January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Windle - Happy Birthday! :)

Had my monitoring this morning, seems like baby had a temper tantrum when she used the buzzer to rouse him. Kind of funny.
My next appointment they will schedule me for a growth scan, then go from there to decide what needs to be done in terms of induction, c-section, or anything of that sort. Would rather have an induction to see if I can push him out than a c-section. I imagine that's last resort though. xx

Hope everyone is doing well
Oh my, I am so exhausted today. I slept about a whole 2 hours last night and stomach feels like it cant grow anymore. Ready to drive myself to the hospital and let them know I’m ready. :thumbup: J/k

Mrs. G - Thanks :)
Mmcheck – I’m sure the anticipation is what makes me a little scared. Sometimes the anticipation is so much worse.

LM- Nope, I wont be upset if g*ds plan is a C-section. I’ve read so many sad stories and just praying for a healthy baby no matter how she makes her entrance.
btw, I like your girl names, you won’t get confused. Miine will be Abby and Andi.:dohh:

Windle - Happy Birthday
LM - I have same pain most mornings and several times. Makes me flinch and grab my tummy when it happens but then goes again quickly. Must be another type of stretching, or baby sitting on yet something else!

Windle - so sorry to hear you're feeling so down. I don't know what to advise, but this baby will bring so many good things into ur life, and maybe it might just make your husband realise what he's got as well!!

My OH asked me today whether i'm nervous about my c-section and I'm actually feeling fine about it. I have the odd worry, like the catheter being pulled out, and the needle in my back, but mostly i'm just so grateful that we don't have to try and have a vaginal birth given our circumstances. Plus I know a lot of friends who have had c-sections and all of them have said that it's been fine. Bit sore afterwards but up and about pretty quick.

Baby is now a giant lump i'm sure! He's going to come out looking like a mini wayne rooney! He spends most of his time sat with his bum pushing up my ribs and poking out, which makes me think he doesn't have much room left. He's so active for about 5 hours a day as well, and at these times it turns my stomach cause he's just so manic! Don't know how he has room to poke about so much!

Yesterday I had a bit of a scare -was last day of work and got up in morning and went to the loo and there were some tiny spots of blood when I wiped. Got really scared and thought it might carry on and planned to ring midwife, but didn't even get another drop and have had nothing since, so decided not to worry about it. I've been really ill the last week and have a terrible cough and cold, and later that day I was going really dizzy for about 3 hours. Luckily the children were jiust watching panto all afternoon so I could just sit, and I was okay by the time I went home. I'm at hospital on Tuesday for an ultrasound and meeting with the doc to finally arrange my c-section, so will mention it all then so they can check there's nothing wrong. Hoping they'll tell me baby is massive and I need a c-section early. Lol. I'm so eager to get him out cause it's got me so run down recently. I'm spotty, my lips are all cracked and when i laugh I start coughing and sound like an 80 year old smoker!!
Kezz have you had a date set for your c-section yet?

Had a manic day we had to travel for 1 1/2 hours each to go and see OHs children today and I ache really bad now! I've had lots of stabbing pains and cramps in my stomach throughout the day along with losing quite a bit of thick creamy discharge (sorry tmi!) so not sure if it all means something...

Only 30 days to go now!!!
I've been having pink watery discharge very pink creamy discharge white creamy discharge yellowy green discharge browny/oraange discharge :shock: at the orangy stuff :wacko:
Cervix is easily reachable I'm dilated but not enough! Booooo. Been having constant cramps and period type backache and as soon as they get regular they go!!
Been very restless last night and today and he's dropped a lot just wish things would get going!!
I am full term today!! :happydance: really hoping she comes soon. I can not believe how much more uncomfortable I have become just in the last week. I mean I thought I was uncomfortable then :rolleyes: I woke this morning at 3am didn't go back to sleep. Had to sit on the couch had some shooting pain right shoulder blade area. I googled it, preclampsia came up but my bp has been on the low side all throughout this pregnancy. It may have to do with a good massage 2 days ago..maybe she went a big too deep?

On the side of things, super excited for Christmas! It's my most favourite time of the year. I love when my entire family full of aunts, uncles, and cousins, etc get together for the holidays..oh and course the food! What's everyone's Christmas plans??
mmcheek - congratulations hunny :) aww im glad you had a good although abit nerve racking experience, and im happy your feeling well now. how far on were you, whats his/her name and weight ? xxx

well weve had snow up here and i fell on the ice on friday outside asda :( was worrying me abit but baby seems fine and has been moving around and ive listened to the hb and all seems ok so im happy with that. I fell to my knees so i have two major whopping bruises, and the bottom of my bump muscle is slightly achy but apart from that all is well :). i was more embarrassed at everyone who came over to help.. they were only 4people but i hated the attention lol! :blush:

seen midwife thur and she said baby is 2/5 engaged now so hopefully all in the right direction :)

Wesley James was born at 4 pounds 6 ounces and 16 inches long i was 33 weeks 2 days when he was born. he spent 1 week in newborn ICU and was never placed on oxygen the only reason he was there 6 days was because he didn't know how to eat. He has only lost 3 ounces and has since gained that back. He is perfect in every way but just mini
OMG if I dont get a good nights sleep soon I might actually kill someone!! Im so uncomfortable it is impossible to sleep and then add Annie and OHs snoring I might as well not go to bed!

I've got my 36 week MW app. today. They are going to assess whether they think the baby is breech or not so please keep your fingers crossed for me that it is head down, I dont want any more complications!

Really hoping she tells me baby has started to engage as all over the weekend I have had lots of discharge, pain and cant walk properly now feel like there is a bowling ball in my pants!

On the plus side only 28 days left today cant believe it, my baby should be here within a month fingers X'd!!
LM I feel ur pain with the lack of sleep, nature is poo ud have thought by now our bodies would have realised we need all the sleep we can get in the next few weeks! :haha:

Hope your lil sprout is head down huni and starting to engage :hugs:

DH thinks my bump has dropped a little over the weekend, will have to take some pics to compare, but iv deffo changed shape!
Well I was going to spend my first day off baking today, but got in car to go to supermarket and car won't start. So i'm stuck in with nothing but the dogs and day time TV to keep me entertained!

How does midwife tell when baby is engaged? Is it via exam? I guess my midwife will never know! lol. Looking forward to my ultrasound tomorrow, even if I can't see much cause he's too big...has anyone had a scan this late? What can I expect to be able to see? Will they be able to tell me his size and weight roughly?

No LM, hoping to get a date tomorrow, or at least receive one in the post shortly after tomorrow. I was told to decide at 36 weeks if I definitely wanted one. Could have told them week 1 I def wanted one and saved all the worry!!
I had a scan at 35 + 5 last week. You can still see everything, its just more squashed. They gave me a weight of 6 lbs 7 as well, with a month of growing to do. The midwife feels your tummy as well to see if baby is engaged. They are a bit rough as well when they press down.
LM hope your little one is head down now hun, fingers are crossed for you! xx

kezz - i thought they would have had you booked in by now tbh, as i didnt think it was possible for you to give birth vaginally? or am i getting confused lol xx

well baby is being a wriggle bum, but im waiting in for a marine fish guy to come set up our tank.. its for dh christmas pressie and i cant wait to see it all :D half 1 he is meant to be coming.
Ive chopped my dogs hair today all nice ready for xmas so im all sorted now :)
how is everyone? im tired but may have a nap this avo after the marine guy has gone xx
well no... the doctors originally wouldn't listen and wanted me to go with an epidural so I had to fight for it. I think the doc still thought i'd change my mind so e said to come back at 36 weeks and let him know my decision. Bit pointless but hey! So I go back tomorrow to tell him, and then they will hopefully give me a date!!
Good luck kezz, I had a scan last week it's all there just even harder to make out! But yeah got all the measurements and est weight it was a case of me getting in the best position tho cos baby wasn't willing to play xxx
Thanks Lintu!

I'm so nervous as we see a diff doc every time, and the last guy said he spoke to the consultant and that it was our decision if we wanted a csection or not, and to come back at 36 wks and lets them know. But i'm worried we'll see another doctor (which is almost guarenteed) who will try and persuade us not to again. I know he wrote some notes down somewhere (not on my notes) at the last appointment, cos he was writing for a while, so just hoping it states there somewhere what's going on so we don't have to go over it all again.

If they turned round now and said we can't have a c-section I dunno what i'd do! I'm sure they can't do that...but it's just the seeing diff people each time that annoys me. Think they should give you one doctor throughout!!
Good luck for tomorrow Kezz! Be firm, its your body and your baby after all... Cant see what their problem is you actually have a reason its not like you are just being too posh to push!
The MW will push hard where the baby's head should be to see if its engaged, how much they can feel of the head will tell you how far engaged you are.

Mrs G, hope youre ok after your fall, I slipped on our garden path and almost did the splits at the weekend! An afternoon nap would be amazing shame Annie doesnt go down in the afternoon anymore!

Well, had my appointment and am please to say baby is head down! So hopefully no c-section for me!

Unfortunately not engaged yet though. Although Ive read this is not unusual for 2nd babies as they often dont engage until the birth.

Have a low iron count too so have to go and pick up some tablets this week.
Thanks LM. We'll see what is said tomorrow - but I refuse to leave without being given my c-section and a date being arranged!!

I'm 35 weeks and baby still isn't in pelvis according to midwife, but she didn't seem worried!

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