January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Still keeping an eye on you my lovelies!

Congrats Kristal! Hope the emergency c-section wasn't too traumatic for you hun xx

LM - my wee fella was back to back three hours before the birth. I rocked back & forth non-stop on all fours using the birth ball. Also did this thing I learned in pregnancy yoga whereby I knelt on all fours & kinda scooped my bum up into the air & then down as far as it would go repeatedly. Must've worked because he turned! Really hope it isn't much longer til you meet your lo xx

Good luck to all you ladies.. will keep checking on you :) xx
Well I had another braxton hicks type contraction last night but just the one. Yesterday lunch time was the worst. I went to bloody garden centre with OH to take something back, and after being there 5 mins needed to pee and couldn't face long journey home without peeing first, so we went in search of the toilets, which were the other side of a v large garden centre!! Anyway, finally got there and peed (well worth the trickle that came out), and then started walking back across the GC to the car. Got half way and my back started killing, and had to stop and lean over a giant plant pot, much to my OH's embarrassment as people were walking past! Haha. Then made the last 2 minutes to the car, and when I sat down the braxton hicks started and I thought 'Oh God i've brought on my own sodding labour!' It was painful all over but not high up in uterus, so I figured it must be braxton hicks and not the real thing, but I was not impressed with myself! Pain lasted about 10 mins then stopped quite abruptly. So that's it now - I'm am resting and not going anywhere, except for my bloods doing next week as I have no choice! Just hope I can make it from the car to the pathology lab and back!!
Went into the hospital yesterday morning around 5:30, the contractions didn't stop. I had them from 6am Friday until about 10pm last night. Got to triage and found I was contracting every 4-5 minutes. Sent me to labor and delivery to be admitted. Things were looking good. I progress to 3cm at 6am, at 1pm I was 3 and half cm, when they checked me at 4, I was still the same. They told me since I was early labor and showing signs of no progress or slow progress, I had to go home and endure it.

They sent me home on morphine shot, horrible mistake. I was still feeling the really strong contractions while throwing up, shaking, hallucinating, and horrible headache. I was finally exhausted enough to fall asleep around 10. When I woke up in the morning around 7, the contractions weren't there. Still had shaking and got another migraine. Decided I felt well enough to go for a car drive and a short walk, started getting more plug discharge and some tightening when I got home.

Lost some more bloody show and irregular contractions since. I will say on Thursday I was 1cm and 70% effaced. When I left the hospital I was 3 and half cm dilated and 80% effaced. The doctors told me it could be a couple hours to a week. I am to be induced the 19th or 20th, so next Thursday or Friday if nothing happens between now and then.

The doctor said they would normally induce since I was in obvious labor (early labor), but since I was not 39 weeks they would not. Not sure if I have dilated or anything since yesterday, but only time will tell. If nothing happens before Wednesday, I have an appointment in the morning.

I was in early labor for 40 hours. The doctor told me it wasn't false labor by the signs of my contractions and slow progression, he just couldn't do anything due to hospital policy. Normally he said he would start pitocin and insert a folly? balloon.

How's everyone doing?
Aw chobette - sounds horrific! Would have thought they could give u a c section and get the poor guy outta there. Sounds like you have had a nightmare weekend! I hope everything stays calm now till the induction! Fingers crossed! Xx
I had a baby girl at 10.57 this morning!! Shannon weighing 8lb 13 1/4 ozs!

Didnt have time for an epidural had to it all with gas and air, will be back with a better story soon as we are home already and have loads to do!!
hang in there chobette!

oooh congratulations LM! cant wait to hear birth story and see pictures!
I had a baby girl at 10.57 this morning!! Shannon weighing 8lb 13 1/4 ozs!

Didnt have time for an epidural had to it all with gas and air, will be back with a better story soon as we are home already and have loads to do!!

Congrats LM !!!! :)
congrats LM :)

im soooooo over being pregnant now, given baby their eviction notice but reckon they are claiming squaters rights at the mo.....lol
i didnt think it would be long since you had all the watery discharge and congrats too you. they send you home really quick huh the same day?
kezz- your baby will be a big one dont you think
chobette- uck huh i guess you are really ready arent you
Chobette, thay really sucks :hugs:

:wohoo: congrts LM :hugs:

Wish my lo would start up, so far nothing since the otger day :grr: im sooo gonna be over 40wks, been walking every day and raspberry leaf tea, the pineapple is getting it tomorrow :(
Had our little girl 1-4-2012 via emergency c-section. All is fine and I'm recovering well. :) I can't describe the feeling of love that sweeps over you. Good luck ladies! :)

Brinley Faith was born @ 1:41pm. 5lbs 11oz. 18 3/4 inches long.
can you believe how many of us so far were emergency c-sections that is crazy to me
Big congratulations to LM and DJ :D
really is exciting, I'm one of the last due so will be seeing all these lovely babies born first, its getting me terribly broody lol
Congrats FM!
Congrats LM!

I'm still waiting for things to kick in... Had bloody show on Thurs and cramps ever since... I think this will continue until way after due date which is thurs!
:wohoo: congrats FM xxxx

5 I'm right up there with ya huni, my due date is the 22nd got a feeling it's gonna be a feb baby :(
Congratulations LM and FM!!! Can't wait to see some more pictures.

It's my due date today! :yipee: celebrating by sitting around all day!! Xxx
Congrats FM!! She sounds tiny compared to my whopper!

Right here goes.....

So as you all know from my whinging I was having my show and contractions from Wednesday but nothing was happening. At 1.30am on Sunday I woke up to a massive contraction and they were coming every 5 - 7 minutes(ish) all through the night. I thought my waters broke about 5am so we started to think things were happening and phoned delivery and were told to come in to be checked.

Got to the hospital about 6.45 and was told I was 4cm dialated but my contractions werent long enough or close enough together for the epidural so we were told to go for a walk and come back in half an hour so we went to get some breakfast in the hospital cafe and went back to delivery but my contractions were still about 6 mins apart and 40 secs long.

Anyway about 9am the MW checked and said I was 8cm dialated so I begged for the epidural even though my contractions hadnt changed and she started to get everything ready for it and I started on the gas and air (amazing stuff, highly recommended!) but the anasthatist got called to theatre for an emergency and she said I wouldnt get the epiduaral in time. At this point I broke down and was highly emotional as this was just what I didnt want to happen but I just the most amazing urge to push and had no choice to do it with the gas and air!!

The pushing was taking ages as my contractions were still 5 mins apart and wouldnt get closer so she said she would examine then break my waters as they hadnt broke earlier. She examined me and I had a contraction as she was doing it and her fingers went through my waters.

Anyway after that it was just almighty pushing and some shouting on my part before her head came out followed two big pushes after by her body!

I wont lie it hurt and I was scared but it wasnt as horrific as Id heard about doing naturally and I cant even remember the sensation of the pain and I was home 5 hours after the birth and even though I had some stiches Im not that sore and am up and about.

Good luck those of you left and even if it doesnt go to plan it might not be the worst thing, I was adamant I wanted the epidural but Im so glad I didnt have it now!

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