January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in to say we had our little girl on Jan 2nd at 8am, weighing 8lb 2oz, 53cm via emergency csection. Will be back with my labour story later...just been busy and trying to recover. Hope you all are doing well!
congratulations kristel! cant wait to hear your birth story and see pictures :)
Aw congrats Kristal! They're all popping out aren't they!!!

I had a big load of watery discharge this morning when I got out of bed. I must be the only person who is praying for him to stay in till the c-section, rather than willing him out! Lol. Also went to bed last night after having bad cramps in my tummy and back, but I've been getting odd ones here and there for a week now, so i'm trying not to read too much into them!

I can't remember what it feels like to just feel comfortable anymore. I'm so looking foward to him being out, and having recovered from the section. Seems a long way off yet though!!
idk kezz he maybe here before you know, have you prepared your self at all for the possibility ofa vag delievery
congrats kristel and what a big girl y little guy is still tiny
Congrats Kristel!

Woke up with contractions, when I went in for my Prenatal Monitoring appointment, they were every 5 minutes. Of course I was excited :haha:
Was trying not to get too excited, but then started getting really sick and crampy. Came home and relaxed a little, went to the bathroom and when I went to the bathroom there was some brown mucus (sorry TMI). Really hope this is the start of SOMETHING or I'll be disappointed :haha:

Appointment today at 2:15, will update if I have any progress. If not, I may be seething in disappointment :haha: xx
Oooh Chobette I am mega excited for you! Let us know!!!

mmcheek - if he starts to come early it'll be an emergency c-section. Def won't be a vaginal, unless I get to hospital and his head is already sticking out! In which case, I won't have much choice really!!

Hoping he just stays in there for another 12 days. Please little man!
fingers x'd for you kezz, hang on in there lil sprout.

congrats kristal :hugs:

had my mw app this am, she thinks my back pain the other day is from baby settling in, apparently its fully locked in and ready to go :wohoo: shes booked me in for a sweep at 40+1 but doesnt think i will make it, praying i dont. Im so glad iv finished work cos im hardly sleeping through the nights and during the day im trying to stay on my feet as much as poss, in the hope gravity takes effect :rofl:

very impressed with DH today, he's not one to show emotion infact all the way through iv keep asking if he's excited cos he just doesnt react, v frustrating. Anyway after MW appointment i txt him to update on what she had said and he txt me back, yeahy im going to be a daddy soon, bless him
Hey all, I went to hospital this morning to have baby checked as it wasnt moving. Everything is ok though, strong hb and good blood flow through cord.

Anyway baby is back to back which is y i have so much pain in my back and bum and means its not putting enough pressure on my cervix to make the contractions that ive been getting in the night continue, she told me to get on my hands and knees when I get contraction pains.

My dd was back to back and a forceps delivery so now im really scared again!

Went to tesco this afternoon and baby was really pushing down hard on my bottom and when I got home I had another big bloody show.

Congrats Kristal!

Ohs boss and his wife had their baby yesterday and they were due the day after me which is really frustrating as Ive been going through this for 3 days now!!!!!!!!!
LM - mine was back to back last tues... And I spent a week leaning over my birthing ball and was told they'd moved towards the front... It's amazing how the pressure changes!

Congrats Kristal!
Back from my appointment, I am 1cm dilated and 70% effaced. Contractions have been happening since 6 this morning, so about 11 hours or so now. She thinks its early labor, which obviously can be slowly progressed or quick. I am hoping I have quick progression. I have another appointment Wednesday morning, but she gave me the emergency doctor's number in case.
She says with my family's history it's very possible I could be delivering this weekend.

I also have an induction for the 20th in case I don't progress quick. So probably 2 weeks max for this baby! :happydance:
I am in agony and Im so tired!

I had another 1 1/2 hours of contraction pains last night all through my back, they were actually making cry and they stopped again :( Had more pains throughout the night and lost lots more discharge with blood. It has been 4 days now... I honestly dont know how much more I can take!

Chobette - Good luck, hopefully you will be holding your LO soon!
Aww LM that's abit crappy! Hand and knees job a lot now then, get scrubbing the floors to try turn him! :hugs: and walk sideways up the stairs when your going up them that's meant to help turn them too.

Congratulations to the births since I haven't been on, I'm rubbish @remembering names on my phone so sorry I haven't aimed it at any1 :)

Kezz hopefully baba will stay in for you! Good to know u only have 12days though :D how exciting. You could pottentially have your baby before me, I'm 16days max now

I'm aching this morning, going to get up and dressed now n have some lunch then see my mum this afternoon. I must be the only 1without a show etc! Come on baby were ready now! I have a feeling were gonna be late! Xx
the contractions in my back have stopped and seem to be happening at the bottom of my bump along with stabbing pains in my cervix... any thoughts??
Mrs G I've not really had anything either- no show or plug or even Braxton hicks.
Baby does feel like it's going to drop out though!!
Good luck LM-how close are pains?
Congratulations to all the new.mummies :happydance:

Glad I'm not the only one in the 'where are my early labour signs' club. X
I am in agony and Im so tired!

I had another 1 1/2 hours of contraction pains last night all through my back, they were actually making cry and they stopped again :( Had more pains throughout the night and lost lots more discharge with blood. It has been 4 days now... I honestly dont know how much more I can take!

Chobette - Good luck, hopefully you will be holding your LO soon!

I know exactly how you feel Hun... Although mine are no longer in the back... Just not being nice and doing anything! I did find swimming also helped turn LO xx
LM Hun have you been checked out recently??
I had baby checked yesterday Lintu but I didnt get checked, if Ive still had nothing by Monday, Ill make an appointment to see my MW or GP.

Anyone having regular contractions?

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