January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

Tilly I wish I could just sit, I'm not used to doing that I'm normally really active, I'm used to being on the go all the time and so not being able to do is driving me crazy, trying to take it easy but it feels very alien :(

Just need to be able to do, not sleeping either cos my hips are killing me and I have to lie on my side to sleep, soooo not fun anymore.

Had some painfull tightening last night that were every 20 or so mins but they trailed off :( hoping my sweep tomorrow gets the ball rolling :wohoo:

But on a happy note happy due date to me, I know I have a max of two weeks left
Really feel for you lintu.. My hips were v sore & I delivered at 37 weeks so can only imagine how sore you are. I got a lot of relief from resting over a birthing ball / coffee table on all fours & leaning my bum back onto the backs of my calfs if that makes sense?
I had to stop breastfeeding Nathan b/c he has a severe allergy to dairy and even though I took all the dairy out of my diet he was still having tummy trouble. We put him on Soy formula the other night. Emily is still breastfed, but boy to I have extra milk now! I am pumping and freezing the extra. I figure if my milk dries up at some point I can give her what I have frozen. I still have a lot in there from when they were in NICU. It's a deep freezer, so it should last a long time in there.
Rees - I dont find it difficult to feed Shannon with Annie around but OH is off work at the moment so is helping out loads with Annie but when he goes back to work I dont know what Im going to do to tell the truth!!

I really want to express some milk so OH can help out with feeding Shannon but Im just not getting enough off with the pump, only a couple of ozs, so have to do all the feeds especially the night feed as she is a guzzle guts then and will happily feed for 30 mins or more.

Kezz how is the feeding going now? How is George?

Lintu I hope he sweep works for you, if your having pains anyway it should bring something on shouldnt it? Good luck.
daisy i know how you feel same problem with wesly but he is like a new child thank god he was so fussy before
i feel so bad for those of you that are over due 5- how are you doing. breast feeding is wonderful when it works out but it is a nightmare when it doesnt. we break ground on the house in two week then it will be finished in 3 months. we will be taking a class together soon to do a sarah's house. that where we take in teen moms who have been kicked out and show them the way to be good moms and have them continue thier education.
i am not taking things person i know that everyone is busy but wanted to be heard so i just asked. i knew if i did you guys would respond everyone is good about that
how long did it take the change your baby over? He just got the formula 36 hours ago. When do you think I will see results? He is still fussy at times.
Hey Ladies. Gosh its hard to get time on here with a newborn! lol.

Rees- Alivia was born on 20.12.2011 ( birth story in a sec if madam lets me) :)

LM: Dont worry too much about weightgain as long as Shannon is a happy contented between feeds and peein and pooing as should then thats great! 80g overnight?? Is really good but remember BF babies tend to gain slower than a AF fed baby. I cant remember how big was she to start with? How many weeks was she?
AGain dont worry too much about still being off birthweight. I had the same with Alivia. She had a large loss, then a slow gain, then loss then static. It was hard going but she was otherwise doing very well. I weighed her at 4wks and she had gained 120g in 10days (not the best but ok) and she was still 20g off birthweight. I havent weighed her for a week but she is feeding regularly so hey. Try not to worry/stress. :)
(and as for exp- im the same i cant get enough for a good feed when i express and i have to remind myself that 1. Alivia is much better at getting the milk out and 2. some ppl just dont get alot of milk when they express! bummer for us lot!! lol.

Ok.. Birth story condensed as Madam is stirring...
In hindsight was a very positive/fairly easy experience! At the time i was DYING!! haha!!

Had been niggling for a few wks although no change in cx on the Thursday. Went in for induction on the Tuesday at 36wk thinking il be there forever n end up with a C/S
Had a pessary at 10am was 1cm
Started getting pains around 1pm periody so put TENS on and Waterbottle was using hte ball.
2pm they were getting stronger so they examined me and i was still 1cm :-( but could feed the waters in front of baby head!! (i was induction for prem rupture!)
they Broke my waters at around 3pm (which F**king hurt!!!! lol) but the MW wouldnt let me have Gas n Air as was not "in labour" so i perserved ith TENS.
Had a Pethedine inj just after which did NOTHING!!! i didnt feel weird, help the pain anything. pains got worse and still "not in Labour" so MW suggested a bath.. was nt so keen but did it!
Staying in bath for a while, pain was real bad and then it suddenly felt better to bear down with the contraction so involentarily that is what happened. MW came back and examined me as was pushing but was 4cm... So now im in labour!!! yay!!
got out bath TENS straight back on - missed that!! thought sod this EPidural pls!!!
Mean time had txt my friend to come in to deliver me who was half hr away thinking only 4cm thats cool but deep down felt like she would miss it!! :shock:
So ont he bed still pushing... mw telling me not to!! i didnt nor couldnt stop so she examined me again... 8cm!!!!
My friend arrived n all telling me not to push as only 8... i want epidural only during pain to stop the arse falling out feeling...
Still pushing..
In the end i think i shouted at them she was coming but they thought i was examining myself and couldnt be as was 8Cm..
So i turned over and "oh she has alot of hair!!" i was right they could see the head.
Pushed her out in 14min (this was actually the easiest part!!)
Alivia was born at 19.44hrs!
Labour was 1hr 27minutes! :shock: No wonder it hurt!! lol.

Im so glad i dint have the Epidural i dint want it. Lookin back i was typical transition request!! Everyone wants a Epidural then!! lol. Saying that if i had still be 4cm i think i would have Definately had one!!

DH cried from the moment could see the head although he didnt look. I could see the head coming out and felt it which was pretty amazing! I am proud to say i just breathed the head out and would very much loved to have been able to watch the delivery as the MW.

Alivia weighed 6lb 13 1/2 oz

I would definately do it again, but only if its equal or quicker! haha cuz my god it hurts! lol. But well worth it!!

Overall the Labour was by far the most normal part, lots of problems both Antenatally and for the first week postnatally with lots on in/out hospital with jaundice but all well now and every second worth it all to see her gorgeous big blue eyes and her funny little faces she pulls! lol.

Well.... looks like condensed was not the case....

Good luck to all yous still waiting, i cant believe that i could still be pregnant now if they hadnt induced. I have to say i have Bump envy.... anyone else miss the bump??
i remember it but i dont think i can remember how it feels now :cry:

Kezz... How you getting on with the feeds?? Have a look at Dr Jack Newmans website (canadian) has some really good info re breastfeeding/positioning etc.

Anyways best go thanks for reading if you managed to get to the end. Little lady calling... xx
it took 3 days and now he is fab. i had to go to altimentum it is the best for preemie babis with allergies to milk
Just an update....haven't been on here in forever!

No baby girl yet. Was Due Jan 20th. Getting my labor induced Jan 25th if she doesn't come on her own before then.....really hoping she decides to come on her own, really not wanting to get induced. Any ideas or suggestions?

Congrats you all you new mommas out there!!!
I havent fully read everyone's replies but Congratulations new mummy's :)

Melody arrived 1.50am on 22nd Januray 2012, weighing 7lb 3oz.
Total length of labour and birth was 1hr 25minutes
Lovely natural birth, no pain relief (heck, no time for that)
Daddy cut the cord too :)

She is absolutely adorable :cloud9:

So here's a pic and I'll catch up with you all soon.


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Yeah congrats 5 :hugs:

I'm so envious of all these new mummies, stamps feet I want my baby

I have my sweep at 1.30, praying it does something
Congratulations on the new babies ladies!

Thanks mm - I can't get enough of him he is gorgeous!

5 - a - side: beautiful pic! She is gorgeous!!

George got better at latching on, but obviously wasn't suckling right or my breasts weren't producing enough, because his weight kept dropping and he was going to have to be re-admitted to hospital. To be honest, I'd gotten to the point where I was dreading every feed and sometimes it was hurting and I was crying a lot. We made the decision to go onto formula, topped up with expressed breast milk, and he has been feeding like a trooper ever since and has already started putting his weight back on. Not to mention instead of crying almost constantly and being really unsettled, he now sleeps between feeds peacefully and is just a pleasure to have! I'm so much happier now and enjoying him instead of getting irate and annoyed and upset. The expressing is going okay too, managing about 20-30ml with each session. Yesterday he had each bit each time I pumped, but today going to start saving them up so he can have a bottle of breastmilk as one full feed. Hopefully will start producing more as I get more into it, but if not then at least he is satisfied and content now. I love him to pieces!

Quick question - does anyone know how long it is normal to have some orangey crystals in the nappy? He didn't have any when we changed his nappy in the night, but there were some in this morning's nappy. He's 5 days old? Thanks!!
5- do you remember people thought uou missed carried and you was just on upset you was due later then everyone see all turn out fab. i also had quick labours like that too yay it's all over now huh

kezz- i know girl when it dont work it dont work. it was hard for me too give up even though he was allergic but i feel better now
:wohoo: had my sweep, 2cm dilated, cervix is favourable, she's confident I won't my next appointment, fingers x'd
Just thought I'd update with a few photos of my little man.

About 10 seconds after he was born

Just before his first bath at the hospital

After his first bottle feed
Awwwwww he's soooooooo adorable congrats huni :hugs:
aww kezz he is so sweet. i love it when wesley cuddles up to me like that. i can just tear up at how he makes me feel he is 7 weeks old now ladies i just cant believe it. oka i need to vent and i feel so bad about publicly announcing these feelins but, i love spending every second with my babies so, i am not sure where this jealousy is coming from but, my husband is out of town for work and will be gone 3 months and he and the guys are playing cards and going to a restaurant and watching football, out to eat every night that kind of stuff. i am doing 4 online classes in an 8 week stretch i was doing school work in the hospital,, i want to exercise but have to wait till my precious baby is sleeping to do it, i run through the house to clean it in between whimpers, i am scrubbing toilets then rushing to wash hands and cook dinner. i am doing all the kids dentists, doctors, extra doc appointments for preemie baby and the school work with the kids. my hair looks like shit, i am too fat for my clothes but dont want to buy up and where would i find the time when grocery shopping looks like a stock car race. all that too say i wish i had time to go to dinner with my friends. and he doesnt bother calling me before going i get to hear about it when i call him, i dont know if he feels bad or just dont want to hear my mouth.

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