January Jellybeans 2013!...

Going to my dr. Appointment soon update u all when I get back :)
Thanks, Jaime!! I do feel better... It was just frustrating! Hope you're holding up alright- sounds like things are picking up for you :)
Had my 37 week appt and left so frustrated!! I had to wait forever and then was told I don't start getting internals until next week. I had a trace of protein in my urine but bp is good. I tested positive for group b. Then even though I was told that they no longer do fundal height at my last appt, she measured and I'm still 3 weeks ahead. She had a resident training with her and I felt a little like I wasn't there because she kept talking around me. I get another ultrasound next week because baby measured big and I've gained too much weight. This is after last week a different doctor didnt seem concerned about any of it. I then went to make my appt and they tried to push me off until almost 39 weeks and the only time slot I could get was with the dr I like the least in the afternoon on Friday when the wait is the worst. I tried to make this appt last week and they wouldnt let me and now they have pretty much no time slots left! Ugh...

I came home so upset because I felt like such a bad mom because of the weight gain. I know I've gained a lot, and I probably could have eaten better, but I have a ton of swelling and it's not like i sat at home for months eating candy! I just worry they'll decide to do an induction or c because of mine and the baby's size... While it would be nice to go early I hate to think I may have put my baby at a higher risk of complications because I didn't eat enough salad. Luckily my dh is wonderful and has managed to say some great things to help calm me down. I was just so frustrated- it seemed like nothing could go right :(

I felt like such a failure this week because my OB told me that women with Gestational hypertension are predisposed due to carrying too much weight. I had lost 20lbs prior to pregnancy. I felt like my hospitalization was my fault. When I was weighed Wednesday, I had gained 31lbs. Since then, I have lost 7lbs in JUST water weight.

You can't blame yourself unless you truly know you ate nothing but junk the entire pregnancy, which I am sure you didn't. We all want nothing but the best for our babies and certainly don't want to think we've harmed them in any way.

Additionally, I have seen multiple OBs are my office. While I get the same story from all of them most of the time, there are subtle differences in what they tell me. I got my Strep test and first internal at 35 weeks instead of 36 like I had been told by another doctor, etc, etc. Yesterday I was told I needed to come in next Wednesday for an appointment then go the the perinatologist afterwards for a NST. At first the OBs office didn't want to offer me a wednesday appt but I pushed a little and got them to concede. Then the perinatologist is triple booked next week and couldn't offer me an NST until Friday unless I did it through L&D. It's frustrating seeing so many people and trying to coordinate what the doctor wants with what can actually be done!
Very excited about today's events girls! Really doesn't sound like it'll be long!!! :)

Good luck AJ & Jaime!!!

Aruppe - Don't beat yourself up about the weight gain/baby size. You haven't done anyhing wrong. I too think that different bodies react to pregnancy in different ways & for me there has been a massive difference in my weight between my two pregnancies, even though I'm not following a different diet. Who knows what causes it?!

Nikki - Congrats on your casino win! Hope your placenta holds out & Ella gets to full term - glad the issue has been picked up & taken seriously :hugs:
Checking in on you ladies! Sounds like Jaime and AJ you both are moving right towards holding your jellybeans!

I'm trying some crazy cleaning hoping I can get things moving in the right direction as you girls! 13 days to go ... I am so ready. DH is too. He is getting excited to have his other little girl here. Clean clean clean! lol!

Aruppe don't be so hard on yourself. When I was pregnant with DD I ate junk ... literally the entire time. At one point I ate an entire box of brownies ... by myself ...in one day. :dohh: With her I gained 52lbs and was as big as a house!! This time, I've been watching my portions and drinking tons of water ... I've gained 60lbs and am not swollen at all. I'm also a lot smaller than I was with DD so really like one of the other girls said, it is all about how your body reacts during a pregnancy. I really think doctors sometimes have no brains and don't know what they are talking about. I started out 20lbs lighter than when I got pregnant with DD too and have still gained more weight. It all makes no sense. Our bodies work how they do and your little jellybean is just fine! When DD was born she was super healthy despite my horrible eating habits so don't let them get to you. I think the doctors forget that women have been doing this for a LOOOOOONG time without all this intervention and opinions from them. You are just fine! :thumbup::thumbup::hugs:
Finally caught up! Everything went haywire since I was last on.

LittleJ - I'm so glad to see you back and glad to hear you and baby are doing ok. I'm sorry about the surgeries but hopefully once it is all done and over with, things will be great for you.

Ditty- I hope things only continue to improve and you get to go home quickly.

Nikki - Glad to hear no pre-e! Glad you are home resting and I hope the testing comes out with good news.

Ducky - hang in there! I read in your parenting journal that you pumped a good bit. Go with it! I know sometimes it takes a little time getting things adjusted. I would say to do both bf and supplement if you can until perhaps his weight catches up and your milk catches up to him. But if it doesn't work out and formula is the way you will have to go, don't beat yourself up. When it comes down to it, food is food and you aren't less because of it.

Jrowen - maybe baby is on his way! :thumbup:

Darkstar - sorry baby is still breech. I hope you don't have to fight them on trying to turn. I know it will be exciting to get a set date of when you will be meeting your LO.

AFM: We went shopping for 6 hours today and it didn't do anything for me. Actually I felt great. :dohh: My feet were a little tired but no aches or pains. :baby: didn't even seem to be effected by my constant walking. I didn't even have the first BH ... not one!! It makes no sense... if I spend 10 minutes cleaning up my kitchen, I have BH ... I go shopping for 6 hours NOTHING! I think she has no intention of leaving her warm spot. I also have been having heart burn from hell again for the last two days. :shrug: It may be a change in my diet that is causing it. I'm just so done with it as nothing really helps.
On another note, I do feel like she turned over and is now facing my back. Her movements changed and I felt like she started beating and punching my insides instead of pushing on my stomach. :shrug: Honestly I have no idea what is going on in there. :haha::haha:

Wow, Sassy! You are one busy momma!

Hubby and I dtd about 2 and a half hours ago and I am in so much pain I can't sleep. My belly and low abdomen are hurting soo badly. I got up to pee and I can't walk bc it feels sooo heavy and painful : (
Definitely sounds like the beginning of something!

i think my lil bean may be showing her face soon!! Constant BH's and she's moved into the middle of my belly instead of sitting on the sides as she normally does and just uncomfortable :( and she's def head's down too

Jenny, hope it will be soon for you!!!

Ladies I saw someone posted this..its a fun survey when you will go into labor! I was told 3-7 days early haha
Haha, this is what it said for me:
You won't need to try any secret recipes to bring on labor. Have your emergency numbers ready. Don't wait until the last minute to get your nursery ready. We predict your baby will come 1-2 weeks early. Your baby will most likely be born in the morning. Justmommies predicts that your baby will weigh approximately 6.2 pounds and that your labor will be about 10 hours long.


So lets just say things kinda just hit me and got real.

I went to my doctors appointment today and the placenta is showing aging and deterioration like they suspected since my insulin needs went way down... I had a NST and baby wasnt being reactive enough so they repeated the NST an hour later and she was a little bit more reactive... I was checked internally due to my uterus being irritable and I am now 50% effaced, still 1 cm dilated, and baby dropped to -1 position. I am being sent to the specilaist office tomorrow afternoon for anther ultrasound to check blood cord flow and the placenta again, growth etc instead of my regular scheduled apptmnt next wednesday..

and then they came in with all of my papers and made me sign my life away in case of a c-section... what to do when my water breaks, or if i get more contractions... Its all one big blur, so I am trying to wrap my head around it all..

Thinking of you, Nikki! :hugs: I am sorry your are having these complications with your placenta! Bright side, you might be holding Ella soon! <3

Will be thinking of you Nikki, sounds like you may be holding Ella soon!

Anyone else got really sore boobs? I even had stabbing pains in mine and I just dreamt I was breastfeeding, maybe because they were hurting in my sleep?

Off for blood tests today, I am worried they will find more protein after the urine test yesterday and what that means :/

I've got the same kind of thing that happens to me. I usually just massage my breasts and express a bit of colostrum and the pain stops.

Oh Ladies, hoping all of our jellybeans come by safe! Will be thinking of you!

I have a theory LOL Once one of us starts to actually labor, we will all go down like dominoes hahaha.

I like your theory! Seems like we have a couple of ladies about to start us off!!

I did the perineum massage today and (tmi) got covered in loads of creamy white discharge, it looked liked I'd dipped my finger in hand cream! I presume this is normal?

Totally normal, Melly. I finally got around to having my hubby do my perineal massage and he sort of complained about the gooey, creamy white discharge.

I'm home! Baby and I are doing great!

I had gained 5lbs in 6 days and just lost 6lbs in one day!!!

I passed my 24hr urine test so no diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. All of my blood pressures after admission were normal. I had no protein in my urine. And all of my labs are normal. The doctor can't ignore the two super high readings from in the office but he's not so concerned at this point. No medications.

I am to be on modified bed rest from now until birth which is fine with me (until I get the urge to nest again).
If I get hypertension again and they can't control it, I will be induced ASAP. If I get it and it's controlled, I will be induced at 39 weeks. Pray rest keeps it at bay and yesterday was a fluke.

I also found out I am Group B Strep Negative and I am effaced but not dilated yet.
Thanks for all of you kind words! <3 you all!

Great news, Ditty! Glad you and baby are doing alright!

Well I don't think I'm in labor, but my body does seem to be cleansing itself, had BMs twice yesterday and now I'm up again at 4:30am for another one which never happens. This is how my sis's labor started but I don't want to be too optimistic. Having what might be contractions or BH, I just assume its cuz of the BM but we'll see if it continues.

Eta: Had quite a bit of pink when I wiped too, maybe that's the show? I dunno, don't want to get too excited. Still having contractions but haven't timed them yet.

Contractions still coming, so far between 6-8 mins apart, a little over 1 min long each time. Boy do these things hurt! I have to get on all 4s or stand up each time I feel one coming, how do ppl do this on their backs! I'm dreading real contractions if these are so bad already.
AJ, definitely sounds like labor to me!! How exciting!!!

Omg these period type cramps are killllling me! And my hips feel like their spreading apart!!!

Sounds normal, I've been feeling my hips widen too. It really sucks because it keeps me up at night.

hahaha! I just talked to my mom and she said I am going through the exact same thing she did with her first baby! She said she was spotting and then got period like cramps and then a couple hours later my brother was born! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got everything crossed for you, Jaime! Hope this is it!!!

Gave my midwife the heads up so she knows to be ready. Had to upgrade from a liner to a pad, *TMI* having both blood and mucus. Managed to get a nap between contractions and then a hot shower which felt awesome! But that messed up my counting so not sure how frequent they are now or anything, monitoring them again to see. Bouncing on my ball and keeping a hot water bottle nearby for my back, gonna see if I can manage a bit of walking too.

Eta: finally got my bag all packed :haha:

Oh, yeah.... definitely sounds like your in labor, hun! :happydance:

Had my 37 week appt and left so frustrated!! I had to wait forever and then was told I don't start getting internals until next week. I had a trace of protein in my urine but bp is good. I tested positive for group b. Then even though I was told that they no longer do fundal height at my last appt, she measured and I'm still 3 weeks ahead. She had a resident training with her and I felt a little like I wasn't there because she kept talking around me. I get another ultrasound next week because baby measured big and I've gained too much weight. This is after last week a different doctor didnt seem concerned about any of it. I then went to make my appt and they tried to push me off until almost 39 weeks and the only time slot I could get was with the dr I like the least in the afternoon on Friday when the wait is the worst. I tried to make this appt last week and they wouldnt let me and now they have pretty much no time slots left! Ugh...

I came home so upset because I felt like such a bad mom because of the weight gain. I know I've gained a lot, and I probably could have eaten better, but I have a ton of swelling and it's not like i sat at home for months eating candy! I just worry they'll decide to do an induction or c because of mine and the baby's size... While it would be nice to go early I hate to think I may have put my baby at a higher risk of complications because I didn't eat enough salad. Luckily my dh is wonderful and has managed to say some great things to help calm me down. I was just so frustrated- it seemed like nothing could go right :(

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I am sorry you had such a rough appt., Amanda. Don't feel like a bad mom, hun. You are not a bad mom... things happen and sometimes we have no control over them. I will be thinking of you and baby. I am sure you both will be just fine, extra weight or not. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

AFM: Full term today! Can't believe I am 37 weeks and only have 3 weeks to go! :happydance: Sorry I have been MIA so much.. It seems like every time I try to catch up, my laptop dies and I lose my post!! As for how things have been going... I finally got around to having hubby do my perineal massage and had him check my cervix while he was down there!! He felt the baby's head! OMG, it was so cool.. he was like, "Um, I think I feel the baby's head!" I'm glad because he totally confirmed for me the baby is head down and engaging!! I've been getting a lot more BH over the past week and baby has been more rolly and less kicky, lol... bit more pushy too. I'm so excited to meet my little yellow bundle and am so excited that we may have 2 more Jellybeans soon!!! Will be on edge for updates from AJ and Jaime!! Hope everyone else is doing great and sorry to anyone I missed!! Finally glad to be caught up, though!!
Thanks, ladies!! Its hard because as a dancer I lived through image issues for years. I never had an eating problem but was always unhappy with myself. Having stopped dancing and living the life I do now, I am so much happier. But it's amazing how fast those old feelings can come back with the mention of my weight. I tend to not weigh myself or worry too much about it. I told the nurse today not to tell me my weight bc I don't want to know. She had a very snotty attitude about it like I was ridiculous and irresponsible. I just know myself and if I weigh myself regularly, I will obsess. Sigh. Hopefully the doctor next week is kinder. And I guess the worst that could happen is they want me to have the baby a week earlier...
Thanks, ladies!! Its hard because as a dancer I lived through image issues for years. I never had an eating problem but was always unhappy with myself. Having stopped dancing and living the life I do now, I am so much happier. But it's amazing how fast those old feelings can come back with the mention of my weight. I tend to not weigh myself or worry too much about it. I told the nurse today not to tell me my weight bc I don't want to know. She had a very snotty attitude about it like I was ridiculous and irresponsible. I just know myself and if I weigh myself regularly, I will obsess. Sigh. Hopefully the doctor next week is kinder. And I guess the worst that could happen is they want me to have the baby a week earlier...

Aww man, so sorry! Sometimes I wonder if they forget we are paying them, not the other way around. Ugh! Hubby doesn't like going to my appointments because they are just 5 minutes long. And about the weight sweetie, don't worry, we will all have time to eventually get back on track after babies are here. And you look wonderful anyhow. Don't worry!! :hugs:
I have an appointment today too. I have to call the cab at 2, hoping I get there by 3... and also had to schedule with another doctor because mine is probably skiing somewhere LOL
I have an appointment today too. I have to call the cab at 2, hoping I get there by 3... and also had to schedule with another doctor because mine is probably skiing somewhere LOL

Hope you have a good appt., DeeDee! And a safe trip there and back home! :hugs:

How are you holding up, AJ? Are you progressing anymore or have things calmed down?
Started walking around a bit and the contractions are now a consistent 5 mins apart (4 mins + to be exact) and lasting about 1 min 10 seconds. I find that sitting flat on my but during contractions makes it hurt less so I've been doing that, walking and then sitting thru each one and walking some more. My midwife seems to think this is it so she's getting her stuff together to get to me. I said no worries, I think you have time, she said that's what you think! It may not take as long as you think! So I'm hoping she's right. Let's see!
38 week check for me . . . BP was high, she redone it and it was fine. Urine was fine. Measuring 43 at 38 but I swear each midwife measures me differently!
She said she didn't think baby was back to back and was 3/5 engaged! Don't think he'll arrive any day soon from what she was saying so will keep on with the ball to try and get him fully engaged and also squats
Not much progression here. Just some contractions spaced out and still bleeding but not enough to raise an eyebrow
Thinking of you AJ, you sound very calm. Find a focal point, that helps. Exciting you will have baby in your arms soon!

Sounds like a good appointment Sonia
I read that fundal height doesnt mean anything after 37 weeks but who knows.

Charlie, awesome you have a date already. I should get one on Monday unless my breech boy turns this weekend!
38 week check for me . . . BP was high, she redone it and it was fine. Urine was fine. Measuring 43 at 38 but I swear each midwife measures me differently!
She said she didn't think baby was back to back and was 3/5 engaged! Don't think he'll arrive any day soon from what she was saying so will keep on with the ball to try and get him fully engaged and also squats

I thought that being 3/5 or more in pelvis is classed as engaged?
38 week check for me . . . BP was high, she redone it and it was fine. Urine was fine. Measuring 43 at 38 but I swear each midwife measures me differently!
She said she didn't think baby was back to back and was 3/5 engaged! Don't think he'll arrive any day soon from what she was saying so will keep on with the ball to try and get him fully engaged and also squats

I thought that being 3/5 or more in pelvis is classed as engaged?

I don't have a clue what it means? I don't know if engaged or not?
Thought id fill u ladies in: 12/20/12 @ 8:46am Braxton Cole came lnto the world just over 34 weeks. He was 6lbs 8oz and 20 inches. Hes doing well but will he in the NICU for a week or so. Hes so adorable i am in love! Ill keep u posted!

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