January moms?

January Moms Survey - 20 Questions

1. Due date: 10th January

2. Estimated delivery date: oo hard one i may be induced early due to GD but not sure yet

3. Gender: do you know LO's gender? Girl

4. Names: have you picked out names yet? We are waiting until she has arrived :)

5. You: how are you feeling--has the pregnancy been easy or difficult so far? Been easy even though Peanut is high risk for downs and just found out i have GD just starting to uncomfortable lol

6. Time: does it feel like time is flying or dragging to you? 1st tri dragged 2nd tri flew by 3rd tri doesnt seem to be flying by just yet lol

7. Your OB/midwife: do you like your OB/midwife or have you had any issues with them? Yes I like my MW not sure if i will be keeping her though as at the moment im under 2 consultants so think i will be consultant led for birth :(

8. OH/birth partner: if you are sharing this experience with an OH, how are they reacting? if you are doing this on your own (so much power to you mama!), have you chosen to have a birth partner to help you through the delivery/section? My OH is brilliant so far. Hes looking forward to meeting peanut (his first daughter) just like me :) he may not be able to make the ante-natel classes due to the fact they are in the afternoon and he cant afford to take time off work as its only a temporary position :(

9. TTC: what was your TTC journey like? Well had been through the mill with ex with 2 round of IVF/ICSI which left me with 2 angel babies in 2009 and 2010 relationship ended when ex got violent and broke my ribs in 2011. Got with OH end of 2011 (best thing that ever happened to me) and we decided i would come off the pill end of feb this year (23rd) and got pregnant on 2nd cycle so shocked it happened at all let alone that quick :)

10. More kiddos: do you want to have more kiddos after this one? Yes even with the issues ive had would love to have a few more lol :)

11. One dream: what has your most vivid pregnancy dream/nightmare been? My ex finding me and trying to stab me to death. i left in quite a rush when relationship ended and moved over 200 miles away as didnt want him to know where i am as he had threatened to kill me and burn down where i was living and i have had a few dreams where hes found me and tried to do things to me i find them very scary and sometimes find it so hard to go back to sleep after :/

12. Haha: give us one funny story from this pregnancy! sneezing and peeing has to be the most funny so glad i was at home when it happened lol

13. Birth plan: if you have one, what is it? well would like it to be as natural as possible but im not against having pain relief if needed but not sure what will happen now i have the GD will ask on Thursday when i see the consultant.

14. Visualization: have you visualized your delivery/section--if so, what do you see? Nope not done it

15. Projects: do you have any crafty projects or hobbies to pass the time? Christmas is coming so will make homemade crackers soon ready. I have been thinking about doing a scrap book for peanut but havent started yet. Have been tking lots of photos and we have lots of scan pics to put in it :)

16. Food: what is your number 1 craving? anything sweet which i now cant have :(

17. Annoying: what's one annoying thing a total stranger has said to you about your pregnancy? 'wow your big' lol yes i know dont need strangers telling me aswell bad enough my friends oh telling me last night that i look ready to pop he seemed shocked when i told him i still have 11 weeks left lol

18. Zzzz: how are you sleeping at night?erm not so good find it hard to get comfortable andwaking up to pee every few hours doesnt help lol

19. Maternity clothes: how much have you spent on them? about £50 ive been just buying bigger sizes more then maternity all on offer lol only brought maternity jeans :)

20. Bump! Wanna show us your bump? this was exactly 29 weeks :)


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Beautiful bumps wrightywales and goldstns!

wrightywales, wow, it sounds like you went through so much pain with that ex. I am glad he is out of your life but I'm sorry he has been appearing in your pregnancy nightmares. I have actually had 5-6 dreams about my horrible ex since I got pregnant--this is a man who treated me like dirt, cheated on me, disappeared with my car once and left me stranded 45 miles away from him. I don't know why I can't dream about my sweet husband or at least one of my non-crazy exes!
Question to add to the survey.... What food are you craving to have AFTER the birth?

I can't wait to have SUSHI and a glass of wine!
I haven't changed my diet. Continued with Sushi, rare steaks, soft cheese, mayo, you name it.

But i will enjoy that glass of wine.
Before pregnancy, I looooove the weight watchers chicken curry meal. It's the perfect portion for me since I'm often cooking three different meals a night to accommodate my fussy family lol. But I had it around 12 weeks pregnant and It made me feel sooooo sick, I have been to scared to try it again lol.
Will be nice to finally have it again after baby :)
I haven't changed my diet. Continued with Sushi, rare steaks, soft cheese, mayo, you name it.

But i will enjoy that glass of wine.

Omg sushi....drooooool...I've sacrificed myself big time lol! I'm off to the sushi restaurant straight from the hospital after the birth, in a wheelchair and all, just watch me! And pate! Oh and a beer while watching the footie... 2 more months!!!
1. Due date: Jan 12th 2014

2. Estimated delivery date: No idea!

3. Gender: do you know LO's gender? Girl!

4. Names: have you picked out names yet? Quinn Elizabeth

5. You: how are you feeling--has the pregnancy been easy or difficult so far? It's been pretty easy. I didn't have any morning sickness, so I have no reason to complain. Round ligament pain sucks and as I get bigger things are more difficult. That's all I can say that's negative.

6. Time: does it feel like time is flying or dragging to you? Time is flying now!

7. Your OB/midwife: do you like your OB/midwife or have you had any issues with them? So far I love my OB's (there are 5 different ones at the office I go to)

8. OH/birth partner: if you are sharing this experience with an OH, how are they reacting? if you are doing this on your own (so much power to you mama!), have you chosen to have a birth partner to help you through the delivery/section? DH is very excited. I really don't think he has any idea what he's in for. Then again neither do I!

9. TTC: what was your TTC journey like? We tried for 7 cycles. While that's not long for most people, it felt like forever for us. We had a Blighted Ovum in January 2013 that halted us for a couple of months. It was tough.

10. More kiddos: do you want to have more kiddos after this one? Definitely one more.

11. One dream: what has your most vivid pregnancy dream/nightmare been? I haven't really had any that are weird. Before we found out the gender I had a dream where the doctor said it was a boy, then said "wait I made a mistake.. it's a girl".

12. Haha: give us one funny story from this pregnancy! At one of my U/S my bladder was so full, the tech didn't even have the door open and I blurted out "I'm leaking!"

13. Birth plan: if you have one, what is it? I want an epidural and whatever is best for baby. I just want a calm environment.

14. Visualization: have you visualized your delivery/section--if so, what do you see? I just keep picturing a calm environment, relaxed friendly nurses. I'm hoping this is what happens.

15. Projects: do you have any crafty projects or hobbies to pass the time? Nope. But browsing Etsy is addictive ;)

16. Food: what is your number 1 craving? Chocolate!

17. Annoying: what's one annoying thing a total stranger has said to you about your pregnancy? So far nothing. Strangers don't seem to notice :(

18. Zzzz: how are you sleeping at night? I'm up every couple of hours to pee. It's annoying.

19. Maternity clothes: how much have you spent on them? WAY too much.

20. Bump! Wanna show us your bump? Sure


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1. Due date: 12th Jan

2. Estimated delivery date: My brothers Birthday is the 13th, so probably then ;)

3. Gender: do you know LO's gender? A boy. We were considering not finding out then DH spotted some incriminating evidence at the anatomy scan :haha: Got a 4d scan on friday so will double check then.

4. Names: have you picked out names yet?
We're waiting til he's here.
5. You: how are you feeling--has the pregnancy been easy or difficult so far? We had some stress due to bleeding and a probable vanished twin at 5-6 weeks, but otherwise I've got off pretty lightly so far.

6. Time: does it feel like time is flying or dragging to you? Time is flying but days drag. If that makes sense.

7. Your OB/midwife: do you like your OB/midwife or have you had any issues with them? Had a very dodgy initial GP who wrote that I wasn't pregnant on my early pregnancy blood tests :dohh: That was during the stressful bit, just after I'd given her a letter from the early pregnancy unit saying there was one viable foetus... Since escaping her care the hospital midwives have been good.

8. OH/birth partner: if you are sharing this experience with an OH, how are they reacting? He's being pretty good. Has been taking over more and more of the house stuff and I get lots of treats and breakfasts in bed. Watching him feel the baby move is awesome, and he reads bed time stories to the bump and tells it all his news from work (he works away) and that brings tears to my eyes. Happy tears.

9. TTC: what was your TTC journey like? Another short one. I had the implant, had it taken out, and pretty much caught the first cycle!

10. More kiddos: do you want to have more kiddos after this one? The plan is (at least) one more.

11. One dream: what has your most vivid pregnancy dream/nightmare been? I had the baby at 8 weeks and the doctors said "Its OK, "she" can just suckle on like a kangaroo and "she'll" be fine" So thats what we did...

12. Haha: give us one funny story from this pregnancy! I keep closing the fridge door on the bump because I forget its there. Natures way of telling me to stay out the fridge!

13. Birth plan: if you have one, what is it? As natural as possible, with intervention only if needed.

14. Visualization: have you visualized your delivery/section--if so, what do you see? I see us just after when he's on my chest for skin time and DH is cuddling us too and we're all crying, baby included.

15. Projects: do you have any crafty projects or hobbies to pass the time? Lots! Lots of clothes for me and the bub (though the link is just bub) and most of the nursery decor. And I'm mid way through a quilt. I have lots of time due to not working at the moment, but I'm keen to save money due to not working at the moment... so he'll have quite a hand made beginning ;)

16. Food: what is your number 1 craving? Sausage, Mash and gravy! Though I didnt really crave, I more just went off food that I used to like.

17. Annoying: what's one annoying thing a total stranger has said to you about your pregnancy? I've got off pretty lightly on that front.

18. Zzzz: how are you sleeping at night? Mostly fine with the help of the cocoon of my pillow. Its starting to get worse with the combination of a ninja baby and expanding bump though.

19. Maternity clothes: how much have you spent on them? Not too much. I've bought one pair of smart trousers and a couple of tops, but since its getting hot here I'm mostly living in refashioned shorts and home made floaty tops and dresses.

20. Bump! Wanna show us your bump?
I haven't changed my diet. Continued with Sushi, rare steaks, soft cheese, mayo, you name it.

But i will enjoy that glass of wine.

Omg sushi....drooooool...I've sacrificed myself big time lol! I'm off to the sushi restaurant straight from the hospital after the birth, in a wheelchair and all, just watch me! And pate! Oh and a beer while watching the footie... 2 more months!!!

You can have sushi. The meat is frozen which kills any bacteria.
I haven't changed my diet. Continued with Sushi, rare steaks, soft cheese, mayo, you name it.

But i will enjoy that glass of wine.

Omg sushi....drooooool...I've sacrificed myself big time lol! I'm off to the sushi restaurant straight from the hospital after the birth, in a wheelchair and all, just watch me! And pate! Oh and a beer while watching the footie... 2 more months!!!

You can have sushi. The meat is frozen which kills any bacteria.

The sushi restaurant I go to refused to serve me last time lol! :) [very upsetting at the time but oh well] So I got wary of it.. Will have to wait till D day..
That must have been awkward :/. You can have it though as long as the place you get it from has kept it at a certain temperature. Which all places should as its a health and safety thing.
1. Due date: 23rd January 2014.

2. Estimated delivery date:
I'm guessing end of December if my last 2 pregnancies are anything to go by!

3. Gender: do you know LO's gender? Yep, LO is a boy. Had it confirmed at 3 scans.

4. Names: have you picked out names yet? Yes, his name will be Nate. His middle name will be Michael which is a family name on OH's side.

5. You: how are you feeling--has the pregnancy been easy or difficult so far? It's been easy in some aspects, I feel like it's been less worrying than my last but I think that's down to the fact that last time round, I had forgot what it feels like to be pregnant so worried over everything! This time I'm a lot more relaxed. But it's also very tiring being pregnant when you have a baby.

6. Time: does it feel like time is flying or dragging to you? Flying by far too quickly. It's scary :haha:

7. Your OB/midwife: do you like your OB/midwife or have you had any issues with them? My midwife is nice enough, there's something about her that I dislike but I can't pinpoint what it is. I think it's her personality cos she's very serious lol.

8. OH/birth partner: if you are sharing this experience with an OH, how are they reacting? if you are doing this on your own (so much power to you mama!), have you chosen to have a birth partner to help you through the delivery/section? OH can't wait for bubs to be born, as much as he dotes on DD it was obvious he was a bit disappointed last year when we were told she was a girl. Now he's getting his boy too.

9. TTC: what was your TTC journey like? None existent with this pregnancy, he was a surprise!

10. More kiddos: do you want to have more kiddos after this one? No, I am quite happy stopping at 3.

11. One dream: what has your most vivid pregnancy dream/nightmare been? Oh god, I don't know. I have so many of them but I also have trouble recalling them unless it's as soon as I wake up. There have been far too many nightmares recently though.

12. Haha: give us one funny story from this pregnancy! I don't have any lol, I can't think of anything funny :rofl:

13. Birth plan: if you have one, what is it? Don't have one. I'm quite happy to go with the flow and do whatever is best for baby when it comes to delivering.

14. Visualization: have you visualized your delivery/section--if so, what do you see? I'm guessing it will be a vaginal birth with gas & air plus diamorphine or something. That was what my last labour was anyway.

15. Projects: do you have any crafty projects or hobbies to pass the time? No. I'm not really a crafty person. Although I wish I was!

16. Food: what is your number 1 craving? Probably onion rings. I have eaten tons of them over the last few months.

17. Annoying: what's one annoying thing a total stranger has said to you about your pregnancy? Luckily I've not had any strangers approach me or mention my pregnancy.

18. Zzzz: how are you sleeping at night?
Usually okay but this last week has been awful as I've got really itchy armpits that are driving me insane :(

19. Maternity clothes: how much have you spent on them? Probably about £50. I already had a lot from last years pregnancy.

20. Bump! Wanna show us your bump? Sure! Took this one today so 28+3 (with DD photobombing :haha:)

shellideaks: Have you talked to your MW to make sure the strong itching isn't OC? I only mention this because I have a friend who had lots of itching in the 3rd tri and thought it was nothing, only to find out she actually had OC! If it's keeping you up at night it might be worth mentioning to the MW?

Thanks for doing the survey too!! Beautiful bump and photo-bombing baby!
I did mention it at my 24 week appointment as I had itchy legs back then. She sent me for a blood test and I heard nothing back so assumed all was okay. The armpit itching only started recently but I have my 28 week appointment tomorrow so will double check with my midwife :)

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