She arrived at 5:10 pm after three pushes.
it was a crazy ride. I'll update tomorrow after I get some rest. But she's perfect.
YAY, Snow! Can't wait to hear your birth story and see pics! Rest well and enjoy your little girl!!!
I googled it...
it was like googling "booger" wuahahaha.
I googled it too...
some were pretty gross.. but still its good to arm ourselves with info! even if we are slightly disturbed by it
Hi everyone. Thank you for all your kind messages!
It's a girl!!!
Violet Mae was born 12/26 at 2:51pm. She weighs 6lb 4.5oz and is 19"! A little peanut. My story is very long as I was allowed to labor for 48 hrs with broken water. Violet was born with one push! She beautiful and perfect and my DH is smitten.
Will post story later!
Congratulations, Ditty!! Beautiful name! Cannot wait to read your story and see pics!!! Hope you are resting well!!
I am thoroughly fed up. I have just been to the midwife and she said that the baby was 4/5ths engaged as opposed to the 3/5ths I was told last time (different midwife this time). I feel like things are going backwards now instead of forwards.
I mentioned about the snot like discharge and she said it sounds like the plug. I was also asking her about my crusty yellow nipples which I've had since about 10 weeks and which gross me out a bit when I think about feeding the baby and she suggested I go and see the doctor to get them checked out, so off this afternoon to see the doctor. Am a bit worried in case it's something I should have brought up earlier. Feeling a bit sad and tearful now, although just stuffed my face with chocolate so feeling marginally better. Sorry for the moan.
I'm not sure about the 5ths.. but the nipples sound like mine. For me though, it is just colostrum leaking and drying to the skin. I used vitamin e oil on them and it softens up enough for me to gently rub off.
I'm having really strong period type cramps, not sure if it means anything?
Sounds like it might be the start of something! Keep us updated, hun!!
I can only hope my coughing doesn't give me a pulled muscle. I think I would sit and cry if I had to deal with anymore. I find that when I first wake up is the worst as it seems my lungs are trying to clear out stuff that has been sitting all night. I ended up sleeping on the love seat last night so DH could sleep. I was keeping him up all night with coughing and weird snoring because of the position I was in. I slept better once I got on the couch but now my back and neck and shoulders are all out of whack!
Oh, you poor dear! Rayven picked something up a few days ago (thinking from a friend of ours who was just getting over something or from church) and I feel like I am trying to come down with it now too. I hope you start feeling better, Sassy. I know it's not very fun to be sick and heavily pregnant!
ARuppe- You could try some vitamin e oil on your itchy spots. It works really well for me. My whole bump was itching really bad yesterday and I asked hubby to rub me down with the vitamin e oil and the itching stopped almost immediately! It's worth a try if it can give you some relief!!!
Sonia- Woo hoo! Hope this is the start of something!!!
Okay, now I want to say thank you to both of my lovely Secret Santas! DeeDee and Ginger! Thank you both so much for your lovely cards and lovely bracelets! I love them! I hope you like your gifts and cards and I had so much fun waiting for your cards to arrive!!! And thank you to all the ladies who participated and I hope you enjoyed playing our little Secret Santa. Much
and tons of
to you all!!