Well good news, baby is still head down
she is just squirming her legs and rolling around a bit more now..
she is approx 5lb 6oz, and heart is nice and strong!, NST went well, fluid levels perfect, will start internal exams in 2 weeks!
I asked about induction again today, because everytime I talk to him it always changes lol.. and hes like.. well between 39-40 weeks.. im like.. first it was 37 weeks, then it was 38, last week it was 39 and this week your saying 39-40?? lol.. hes like Nikki, your blood sugars are great! as long as nothing happens between now and then thats a good thing!!!! lol...I just want her here already i guess lol..
Other than that is anyone else like me, and the bottomless pit? It seems everything that crosses my path i want to put in my mouth and swallow haha.. I cant get enough! Good thing is that I didnt gain any weight since last week... still at 35 lbs Eeeeek :/
Off to take a nap, i am beyond tired today!