Gosh is it something to do with being a jan jellybean that makes these babies fussy feeders? Toby can be a right pain (in the nipples lol) and did his usual wanting to feed on and off from 8am-12 today. He's finally gone down in his carry cot bed now after being bathed and then rocked to sleep by me and my sister. Little critter. Thing is now Im waiting for him to wake up as we would like him to feed before we go for a walk. So the little fella can't really win lol.
Got my mum here today and now my little sister so have been able to eat food (she cooked) and have a shower and wash my hair. So I feel for you sarah as I could have really done with that yesterday lol. I'm going to her house on thrusday for the day too so gonna make the most of being looked after whilst I'm getting to grips with this feeding malarkey.
To be honest I gave Toby a bottle last night of ready made milk. My nipples and boobs were so sore after a lot of feeding yesterday I just picked up one of those small cartons of sma from boots when we went out. I know its all in my head but when I was giving it to him at his last feed I felt awful. But he slept so well after it. My OH is still all for me going with the BFing but the constant demand is getting tiring now in the day. Gonna wait out the week and see how we go. I'd be happy if I managed to get to a month.
To you ladies who have done this before, when does it start to feel easier?? I enjoy the feeding after the initial ouch of the latch on and would love to continue but hes so demanding!!!
ive given up adding people to the front page .... no one else comes here do they.. ill add the 'locals' from jjb pg thread but wont do anyone else unless they come here or update the pg thread. thats fair enough isnt it
Gosh is it something to do with being a jan jellybean that makes these babies fussy feeders? Toby can be a right pain (in the nipples lol) and did his usual wanting to feed on and off from 8am-12 today. He's finally gone down in his carry cot bed now after being bathed and then rocked to sleep by me and my sister. Little critter. Thing is now Im waiting for him to wake up as we would like him to feed before we go for a walk. So the little fella can't really win lol.
Got my mum here today and now my little sister so have been able to eat food (she cooked) and have a shower and wash my hair. So I feel for you sarah as I could have really done with that yesterday lol. I'm going to her house on thrusday for the day too so gonna make the most of being looked after whilst I'm getting to grips with this feeding malarkey.
To be honest I gave Toby a bottle last night of ready made milk. My nipples and boobs were so sore after a lot of feeding yesterday I just picked up one of those small cartons of sma from boots when we went out. I know its all in my head but when I was giving it to him at his last feed I felt awful. But he slept so well after it. My OH is still all for me going with the BFing but the constant demand is getting tiring now in the day. Gonna wait out the week and see how we go. I'd be happy if I managed to get to a month.
To you ladies who have done this before, when does it start to feel easier?? I enjoy the feeding after the initial ouch of the latch on and would love to continue but hes so demanding!!!
You should get a big growth spurt at 4 weeks and then id say feeding is easier after the 6 week mark. Whn Jacob is constantly feeding I get that ouch on latch and have to tell myself it wont last. We had thrush with LO alot last time and that bloody hurts.
I think the pain and stress of bf'ing is a worth not having to buy formula, wash bottles and heat bottles in the middle of the night. I'm way too lazy for that! Lol.
Have any of you ladies tried the manual breast pumps? I can't afford an electric one but don't want to waste money on the manual and still have to buy the electric, iykwim. And how much should one express and what do you store it in?
Lisa, it sounds like you're doing a great job. You sound a lot more positive in your posts. I really hope you're feeling better!I saw your pic on FB of Holly smiling. So gorgeous!
Hi yummy mummies
We find out today if kieran has gained enough weight to continue BFing. I'm so nervous. I hope he has. If not then I am planning to pump and cup feed him extra boobie juice as I am way to paranoid to introduce a bottle yet for fear of nipple confusion. I will do my best to log on later to update. I have been practicing him in his sling everyday now. He seems to like it but I need him to love it before we travel to the uk in a month. We are not planning to bring the stroller but just babywear the whole time we are there. We also have a Mei tai which my DH can use too. Anyone else babywear??