January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Congratulations MrsG. Another lovely name too.
Hope Kezz is ok.
Will be watching OBEM today while girls are at school.

Funnily I had a great nights sleep last night, went to bed just after 9pm and only woke for a wee once then was up at 5.30am so hopefully today overall will be good.
Parents Evening after school, I'm sure girls have been doing well though so I'm not worried.

Hope everyone is ok x
Hey ladies. Congratulations on all the births :)

Well we had a little GIRL :D at 10:16AM on the 16th January.. Elise Grace Anderson weighing 7lb2oz :) I'm in love completely.

Birth Story to follow but I had a perfect labour xx

Good luck to everyone still waiting, it is worth everyminute even though your probably uncomfy as hell. I went 5days over xxx

Ahhh due date buddy, congratulations!! lovely name too. I am STILL waiting :hissy: xx
Congrats MrsG :hugs:

I'm feeling a little better with myself this morning, could be something to do with the fairly decent nights kip! And DH and I had a chat last night, I know I sound really clingy but I'm just really struggling in these last few days xxxx even managed to DTD gave me some cramps and back ache but that's since died off gona DTD every day now up to my sweep!

I went to the asda baby event yesterday and bought some cute lil outfits I really want my beany now, my friend is bringing me her ball today for me to bounce on try and get this lil nudger out :wohoo:
In hospital with pre-eclampsia 1cm dilated if I haven't progressed by next check there gunna start me! :D
Good luck 17
Can't wait to hear Kezz

I've finally posted my birth story in my journal for those who wanted to read xxx
Good Luck 17!

Still no news from Kezz?

Anyone heard from Rees or K447?
No I havent LM, think everyone is busy these days.

Good luck 17, you've had one hell of a pregnancy.
21- congrats hun. Aww :) xx

Kezz- hope your doing ok? And your lil boy is a bouncing bundle now! Xx

I'm thinking of every1 just not gonna be on a lot atm xxx
21 how is Jamie adjusting to having a baby around? We have had a few jealousy issues with Annie.

Had the Health Visitor out today, God I hate her! Shannon has still not put on any weight, we've got to go to the hospital tomorrow to have her weighed but I cant see what they are going to say I am feeding her all the time and she is weeing and pooing loads, just cant see why the weight is not going on...
Hey everyone, firstly congrats to all those who have had your babies :) and best of luck to those still waiting!

I haven't been on here in a few weeks as been so busy with my lil man! he was born 4th Jan at 3.21am, 1day before his due date... it was such a shock as i had no signs,my waters just broke in the early evening,then contractions were few mins apart straight after waters broke, i had to be monitered closely at hosp as he had pooed inside me,was doing ok with just gas n air,but then i got to fully dilated and had to have a spinal injection and forceps delivery as his head was at an awkward angle.. whole labour was about 8hrs, so pretty quick for a first labour i guess!

2hours old

2weeks old
Good Luck 17!

Still no news from Kezz?

Anyone heard from Rees or K447?

LM! I've just managed to catch up with the thread!!! Sorry to here you're going through the mill with weighing... But hang in there! Xx

So... I am officially a mummy again!

My water broke last Wednesday at 10pm, started contracting immediately... Had another false alarm on the Tuesday (not a hospital visit, but getting there!) so was rather glad waters had finally gone! Rang hospital at 11 ish and went in for about 12:30 by which time I was every 4/5 mins. Checked over and not active, but they kept me in as was contracting good and proper. By 5am was 8cm with a bulging membrane in front of head... Kept stalling, kept threatning drip.. Body kept jumping back into action.
Rest of waters were broken about 11am, and they turned head at the same time, as he wasn't in a good position. But this meant that I undilated to 6cm :( ..
Got back to fully by 4pm.. After lots of stalls again.. I never got the urge to push, and tried to move LO down, but he wasn't shifting.. By 6:30pm I made the decision that he wasn't moving and a section would be the only way forward.. So my little man was born at 8:32pm weighing 8lb0.5oz, named Toby.
I'm kinda gutted that I didn't get my VBaC, but I went into labour naturally... And kept so active throughout there was nothing else I could have done.

So that's me! Xx
Goodluck to all who are left!! Xx
Hi ladies! Sorry! I kept forgetting to pop on!

Have now got loads to catch up on and don't know where I last got to! (oops!)

Congratulations to those who have popped!

Jago Jenson arrived 5 days early on Jan 10th at 10:21am, weighing 7lb12oz, shall pop up a quick birth story later along with a link to a much longer one (typed it up in the early hours after feeding Jago so I didn't forget it, a bit more traumatic for me than Tegan's birth)

*goes off to be a good girl*
Aww Rees, congratulations! So glad to hear you back and that everything went well. Cant wait to hear your story xxx

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