Dark, was baby breech( i assume this bc u said ur getting kicks to the cervix) ?Baby may be turning head down now... If u think things have shifted..possibly?
Yes my midwife told me on Monday he's breech (after he was head down and engaging at 33 weeks
). I can feel the outline of his body across my belly so I think he's moved to a transverse position or moves between breech and transverse (but not head down unfortunately!)
I have an ultrasound on Christmas Eve and then we see an OB and schedule a c-section if he hasn't flipped.
I don't get the kicks you would usually experience when baby is head down. I get small hand punches in my upper abdomen, some rolling movements of his body near my belly button and foot kicks way out to the side parallel to my belly button or down in my cervix and bladder depending which way his legs are pointing, and a big old head stuck under my ribs which makes sitting upright really uncomfortable because it feels like I'm squishing his head with my ribs.