first week, you have loads of time to loose it too, it's still coming off now it's just slowed down a lot. X x
Glad Quinn is ok Laura.

Jade - don't have any advice with Caine Hun but hope it gets better soon :hugs:

I still have about 7 lbs to lose but not concerned anymore.

kieran's weight is still a concern. He is gaining but not enough according to all the charts etc. He has loads of bm's and wet diapers though :shrug: he has a bm at almost every feeding. We will have him weighed again this week and if not enough weight gain we will have to do something different :cry: please keep us in your thoughts I am so determined to ebf. I just really really want it to work out!

As for mucous plugs yes they are nasty but I remember the pure excitement when I saw mine!!!

Happy Saturday

Hi dont feel pressred to change your feeding, i'd say up feeding to every 2 hours if you feel you need to. Jacob is slow at gaining and is still 5oz off birth weight and I dont expect him to of gained that by our next appointment.
My stomach stayed flabby after Caine and its even worse now I hate it but oh well! :lol:

I have stayed the same weight for a week now :( thought the pounds would carry on drop;ping off but they havnt. Maybe I need to lay off the cake and get off my ass!
Damn ladies! Im impressed by your pics. Quinn is 12 days and I still feel I look huge and flabby and round. I did step on my moms scale today and was quite surprised at the numbers. I think it might be wrong thou as it said im exactly prepregnancy weight. I will step on my scale later and see and i MIGHT take a pic but not sure how to post pics from my iPhone. any one know how????
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Go on then i will be brave, this is mine at 3 weeks and 1 day, still loose skin and my stretchmarks are horrendous they are like scars, come on everyone join in too lol :flower: ........

Alright, since SOMEONE gave me a show of faith, here are my 18 day (2 weeks 4 days) after baby bump. (sorry the first one is blurry) Still can see my linea nigra in the front pic... anyone know when it goes away? 2nd 2 are from 1 week for comparison- I think there has been a little progress in the last 11 days. last one is from 4 days- definitely a change there!.

Thanks so much LuckyStarr for posting your pics. :happydance: at least someone's not scared to post. nudge nudge nudge all you other ladies!


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Go on then i will be brave, this is mine at 3 weeks and 1 day, still loose skin and my stretchmarks are horrendous they are like scars, come on everyone join in too lol :flower: ........

Alright, since SOMEONE gave me a show of faith, here are my 18 day (2 weeks 4 days) after baby bump. (sorry the first one is blurry) Still can see my linea nigra in the front pic... anyone know when it goes away? 2nd 2 are from 1 week for comparison- I think there has been a little progress in the last 11 days. last one is from 4 days- definitely a change there!.

Thanks so much LuckyStarr for posting your pics. :happydance: at least someone's not scared to post. nudge nudge nudge all you other ladies!

Never mind that missy, not all of us look as great as you!!!! :growlmad::winkwink: I may pluck up the couurage to post, we'll see....
You look great Regina! Wow you shrunk right back down. I'm not sure your body is so forgiving second time round! I doubt mine will be so drastic from 4 days to 2 weeks! X
Argggg just lost my post :grr:

Disney id be posting pics if my body looked as good as yours :thumbup:

Im 13 pounds off pre pregnancy weight from J but im already at pre preg weght I was with N. My jeans fit but not comfortable IYKWIM.

Having a bad night here. J slept ok for the evening but come 1 he was unsettled then at 3.30 he wet all his clothes so nappy change and new outfit then a feed so was changed fed and burped for 5 and then he was up again at 5.30 with a very full nappy so after another change and feed he finally went off at 6 :sleep: tired is an understatement.
looking good lucky starr, my photos are on the camera, just need to find the lead! I promise

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