January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Kezz I'm gonna have a glass with my Xmas lunch and then a glass to bring in the new yr, the worst time to drink is when it's being formed and it's done that now, the odd glass won't hurt anyone!
I haven't felt too much pressure below or up high, I think he's curled up in a ball. Last scan he was head down and occasionally I will feel a lot of pressure down below while walking. Feel much better now that there's no feet or pressure on my ribs though. Seem to be breathing better as well, looks like I have dropped too.

I won't be drinking anything, buuuuuuuut that's only because I haven't been a big drinker and it doesn't appeal to me. My husband refuses alcohol, so I figured I would follow suit :shrug: I imagine some wine and what not can't hurt at this stage, like lintu said, I think it's just during the formulative stage in the 1st trimester.
Kezz Ive only had 1 can of guiness since being pregnant (my MW with Annie told me to drink one or two for iron! lol!) but I wont be drinking over Xmas or New Year because Im scared if I go into labour and they know Ive had a glass or two they wont give pain relief! Add to that thought having a hyperactive 2 1/2 to look after I really cant be bothered to have a drink...

Anyone else have pain in their bum, right on the coccyx (sp?) bone? Its killing me!
its hard to explain what it feels like but i wont lie it does hurt. and i didnt get to have my baby put into my arms they put me to sleep and when i woke up an hour later and insisted they take me to the NICU he was hooked up to several tubes. he was certainly worth every ounce of pain i have ever had to endure and so was hild birth for the rest. my husband said the first words i said is where is my baby when i woke and my second was you have got to be kidding, referring to the pain. the only thing i have said since is i cant believe i had to dilate to 10 and have my guts cut on lol. he is only 2weeks old and i am jogging again
Kezz- I've decided to have a glass of cabernet on xmas eve night with hubby while the LO sleeps, probably watch a comedy flick :winkwink:
You sound like you are doing amazing MM :)

As for Christmas drinks, I'm not fussed about alcohol anyway so not drinking really doesnt bother me. So although I wont be drinking its not anything to do with being pregnant just down to not drinking anyway. I'm always the designated driver.
I've had tattoos... does a spinal hurt a LOT more than that? And how long does it take? I'm worried about being given morphine as I am sick easily and don't fancy being nauseas while being operated on! Can you ask for something different or is the morphine an automatic?
hi all, hows everyone feeling coming up to our full term dates and the christmas/new year celebrations?

kezz - glad u finally have a date, cant believe our due dates r no longer the same now tho :-( lol

well, i have been feeling relatively positive the last few days, had a couple of drinks for my birthday and decided that i will prob have a couple christmas eve and day, have a bottle of asti in the fridge which the whole bottle is only just over 5 units, so between me and hubby i will still be within the recommended allowance and i figure, everything is there now so the few units I will have had over christmas is nothing compared to the huge amount on weekend benders b4 finding out and I havent had anything from 5 - 35 weeks.

looking forward to a nice quiet christmas with just me, hubby and the bump, this year but what i really want is this year 2 b next so our baby will b here and enjoying it with us :)

baby was head down and giving me huge amounts of pressure up until a few days ago so im a little bothered that they have moved now, wont have another midwife appointment until 4th jan now 2 find out either. been having major braxton hicks for weeks but worse since the pressure has stopped?????

oh and another bit of positive news from me is 1, i have gone past the 35 week point my hubby and sil were born on and 2, i have been told that providing all stays well, the info re my bmi was wrong and it goes on pre pregnancy weight therefore, i CAN have a water birth in a midwife lead unit.

good luck to all those hanging in there to avoid christmas day and new years eve babies, hope u all have a great holiday season xxx
people keep telling me iv dropped, personally dont see it or feel like i have!!


lintu i could never tell rather i had dropped or not. none of the 5 times i have been preggo. i will say your bump is adorable and you look fab. the baby looks like it has surely grown quite nicely. well hubby is planning our next lol already haha after what i went through i will leave it at we shall see. he wants a little girl now, he is loving being a dad as this is all new for him. we just spoke with someone today about building and he ask about the 5 bedroom. we also have one that doesnt live at home now mr 18 and one that will be going to college in a year and a half. he said that will leave enough rooms for a girl and foster child.we have always dreamed of sharing our love for children with those that are less fortunate i pray this will work out
Hey girlies :) so OHs brotheers gf who is a total cow has been slagging me off on another forum. She goes on that one, I go on this one, the best one :D :rofl:

Not only has she been slagging my off but she's been slaggin off her OH and his family and making lies up about us all.her my Ohs family have bent over backwards for her and her kid aswell.

My pregnancy has not been smooth at all. Pre-term labour several times, irritable uterus, group strep-b and they where going to deliver LO at 31 weeks when I was in severe pre-term labour and nefedipine ( the medication to stop labour) was effecting my blood pressure so much an effective dose could not be given. I'm now 35+3 and lil man is still cooking :happydance: so erm yeah we've been at the hospital. A lot.

She says that I'm an attention seeking immature bitch and because of my age I'm going to be a shit mum. She had her kid at 20?! If anybodys a shit mum its her. She can't even put a stable roof over her kids head let alone keep a stable and happy relationship. And here's the cliffhanger she's pregnant yet again. 3 months along and her eldest is only 9 months :wacko:

She says I'm nieve and want stuff to go wrong and that I'm not going to love and cherish my baby. She sticks her baby infront of the tv all day and sits on the internet. But of course she can do no wrong.

I didn't think it was possible to love someone so much until I had my son in my belly and I really can't wait to meet him. When I had the horrible scares of pre-term labour talks of delivary neo-natologists and talks of scbu I've never been so scared in my life I wa crying down the phone to my mum and when they moved me to delivay suiete at half 3 in the morning I was crying to my OH down the phone as he was on his way to the hospital. Why would anyone want to make stuff up like that? And with the whole group strep-b thing you simply can't make that up!! Its almost like she wants me to flash my notes and ctgs and scan reports in her face? The thing is she even asked to read my notes?

She says I treat my OH like crap and control him. If that was true then why would be together and as in love with eachother as we are?! She has made up lies about her OH abusing her and they ae always arguing infront of their baby so I don't think she's really one to comment on others peoples relationships?? And we all know that if her OH couldn't have kids she wouldn't be with him. He was thinking about leaving her and all of a sudden she falls pregnnat. Suspicious no? :rofl:

Sorry for the rant but I'm really not sure how to deal with the situation now. I've never liked her in the first place but have been civil to her. But now by god do I wanna smack her and if she thinks she's getting her hands on my LO she's got another thing coming :rofl: so what would you do?

What would I do? keep as far away from her as and keep all my personal stuff to myself.
I always learned the hard way in situations like this and lost out with friends and family.
Hope things work out for you.
Everyone keeps telling me my bump has dropped and I'm getting lots of pain when walking around. Had a lot of pain yesterday after going to the shops, lasted about 5 hours but wore off when I went to bed.

Last night I kept waking up with really bad back ache too. Just want the baby to hang on until 27th then it can come whenever it likes!!

Hope everyone else is feeling ok
I would just stay out of it. Let her think and say what she likes - you know the truth so don't let her get to you.

I've been baking Christmas biscuits today to keep me occupied until the OH finishes work tonight for a few days! Been into town as well to fetch a cake from M&S, so now i'm feeling all ready for Christmas!! We're going Christmas shopping tonight, and have my parents and OH's parents and brother all coming for Xmas day and staying Xmas night, so we've got all the food and stuff to do (voluntarily - I didn't want to go travelling to other people's so close to due date so asked everyone to come here). We're really looking forward to having everyone here under one roof. Next year will be the really special one though!

Thought maybe i'd dropped this morning... one on side looks lower, but other side it looks the same! lol. Maybe he's dropping gradually. But he's still shoving his feet and knees up into my ribs and what feels like my throat at times, so that when I sit, this lump comes up to greet me! lol.
hey 5- how have you been i havent seen you here in a bit. i remember a time whn youwas concerned about showing and now look at you at the end, girl what a roller coaster you been on this pregnancy and kezz i remember when i read your story of how you conceived i was amazed do you think you will do it again? we have all been through so much on here. i remember how i felt a little jealous of daisy when she delievered then felt guilty when my water broke. i guess we are going to try for our girl next year but more passively then we did this time. if it happens it happens. we are nuts i know cause that would make 7 but its what we want. my hubby and i are so much closer having had wesley i think it would be cool for us to have a girl
mm - i'll let you know once i've had this one! lol. I desperately want a girl so I think we will have to do it all again at least once, but not for a couple of years I should think. I haven't much enjoyed being pregnant and I won't be in a rush to do it again!

I'm starting to worry a little about my spinal/epidural. They didn't specify at hospital which I would get for a planned c-section. Does anyone know? I think i'd rather the spinal as it seems briefer and easier, but people keep telling me different things!

PS Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Kezz I had an epidural, I dont remember it hurting and I had 3 lots of it before I went to theatre, it helped so much too, I think I will probably be having it again!

Merry Xmas ladies!!
Merry Christmas ladies!!

Also Kezz -- silly of me, didn't know their was a difference :blush: My sister never had pain with her epidurals. Again, didn't know there was a difference, so can't speak for the spinal. Hope you get the answer for that one xx
well its nearly over here but i hope everyone had a great christmas.

no christmas day babies on here?? very surprised......

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