I had a 2nd degree tear last time and they let me go home without having a BM. I've had friends with a 3rd degree tear who have had to stay in to pass a BM. It took me 10 days to go in the end. Yes I was bloody sore but I think I'd done so much pushing (hour and a half) that I couldn't even function properly down there and, by the time things started to recover, I was bunged up.
I had support from the docs and MW and ended up on something called movical. I'd say just make sure you're eating plenty of fibre and drinking lots of fluids, especially if you're BFing. It's something I've learnt from and I have a bag of prunes already packed in my hospital bag.
This morning I can't tell if I'm suddenly producing loads of watery CM, leaking waters or have just become incontinent.
Hubby got home at 6.30am from a night shift and, while I was talking to him, I had a small stabby feeling in my cervix. It wasn't like the stabby feeling and instant wetness when my waters went last time but I felt a bit of a trickle and my knickers got soaked. I've put in a panty liner and will see what happens. MW is coming this morning anyway for an antenatal check and to bring the home birth kit.
The daughter is calling - better go.