January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Good luck tomorrow Kezz, I have a growth scan at some point next week (have to see the doctor first and get it ordered) They can generally get the weight estimate and measurements, just heard it may be a tad more squished. :shrug:

How is everyone else doing?

Had a rough...and I mean a rough night. I haven't gotten but may be 2 hours of sleep in the past 24 hours. I have had awful stomach pains and indigestion since last night that kept me awake, along with night sweats. Also had a small argument with my husband about him staying home a couple more hours from work in case I needed to go in. He waited til the last minute to contact work and no one could answer his call... so he went in to work and now I am without a car or means of getting some where. :shrug: I just feel miserable :(
Lm- im really pleased for you that baby is head down now :D well done baby! xx

kezz - how did you get on with the doctor? xx

chobette - i think its getting rougher nearer the end! lol im exhausted now, so good luck :) i must admit i havent had many rough nights until now, so hopefully by the end you will be used to the roughness ha! xx

ooo yeah im feeling fine now after the fall, although i havent had a very active baby today... im going to lye down and wait for baby to move :) fingers crossed its just being lazy.
Hope your all ok xx
Random question ladies but early labour pains are they all over or can they start off in one area??

I'm asking cos iv had lower abb cramps to the right all day that do seem to be getting more painfull :shrug: iv no idea what labour pains will feel like all I know is I'm in the bath and they aren't easing off? No pattern or anything to the and iv had a fair few BH's today starting to wonder if this could be the start of something? Just my luck you watch a Christmas day baby!
oh gosh, im not sure as this is my first baby, but if your worried you could always call the labour ward and ask their advice, they may want to check you out xx
Hey everyone. Well... finally! I have a date booked for the c-section. Only problem is it's booked for the day before he is due!! They said they try not to do them any earlier than 39 weeks, and they only do them Wed and Fri's, and the Friday before was booked up, so it's booked for Wednesday 18th and his due date is the 19th. I was hoping I had less than 3 weeks to go, but looks like i'm back to 4 weeks now, AND if I go into labour beforehand, she said i'd have an emergency c-section, but to establish i'm in labour they'd probably still want to examine me (which is the whole reason i'm having a c-section, cause I can't be examined!!). So now all I can think is 'please don't come early, please don't come early!' The ultrasound lady didn't give me any specific measurements or size, but said that his tummy is measuring a week ahead, and that she thinks he'll be an 'average' sized baby. She couldn't measure his head circumference as his head was too low at the time (but she did add - 'not anywhere near low enough for labour so don't worry!')

I'm gutted it's been scheduled so late, but relieved that I have a definite date. She was still trying to talk me out of it even today, and told me to ring them if I change my mind! Lol.
Geez Kezz, hoping you don't go early as well! Sounds like a headache to me. xx :hugs:

Lintu - I've never been in labor before, but have been having those pains as well for the past week or so. Just keep an eye out on them and see if they get a pattern or not. xx

Going to mention to the doctor next Tuesday about my migraines, I have been getting migraines at least once a day and a couple headaches on top of that. Swelling has been about the same for the past couple weeks (doctor last week told me to just keep an eye on it). But starting to concern me with that and the migraines and the headaches. Didn't think you were supposed to get so many and every day? xx
Chobette I would phone the MW next time you have a migrane, especially if you have swelling as well and go to delivery and be checked over. I had migranes with Annie and got sent to hospital everytime to be checked!

Been pretty quiet on the baby front here, kinda resigned myself to the fact its not coming anytime soon!!
my labor pains were not consistent and i was dilating from 2 all the way to 10 they examined me and said oh you are 2 and hardly thinned grated my water was broken but then i told my husband that i felt pressure, not a lot of pain until his foot emerged. he got the doc and i was fully dilated and beginning to deliever. this was my fifth pregnancy but it is possible to be spar tic. if you think your in labor let them check you over, hat is their job hun. you are not bothering anyone and if you are so what they are paid well:winkwink:
by the ay i do feel for all of you, we had our 2 week check up for Wesley today he weighs 4.11 now and is 17 inches long. he go the thumbs up except a small indication of a heart mummer we are going to take him to a specialist to rule out anything serious. he is so perfect and sweet and cute. i feel so much better now that i delivered, no more erratic hormones yay
Thanx guys my crampy pain is still there, feels more muscular now and not as spasamy! Took some paracetamol last night, it didn't do a thing :( but spent most of the night throwing up again, the next 4 or so weeks can not go fast enough!!

I love Christmas normally but this yr I feel like it's just something to get through :grr: so that baby can be here already!

I have a breastfeeding course at the hospital later may get them to test my urine to rule out a uti xxx

Glad ur lil man is doing well mm :hugs:
Just carried a 7kg turkey home from the shops as it was the last one and now I ache!!

I know what you mean Lintu I normally love Xmas but this year Im a bit bah humbag, only thing Im looking forward to is seeing Annie's face on Xmas morning when she opens her presents.

Whilst at the shops I brought a tub of formula milk (wanted one in the cupboard just in case I have trouble breastfeeding) and I cannot believe how expensive it was! I brought Cow and Gate and it was £7.59 but SMA which I used with Annie has gone up to £8.99 per tin... Think I will be demanding booby juice whether baby latches on or not!!!
yeah he scared us to death so we are thrilled with things. i feel so bad for all of you things will be better shortly i started exercising yesterday to rid of an access of 15 prego pounds so all of you c sections the pain ends quicker then you think. just get past the first day and dont let the pain beat you, walk, stand up straight(right away) and you will be doing well. if you dont it will last so much longer then needed
mm - what does it feel like when u get up? Like your stitches are gonna tear? I'm most worried about the spinal, and the pain afterwards, but I guess having ur baby put in your arms for the first time in your life has gotta be some distraction!!
Hi Ladies-
Well just got back from my appt and baby is still very much breech! Good thing about it is she is not putting any pressure on my bladder, Pelvic, or ribs.
I can say I selpt GREAT the last 4 nights. :sleep:

Next week I talk to my ob doc about scheludled c-section.
How does everyone feel about having a few drinks over xmas? I haven't touched a drop since being pregnant, and i'm not a big drinker anyway, never have more than a glass or two of wine on special occasions... but I was thinking about having the odd drink, maybe a glass of baileys tonight, a glass of wine with my xmas dinner, that sort of thing. Do you think it could do any harm now? I don't wanna hurt baby George! x
Hi Ladies-
Well just got back from my appt and baby is still very much breech! Good thing about it is she is not putting any pressure on my bladder, Pelvic, or ribs.
I can say I selpt GREAT the last 4 nights. :sleep:

Next week I talk to my ob doc about scheludled c-section.

Mine too... checked today! Yes, people keep asking me if I am getting heartburn and never hungry because baby is squashing stomach etc and I'm like...nope, hehe. No rib kicks but I do get squirms in the cervix and butt, lol. How is your baby lying? x
yeah he scared us to death so we are thrilled with things. i feel so bad for all of you things will be better shortly i started exercising yesterday to rid of an access of 15 prego pounds so all of you c sections the pain ends quicker then you think. just get past the first day and dont let the pain beat you, walk, stand up straight(right away) and you will be doing well. if you dont it will last so much longer then needed

Yes! As soon as you all can, get up and walk. I know it may hurt at first..but it makes a HUGE difference. WHen you lay in the hospital bed the whole time you are only hurting yourself. I was up all the time walking back and forth to the NICU and I was back to work in a week.
mm - what does it feel like when u get up? Like your stitches are gonna tear? I'm most worried about the spinal, and the pain afterwards, but I guess having ur baby put in your arms for the first time in your life has gotta be some distraction!!

spinal is nothing compared to the epidural. much small needle and didnt hurt at all!
Hi Ladies-
Well just got back from my appt and baby is still very much breech! Good thing about it is she is not putting any pressure on my bladder, Pelvic, or ribs.
I can say I selpt GREAT the last 4 nights. :sleep:

Next week I talk to my ob doc about scheludled c-section.

Mine too... checked today! Yes, people keep asking me if I am getting heartburn and never hungry because baby is squashing stomach etc and I'm like...nope, hehe. No rib kicks but I do get squirms in the cervix and butt, lol. How is your baby lying? x

Hi Daisy :hi: Isn’t it great!! This is my 3rd baby and I can't believe how great I feel. Last week she was sitting Frank Breech with legs crossed (straight up with bended knees)
She has moved so much since then and really SCARED me because she just kept turning in circles. All I can think about is the umbilical cord. Finally last night she found a position she is happy with. I’m hoping she stay’s put to ease my nerves. Confirmed this morning, she is curled up like a ball up by my heart (head and back facing away from my heart with legs around down.) still considered frank breech.

What position is your baby in? what chance did they give her to turn into position? They gave me a 1% but still hoping for the turn at the end.
Hi Ladies-
Well just got back from my appt and baby is still very much breech! Good thing about it is she is not putting any pressure on my bladder, Pelvic, or ribs.
I can say I selpt GREAT the last 4 nights. :sleep:

Next week I talk to my ob doc about scheludled c-section.

Mine too... checked today! Yes, people keep asking me if I am getting heartburn and never hungry because baby is squashing stomach etc and I'm like...nope, hehe. No rib kicks but I do get squirms in the cervix and butt, lol. How is your baby lying? x

Hi Daisy :hi: Isn’t it great!! This is my 3rd baby and I can't believe how great I feel. Last week she was sitting Frank Breech with legs crossed (straight up with bended knees)
She has moved so much since then and really SCARED me because she just kept turning in circles. All I can think about is the umbilical cord. Finally last night she found a position she is happy with. I’m hoping she stay’s put to ease my nerves. Confirmed this morning, she is curled up like a ball up by my heart (head and back facing away from my heart with legs around down.) still considered frank breech.

What position is your baby in? what chance did they give her to turn into position? They gave me a 1% but still hoping for the turn at the end.

Ah, cute! She must like the sound of your heart beat :)
My baby's head is always to the left of my belly button and a little bit up, quite low down actually! Most of the time he is lying like he is in a hammock but also tucks his feet down underneath him. They haven't told me the chances of him turning but if he is still like this in 2 weeks I will see a consultant who will offer to turn him (no thanks) and book me in for a c section. I have been reading the nice c section stories on here! I think I will really panic if he suddenly turns as I have it in my head that i'm having a c section so it will be scary to think of having to give birth, haha!

When do they set the c section date for where u live? They do it at 39 weeks here xxx :thumbup:

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