January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

There has been a series of one born every minute filmed in Leeds-where I'm giving birth-they filmed in oct/nov don't know if it's this one. Loads of people I know where asked to star in it!!
I will definitely be watching-getting scareder and scareder!
I've heard it is the leeds one PK. I might watch through my fingers with the sound off!

Not sure about the cough medicine Kezz, honey & lemon is prob ok but not much use for anything other than a tickle.
So I called the hospital about the discharge I've been having and over the phone she tells me its thrush?!
So I went to the doctor today and she said it sounds like my plug she examined me and said my cervix is soft and squishy :rofl: and easily reachable however she said I'm not dilated bit weird. But in a way is good I guess!
Woke up this morning feeling very wet and wiped to find brown discharge. Had a wee and for some reason I looked down the loo....don't ask me why! But it was like browny yellow? And my urine test today was fine? All a bit wacko!
Well blood sugar levels were up at 8.1 but doc says they dont class it as pregnancy induced diabetes until it it hits 9 so I have to watch my sugar intake and just have glucose watched but have been told not to panic about it.

doctors couldnt tell if baby was breech or not either so have to wait for a decision on that at MW app. on Monday. Also have thrush again, bit annoying!

Had some amazingly painful cramps last night. Def not BH was certain they were contractions. Had about 3 of these and felt the need to go #2. After crying in pain for a bit managed to get to sleep expecting to wake up with full blown contractions only for OH to tell me he had a similar experience in the night so must have been something we ate... gutted!!
Kezz huni, I dont think you can take any?? ask at a pharmacy they will be able to tell you, I know you can take the honey locketts if that helps.

Perhaps try honey and hot water, it will soothe it if nothing else :hugs: hope your feeling better soon
:hugs: LM2104, sorry your having a pooh time. must admit iv had a couple of wooois this it moments and then they pass :( so frustrating
Kezz -- I was told I could take robitussin cough, but there's a specific one you have to take, I would talk to a pharmacist and they could help you find the right medicine for you. Might be called something else where you are? xx

I passed one born every minute on tv the other day, but didn't watch it..wondering maybe I should have? lol

LM -- You too? I have had these pains as well, so maybe it's not what you ate :haha:

Thanks Rees, I hope they help for you. Thanks for sharing your story with me, helped me feel not so alone in all of this. xx
woke up this morning to my belly feeling achey and then a couple times today I had some craps. Earlier this evening baby was moving a ton, or was it BH? but in my vaginal area had this burning sensation, and then in the other area down there, lots of pressure as if I have to go #2. Oh and it feels like baby is trying to escape, can't hardly breathe. Maybe she also has her feet up my ribs?
Hey all, just a quickie...

Kristel - I've been having lots of (increasingly stronger) Braxton hicks contractions since the weekend - enough to stop me in my tracks! I'm putting it down to the fact we're 36 weeks but f you're worried get it checked out :flower:

21 - brilliant news re the new house! And you'll be in by Crristmas? Fab! You must be so excited :happydance:

Sorry to hear some of you are having a rough time :hugs:
hello girls been crazy at home with my precious little guy not much getting done from but nursing alot. i had my incision checked and they said i must have a super immune system my healing is amazing, i do feel pretty good there but oh so sleep deprived lol. i am 20 pounds away from pre pregnacy size which means i weigh 150. my in-laws will be in this weekend and i hope they are polite. i have been reading about you all and i can tell you are all tired of pregnancy its so worth it tho, i know you all kno tht well little bit is calling so i gotta run
Okay so i'm sat in living room (been off work yesterday and today with this hurrendous cough and just generally feeling poo) and I have a weird back ache. It feels very similar to period cramp, only it's in my lower back and hips. Is that normal? Is it anything to do with contractions? It feels weird and sort of uncomfortable but not really painful just yet? Help! So have no idea what's going on!

ETA: baby is still moving about high up...
yes it can be very normal kezz your baby is gaining a half a pound a week and is pulling your ligaments. really the onset of labor pains is very noticeable and persistent and gets closer together
Hi Ladies, :hi:
Hope your all doing well.

I just found out yesterday that our baby girl is breech and on the bigger side. They gave us a 1% chance that she will turn into postion because fluid is also on the low side. So this may be my 1st Csection out of the 3. Oh well, I would perfer not to be scarred but whatever gets her out safely.

Just praying for a healthy baby :)

Hope your all doing well and Hope your feeling better KEZZ. ( Being sick this far along is torture!)
:hi: hi ladies :)

oo sounds like were all in the same position..
kezz - im also having period like cramping in my hips and lower back (not too much in the back region though) im finding my excercise ball is helping alot with that.. although i have a major cold and cough.. its awful. I know we can use vics vaporub :) and honey and lemon in hot water, that seems to be helping me! x
becca - your right, aslong and you have a healthy baby all is well, but i can see why your anxious about scarring, i would be too.. good luck x

Well im going to go off now and start drawing on my bump cast :) ill upload a piccy when ive painted it etc xx
Okay so i'm sat in living room (been off work yesterday and today with this hurrendous cough and just generally feeling poo) and I have a weird back ache. It feels very similar to period cramp, only it's in my lower back and hips. Is that normal? Is it anything to do with contractions? It feels weird and sort of uncomfortable but not really painful just yet? Help! So have no idea what's going on!

ETA: baby is still moving about high up...

Same feeling kezz-was worrying but it's been all week now and I don't think I've dropped ready for labour yet? X
just so you know i just had an emergency c-section they had to get the baby out of me within 7 mins and tht was from them puting me to sleep( no time epidural) and i wont lie the first night was hard but after that all was well. my stomach is flat and i am not even sore at all. on day 2 i was on IB Prophen and that was it. i was a nervous reck at the thought of having it but then when i went into labor and dilated from 2 to 10 in ten mins and then is foot was in my vagina the c-section wasnt that scary
Went and did the rest of our Xmas shopping today, just got to finish OHs presents and done, what a relief that will be!!

Ive had a strange pain and the only way I can explain it is like there is a string connecting my bellybutton and vagina straight down and then feels like someone is pulling the string out of my belly pulling the two together (if that makes sense, which I doubt!) makes me double over.

Kezz I get really bad back ache find it helps to make sure I am sat up really straight in a comfortable position.

Becca would you be upset with a section? We have to see if our baby is breech on Monday Im quite worriedit will all end in a section.

Do you think the names Annie and Shannon go for siblings?

Have a weather warning for snow here over night and in the morning, hope it doesnt get too bad, or I go into labour!!!
well i have had a very eventful few days, had nct classes 3 times with another saturday, midwife tuesday and found out my husband was having another virtual affair!

nct classes have been really good would recommend them to anyone, they are alot of money but i think it has been money well spent, it has made me so much more relaxed about the rest of my pregnancy and labour.

midwife has said baby is very stong and growing to plan, head down and ready to go, small plug loss over the past couple of days too so im hoping i am able to wait it out until at least new years. she has also said that, although i am very unlikely to get a waterbirth, it will all depend on the on duty midwives so time will tell.

so anyway, after suffering from pre-natel depression for the last 10-15 weeks due to trust issues with my husband from past mistermeners, i find out he has been meeting up with my 17 year old cousin in secret and messaging her, nothing has physically happened with her or any of the others as they have all been virtual affairs but the fact he could do this to me again and after getting me pregnant and knowing how i have been feeling, has really knocked me for 6, dont no what to say, think, feel anymore. the stress is making bh's unbareable and im desperate to sort out one way or the other if our marriage can be repaired this time, it has gone too far too many times.

god i am so full of exciting, positive news arent i! its my birthday tomorrow so i shall be a 35 week pregnant 28 year old, sober and depressed this year but i will have a lifetime of birthdays to enjoy with my baby :)
Windle, firstly Happy Birthday!!
Secondly huge :hugs: this must be such a hard time for you, but try to stay strong for your baby and focus on all the happiness the LO is going to bring. Im sorry I have no advice though :hugs:
Windle - Happy Birthday and huge hugs to you, such an awful time to be dealing with all that is going on in your life. I wish I had some good advice but only you really know what you want to do.

LM - The names sound fine together to me, though its not something I have thought of for mine, I just like the name and with 4 other children its too much for my brain to handle :haha:

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