Ladies, I am officially losing my mind regarding everything! I guess there is such a thing called pregnancy brain..
Appointment went well today, baby is still pretty high and under my ribs and the tech said she is not descending yet, but is still head down... Weight is 5 lbs (i kind of find that impossible, last week she said she measured 4 lbs---1 lb in a whole week? unlikely.) Anyway.. I was telling them about the soreness and pressure I was having so they had a check and yupp, its just all swollen from blood flow, no infection (thank god) and cervix is closed still
... NST went perfect, although i did have 2 contractions in 20 minutes??? Guess its normal though..
I also met with the pediatrician today and I absolutely love that office! They gave us some formula to practice on etc. and how to wash bottles, and they told me i need to get the flu and whooping cough vaccine so it looks like ill be calling the doctor to get that done as well... ohhh gave us some baby books etc to read over too...
I am feeling very accomplished today despite my brain not functioning!