January Labor Watch!

Oh wow ladies!! Shell that is amazing news! Such kudos to you for wanting natural for twins!! I think it's fabulous!!!

No baby here either. Appt this afternoo . In exactly four and a half hours. Lol. Not that I'm hoping for good news or anything. I do doubt I'll get an induction date or be checked but I might ask. This prelabor is killing m . But now the head cold is worse and my body is ahhh emptying. Sigh! Its always something!!
Pix that sucks :( I have been hiding in my house so I didn't catch anything going around. Mix some honey and hot lemon water!!

I feel like straight crap today! Contractions got sooooo bad last night then just stopped. I've had a few this am and cramping some. But now I keep feeling like I have to poo reaaaally bad and I get to the loo and I don't!! It keeps coming and going >_< (tmi, sorry!) I want this to end @_@
I'm 38 weeks today, due jan 17th. I've just been admitted to L&D/maternity ward. Contractions 5 mins apart. They're keeping me overnight and waiting for some progression! It still doesn't feel real! I can't wait to meet my little man!!! Wish me luck ladies :)
Flannz94 yay go you hope he's here soon !!
Good luck Flannz!!

Shells, I'm so glad that you might be able to be induced! Fxd for you!!

I am so ready for these next 12 days to go by quickly. Today I feel like I'm in one long, never-ending contraction. Pretty much painless for the most part, but my stomach is so tight! Even DH noticed and said something about it this morning, and he never notices anything :)
Oh wow!! Good luck!!

Had a horrible appt today... She went to do a sweep and my cervix is still posterior. Long and hard and not dialated. So all this prodromal labor has gotten me nowhere. So a bunch of checks next Friday and I'm looking at a decision of induction. Or csection... I have a week to go into labor. If nothing by next week I will probably have a csection. I'm a very sad panda and its not at all what I wanted.
Hang on in there everyone, theres no need to induce labour artificially with syntocinon unless your over 2 weeks late and baby is in danger. Babies tell you when theyre due, doctors EDD's are a very rough estimate remember. Of course always pay close attention to your baby's movements and if they reduce see midwife right away. Inducing babies to come earlier than they should could mean that your labour will not go as smoothly and will be more likely to need further medical intervention. I wish you all safe and smooth labours when the time comes! I'm waiting too....
Hi ladies, I decided to pop on in here as I'm also on January Labor Watch! I'm 39+3 today, and looking for any signs that baby is coming. Aside from 2 cramps this evening (almost 2 hours apart) I've had absolutely no signs that our LO is on his way. A week ago at an ultrasound to check placenta (it was fine and moved up nicely), we were informed that I had mild excess amniotic fluid and LO was weighing in at 8.5lbs. If he's growing a lb per week then he'll be around 9 - 10lbs when he's born. I'm hoping he comes sooner than later, and my Dr. will probably give me an induction date at my appointment on Monday. I've done a stress test this week and everything was fine. Just don't want him to get too big in there and of course we are dying to meet him already.
Hang on in there everyone, theres no need to induce labour artificially with syntocinon unless your over 2 weeks late and baby is in danger. Babies tell you when theyre due, doctors EDD's are a very rough estimate remember. Of course always pay close attention to your baby's movements and if they reduce see midwife right away. Inducing babies to come earlier than they should could mean that your labour will not go as smoothly and will be more likely to need further medical intervention. I wish you all safe and smooth labours when the time comes! I'm waiting too....

Oh I know. The issue is polyhydraminos. My uterus is contracting but not doing what it needs to because of the fluid levels. He can't engage. I know things can change fast and I'm sure hoping they do. So sex, walking, step jogging, jumping jacks, are all on this weeks schedule.
Because of previous placental issues at birth they need to check that too. This Lil one is being rather dramatic!!!
Hi ladies, I decided to pop on in here as I'm also on January Labor Watch! I'm 39+3 today, and looking for any signs that baby is coming. Aside from 2 cramps this evening (almost 2 hours apart) I've had absolutely no signs that our LO is on his way. A week ago at an ultrasound to check placenta (it was fine and moved up nicely), we were informed that I had mild excess amniotic fluid and LO was weighing in at 8.5lbs. If he's growing a lb per week then he'll be around 9 - 10lbs when he's born. I'm hoping he comes sooner than later, and my Dr. will probably give me an induction date at my appointment on Monday. I've done a stress test this week and everything was fine. Just don't want him to get too big in there and of course we are dying to meet him already.

Omgosh this sounds like I could have written it. Why I love this site you can always find someone who has been there or experiencing the same thing!!
Hi ladies, just thought I better do an update!
My contractions started at about 7pm last night and were 5 mins apart, they gradually got worse and then all of a sudden stopped at 6.30 this morning. They done an internal and I wasn't dilated at all, my cervix was soft but still a little high. She tried to do a sweep as well but couldn't. They didn't really say much about why they just stopped, just that it wasn't braxton hicks and that early labour can go on for quite some time.. The midwife taught me how to hand express and she said they swear that if you do it often enough each day it can bring on labour. So she gave me some syringes and things and I'm going to try that.
I'm a bit frustrated that after all that I really had no progression and I'm not really sure why they just stopped. I didn't expect to have to leave without him. The baby is posterior so hopefully he rolls over before I go into labour again!

How is everyone else going?
aw flannz poor you i hope baby arrives soon for you im sure he will
well still waiting here my mum is convinced baby will arrive next week i looked at my bump in the mirror yesterday couldnt believe how much its dropped lol midwife did say she was fully engaged i just never noticed.
keep getting plenty of braxton hicks especially in an evening but apart from that nothing much shes wiggling loads as usual
got my breastfeeding prep class tuesday at 39 weeks they have left it that late !
hope we have some babies over the weekend
hows everyone else today
Aww flannz how frustrating!
Im still getting braxton hicks but seems thats all they are...I have a really bad cold aswell so hoping to clear it out before I go into labour as I had a chest infection when in labour with ds and it was horrid :(
Im all ready for lo to come out now though. Cold or no cold...officially had enough now and can barely walk and as of last app he's not even engaged yet,yet feels like he's going to drop out every time I stand up lol! X
Flannz I feel ya :( that keeps happening to me every night for the next week. Try that nipple stimulation- it's supposed to work wonders!! Do it in 4 min intervals on each nipple. Have some good sex and those two should get the ball rolling! I hope that attempted sweep does something for you <3

I swear LO is coming any time now. I keep getting contractions lately and losing disgusting amounts of plug. Anyone else having this? It's quite nasty >_<
Omgosh this sounds like I could have written it. Why I love this site you can always find someone who has been there or experiencing the same thing!!

Do you also have the excess amniotic fluid? And a larger baby?? What is your doctor suggesting? The dr. that did the ultrasound in the hospital suspected GD, but my ObGyn doesn't think that at all - as for me, I'm not sure what to think lol. :shrug:
Good luck and safe delivery to all those moms who are close. I am sick of being huge and not being able to do what I normally do. My older kids continually ask when the baby is coming. I would love to say in 17 days but the reality is I fully expect to have a February birthday, boo hoo hoo.... I have been feeling anxious since 35 weeks... oh well, I have a date night with my husband tonight... it'll be the last time in a long while, so I will try to enjoy it. :) I'm looking forward to seeing some arrival news! :)
Omgosh this sounds like I could have written it. Why I love this site you can always find someone who has been there or experiencing the same thing!!

Do you also have the excess amniotic fluid? And a larger baby?? What is your doctor suggesting? The dr. that did the ultrasound in the hospital suspected GD, but my ObGyn doesn't think that at all - as for me, I'm not sure what to think lol. :shrug:

I do! My levels fluctuate every week. One week normal the next week too high. Which is why they suspect he won't engage.
No GD and no issues at all just an odd pregnancy with that issue being the only one. Yet its creating a chain reaction of random drama. I have a bunch of testing on Friday to determine where to go from there. I'm trying not to worry too much but its hard! Hoping my body decides to get its stuff together so all will be well.
Hi ladies, I'm on January watch too!

I'm actually a planned section for January 20th. But yesterday I started having contractions, like two minutes apart, seriously strong and intense, for about two hours! So I headed to the hospital and was admitted to the antenatal ward. I didn't dilate at all, and my contractions eventually stopped around 6am this morning. They gave me steroid injections just to be cautious, but I'm happy nothing came of it yet - I know baby is pretty much term but I'd rather wait until his planned arrival date! Poor OH was frantically packing my maternity bag at 11pm last night just incase we needed it :haha:
Aww, flannz, that sucks :( Hopefully things start back up for you soon and I hope baby rolls over for you.

I've been trying to figure out if I might be in the early stages. This morning I woke up nauseous, crampy, with mild back pains and lots of pressure, that would come in waves. I went to the store and had just pressure that while time, but as soon as I got back home and sat down, I had some stronger contractions. They eventually stopped too, but I've had a constant ache in my belly since, urges to go to the bathroom(and can't really go much if at all), and just a couple more strong contractions. My SH is wanting to have sex to see if that gets things going stronger(or so he says :D I think he just misses sex) I might just try it and see what happens.

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