January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Had some strange crampy feelings over night an the odd twinge this morning, praying it's the start of something.

I can't believe I was out walking with mum last night and one of her friends stopped and asked if there was any news, given that I'm very obviously still pregnant I'm going with erm no!!!! WTF gotta be up there with one of the stupidest questions ever!!
It's getting so strange - half of you have babies and the rest are all fed up!!

I'm still just hoping he holds in there till Wednesday. Had some mild cramps this morning and knickers were a bit wet when I got up, but that's about it. Yesterday I had a really comfy day - he didn't press or kick my bladder and I felt fairly normal for a day. Woke up this morning and I have shooting pains in my bladder again and allsorts, so think he must have moved yesterday, and has obviously moved back again now! Little monkey.

I'm up, but would love to just go back to bed so that I can't feel the pains and uncomfortableness!! Roll on Wednesday! Stitches, soreness and spinals - I think I'd rather have that than this anymore :)
A few pics of little miss :cloud9:

Birth story will be up as soon as I get a spare half hour lol.

Congrats LM and FM and Krystel!!!!
And good luck to the up and coming ladies!

Back to boobie duty!


*whoops! title is meant to read 12-31-2011! Thats what happens when you try to type with one hand! Lol


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Happy Due date to me!!!

I am on an eviction mission now, lol. having hot baths, bouncing on my birth ball, walking, raspberry leaf teas and having sex.

I am having contractions/back pain/period pains every now and then but they dont stick around, its so annoying, hurry up baby!
congratulations to all u new mummies, on phone so can't remember now who's had theirs :)

I'm on operation eviction now 39 weeks yesterday and sciatica has come back so I'm desperate to meet baby and get rid of it again.

off to a friends for a curry tonight, been on the ball for about 3 hours (sure that's the real reason for me walking like I need to change my under pants lol) had a bath and hoping I'm not too full up to seduce the hubby tonight ,-)
aww jaz :) congratulations... 9days early you lucky thing!

well im feeling ok, just had a hot bath and im chilling on the sofa now wacked! i love being pregnant but im really ready to meet my little son or daughter now :D
Had a sweep yesterday afternoon and Think my plug has began coming away so fingers crossed for a 'within the next few days' delivery :) contractions have begun yesterday but only very varied and not very intense, infact they feel more like intense braxton hicks (but i didnt have many of them atall). hopefully they will intensify and i wont be waiting too long.
:) how exciting.. just a waiting game now! hope your all ok xxx
MRsG - Hoping you have quick progression and go into labor soon! xx

All is okay here, had my last NST test this morning since I am being induced on Thursday morning. He was showing signs of stress with each contraction, but not enough to induce at this moment. Good thing we aren't waiting any longer. Been contracting regularly all day, but that's nothing different. Been in early labor since last Friday morning, so about a week now. Hoping he holds out until Thursday since husband works overtime this week and will have the car. Would be horrible to have my waters break and be home alone. :dohh:
Hi ladies, Our beautiful "Andi Catherine Watt" was born
On 1/12/12 at 7:02pm weighting 7lbs 13 oz's.

Will post my story once I'm feeling well enough but here is a the most
Important part.

Went into hospital for induction on 1/11/12
Admitted 1:30 am
8:am water was ruptured
1pm I was 4cm and had epidural
4pm I was at 9.5 cm
Pushed for 2 hours and baby would come down with each push and
then go right back up the Burt canel. Heart rate showed stress
And new something was up. Had emergency csection and delivered her
At 7:02pm. She was sunny side up ans the placenta showed signs of the
Placenta splitting. We are glad it all worked out for the best.

Btw, csection is really not the way to go if you can avoid it.
congratulations becca :D well done hun, sounds like a slight ordeal but im happy your both healthy and safe!

well no progression for me, my mucus plug is still coming away and my contractions are the same, very mild and coming more when im walking so me and dh are going for a nice long walk with the doggies now :D apart from this im getting heartburn constantly right at this moment its killing, and im slightly tired but i didnt sleep well last night, i honestly thought i would have gone into labour last night the way i was feeling.. but nope all went away.
Im good though and feel well apart from tiredness, just getting very anxious about the baby being in there and something going wrong, but to be honest i dont particularly feel like im over my due date which is crazy although i do feel ready for baba now :D and seeing if we have a lil pink or blue :)

fingers crossed ill go in inthe next few days.

Hope your all well! xxx
Congratulations Becca! Hope you start feeling better soon. Cant wait to see pictures and hear more about it.

I was having contractions last night every 15mins then 10mins but woke up this morning and they had gone. tonight i have been having them every 15 mins again, and a few have been stronger.
Congratulations Becca and good luck Emilie!!

I had a few contractions I think in bed this morning but they stopped. Think they've started again now and a bit stronger-is this the start?? Just started timing them-how exciting!!
becc- oh my darlin the c-section healing goes fast tho, you will be good real soon. i cant believe how many of us have had them. i think only one natural so far

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