January JellyBean mummies

Hello all! Gosh you lot are hard to keep up with! How do you have time to post with a baby in tow all the time? And some of you ahve got more than 1 child!! I don't know how you do it but I think your all super mummies!!

First day on our own today without daddy! Toby had an ok night, he went down at half 10 and woke at half 2 and half 5 then he woke up when jack left for work at half 7. So to answer Laura's question about sleep, he can do anything from 2 - 5 hours but the lobnger times are at night (which i think is lucky) although it means I don't get much done in the day. We spent the morning feeding and cuddling and he did go down for an hours nap around 9ish so I got the chance to eat breakfast lol.

Had Health visitor today and he has gone back to his birth weight :happydance: YAY! So he's 7lb 1 oz again now. He pee'd all over the scales tho lol :haha: and then did it again when she was checking his hips. The he was sick when she turned him over! The onyl thing he didn't do was poo, he saved that for me about 10 mins after she left lol. She was really pleased with how alert and sociable he is for a 2 week old baby. I'm a happy mummy!! I am a bit concerned about his left foot tho and she is gonna keep an eye on it. It really turns in and when he was born they said it would correct itself but it hasn't changed at all yet. But at least HV knows about it and can check again when she comes next week. He's still a bit jaundice too but thats being monitored and we are back at the midwife on friday to check his weight again and his colouring.

As for birth control I have a leaflet to read lol. I have always had trouble with pills and depo injection as I used to have reactions to the artificial hormones in them and could never find one that agreed with me. Considering a copper coil but not sure yet. Probably just stick to condoms for now. Not even thought about when we will dtd though yet. What do you do with the baby when you do it? Put them in another room? Or just forget they are there?????

I will take a post preg shot at some point. I'm ok with how my tummy is, I'm back in my pre preg clothes and actually need to buy new things as I had lost weight before finding out about toby and not bought any new stuff cos of the pregnancy. Thnk Im a size 14-16 now and was 18-20 beforehand.

How is everyone today? Feeling good?? xxxx
leanne well done on car and buggy ive not attempted that yet. onky walked or driven not both combined on my own. still not done a big shop with him either
I'm going on a pill called Microval. It works with breastfeeding so when I start weaning Mackenzie I will have to go back onto Nordette which was my last pill

Mackenzie sometimes goes 4 hours between feeds during the night. During the day it's anything between 1.5hrs and 2.5hrs.

Congrats Lucia. What a cute little boy!
Lol thanks sarah! I just didn't wanna carry him around the retail park where i went.

I feel a bit mean but i took back an outfit a friend got for me and changed it in next for some other things! It was a dungaree set and altho i love dungarees hes had loads of them from next - i think he has every style of them going - in th 0-3 months age. So i swapped it for a vest that says 'just hatched 2011', a little shirt that buttons over his nappy for a smart occasion we haven't got planned yet lol and a little t-shirt and some socks. This kid has got more clothes than me and his dad combined lol!

Mckenzie sounds a bit like Toby feeding wise hun! Altho hes been asleep since we went out at quart past 4 and hasn't fed since half 2! At least it gives my nipples a rest lol!!! :haha:
o and forgot to say congrats to lucia!! welcome to jb mummies - when we have the time lol xx
Jacob can easily sleep past 5 hours in the day tme only :dohh: he's usually up feeding between 1-4am :sleep:

I try to wake him up after 3 hours and ive been told not to let him go more than 4 hours without feeding due to losing alot of birth weight and he's gaining slowly.
Oh contraceptive wise nothing as ive no plans to get involved with anyone and want to keep hormone free. i may consder the coil at a later date (not the old fashioned coil though)

Might change my mind on contraception once I stop BF but seen as my eldest is still on EBM im hoping Jacob will get it for as long so aiming at 2 years.
HI ladies. Hope you are all well. I need some advise please. :wacko:

The only way that I can get Bryce to settle for any nap is to let him feed, he just loves to suck! lol The only thing is, is that once he is asleep if I put him down in his moses or cot he wakes up after a few seconds. :( I have tried a dummy but he just keeps spitting it out and gets really grumpy until he has my boob agian! So I have started feeding him laying down on my bed and then just sneak off once he is asleep and once he has been asleep for about 30 mins I can carefully move him to his moses and he is fine.

I can't carry on doing this though surely! When do they start self soothing and should I just leave him to cry if he does wake up??? I just hate hearing him cry.


Caine was like this but I co slept, henever slept anywhere but on our bed :dohh: still having some probs with himnow. I think with Alexander he likes it on my bed next to me feeding, but I also think its sleeping on his side,

Hope things get easier soon! x

Shame, i cant believe im doing this, very embarrasing but hey! Also think im getting my period so thats prob why I look bloated,thats my excuse and im sticking to it lol

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Looking good! x

Hi ladies. Everyone's post pregnancy shots look great!! I will post one day when o get on my lap top but usually I just say hello from the I phone.

We had a nightmare evening with kieran the worst yet. He just would not settle. I would feed him and then as soon as he was done feeding he would start screaming and rooting again so offer more boob nutthen he wouldn't take it. This cycle went on for hours. It was horrible all 3 of us were so upset and frustrated. Kieran has even tarted making tears out of his right eye - it makes me sad to see tears coming out :cry:

:hugs: I been feeding constantly last 2 days got sore nips again! Growth spurt constant fussing feeding and dirty nappies :dohh:

Sarah, I think you're looking good and look at those skinny thighs. Wanna swop, lol.

Naomi, I also find Mackenzie sleeps better on my bed. It's amazing how they just know, lol. It's also your body heat and heartbeat that soothes them and then when you pick them up and they stir, they realise you aren't there anymore. I'm sure you'll figure out something soon. Where there's a will, there's a way, haha.

I still cant leave the room, put Caine down he wakes up and knows I have gone! :dohh:

hwy fellow january ladies my son was born on the 5th! been soooo long since I caught up with you all xx


:hugs: Sar hope your period in not too painful

Speaking of it is anyone else still bleeding? I am still bleeding very lightly and it is 3.5 weeks now is that normal?

Has anyone :sex: yet?? We haven't but I'd like to get back to it soon!!

Stopped bleeding but had the odd little bit of blood once or twice. I had sex at 6 weeks last time and it killed and made me bleed (i had a tear) and I am gonna do the same again and wait for my tear to totally heal x

:hugs: Sar hope your period in not too painful

Speaking of it is anyone else still bleeding? I am still bleeding very lightly and it is 3.5 weeks now is that normal?

Has anyone :sex: yet?? We haven't but I'd like to get back to it soon!!

After my daughter I bled for 5 weeks so its normal. I am not DTD until after my 6 week check up and i get on some form of BC. just not sure what to get.

What are you all planning for contraceptives? I went on the depo shot after my daughter but it caused my milk to start to dry up when she was 7 months old so im not using that again.

Sar- Quinn is doing fine since his circ. he cried when it was done and the first time I washed him but hes been fine since. Doesn't seem to be in pain or anything. I do nitice he squirms more when im washing him but think its just cuz its more sensitive now.

Cant believe my baby is 2 weeks old already!!!!!!!! He still has a bad cough mostly first thing in the morning and at night. I think i will call the dr tomorrow if its not getting better. hes had it since Thursday and its not getting better yet.

Whats the longest your babies sleep for? Quinn ate at 3am and was up on and off til 5am when i brought him in bed with me and hes been asleep since. Its now 9:30am. So he has not eaten in 5.5hours. Im going to go wake him now and feed him but I thought babies were not suppose to sleep tthat long until they are a couple months old? Please tell me how long yoru babies sleep for?

He has slept once or twice for 5 hours very early on. And sometimes in the day for 4 hours. But normally now 2 or 3 hours. And at the mo less as he is constantly feeding x

Hello all! Gosh you lot are hard to keep up with! How do you have time to post with a baby in tow all the time? And some of you ahve got more than 1 child!! I don't know how you do it but I think your all super mummies!!

First day on our own today without daddy! Toby had an ok night, he went down at half 10 and woke at half 2 and half 5 then he woke up when jack left for work at half 7. So to answer Laura's question about sleep, he can do anything from 2 - 5 hours but the lobnger times are at night (which i think is lucky) although it means I don't get much done in the day. We spent the morning feeding and cuddling and he did go down for an hours nap around 9ish so I got the chance to eat breakfast lol.

Had Health visitor today and he has gone back to his birth weight :happydance: YAY! So he's 7lb 1 oz again now. He pee'd all over the scales tho lol :haha: and then did it again when she was checking his hips. The he was sick when she turned him over! The onyl thing he didn't do was poo, he saved that for me about 10 mins after she left lol. She was really pleased with how alert and sociable he is for a 2 week old baby. I'm a happy mummy!! I am a bit concerned about his left foot tho and she is gonna keep an eye on it. It really turns in and when he was born they said it would correct itself but it hasn't changed at all yet. But at least HV knows about it and can check again when she comes next week. He's still a bit jaundice too but thats being monitored and we are back at the midwife on friday to check his weight again and his colouring.

As for birth control I have a leaflet to read lol. I have always had trouble with pills and depo injection as I used to have reactions to the artificial hormones in them and could never find one that agreed with me. Considering a copper coil but not sure yet. Probably just stick to condoms for now. Not even thought about when we will dtd though yet. What do you do with the baby when you do it? Put them in another room? Or just forget they are there?????

I will take a post preg shot at some point. I'm ok with how my tummy is, I'm back in my pre preg clothes and actually need to buy new things as I had lost weight before finding out about toby and not bought any new stuff cos of the pregnancy. Thnk Im a size 14-16 now and was 18-20 beforehand.

How is everyone today? Feeling good?? xxxx

Great about the weight loss and Toby peeing everywhere for the HV :haha:
Glad to hear all is well hun! Re sex, we have done it with baby (Caine) there (laid in the cot asleep) they dont know! Obviously I wouldnt do it in front of Caine now :rofl: xx

Jacob can easily sleep past 5 hours in the day tme only :dohh: he's usually up feeding between 1-4am :sleep:

I try to wake him up after 3 hours and ive been told not to let him go more than 4 hours without feeding due to losing alot of birth weight and he's gaining slowly.

Same here, sleeps like a dream in the day and then fusses at night xx

Alexander gained another 9 oz and is now 8 pound 8 oz :) perfectly on the 50th centile x
woke at 1.30am and 4am, gonna go back to bed when 'the boy' has gone to school. period in full swing now
We have had a better night but since 5 we've been feeding hourly. Managed to pop him down for 10 minutes to pump N's milk for this morning. Nipples are feeling the constant feeding at the moment.
Your a breast feeding goddess fraggles! My nips could not withstand feeding two babes! X
One only has pumped milk though. It's a weird way to tandem feed I must admit. Must say after 4 hours of constant feeding im feeling sore this morning.
Hey girls! :wave: Just wanted to say hi, I am still around but mainly lurking as don't seem to have time to post with in-laws still here! They are still driving me crackers and I keep complaining about them, but I'm going to miss the help when they;re gone (and the company).

Holly rolled over yday, couldnt believe it! We put her on her front for some tummy time and she leaned over onto one arm, them with the other pushed up and ended up going onto her back. She did it twice! We'll see if she does it again any time soon though, as its more a 2 month milestone and shes only 5 weeks. She is definitely smiling at us now though.

Shes a little monkey through the night though, she keeps waking up and letting out a little cry, so I get up thinking shes ready for a feed and then she falls back asleep and doesnt get up properly for ages! Iv been sat on sofa now for 20 mins waiting for her to wake up and shes still snoozing! Theres no point going back to bed though as she will be up in next half an hour and it takes me that long to get to sleep! Cheeky girl!

Hope everyone is good. Welcome Lucia. Sarah you're looking great! My incision is still scabbed over but is sooo itchy atm its driving me crazy! Its also been quite sore the last couple of days. As for contraception I'm thinking about the implant as my friend had it and liked it, so gonna speak to doc at next apptmt. For the meantime its condoms. My bleeding stopped a couple of days ago too, yey! No AF as yet but I was v irregular before Holly so it remians to be seen if having her has regulated me. Kind of dont want it to as its nice to only have 2 or 3 a year, but it also meant it took me nearly 4 years to conceive and I would prefer not to go through that again!

Hi Lisa, Joe is 8 weeks tomorrow and still hasnt rolled over so good on Holly, she is doing really well.
He is being a pickle at the moment, not sure whats wrong, maybe wind, maybe a touch of colic, very whingy! and being so fussy with his milk too, taking dribs and drabs here and there, Im making him wait 3hours now and he was due at 12 and now he is fast asleep. How much milk and how often does Holly feed? I only got my period yesterday.
Got Joes 8 week check tomorrow we noticed his legs are a bit bowed, so will mention it tomorrow
Hi Lisa, Joe is 8 weeks tomorrow and still hasnt rolled over so good on Holly, she is doing really well.
He is being a pickle at the moment, not sure whats wrong, maybe wind, maybe a touch of colic, very whingy! and being so fussy with his milk too, taking dribs and drabs here and there, Im making him wait 3hours now and he was due at 12 and now he is fast asleep. How much milk and how often does Holly feed? I only got my period yesterday.
Got Joes 8 week check tomorrow we noticed his legs are a bit bowed, so will mention it tomorrow

Hey Sarah! Holly is a greedy lil thing and it one 5-6oz now, but shes mostly going 4 hours which is great, sometimes 5 (like now). Hope Joes check up goes well.
wish joe would feed like that, he still having 3-4oz 3 hourly! id like to try and get him to drink more but less often, did holly get herself into that routine or did you drag the times out
wish joe would feed like that, he still having 3-4oz 3 hourly! id like to try and get him to drink more but less often, did holly get herself into that routine or did you drag the times out

She did it herself to be honest, she was on 3 hour feeds almost from being born and then we just upped the amount as she needed it. Its only the last week that the time has increased though, and its mainly through the night that she sleeps longer, which is a plus obviously!
wish joe would feed like that, he still having 3-4oz 3 hourly! id like to try and get him to drink more but less often, did holly get herself into that routine or did you drag the times out

She did it herself to be honest, she was on 3 hour feeds almost from being born and then we just upped the amount as she needed it. Its only the last week that the time has increased though, and its mainly through the night that she sleeps longer, which is a plus obviously!

thats good, joe seems to be going the other way! crying a lot more and fussy eating, im so tired, but go round in circles. Feed him, hold him til he sleeps put him in bed, do his bottles. He wakes up etc etc start again.... Ive eaten 4 hot cross buns today and nothing else lol yesterday i had a bag of crisps, piece of cake and a pkt of biscuits then we had a curry takeaway :haha: im gonna be so fat! Just put a load of washing on as we have run out of bibs/muslins/babygrows as he is so messy still when feeding.
God im moaning today, all I want is a bath and hair wash and a sleep and decent food, not much to ask is it ....
gonna do my health forms of Ofsted as i can take them in for the gp tomorrow
Gosh is it something to do with being a jan jellybean that makes these babies fussy feeders? Toby can be a right pain (in the nipples lol) and did his usual wanting to feed on and off from 8am-12 today. He's finally gone down in his carry cot bed now after being bathed and then rocked to sleep by me and my sister. Little critter. Thing is now Im waiting for him to wake up as we would like him to feed before we go for a walk. So the little fella can't really win lol.

Got my mum here today and now my little sister so have been able to eat food (she cooked) and have a shower and wash my hair. So I feel for you sarah as I could have really done with that yesterday lol. I'm going to her house on thrusday for the day too so gonna make the most of being looked after whilst I'm getting to grips with this feeding malarkey.

To be honest I gave Toby a bottle last night of ready made milk. My nipples and boobs were so sore after a lot of feeding yesterday I just picked up one of those small cartons of sma from boots when we went out. I know its all in my head but when I was giving it to him at his last feed I felt awful. But he slept so well after it. My OH is still all for me going with the BFing but the constant demand is getting tiring now in the day. Gonna wait out the week and see how we go. I'd be happy if I managed to get to a month.

To you ladies who have done this before, when does it start to feel easier?? I enjoy the feeding after the initial ouch of the latch on and would love to continue but hes so demanding!!!


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