Madeleine did the same, turned 11 weeks and started eating like there's no tomorrow. I'm used to feeding her 1-2oz every 1-2 hours and she ate 8oz in one feed the other day! Now she's demanding 2.5-3oz every 2 hours, which is not helping her reflux. She also does not want to be put down. Ever. Except for a 15 minute break once a day to yell at her musical piggy toy. I love it when she does that.
We ruled out pyloric stenosis today, as traumatizing as that was. I have never heard/seen her cry like she did today and believe me, she can cry. She has what my doctor calls a "reflux colic" where she cries and cries because she's so uncomfortable, which causes gas, which makes her even more uncomfortable and it's just a never ending cycle. Eat, cry, vomit (projectile, usually all over me), cry, vomit, eat, cry, vomit, mini nap, repeat.
I have never felt so frazzled in my life, and yet, I feel broody and want another one.. Wtf?!
But thankfully, she is growing well and is a pretty smiley, playful baby despite all the discomfort she experiences.
Now if only she would sleep...