January moms?

I hate being in third trimester forum at 27-36 weeks. I feel like its all about labor watching and feel so far away and nothing to talk about in the forums. But from past experience with my son...Halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas really help the time for us January mommies!
I hate being in third trimester forum at 27-36 weeks. I feel like its all about labor watching and feel so far away and nothing to talk about in the forums. But from past experience with my son...Halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas really help the time for us January mommies!

So true jennifer its all about labour here.. i ve been feeling outta place but then it also lets us know in advance what to expect. I am ftm so really helps too.. but glad this thread is there now for us :) we wont feel outta loop now ;)
Anyone had a scan at 28 weeks? Baby's abdominal circumference is lagging by a week. Rest all is fine. Weight is fine as well. At 19 weeks scan the abdominal circumference was ahead by 2 days. This scan was done at a new place. Any similar experience or thoughts anyone?
I'm due Jan 12th with a baby girl and SOOOOO excited! :)

I'm due January 24th and feeling slightly overwhelmed that people seem to have more knowledge than me?! How do you know what position baby is in and hospital tours?!? My next midwife appt isnt for another week and last one was 6 weeks ago so none of this has been discussed. I don't know whether uterus/bump is on track or "baby weight" yet. Should I know all this stuff by now?!

I don't know this stuff either. At my appointment this week my OB said it's still a little too early to tell what position she is in. She said she might be able to tell at my next appt in 2 weeks. She told me to book when I'm 30 weeks to do the actual tour at 33 weeks (guess they need 3 weeks notice).

I think most know weight and position with ultrasounds :) I had a private 3d at 26 wks and he was heads down when he was head up at 24 weeks at my re do anatomy scan. And the kicks are pretty good indication if they are heads down, as I get them a lot at the top of my bump. I did ask if he could feel his position at my 28 week appointment on Monday but he tried and said it was still too early to feel his head location.

My LO certainly has plenty of room at the minute as kicks range from deep down in my cervix to above my belly button and she's on a constant 360 spin. I should have a 6 pack with all the dancing and moving my belly has been doing ha ha! We have a private 3D scan at 29 weeks so I'll see what they say there too. I just feel like at this stage (even if there is still a while to go) that I should know certain things by now. Then again I like to be organised and prepared for everything way in advance so maybe just out of my comfort zone a bit!
I am due January 26th with another little girl. Can't believe only 3 months away now!
Im due Jan 27th with our first baby a little boy.
So pleased this thread is here as I dont feel ready to discuss labour yet :haha: x
shefali: Haven't had my 28-week scan yet but didn't want to read & run. I did some Googling and abdominal growth restriction apparently can be a sign of IUGR, but it seems like the abdominal measurement being small by itself wouldn't be enough to qualify as IUGR. Some ladies said that it indicates a lack of nutrients reaching the baby, some women said it could just mean that baby is going to be skinny. If it were IUGR, wouldn't overall weight be measuring behind as well? I assume they'll be checking back in a couple of weeks to see if it's still behind or if baby's abdomen has caught up to his/her cohorts. Is there a chance that the u/s tech just couldn't get the measurement properly? Was LO bunched up in a ball, making it hard to access the abdomen with the probe?
Hi ladies =) another January mama and baby here. I'm due Jan 17th with another little girl =D, we are hoping for a second birth centre birth and a first water birth. They didn't have enough time to run the bath for me last time because they didn't think that i would transition so quickly lol, so unfortunately i missed out on my water birth.

We had a private 3d scan last week and our little girl is head down already! (which explains the urge to constantly pee haha), Our fundal height is also measuring a week ahead as of my last appointment. My lg was a 8lb 8oz 56cm long bubba and i hid her pretty well last time, we are expecting a bubba that will be the same or a little heavier this time around too. Bring it on i say! =P
I'm due January 24th and feeling slightly overwhelmed that people seem to have more knowledge than me?! How do you know what position baby is in and hospital tours?!? My next midwife appt isnt for another week and last one was 6 weeks ago so none of this has been discussed. I don't know whether uterus/bump is on track or "baby weight" yet. Should I know all this stuff by now?!

I know this info because I've had extra ultrasounds due to my possible high blood pressure. So they can tell weight, measurement, position etc from that. Typically, for a non complicated pregnancy we only have an ultrasound at 20 Weeks and if lucky, 32 Weeks. Otherwise we have monthly Dr visits which progress to bi weekly and eventually to weekly and they'll check heartbeat and fundal growth but that's it really. So don't worry about not knowing some of those things :)
I'm due January 24th and feeling slightly overwhelmed that people seem to have more knowledge than me?! How do you know what position baby is in and hospital tours?!? My next midwife appt isnt for another week and last one was 6 weeks ago so none of this has been discussed. I don't know whether uterus/bump is on track or "baby weight" yet. Should I know all this stuff by now?!

I know this info because I've had extra ultrasounds due to my possible high blood pressure. So they can tell weight, measurement, position etc from that. Typically, for a non complicated pregnancy we only have an ultrasound at 20 Weeks and if lucky, 32 Weeks. Otherwise we have monthly Dr visits which progress to bi weekly and eventually to weekly and they'll check heartbeat and fundal growth but that's it really. So don't worry about not knowing some of those things :)
I had an Ultrasound at 28 weeks, baby was still sideways. She's been in the same position for every ultrasound, sideways with her thumb in her mouth. Measuring right on track.

I get another ultrasound in 3 1/2 weeks so maybe she will have moved by then :)
*** SURVEY ***

Hi everyone! OP here. I thought it might be fun to put a little survey on here so we can all talk about stuff that might be on our minds, and get to know each other! Answer as many or as few questions as you want! xoxo

January Moms Survey - 20 Questions

1. Due date:

2. Estimated delivery date:

3. Gender: do you know LO's gender?

4. Names: have you picked out names yet?

5. You: how are you feeling--has the pregnancy been easy or difficult so far?

6. Time: does it feel like time is flying or dragging to you?

7. Your OB/midwife: do you like your OB/midwife or have you had any issues with them?

8. OH/birth partner: if you are sharing this experience with an OH, how are they reacting? if you are doing this on your own (so much power to you mama!), have you chosen to have a birth partner to help you through the delivery/section?

9. TTC: what was your TTC journey like?

10. More kiddos: do you want to have more kiddos after this one?

11. One dream: what has your most vivid pregnancy dream/nightmare been?

12. Haha: give us one funny story from this pregnancy!

13. Birth plan: if you have one, what is it?

14. Visualization: have you visualized your delivery/section--if so, what do you see?

15. Projects: do you have any crafty projects or hobbies to pass the time?

16. Food: what is your number 1 craving?

17. Annoying: what's one annoying thing a total stranger has said to you about your pregnancy?

18. Zzzz: how are you sleeping at night?

19. Maternity clothes: how much have you spent on them?

20. Bump! Wanna show us your bump?
And here's my response to the survey questions

1. Due date: Jan 26th

2. Estimated delivery date: Jan 5th - Jan 20th

3. Gender: do you know LO's gender? Boy

4. Names: have you picked out names yet? We still can't decide what to call him!

5. You: how are you feeling--has the pregnancy been easy or difficult so far? Much easier than my pregnancy with DD during the first trimester. Much harder than my pregnancy with DD in the 2nd trimester. Generally feel okay except for being in pain all the time and having to take muscle relaxers so I can sleep at night :(

6. Time: does it feel like time is flying or dragging to you? Sorta feels like it's flying. It helps to have a 14 month old that I'm chasing around all the time

7. Your OB/midwife: do you like your OB/midwife or have you had any issues with them? I absolutely love my OB. She's younger than I am, she is super cool, down to earth. She is also very thorough and attentive, and will spent lots of time talking with me at each appointment. Both of her sons were born at 31 weeks so it's really nice to have a fellow 31-weeker mom taking care of me!

8. OH/birth partner: if you are sharing this experience with an OH, how are they reacting? if you are doing this on your own (so much power to you mama!), have you chosen to have a birth partner to help you through the delivery/section? I think DH forgets that I'm pregnant most of the time. It was definitely a much bigger deal with DD than with this pregnancy :(

9. TTC: what was your TTC journey like? We were very lucky to conceive quickly though we were told at first that this was a chemical pregnancy

10. More kiddos: do you want to have more kiddos after this one? Nope! All done. I cannot handle another pregnancy :)

11. One dream: what has your most vivid pregnancy dream/nightmare been? My worst dream was that LO was born very early, at 19-20 weeks, and with no skin. It was really terrifying. I remember not caring that he had no skin. What was terrifying was that there was no chance of him living. I was heartbroken and starting crying, which woke me up. I hate pregnancy dreams!

12. Haha: give us one funny story from this pregnancy! My mother in law told me I need to carry this baby to term (neglecting what the doctor and I have decided) and that "10 lb babies want to come out, and it's a very fast labor." Haha, I've heard otherwise from other women!

13. Birth plan: if you have one, what is it? No birth plan. After DD, I realized that there really is no point to me making one because things will never go as I planned!

14. Visualization: have you visualized your delivery/section--if so, what do you see? In my ideal vision, LO would be measuring 7lbs 10-14 oz and he would decide to come out on his own at a healthy full-term date (37 weeks plus). This way, I could have the experience I want--labor and a vaginal delivery--and would not have to have another C-section. DH and I will have put together an awesome Tool mix tape, and we'll get through labor with Tool songs. When DS is born, we'll both cry our eyes out and he'll be perfectly healthy and need no NICU stay. This would be a dream come true!

15. Projects: do you have any crafty projects or hobbies to pass the time? Painting and playing guitar

16. Food: what is your number 1 craving? Baby carrots

17. Annoying: what's one annoying thing a total stranger has said to you about your pregnancy? You're carrying too low. Is something wrong?

18. Zzzz: how are you sleeping at night? Very poorly--at most 4-5 hours a night

19. Maternity clothes: how much have you spent on them? Too, too much...

20. Bump! Wanna show us your bump? Sure!


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Good idea to get to know each other :) here are my answers..

1. Due date: 18th Jan 2014

2. Estimated delivery date: Same as above as far as I know.

3. Gender: do you know LO's gender? A little girl :pink: Had a second scan to double check lol.

4. Names: have you picked out names yet? yes, but it took us forever to decide so we're keeping it quiet for a little while. I kinda like having something only OH and I know at the moment. Makes it that bit more special :)

5. You: how are you feeling--has the pregnancy been easy or difficult so far?
Compared to my first pregnancy (textbook pregnancy with my son) the first trimester was terrifying. I had some spotting and worried like mad. But since the first tri was over I have loved every moment. It's been really easy and I've felt fantastic. :) I really am lucky compared to some ladies with their pregnancies.

6. Time: does it feel like time is flying or dragging to you? Since the first trimester had finished time seems to have just flown by. And with the impending holidays its only going to go by quicker I think.

7. Your OB/midwife: do you like your OB/midwife or have you had any issues with them? I have yet to meet the same mw twice in this pregnancy. Hopefully I will be meeting the main one at the surgery I will be having my visits at next week. When I moved surgeries the mw had retired and they hadn't found a replacement at that point.

8. OH/birth partner: if you are sharing this experience with an OH, how are they reacting? if you are doing this on your own (so much power to you mama!), have you chosen to have a birth partner to help you through the delivery/section? My OH is reacting much better to this pregnancy then our previous. But having said that, this pregnancy was planned and our first wasn't. I think knowing what to expect this time and understanding the pregnancy more has helped.

9. TTC: what was your TTC journey like? Short. Which is great because I'm a really impatient person lol. My first cycle off the pill we became pregnant :cloud9:

10. More kiddos: do you want to have more kiddos after this one? Yes indeed, we have a lovely 3 year old son (he will be 4 a month after baby is due.) And he is just so excited about his baby sister.

11. One dream: what has your most vivid pregnancy dream/nightmare been?
Hmm, i'm cant remember it exactly. But I do remember not to long ago waking up freaked out that the next door neighbours kids were trying to beat me up and I couldn't get to my son to keep him safe. We don't even have neighbours on the side that was in my dream. It was ever so odd. I hate dreaming about not being able to get to my son :nope:

12. Haha: give us one funny story from this pregnancy! Not really a funny story, but I have had terrible baby brain this time around! Sentances just don't seem to be leaving my mouth the way I had worded them in my head lol. Makes for interesting conversations lol.

13. Birth plan: if you have one, what is it? I don't really have one at the moment. Although it is on my list of things that I need to think about. I would really like to go into labour naturally though. With my son I had to be induced due to them thinking my waters had started to 'trickle' and could cause infection.

14. Visualization: have you visualized your delivery/section--if so, what do you see? Pain meds this time. Lol. I don't want to mess around with gas&air or that one injection that begins with P lol. That made me sick :nope: If I need pain meds (which I will lol) I want to think about epidural. When they rushed me into theatre for a emergency C-section (which thankfully I didn't need in the end) they gave me a spinal block and it was so nice to feel the pain disappear.

15. Projects: do you have any crafty projects or hobbies to pass the time?
Ohhh yeah! I have made loads of things so far, in fact I have a thread with a couple ladies on here that share our ideas and finished projects.

16. Food: what is your number 1 craving? At the moment, KitKat Chunkies lmao!

17. Annoying: what's one annoying thing a total stranger has said to you about your pregnancy? 'Don't get too excited (about her being a girl) how terrible would it be if you gave birth and she became a boy!'

18. Zzzz: how are you sleeping at night? With lots of loo breaks and tossing and turning. Only thing making it slightly easier is my maternity pillow and an understanding husband lmao.

19. Maternity clothes: how much have you spent on them? Really not a huge amount. I have one pair of maternity leggings, two pairs of maternity jeans, one maternity top and that's about it. I do have some 3/4 length mat jeans and some mat linin trousers, but I don't wear them. They feel uncomfortable.

20. Bump! Wanna show us your bump? Course, someone mentioned I look like I'm ready to pop :( but i'm actually feeling much smaller at this point then when I was pregnant with my son. And with him I did get HUGE towards the end lol.


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I hate being in third trimester forum at 27-36 weeks. I feel like its all about labor watching and feel so far away and nothing to talk about in the forums. But from past experience with my son...Halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas really help the time for us January mommies!

So true jennifer its all about labour here.. i ve been feeling outta place but then it also lets us know in advance what to expect. I am ftm so really helps too.. but glad this thread is there now for us :) we wont feel outta loop now ;)

I loved it in here with my first baby, I learned so much about things to expect and stuff like what mucous plug was etc. It's very helpful :) I guess I feel I have no questions second time around so there's not much to do in here :haha:
Beautiful bump brandonsgirl! So they thought your waters were leaking but were they? Sorry you had to have the induction but it's good that they were being so diligent about your son's safety!
Anyone had a scan at 28 weeks? Baby's abdominal circumference is lagging by a week. Rest all is fine. Weight is fine as well. At 19 weeks scan the abdominal circumference was ahead by 2 days. This scan was done at a new place. Any similar experience or thoughts anyone?

Thought over experience - just as kids babies are going to grow at all different rates and those differences determine the average. I wouldn't worry. :)
1. Due date: January 18th

2. Estimated delivery date: ummm same as above.

3. Gender: do you know LO's gender? a girl

4. Names: have you picked out names yet? yes. From horror stories I have read on here we have decided to keep our final choices between us, also its a fun and a sweet thing to keep a secret between just us, our growing little family.

5. You: how are you feeling--has the pregnancy been easy or difficult so far?
Everything has been wonderful so far. No bleeding, no cramping, no ligament pain, my sciatic nerve hasn't been a problem which is shocking because I have a herniated disk at S1/L5, no sore boobs, no sickness, no aversions...I think labour karma may come get me haha.

6. Time: does it feel like time is flying or dragging to you? DRAGGING!!!!!!! I am trying to keep unbelievably busy. Working full-time, plus a part-time and trying to keep my weekends filled.

7. Your OB/midwife: do you like your OB/midwife or have you had any issues with them? No issues. If I did I wouldn't be with her.

8. OH/birth partner: if you are sharing this experience with an OH, how are they reacting? if you are doing this on your own (so much power to you mama!), have you chosen to have a birth partner to help you through the delivery/section? no reaction. My OH and I are the type that say, well this is what we signed on for, so thats that.

9. TTC: what was your TTC journey like? Long and painful. 4 months to conceive then miscarriage then after recovery another 4 months to conceive this angel. I say long because my OH and I are young healthy individuals so looking at statistic that say we shouldnt have a problem is a frustrating thing that should have been avoided.

10. More kiddos: do you want to have more kiddos after this one? Let's just get through this one hahaha. Ideally yes.

11. One dream: what has your most vivid pregnancy dream/nightmare been?
I can only describe it as Aqua Jumanji (the hollywood movie about the jungle board game that comes to life).

12. Haha: give us one funny story from this pregnancy! I was recently a bridesmaid for a dear friend. In the handicap stall while helping the bride use the washroom with a fellow bridesmaid, we laughed and I pee a little in my dress. We were having a deep gutted laugh and I stopped dead in the middle because I had to pee. The worst part was I had just used the washroom and popped over to help.

13. Birth plan: if you have one, what is it? To get this baby out of me. A hospital birth.

14. Visualization: have you visualized your delivery/section--if so, what do you see? I see a beautiful healthy baby girl in my arms making the last hours and hours and hours seem like seconds.

15. Projects: do you have any crafty projects or hobbies to pass the time?

16. Food: what is your number 1 craving? Still waiting for a craving.

17. Annoying: what's one annoying thing a total stranger has said to you about your pregnancy? I don't let those things bother me. People usually just mean well or have no experience themselves. Pregnant woman are hormonal the only thing you can say to one without getting criticized is your bump looks perfect.

18. Zzzz: how are you sleeping at night? One bathroom break around 2am.

19. Maternity clothes: how much have you spent on them? Not enough. They are my favourite clothes right now.

20. Bump! Wanna show us your bump? Nope. I am not a big picture person.
Beautiful bump brandonsgirl! So they thought your waters were leaking but were they? Sorry you had to have the induction but it's good that they were being so diligent about your son's safety!

Oh thank you :)

Yeah, they thought that my waters has 'popped' slightly at the very top of my bump and was trickling down as I went pee etc. I mentioned I felt like after I had finished peeing that I would continue a bit without actually doing anything. Which led to a mw doing an internal check to see if there was any fluid, which she said there was a bit. Within 20 mins I was told that a bed had been made ready for me and that I had to go and get my bag from home and come back that day! Didn't give me much time to prepare lol.
They never actually confirmed that they had been trickling or not, because my waters had to be broke during the induction anyways. :shrug: So I was never any the wiser. But hoping that doesn't happen with this pregnancy.
1. Due date: Jan 18

2. Estimated delivery date: ?? no idea... getting a US at 32 weeks to help with this

3. Gender: do you know LO's gender? girl

4. Names: have you picked out names yet? Alia Michkayla

5. You: how are you feeling--has the pregnancy been easy or difficult so far? Everything has been great except: swollen feet and GD

6. Time: does it feel like time is flying or dragging to you? DRAGGING!

7. Your OB/midwife: do you like your OB/midwife or have you had any issues with them? UGH... I am on my 3rd and can finally say I am happy. First one had a HORRIBLE billing plan, 2nd told me I was killing my baby girl because I have GD (left crying and never went back)

8. OH/birth partner: if you are sharing this experience with an OH, how are they reacting? if you are doing this on your own (so much power to you mama!), have you chosen to have a birth partner to help you through the delivery/section? DH is right by my side. Supporting me how ever he can. He has been taking birth classes and daddy boot camp. So I think he is as ready as we will ever be.

9. TTC: what was your TTC journey like? HARD! We were trying for 6 months, went to a FS because we already knew I had hormone issues. Then we found out DH's sperm was 0% morphology. We put him on like 15 vitamins and figured we will see what happens in 3 months. NOTHING... so we were setting up everything to start IVF. And I had an apt to go to start meds and such as soon as my period started... well it never did.. and here were are!!! We were so so so happy to get preggo naturally and not have to use IVF!

10. More kiddos: do you want to have more kiddos after this one? at least 1, maybe 2

11. One dream: what has your most vivid pregnancy dream/nightmare been? hmmm... I think about dating ex BFs again

12. Haha: give us one funny story from this pregnancy! We were doing our registry at babies r us and DH saw some sort of milk dispenser (I think it was for formula so you can get right amt of formula to water). Well it looked like a coffee keurig. DH said look we can get Alia her very own Keurig. For some reason I couldn't stop laughing and I peed myself.

13. Birth plan: if you have one, what is it? I have one that DH and I kind know. I haven't written it down and I think tonight in child birth class we will learn more about what this should include. Roughly I want whatever meds will make me feel better and help me, I want DH in room for birth, but my mom and MIL (only because DH said it was only fair) to help us through contractions (and give DH breaks) but then they can leave the room for the pushing. No one else is to be in the room until at least an hr after birth so Alia and I can have skin time.

14. Visualization: have you visualized your delivery/section--if so, what do you see? I kind of have. I see myself complaining a lot on the outside to get attention and support, but attempting to be really calm on the inside and use the bath and ball.

15. Projects: do you have any crafty projects or hobbies to pass the time? not really for me. DH is working on finishing our basement so it passes his time and therefore gives me space to pass my time in front of the TV or a good book.

16. Food: what is your number 1 craving? chocolate! (especially during Halloween times)

17. Annoying: what's one annoying thing a total stranger has said to you about your pregnancy? well NOT total stranger... actually a good family friend... she told me she can tell I am having a baby girl because the old saying is that baby girls take the beauty out of the mother during pregnancy! HOW RUDE (said like Full House)!

18. Zzzz: how are you sleeping at night? good- except the 1-4 times I get up to pee, but I can't complain because I USUALLY fall right back to sleep

19. Maternity clothes: how much have you spent on them? me.. about $200 my MIL spent another like $350 on me

20. Bump! Wanna show us your bump?


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