January moms?


I am due with my first (second pregnancy)...not confidentially predicted to be a girl...on January 18th.

I am in love with having a baby in January. Because its such an exciting thing I want my plate filled up so I dont have to feel as though I am sitting around waiting. I love that the winter holidays are approaching because they are something to occupy my attention and keep me "busy".

I currently work two jobs - one full-time in law and the other 3 nights a week as a dance instructor. So I clearly love being busy!

doing hospital tours? I am not sure, the hospital I will be using hasn't topped up my midwife clinic with registration forms yet.
setting up the nursery? I plan on painting the nursery at the end of November with a friend. At that point hopefully we can get the furniture in before Christmas. We aren't worried about decorating until after baby just because our scan tech so easily brushed off her gender guess for us
buying coming home outfits? We have a couple in mind already
Hi! I am due Jan 18. However I am only 28 weeks and measuring 30+ weeks due to GD. So I might be delivering early too. Hoping we can stay in Jan though!

Wrighly- what did your doc say about delivery and GD? are they inducing? if so when? c-section?
xjesz: hey bump buddy! I am due with a girl on Jan 18!
Hi! I am due Jan 18. However I am only 28 weeks and measuring 30+ weeks due to GD. So I might be delivering early too. Hoping we can stay in Jan though!

Wrighly- what did your doc say about delivery and GD? are they inducing? if so when? c-section?

not too sure yet hun I dont see consutant until Thursday but peanut is measuring big. Head was measuring 32 weeks when i was 28+4 so dont think they will let me go full term but we will see

Im hoping if i can get the GD under control that her growth will slow down
Hi all!

I'm due Jan 23rd with my 3rd baby (little boy).

I'm already on maternity leave from work :haha: Although don't get much chance to rest at home with DD around.

As for the questions;

When are you all...

doing hospital tours? Never, had both previous children there and seeing as DD was only last year, I doubt much will of changed.
setting up the nursery? What nursery? :rofl: He will be staying in my room until he is old enough to go in with DS. We need a bigger house!
buying coming home outfits? Something I've not even thought about to be honest. I had all of this organised with DD but this time around it's all just been left lol.
Thanks xjesx and shelliedeaks for answering the questions! I was thinking a survey or something similar might be fun for us all to go around and answer.
doing hospital tours? I did one already. Just to know what to expect, what they have and what they don't have (and I need to bring). Ours was free and only 1 hr... so why not! DH got to see what was there too in case he needed anything (food/help our family get to us...)

setting up the nursery? mine is all ready! Except some of the little things.. like changing pad/mattress for crib/ diapers... I have my shower Nov. 9th so hoping to get that stuff... if not then we will go get it after the shower.

buying coming home outfits? We have a TON of clothing... MOST passed down to us. I think Ill just pick out an outfit form what we have. Unless someone buys us something between now and then that I REALLY like and want to bring. Otherwise it will be something we already have.
Hiya ladies, can I join in too?

We're due on Jan 18th with a little girl. This is our second pregnancy, we already have a 3 year old son. So having a little girl on the way is lovely. OH has pretty much said no more kiddos after this so i'm super pleased we are having a little girl. (I had an additional scan to the 20 weeks scan to make sure she was really a girl lol :p)
DS is really excited too, which I love! He even took a pink teddy from my mums house and calls it HIS baby, a girl just like his baby sister. So sweet!

We have booked a hospital tour for the 7th of Dec. Its free and around an hour I think. In the beginning of this pregnancy I was admitted to the maternity ward because of some bleeding, but haven't actually been in the part of the hospital where LO will be born so wanted to see what its like and know where I will be going. Hospitals scare me, they are like one gigantic maze that I can never seem to find my way around lol.

As for the nursery, well LO will be in with myself and OH until she moves out the moses basket into the cot. The cot will be in our sons room so will be setting up her little area mid-end of November. I want to get all that out the way before xmas so that the focus is still on our son for xmas. Besides, it will save rushing about doing it when i'm much bigger lol.

A coming home outfit - we haven't got one yet. We do have quite a bit of clothing already. But haven't got a coming home outfit yet. Will most likely pick that up around xmas time.
Doing hospital tours? Not sure of they do them where i will be giving birth but have an appointment next week so will ask one of the MWs

Setting up the nursery? She will be in our room for a while and until our own bedroom is finished (needs a little work and new carpet put down) then Nursury will be done

Buying coming home outfits? Have lots of outfits here will just pick my favorite :)
I am due Jan 25 :) My first pregnancy ended in MMC at 10 weeks, and we got pregnant again right away.
I'm due January 5th by period but moved to the 13th from early scans. My second baby and second boy:) seems forever away, but the holidays make last trimester fly by I promise!
Hi all....I'm due January 19 but due to early blood pressure issues, Dr had said that I will likely be induced at 38 Weeks. I don't have GD but baby is measuring a few Weeks ahead and is 3lbs already so I'm wondering if she will come even earlier than that!!...right now she is breech but I'm desperately hoping that she will turn :)

I start my second round of prenatal classes on nov. 24 so a hospital tour will be a part of that.

We will be starting the nursery in the next few Weeks. We have everything, just need to paint first and I'll have my baby shower nov. 3.

No coming home outfit yet...waiting to see what I get at my shower and then I'll have a look around :)

I found the second tri went very fast. In off work already due to the bp issue and so far time us still going very fast!...hoping with the holidays coming up, time will continue to go quickly but not toooo fast!! I can't wait to meet her but I know I'll miss being pregnant too.
Am also due 1st Jan :) my first baby, a girl :) Still working and will be till 2 weeks before due date. Husband and I have been working on different continents since June due to some unplanned circumstances so I'm left fending for myself lol which is no piece of cake I must say! Flying mom here 15th Dec and she will hopefully be able to stay about 3 years helping with the baby :) Really anxious abt the birth and have read everything I could read to try and prepare myself... Wish I hadn't lol, I'm bricking it even more now lol :) Btw reading "raising girls" by Steve Biddulph and hoping to also complete "the wonder weeks" in preparation for the arrival of little Miss Princess lol :) My mom gave birth to both my brother and me 2 weeks after her due dates...I really hope I don't wait that long. On the other hand, I am in no way ready to give birth... So listening to some birth hypnosis recordings in the meantime to ease my fears... Hope you all have healthy pregnancies ladies! :)
I am due Jan 16 with our first (3rd pregnancy). I really don'twant to be iinduced and am hoping for a natural delivery but we are also crossing fingers baby will arrive a tad early and show up Dec 31! If not that's OK, FIL is crossing fingers and toes that baby shows up Jan 31 which is his birthday lol

I am calling Monday to set up a hospital tour/class. Not sure if we will do the one all day class or the 5 week 1 hour class though.

No plans for a nursery as baby will be in our room for a while. As for a ccoming home outfit I am undecided. I'm torn between getting something really special as a keepsake (but what size??) or just using something we already have.
brandonsgirl- bump buddy! both with girls!

Oh how exciting. Congratulations on your pregnancy! How's it going so far? Seems like the time has flown by already. Cant believe it was April that we found out we were pregnant. That was ages away but feels like just yday :baby:
I'm due January 24th and feeling slightly overwhelmed that people seem to have more knowledge than me?! How do you know what position baby is in and hospital tours?!? My next midwife appt isnt for another week and last one was 6 weeks ago so none of this has been discussed. I don't know whether uterus/bump is on track or "baby weight" yet. Should I know all this stuff by now?!
Here we have appointments every 4 weeks, moving to 2 weeks from 32 weeks. The widwife measures your fundal height at those to make sure baby is growing OK, but they dont do weights and things without ultrasounds I dont think.
As for position they feel the baby- they know what theyre feeling for, but they can send you for a scan if its getting closer to DDay and there is doubt about presentation. Baby is still flipping round in there right now! But will settle into a spot soon.

As for me, no tour as we keep forgetting (its a just turn up on the 2nd thursday or 4th tuesday of the month at 7pm kind of thing) but started classes last week.

Babies nursery is mostly liveable but not prettified. We're wanting to get everything sorted by the end of November as thats when it starts getting hot and I dont fancy running around after gumtree listings or putting shelves up at 37 weeks in 40oC temps!

And we kind of have a coming home outfit, but with the combination of potential 40oc weather and the hospital being 5 minutes drive away its not such a big thing!
I'm due Jan 12th with a baby girl and SOOOOO excited! :)

I'm due January 24th and feeling slightly overwhelmed that people seem to have more knowledge than me?! How do you know what position baby is in and hospital tours?!? My next midwife appt isnt for another week and last one was 6 weeks ago so none of this has been discussed. I don't know whether uterus/bump is on track or "baby weight" yet. Should I know all this stuff by now?!

I don't know this stuff either. At my appointment this week my OB said it's still a little too early to tell what position she is in. She said she might be able to tell at my next appt in 2 weeks. She told me to book when I'm 30 weeks to do the actual tour at 33 weeks (guess they need 3 weeks notice).
I'm due Jan 12th with a baby girl and SOOOOO excited! :)

I'm due January 24th and feeling slightly overwhelmed that people seem to have more knowledge than me?! How do you know what position baby is in and hospital tours?!? My next midwife appt isnt for another week and last one was 6 weeks ago so none of this has been discussed. I don't know whether uterus/bump is on track or "baby weight" yet. Should I know all this stuff by now?!

I don't know this stuff either. At my appointment this week my OB said it's still a little too early to tell what position she is in. She said she might be able to tell at my next appt in 2 weeks. She told me to book when I'm 30 weeks to do the actual tour at 33 weeks (guess they need 3 weeks notice).

I think most know weight and position with ultrasounds :) I had a private 3d at 26 wks and he was heads down when he was head up at 24 weeks at my re do anatomy scan. And the kicks are pretty good indication if they are heads down, as I get them a lot at the top of my bump. I did ask if he could feel his position at my 28 week appointment on Monday but he tried and said it was still too early to feel his head location.

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